Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vengence and Reward ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Vengence and Reward
by Sunsinger
by Sunsinger
The candle sputtered as the wick consumed the last of the melted wax. The dancing flame cast a sickly shadow. Though soon, he would not need it, for the sun was rising. Sunlight or candlelight, neither would give the illusion of life which had long fled this young man's body. Remuel reached out, one finger tracing the lines of care and strain that were etched on the frozen face.
Standing, he stretched his wings wide. The grey-feather wings shone with a hint of silver. Remuel leaned back, his mouth opened in a bone-crushing wail of grief. People shouted when they felt the wordless, soundless pulse of grief that shook the land. The door flew open and Remuel turned to face those who had burst into his beloved's room. Eyes shining red, teeth gleaming; he rushed forward to the young man standing in the doorway. Remuel clawed at the young man who looked so much like the… corpse on the bed before disappearing.
The young man fell back and stared, frightened, at the last flickers of the candle before it sputtered out. By then the light from the sun had crept up and over the windowsill to illuminate the cold body of his uncle in the room. He stepped forward slowly, his foot kicking a small crumpled piece of paper. Leaning down, he picked it up and opened it.
I'm so sorry but it hurts so much, I can't take this any more.
* * *
Remuel fell into his seat and looked down the table at his friend. Tenel was waving at him, he gave an offhanded wave and turned back to waiting for his boss, Resiel, to show up. Tenel slipped into the chair beside him.
“You know Yeseien will be pissed if he sees you there.”
“Who cares, Remuel. Just listen to me. I picked up a couple things from Laciel's place. First—this,” and Tenel dropped a stone into Remuel's hand. It was warm—a piece of soul was in it. A familiar soul. A small leather-bound book dropped to the table. Remuel opened it and inside, written in a familiar hand and a non-human language, was a diary. The diary of one particular human. A human favored by himself.
“From Laciel?”
“Yes, Remuel.” Tenel bowed his head. “Laciel hates you, it's been over a hundred years. The statue of limitations runs out in less than three years. Not to mention Laciel is claiming that they've been tapped to ascend to the Regional seat.”
“Go to your place, Tenel.” Remuel beckoned a servant and gave him his order quietly while they waited.
Soon enough Resiel entered. Remuel waited while old business was handled, and new assignments were passed out. Resiel asked if there were disputes or arguments to be judged at this decade meeting. Once every argument was settled, Resiel stood up to announce the most important change of the decade: Teberianel was moving from Regional to Global. Laciel stood up, ready to have his good fortune conferred on him.
“One and All, before we do confirm Laciel, is there any reason for him to be denied what is his by merit?” Resiel asked. A chorus of murmurs answered him.
Siddenly the loud crack of opening wings rang through the room. Remuel stood. “I object, as lord of the division of Succubi and Incubi. I charge Laciel with injuring and causing the death of a human who was not only a premium source of food and energy, but was a beloved of one of ours. The amount of humans who will love, truly love, Incubi and Succubi is rare. To find a human that will not only love them but can also feed them continuously without dying is even rarer. Laciel did murder by interference one such. He caused such dreams and drained him faster than the human could repair. For ten years, Alexandre was a prime source of food, willingly giving. In two weeks, Laciel managed to drain him to death and plague him with dreams until Alexandre could no longer bear it. Our intention was to induce the human to become a power along side us.”
Resiel stared at Remuel and Laciel. “Is this so, Laciel? For if this human was marked by Remuel, or one of his own, then you are bound to do no knowing harm.”
Laciel, frowning, said, “Of course I didn't, Lord Resiel. Remuel is merely trying to sabotage my candidacy.”
Remuel tossed the stone his friend had given to him. Small, it was less than half a palm wide, shaped like an octagon with a raised lip on both sides. One side bore Laciel's mark, the other the name of Alexandre Xavian Denare. Remuel held up the leather bound diary before approaching Lord Resiel. The Demon Lord took the book and opened it. His eyes widened at the language it was written in.
“Laciel, do you know what language this is written in?” Lord Resiel asked.
“Lord, no.”
“I do. It is the language of Incubi, so there is no reason for your aura to be impregnated in this book. There is no reason for the details of your harassment to be detailed in this missive. There is no reason for the soul of the young man who wrote this to be in your possession. You have violated the strictures and as such you must be punished. The punishment is death in the manner that Remuel requires. And for you, Remuel? What reparations?”
“Only one, Lord Resiel.”
* * *
Lamont stared at his new brother. Finally, he was here. Lamont moved up to the bed and leaned closer to his mother. The baby squealed and turned to face him. Eyes connected and for a moment Lamont howled deep in his soul as Laciel recognized the soul of Alexandre in the newborn baby. Lamont shook his head: he knew he didn't hate his brother, he loved him.
Father leaned down, “We've decided to name him Alexander Xavier Denar. After your uncles. Alexander Xavier, say hello to your brother Lamont.”
In the darkest part of his soul, Laciel whimpered.
Remuel watched the scene with joy, invisible, only 15 more years and he could have his lover back