Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vessel ❯ Envy ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


He's been waiting for too long. The game had just ended. He smirked to himself. He already knew the outcome. The girl was special after all. She has the treasure. And he wants it.

Time to go.

He stood up and walked out of his room.



Greed sat back and smiled.

“Well okay. Congrats. Good game,” he said. Reily was not impressed.

“Can we go now?” she asked. Greed put up his hands.

“Fine,” he said. She stared at him incredulously.

“Just like that?” the girl asked.

“Just like that,” he repeated. He stood up from the table.

“Goodbye. I wish you luck,” he said. Greed snapped his fingers. And the room disappeared. However, Greed had more parting words.

“Better watch your boy. He doesn't have much time left.”


Close, but so far. Melissa cursed herself.

“Damn it! We almost had it,” she said. “So close.” Spencer looked like he was about to throw up. Melissa slapped him on the back.

“Come on, man! Why are you such a pussy?” she asked. Spencer just stared at her. The thief sighed. This wasn't working. She was sure that she unlocked his powers. What was taking so long? They should've opened up by now. What was going on?

Suddenly, Melissa paused.

“Shhh,” she whispered. The man looked up.

“What?” he asked. The thief stayed still. She drew out her knife.


“Okay! I know you're here! Just come here already. Come on! Get on with it!” Melissa yelled. Spencer paused. Slow clapping filled the air. The thief spun around. A man walked out from the shadows.

“Very good. Well done. Well done!” he said. His long purple hair stood out in the dark.

“Uh… who are you?” Spencer asked. The purple-haired man turned to him.

“Heh. So she has a brother,” he said. The other man perked up.

“Reily? You've seen Reily? Where? Where is she?” she asked. The man held up his hand.

“Yes,” he said. “I know where she is.”

“Where?!” Spencer asked. Melissa pushed him back.

“Envy,” she said. The man in the fancy black and gold suit grinned.

“That's me!” he said. She should have known. The thief rolled her eyes.

“Where are they?” she asked. Envy put up his finger.

“Uh, uh, uh, I can't tell you that,” he said.

“Why?” Spencer asked. Melissa glared at him.

“Shut up,” she hissed. She turned back to the fancy man.

“Do I have to fight you?” she asked. Envy grinned as he snickered.

“Never thought you would ask,” he said. The man pulled out his sword from thin air.

“Let's get started,” Envy said. “And don't worry about the girl. She's fine. My sister is dealing with her. But the girl will be fine for the most part. Her friend on the other hand… Ooo…” The man made a face.

“I don't think he has long for this world,” he said.

“Why?” Melissa asked. She already knew the answer. Envy smirked.

“Beat me and I will tell you everything you need to know,” he said. Why did she see that one coming? Melissa pulled out another knife.

“Fine,” she said. “Bring it on.” Meanwhile, Spencer took a step back. He wanted no part of this. Melissa jumped forward and made the first move.


Riley noticed that she wasn't alone. She turned and looked behind her.

“Who's there?” she asked. The sound of giggling made her pause.

“Just me,” a woman's husky, elegant voice said. Against her better judgment, Reily looked in front of her. A woman in gold sat across the table with Quinn leaning on her shoulder.