Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ What Crawls Beneath the Skin ❯ Aawkening ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1

On a full moon, she's born.

But she doesn't know who she is, nor where she came from. But she IS there, alone and vulnerable, in the woods..trapped.

All she can hear in her head is a fading cry for help, "NO MORE! NO MORE!"..it's frightening and unusual. Can anyone else hear these voices? She thought. No just her, and only her, she believed.

Finally from a deep sleep, her eyelids struggle for the first time to open just a crack. With her glistening light brown eyes, she examined the rest of her body. Unclothed, her lightly tanned skin exposed for everyone to see. I'm cold..She thought. Slowly but surely she manages to glide her hand around her body, silently squealing with every move she made. Her dark purple- blue bruises were well in sight, ranging from neck to toe. It hurt to move, her heavy breathing made it obvious.The pain is agonizing, She thought once again. Lifting her head a bit, she glimpsed at her long brown, golden highlighted hair, it lay spread out perfectly on the ground, as if it was never messed with.

Where am I? She thought. Suddenly the rocks and stones around her shook and rumbled. Footsteps? and soon from a distance she heard voices.

"What the hell happened here? This place is a mess and who is that?" Another voice replies, "I believe it's a girl," with a surprised tone, "But why is she here by herself in the woods? She's wounded."

The first voice responds, "No shit Alex. You can tell by her cuts and scrapes, besides the fact that she has nothing on but an old necklace. She's here, out of all places, in the middle of the forest, in a big ditch. I'm wondering how she got here."

She just laid there, unable to move, only capable of listening to them talk.

Is this about me? And who is Alex? Judging from their voices, they sound like fairly young men. The first voice sounds charming yet with a menacing and irritating quality, the compelling type. As for the other, it sounds soft, with patience, ease and care, mildly higher voice than the other. I want to listen but it hurts too much, i hope they save me.

Her eyes close and she is no longer awake, the two young mens' conversation continues.

"As much as I oh soo love, to see a naked girl lying right next to me as always, we gotta get her out of here now! I don't care where we go but she can't stay here," with clenched teeth.

"Look Ryan, we'll settle her in at our house, and when she wakes up we'll ask her a few questions, got that?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, shut up." And with that Alex says, "Alright let's move."

Everything and everyone is settled in at the house. Its 10am in the morning, where Ryan and

Alex are eating breakfast in their old fashioned kitchen. From the other room the girl can hear faint talking but can't make out the words.

Alex closes the refrigerator, still confused from last night's event, "Well what a night. I don't understand how that girl got there in the first place. Odd if you ask me." He sits on the countertop swinging his legs, arms crossed, waiting for a descent answer. Hmmm, he thought.

Ryan who was relaxing on a kitchen stool, answers "Well we know one thing, we got a girl in the house!" He chuckles to himself, Score!

Alex gives a stern look to Ryan, "Keep your thoughts to yourself, I'm going out to hunt, I'll be back later. Oh, and if she wakes up be polite."

With such confidence he responds, "It's no problem, I'll be nice alright." Whilst running his fingers through his black hair.

Alex annoyed, gets up and points a finger in Ryan's face. His voice was cold, "I'm serious man, you may be my twin brother but we are not the same." Ryan's eyes narrowed, taking his
brother's finger and pushing it away from his face, "We're faternal, duh. See here little brother, i know what i'm doing. You can trust me." Cocking an eyebrow.

Alex backs away, and straightens out his wrinked shirt. "Fine, but i'm warning you. I'll be back later." Swiftly and quickly he leaves out the door.

Idiot Ryan thought, he lazily gets up and takes a wine bottle from the fridge. Humming a tune, he sits himself back down and sighs, enjoying his Bloody Mary.

The bright sun, shown clearly through the window, disturbs the girl's sleep. Her muscles ached as she stretched herself out, then her eyes widened with shock. Vigorously moving her head around, she takes in the detail of the room.

Where am I? This place doesn't look familiar to me. The wall's are a sandy white. Over there's a black dresser, and an wide window with lightly ruffled curtains set aside. That smell, a faint cologne cinnamon extract. I can't recall anything from yesterday, did something happen?

She looks under the covers draping over her petite figure.

It seems I have on a pin striped shirt. Maybe those two clothed me, what were their names again? Alex and Ryan. I should go see if they are here.

Anxiously, she wriggles herself out of the tangled blanket and tries to make her way to the floor. Her feet and toes touch the carpet, the carpet was fuzzy. She carefully removes her hands from the bed, trying to balance herself.

If I can just-

She falls directly on her stomach, and groans. The impact of the fall didn't do much good to the injuries she already had. Her hair frazzled and in her face, she blows it out the way. She wasn't going to give up.

Why am I unable to stand up or walk?

From a few rooms away Ryan stops drinking, his eyes wander the area, confirming what he just heard. He jerks up from his seat, smiling a half smile, content "Well the little beauty is awake, what is she up to?"

He places the drink on the table, and walks toward the sound.

Maybe I can get myself to the door, if I crawl.

Creeping slowly, she grabs onto the doorway, in hopes of it holding her weight.

From afar Ryan's footsteps are approaching. And she opens the bedroom door.

I don't want him or whom ever it is to see me like this.

Trying to turn back into the room, with not enough force she falls backward into the hallway, there two cold hands catch her by the waist, it was Ryan.

She's warm and beautiful. She looks familiar, I feel like I've seen her before.

"Well I believe you lost your footing" giving a cocky grin.

The girl in complete shock...

Those eyes, they're grey, black rimmed piercing eyes.

She examines his face carefully. He glared right back at her, at a loss for words.

A creamy white/beige face, with dark black rugged eyebrows. That hair, short yet partially gelled black hair, equally as gorgeous. His nice cheek bones, compliment his strong decently sized nose. The small mole, set on the top right of his wonderfully sculpted pink lips suit him perfectly, and so does his dazzling, dimple shown smile. His masculine, sharp features is breathtaking, i believe this one is Ryan.

Ryan with awe says, "You...are-" he winces in pain, his eyes widen and he goes into a blank stare.

Images flash in Ryan's head, they soon conjoin into one picture, but the picture is only a focused view of two cemetery head stones. Quickly the image fades and disappears.

Ryan comes to his senses, and realizes he is still holding the girl and lets go of her waist, putting her to a stance. "Sorry about that, I apologize." He shakes his head, wiping his mouth, recovering from what just happened.

What was that? That energy, I can feel it running through me, through my mind, my blood..everywhere. This pulse, this heart beat, it isn't mine! He thought.

Confused, he paces around. The girl stood there, like a statue watching him.

"Wait what the-" He yells in pain, trying to cover his ears from where the sound is coming from. "Get it out of my head!" Unable to stay calm, he bangs into the furniture in the hallway. His panting becomes short and panicy. Ryan gets to the floor on his knees, his eyes squeezed tight. She felt bad for him, but there was nothing she could do.

Soon enough, his appearance changes, his eyes turn pitch black, the veins from under them turn red and purple. His pearly white teeth turn into fangs, and his face is no longer beautiful but a demonic one.

The girl covers her mouth, wanting to unsee what she just witnessed. Her heart beating faster and faster. W-wh-what?..no this can't be happening, I'm dreaming. He's not the Ryan I just saw!
Ryan's agonizing shrieks come to a halt, at first it seemed like he was frozen but then he looked up at the girl with an evil grin. At first he was frozen, but then gets up from the floor and starts walking toward her.

Her eyes well up in tears with fear. Ryan places both hands on either side of her, pinning her to the wall. Those dark eyes, were now filled with anger and hatred, and that evil grin didn't have the same charm as it did. He gives a smile, showing his elongated fangs, and his mouth soon travels to her neck without hesitation.

Ryan takes in a deep breathe and whispers in her ear, "You smell nice..." with a sly laugh.

No! Screaming in her mind

A crash is heard, and Alex runs in. Ryan quickly makes his way to bite the girl, until Alex shouts, "RYAN STOP!" Suddenly, his demonic face disappears and he falls to the floor unconscious. The girl faints, and Alex is left in the hallway, staring at them..horrified.

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