Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ what happened after ❯ Chapter 1

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I was sitting at my desk and I heard a sickening crack. I look up. The roof had some ghostly looking cracks on it. Suddenly the fire burst forth. I quickly jumped up and started to move. “Get out of the building,” was the only thing running through my head. Then as I was going down the stairs I saw another plane. It hit the other tower and the tower burst into flames in an instant. I started to panic. “How many other planes were there,” I thought. I stood frozen in the middle of the stairs until a man grabbed my arm. “You need to get out,” he yelled, “come on.” I couldn’t move. He had to pull me out and take me to the paramedics. I passed out then and woke up hooked up to one of the many machines they have at a hospital. I watched everything the doctor did. Ok you may think this sounds strange but I’m no longer in my body. My spirit is outside my body but I’m not dead. Now a lot of you are probably wondering who I am. My name is Alex I also go by onyx. I have a couple of friends and a cute crush. My friend’s names are Amanda and Chris and my crushes name is Jeremy. These are the friends that visit my body in the hospital or I should say these are the friends that visit me in the hospital. Now on to my crush. He got to leave the hospital a couple days ago and I haven’t seen him since. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I can help people live and leave the hospital even when I can’t.

(4 weeks later)

I have saved 14 people. That’s one person every 2 days. That’s all I have strength for and 2 days ago it was declared that I was in a coma. I didn’t care. I hardly even paid attention some times. As long as the person I was trying to help at the time survived. There has been many close calls trust me. Like this one time I was working on someone’s heart and I heard this beeping sound. I realized it was my monitor. I was dying. That day I died and yet I also lived. Do you want to know how? That was the day I went into my coma. While I was in my coma my monitor said I was always working even though my body couldn’t move. Day by day my body got stronger until it sucked me back in and I woke up. A nurse found me sitting on the window ledge. She dropped the tray but it didn’t startle me because I heard her coming. I realized then that all my senses where sharper than before. A doctor entered as I turned around and showed them my red and black eyes. Because of my eyes they did many tests. They made me run for as long as I could. I ran 5 hours nonstop and I ran at the same pass all the way through. Then during one of the tests a broken machine fell on one of the doctors. Everyone tried to get it off but no one could. So after I got everyone out of the way I walked over and through the machine off of the doctor. Because of this I am now considered a freak by just about everyone. My friends stay by my side but my crush probably thinks I’m a freak. I was let out of the hospital 2 months later. During those 2 months I did what I was doing while in my coma like state. I was now considered a valuable piece of America. According to the government I was on their beck and call. This means whenever they want me to do something I had to do it. Now you may think this is cool but it’s not. You basically lose all the freedom you had and become a slave to the government. So anyway my freedom was stripped away. I had my own personal cage. (Isn’t that just lovely?) But hey I’m considered a freak in their eyes what should I have expected. The only time I go out in public is if I have a job to do. But most of them time I’m locked up.

(7 years later)

It’s been seven years since I was locked up and had the key thrown away. They much have forgotten about me because here I am rotting away to noting. Now that’s just a figure of speech I wasn’t really rotting, though I should be. I should have died seven years ago. I hear them coming towards my cell. I hear there even breathing and footsteps. They have a bag with them. I wonder what they’re going to do. Over the last seven years I’ve discovered some new power. So if they have come to kill me they won’t take me down without a fight. They begin to speak to me. I listen quietly and I didn’t respond to any of their questions. After they finished their one sided conversation they put the bag down and left me alone. I looked into the bag and found a pair of dark jeans, a blood red halter top, black combat boots, 2 red gloves that went to my elbows and had the fingers cut off, black leather spiked collar, and a blood red ribbon for my long hair. I went and changed into it. After words I looked into the bag again and found my last remaining companion, Manda, my pet snake. He wrapped himself around my mid section then he went up one side of my body around my neck and rested his head on my left breast. Now if he had been anything or body else he would have been dead in an instant but this was Manda my last remaining friend. I left my cell which had been purposely left unlock and walked up the stairs to the big steel door. I opened it with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. When I say the world I wasn’t shocked. The bombs exploded and people, body parts, and dirt went flying. Bullets flying by as the guns fired round after round. I watched the world I helped create tare itself apart. I turned and walked back into the building and shut the door. I walked back to my cell I didn’t want to see the horrific sight anymore. I was down in my cell for about an hour when I heard some people burst through the door up the stairs. I quickly moved out of sight. As I watched the 2 boys were checking on the only girl. My mind kept screaming at me, “u know these people.” I didn’t want to admit it but I did know these people seven years. Chris had married Amanda and they were my best friends and the one who had no one was my crush. I had hoped I wouldn’t see my Jeremy again but my karma sucks. I watched him watch the others. Finally Chris said, “You really need to get yourself a girl man.” The reply he got was, “I only liked one girl and she disappeared seven years ago.” “Will you please get over that freak,” Chris yelled at the top of his lungs. Jeremy replied. “It’s because of that so called freak I know the 2 of you and if I recall something correctly you used to be her friend. Right?” I was speechless. The one person I thought would hate the most is the one defending me. “Why,” I asked myself again and again, “why?” that’s when I heard the door being smashed in. It didn’t take my super hearing to know the door had been smashed it after all the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I rushed from my hiding place. Up the stairs I flew. When the people at the top of the stair saw me they said, “Well if it isn’t the freak herself.” I honestly don’t care what they call me. It wouldn’t have made any difference they had damaged my home and made my life hell so I am going to return the favor. They died a gruesome death. They were gutted like pigs. Many people have died by my hands but a few have survived if I’m in a merciful mood and the ones who survived are scared both physically and mentally for the rest of their lives. I honestly don’t care for most people’s lives. So I killed them no second thoughts but hey that’s who I am.

(Third person pov)

After that little display Jeremy wasn’t so sure he liked her anymore. Now she may not care for most people’s lives but she still has feelings and they were severely hurt. “I won’t save them next time,” Alex thought. A month later a nuclear bomb went off and killed almost every one. Alex was alive and she knew there were others alive as well. She walked up the stairs and opened the door to the outside. She looked around no one there was alive for sure. But she began to walk away from the only place she ever called home. She didn’t know why she began to walk toward the rubble but she did anyway and finally she could see something she didn’t even think was possible.

(Alex’s pov)

When I was close enough to see everything clearly I saw a little boy no more than 8 years old walking towards me. He collapsed and I ran to him. I recognized him in an instant. It was my nephew, Thomas. I started to cry. I t was my entire fault he was dying. Because I didn’t intervene my nephew was dying. I let the man I love die and I let my friends die. I was now on this barren waste land that was once called a planet alone. I was forever alone.

(4 years later)

As I walked the empty streets I wonder why I was the only one to survive. I preserved all the bodies. Every day I look at them wondering if I could bring them back somehow I know I can. I looked at the only company I had left, Manda. As I looked at him I could tell he was dying too and when he did I preserved him to. Now that Manda is gone I’m alone. Since Manda’s death I’ve been searching for an unknown target. I spent most of the day searching when it got I went home and sat in my favorite place to think. I’ve been looking for this unknown target for so long I won’t ever find it. I fell asleep thinking this and when I woke up I decide to do something productive I would rebuild the city. It was going to be a lot of work but I have nothing else to do so it will go quickly. As I began to rebuild I started to notice certain smells. I could smell grass and flowers. Then I realized what I was looking for was a lake. I could smell the fresh water and I continued to rebuild the place I found the lake. At first I didn’t know why I had been looking for it. Then I saw a face in the water. It was Jeremy’s face and right after I saw his face I saw Amanda’s and Chris’s face. Then I saw something that made me very happy. I saw my snake, Manda. I finally figured out what I had to do. All I had to do was bring the bodies to the lake and through them in and everyone would come back to life. I went back to rebuilding the buildings. When I was done I went home because I was exhausted. I fell asleep really fast. An hour or so later I was startled awake by something slithering up my leg. I looked and saw Manda. I thought I was dreaming but when my hand reached out and touched him I knew I wasn’t. Manda wasn’t dead I cried that night but they weren’t sadness they were tears of joy and happiness. I looked at the time and got up and change. I put an all black outfit on, tied my hair up into pig-tails with 2 black ribbons and I put my choker with the skull and bat on it. Once dressed I fed Manda because he looked famished. After he was done eating he curled up on my body just like he used to do. I walked up the stairs and to where I stored the stored the preserved bodies. I brought them to the lake. I pushed all the bodies into lake and one by one people started to climb out of the lake. As I waited for everyone to climb out I sat under a tree. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to water being thrown on me. I looked and saw some people standing over me. Once they saw my eyes they ran away. I turned my head and saw my at one time friends, my crush, and my nephew climbing out of the lake. “I wonder if any of them would recognize me,” I thought. I stood up and was about to walk away when something latched on to my legs. It shouted, “Aunty I finally found you.” I looked down and there was Thomas. I was shocked. The nephew I thought would be scared of me was hugging my legs crying for me not to leave him. He wanted me to stay with him that shocked me. Then I heard more people calling my name. I turned and saw Amanda, Chris, and Jeremy running towards me. To say I was happy to see them is an understatement. I was ecstatic. I was wrapped in their arms in a matter of seconds. I could feel all my emotions going full blast. I was happy to finally have them back. It would have been the greatest and happiest day of my life if someone hadn’t of shouted, “get away for that freak.” I saw red if Thomas hadn’t been holding onto my legs I would of killed them. But instead I reached down and picked Thomas up and told him, “Aunty isn’t going anywhere.” He smiled at me then snuggled into my shoulder. I smiled and turn to my friends, “ready to go,” I asked. They nodded and we began our walk home. As they changed out of their wet close and into dry one’s in their rooms I started a fire in the fire place. I looked up at them as they were talking to each other and smiled to myself. I was happy to have them back. I asked if anyone was hungry they all said no and I would have believed them to if their stomachs hadn’t all growled at the same time and gave them away. I laughed as their faces turned red and walked into the kitchen to make them something to eat. I came back about 10 minutes later with some soup for everyone. They were all sitting on the couches I had place around the living room. I gave them each a bowl and they all thanked me. I told them it was no problem. I helped Thomas eat and when he was ready to go to bed I picked him up took him to his room and tucked him in. I walked out right as everyone else began to yawn. “Looks like its bed time,” I said. They got up and went to their rooms. After they were all in their rooms I walked to my room. I curled up on my bed and fell asleep. About 2 hours later I heard a scream that shattered my sleep. I flew from the bed and ran down the hall. I found everyone in the living room. “What’s wrong,” I asked. “We don’t know,” they replied in unison. I turned when I heard the sound of feet behind me. I saw Thomas and scooped him up. “What’s wrong,” I asked Thomas. He replied, “There’s a snake in my room.” I walked into Thomas’s room and saw Manda. I gave him a look and he slithered out of Thomas’s room and into mine. I tucked Thomas back in and told him tomorrow we would find his mom. He was happy about that then fell back asleep. I walked out and told everyone it was ok and to go back to sleep they did. The next day we found Thomas’s mom. I left him with his mom and told him I would visit. A few weeks later Jeremy did something I never would have guessed he would do. He purposed to me. I said yes of course and we had the best wedding ever.

(10 years later)

We have 3 beautiful children 2 boys and a girl. The boy’s names are Jonathan and Marcus and our daughter’s name is Mikayla. We are so happy and on this day I’m happy to say if it weren’t for that tragic ascendant all those years ago I wouldn’t have this wonderful family.

Happy 21st anniversary of 9/11.