Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ What If ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I was just a teenager when September 11th happened. The United States of America was rocked in the waking hours of the morning. Two planes were used in the destruction of the world trade centers. Another plane hit the pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in a field the destination said to be the president's home at Camp David. Thousands considered dead, many more missing. Hundreds more injured in the wake.
But this was not the first for the United States. Within a week a chemical substance, deadly if breathed in was found. Anthrax was being sent through the mail to unexpecting citizens. Many Americans became weary of the mail, bomb threats, and flying. President Bush announced, “These acts of terrorism will not be taken lightly.” The culprit, a renegade leader named Osama Bin Laden.
By June 2002 the war with Afghanistan is still at large. Leader Osama Bin Laden has yet to be apprehended, but is suspected to be hiding out in the mountains near the Iraqian border. When August 2002 came around U.S. political leaders are increasingly wary of an attack on Iraq as they, along with the international community, warns President Bush against rash action to topple Saddam Hussein.
Even the White House attempted to assure the public that any invasion would be well thought out and based on intelligence, while diplomats were dispatched to better explain the U.S. position that the dictator must be replaced. State Department cables and court records, including an affidavit from a staff member of the National Security Council, reveal a wealth of information on the origin of an “Iraq tilt” in U.S. foreign policy.
West Nile virus hits the United States again since 1999. The virus has spread rapidly since it was first detected in 1999 in New York. The virus killed 18 people from 1999 through 2001, according to the CDC. West Nile is common in Africa and Asia, but it was unknown in the Americas until 1999, when an outbreak killed seven people in New York. Health officials have since said the virus would take permanent hold in the United States and would spread gradually to most if not all of the country.
It was September 2002 that the world is in panic. It was the anniversary of 9-11 come around. The world was on alert once more as the president sets the national security level to code orange. Code orange is a High Condition that is declared when there is a high risk of terrorist attacks. Only one other code ranks higher than code orange and is only used in severe conditions for terrorist's attacks.
I remember in January 2003 a small upheaval of brush fires occurred in the countries of Somalia, Bosnia, and Israel. The war with Afghanistan had yet to come to a close. Government officials were now suspecting the war with Afghanistan, has brought forth these terrorist attacks on the other countries.
Later in August 2003 more fighting erupts in the Middle East. The countries of Syria and Romania have been invaded and over come. Countries such as Yugoslavia, Albania, and Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia have also had reports of brush fire outbreaks. Reports now show that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein have joined in forces to bring about the latest of brush fires in the Middle East.
When February 2004 came around a new strain of West Nile had been discovered in the Unites States. Discovered in the southern portion of the country the virus is presumed to be deadly. It was said to attack a certain enzyme in the blood of men. No cure or medicine had been found that may aid in the healing of the men at this time. With the new threat of West Nile virus around this promoted a new threat in the United States. Government officials are now confirming cases of West Nile being found in the armed forces. This poses a new threat in the military because the need for soldiers in the army.
It was April 2004, when the conflicts in the Middle East had escalated to a new all time high. With the combined efforts of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden the Taliban combined with the Iraqian forces served too much for some Middle Eastern countries. United Nations leaders called an emergency meeting over the current lesion of forces. Diplomats from each country spoke with authority and demands. Some sided with Afghanistan and Iraq. These countries were warned of the dire consequences of forming a union with the rebelling countries. But that did not matter to them.
September 2004 was when Taliban and Iraqian forces invade Iran. We had now received word that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had implemented some of the attacks. Sources now say that Iran was at a disadvantage being between the countries. Not only had Iran been invaded it had been turned to turmoil.
In other news that same month the West Nile virus type B had spread further into the nation. The government was worried about our national defense forces. More cases of the deadly virus have spread into the ranks of the army. With the oncoming attacks in the Middle East and forces being low the president is forced to take immediate action.
January 2005 the announcement had been made that with no peace in the Middle East that war was inevitable and more over a nation wide draft was being issued. The shock of being sent into war had caused widespread panic for the United States. Where would we be, what would happen, and would they come home to? These were the questions being asked by millions of Americans. Are we in for another World War?
My name is Catherine Parker and I am 19 years old. This is how I remember the last 4 years of my life. That is before my real life began.