Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ What Stephenie Meyer and Anne Rice Never Told You ❯ Party Over Hee-yah ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm gonna find that son of a bitch and rip his fucking throat out!
What a nice thought. I let myself linger over this macabre fantasy for a moment. I gleefully pictured cornering the blood-sucking bastard and hitting him in the shoulder with a few rounds of silver bullets; I saw him fall to his knees and I took my Handy Dandy Knife and slit his throat. He clutched at the wound, his eyes wide and unbelieving. Marcus, the son of the Master, dead? I stood over him and laughed.
That'll teach you to pretend to bite me, you fucker.
Okay, maybe I was overreacting. But you don't know how much pain it causes to go through this damn process. The Boss gave me three days off, it that's any help in the imagination department. So here I was lying on my couch like a druggie after a good hit. I turned off the TV and threw the remote against the wall with considerable force. Getting The Shot always put me in a bad mood. For some reason I ended up getting bitten at least twice as much as anyone else on the Night Crew. Luke said that Marcus was trying to turn me. Yeah, right. I ain't switching sides 'till there's cookies, and I never saw a vampire with any goddamn cookies.
The sound of the doorbell interrupted my thoughts. I groaned. I was not moving for anything short of the apocalypse. "It's open!" I yelled. By the way, not a very good idea. Don't do this at home kiddies.
Luckily it wasn't anything that can kill you before you blink. It was Natalye, one of my 'normie' coworkers. She didn't know about the SS- she accepted my erratic behavior as normal. Well, most of the time. She looked at me with her big brown eyes wide with concern. Today she wore a turquoise jogging suit and white Nikes. Her naturally red hair was falling across her shoulder in a loose ponytail. Her shock quickly went straight to disapproval.
"You really need to quit hanging out with these friends of yours, Jo. Do you have any idea what those drugs do to you?!" I groaned and covered my face with one of the throw pillows. She plowed on as if I hadn't moved. "These late nights are really going to get to you. Are you hanging out with the vampires or something?"
Ha-ha. Very funny. "The party just got out of hand." I mumbled. Hey, it was true. Enough. "I'm just really tired."
She pursed her lips. "So you're canceling our date. Again." This lady took my personal health very seriously.
"Yeah." Hey, I did feel pretty bad. I was always bailing out on Natalye because of work-related injury. You'd think they'd up my pay for this. Not a chance. I barely listened as she gave me another stern talking-to and finally left, slamming the door behind her. I winced. I really should take better care of my friends. I have way too few of them.
A few hours later I shot up, my heart pounding. Someone was here- let me rephrase that. Someone was here that was most definitely uninvited. I slid my hand under the couch cushion and retrieved the Handy Dandy Knife. No, guns really don't do a lot of damage. Yes, it was silver. No, I didn't stand a chance stuck on the couch feeling like shit. Did I care? Not really. I'd take the leech down with me.
Slowly I rose from the couch and walked slowly towards the balcony on shaky legs. It was closed, the blinds drawn. I crouched (ignoring a wave of dizziness) and felt the carpet. It was slightly damp. Not a good sign. I rose and went towards the hallway. The living room was to my left, the open kitchen to my right. No sooner had I reached the end of the couch then I was struck from behind. I fell flat on my face- my limbs were too slow to react after the Shot. I felt a blade on my neck and I went perfectly still.
"The mighty hunter is still down after that little play date?" the intruder said scathingly. "I've heard you killed three vamps with injuries ten times worse. Or are all the stories false?"
"Get off of me, James." I growled. "I'm not in the mood to be nice." My hand tightened on the hilt of the knife. This was very bad. I'd led one of them to Danni and Amber. I sent out a prayer of thanks that Danni and Amber were out for the evening.
"Hmmm. Maybe if you ask nicely." I could hear the smirk in his voice. Asshole.
"How did you find me?" It was getting difficult to breathe. The superhuman strength thing is unfortunately true. No matter how much time I spent at the gym I was really no match for these things one-on-one. He finally moved his foot from the small of my back and I coughed once. He let me get to my feet.
James was one of the younger vampires. He still had some of his olive skin tone, and his eyes weren't as bright as the others'. He kept his blond hair about shoulder length- you ever seen Hidalgo? With Viggo? Yeah, like that. He was tall too- or at least compared to me. I was cursed with exactly 4 feet 11 inches of height. Talk about a cruel joke. I faced him with as much dignity as I could muster and gave him my best glare. . After a few moments of silence, he shrugged. “It was easy. You let your barriers down when you're injured, did you know that?”
Fuck. No I didn't. Which meant that any vamp with the slightest bit of mind power now knew exactly where to find me. My breath caught. I had to get to Amber and Danni.
"Don't worry, Jo. I got here first. Wouldn't you rather get killed by a friend?" A second later I was shoved against the wall and the knife was knocked out of my hand. I'm not usually this helpless; I swear. His eyes bled from hazel to crimson in a second. I swallowed panic as his fangs lengthened. Think, Jo, think.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Junior." I mentally rolled my eyes. It sounded like a bad line out of a low-budget Western. But he paused. "I got the Shot today. Wouldn't want silver nitrate in your system, would you?"
I felt another presence nearby and cursed. Especially when I saw who it was. Marcus stood behind James, his face blank and unreadable. His black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his duster was black as pitch. I was nearly tempted to make a remark about a Gothic Lestat, but I figured that now wasn't the time. James had tensed the second he entered the apartment.
"Let her go, Heston. She's mine." His normally cool, detached voice was as cold as ice. Man, was he pissed. I wasn't sure who I was rooting for. James slowly released me and against my better judgment I slid to the carpet. hey, I was in bad shape. The vampires faced each other and the air nearly crackled with electricity. It was a battle of wills. James was the one who looked away first. He walked to the glass door.
"Better get her before the others do." Couldn't resist having the last word, huh? There was a moment of tense silence after he vanished. I glanced at my knife. If I lunged, I could reach it. Marcus' eyes never left my face. It was getting a little weird. Finally my anger replaced the panic.
"Are you here to kill me or stare at me?" I snapped. "Let's just get this over with. You found my home, I'm helpless and wounded, unarmed; you win. The game's over. Don't forget to sign your name for the top score."
"That little disagreement shouldn't have weakened you so much." How's the weather today? Will it rain before or after lunch? Fuck, I hated that cold, emotionless voice. "Did someone else come after you?"
I kept the image of slicing his throat back- barely. Let's not piss the vampire off. "No. Luke thought you may have bitten me, so I got The Shot."
He opened his mouth to speak. The sound of shattering glass broke his concentration. I hadn't realized he'd been keeping me immobile until he looked away. What was wrong with me today? He had his sword out in a second- he was one of the few vamps who dared wield silver. A dark shape collided with him and they rolled into the couch, knocking it over. Should I just hang a sign out the patio, "Party at my place"?