Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ What Stephenie Meyer and Anne Rice Never Told You ❯ No, I Do NOT Want To Go Into The Dark, Creepy Basement ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Okay, sorry for the weird format. I just switched from a PC to a Mac and it's not going so well with the word processor. If any of you know how to fix this, please let me know!:Well, didn't I feel like a total idiot. This is what I get for not having things like a cellphone with me. I was being 'willingly' kidnapped by this psycho vampire bitch and no one had a friggin' clue. My day just keeps getting better and better! Davina's (the vampire chick's name, in case you're not paying attention) comment about my 'boyfriend' was making me feel sick to my stomach. What the hell had Marcus been telling these leeches? I had enough problems without having to worry about that bastard. Davina had taken me to an underground club. The kind you don't tell your Mommy about. Don't ask for details, because that's about all I know. I was a good kiddie. Well, mostly. Does murder count? Anyway, the club was just a cover for the real secret society. I was led past the dingy warehouse that was the 'hot spot' for tonight (in a few hours there wouldn't be any sign that the club had ever existed) and to a narrow stairway that went almost straight down. This may be a good time to mention I'm terrified of heights. I had a brief vision of stumbling like the clumsy ass I am and going splat at the very bottom. I cleared my throat and turned to my 'kidnapper'."You know, I'm really being very selfish. You must be anxious to see your master, right? You go ahead. I won't run away, promise."She just handed me a penlight and glared. I laughed nervously and went ahead. The steps were slippery with mold and other nameless substances, and I caught myself on the cold concrete walls just in time. It was not encouraging. But then I thought of Danni and Amber stuck down there with those bloodsuckers and my fear nearly evaporated. I was their only hope- I had to suck it up. So I did the adult thing for once and descended, suddenly sure of myself again.The stairs ended with a rust-stained door. These vamps were all about class. I barely managed to get the damn thing open. The doorway opened into a large room that smelled of mold and blood. Nice combo. I probably won't eat for days after this. It was pitch black. Davina shoved me forward when I hesitated. I spun, ready with what I'm sure would have been a witty insult- but she had vanished into the darkness. My little penlight did absolutely no good here. I turned it off- might need it later. I stood in silence for a few moments, waiting. What was I supposed to do? Finally I cleared my throat. "I want to see them."Harsh lights flooded the room with brilliance. I was blinded for a moment. I blinked rapidly to clear my eyes. When I could see again I yelped and nearly had a heart attack. I was literally surrounded by a wall of vampires. They laughed at me and despite myself, I turned red. There must have been at least twenty hateful eyes burning into me not more than ten inches away. Davina wormed her way to the front and smiled wickedly at me. "You need to learn to be more specific." she laughed. I gave her my best Kinney glare, which under the circumstances probably looked more like puppy-dog eyes. She made a gesture with her hand and the vampires retreated to the walls. One remained where he was- James, of all people. Davina walked over to him and bowed. I couldn't believe it. How could someone as 'fresh' as him already have a servant as strong as Davina? She had to be at least fifty! Were these other vamps his followers or just spectators? My mind whirled. "Jo!"I whirled to see Amber entering through another doorway. She tried to rush forward but was caught by Davina. Danni came in next, carried by another anonymous vamp. She wasn't moving. "What the hell happened to her?" I demanded. My stomach twisted with fear. "She decided to play rough, Slayer." James answered, his eyes boring into me. "You know how much we love that.""You were kidnapping her daughter! Did you expect her to thank you?!" I hissed. Man, was I wishing for a knife right now. I'd love to gut this guy. Slowly. He grinned as the thought reached him."Now, let's be polite. I don't think you want to insult me right now." He smiled, showing off his fangs. I took a deep breath and reined in my homicidal thoughts. Barely. "What do you want, James?" Blood pounded in my ears. I was fairly certain that I wouldn't survive this. But we'll see. James waited a moment before replying. He relieved Davina of her charge and held his hand on her shoulder, close to her neck. It seemed a casual gesture, but I knew better. Those fingernails could elongate faster than you could blink. I froze. Amber looked at me with terrified eyes. I had to blink back tears. She didn't deserve any of this. "Just promise me they'll go home safely, and I'll do what you want." My voice was heavy. I realized I wasn't lying. I'd die for them tonight if I had to. Strange- I tend to be more selfish. "Stop fucking around with me and tell me what your price is.""I want to tell you a story, Jo. About a pathetic slayer who thought that she could face the vampires and win." His glare was strangely accusatory. "A girl who loved to kill her own kind.""I've never killed a human in my life." I spat. "Only monsters." He was really starting to piss me off. I hated mind games. I have no patience for them- for anything, really, if we're being honest here. Add that to the list of my bad traits and lets move on. Amber's expression had changed at that last comment. Did she know something I didn't? Or was I just really slow today?"I followed Marcus from your apartment the other night." he continued as if I hadn't spoken. "It explained a lot. Haven't you wondered why the Shots affect you so badly, or why it heals your injuries? Why Marcus is so interested in you despite the many vampires you murdered?" "Shut up." I didn't want to hear this. There was NO WAY that I was listening to this. "Just kill me and let them go. I don't care!""Oh, you should care. Very much. Because none of us are interested in killing one of our own, even if they are a murderer." Tears escaped and ran down my cheeks, unheeded. I was being forced to face things I had simply refused to think about, things I'd pushed far back into the recesses of my mind. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be. Anything but this. "We will release your... 'family'. In exchange, you will allow one of us to awaken the vampiric blood inside of you, and I will take over Marcus' claim. That is the price. Choose well, Joannah Kinney." He seemed almost beside himself with barely suppressed glee. It made me sick. Amber looked from him to me, her face drawn and pale.Fuck. I just knew today was going to be a bad day.