Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was a cold day with the sun hidden behind angry clouds. I stared up at the ceiling and wondered why I had to get out of bed. Life had been beating me up a lot lately and I was in such a bad mood today even though I had just woken up. I knew it would be a bad day as soon I looked at the calendar.
Today was February 15. The anniversary of dad’s death. Mom seemed to cry more on this day more than any other day. I always thought her eyes would bleed from becoming too red. She had strange thoughts Dad died because of her. I told her that couldn’t be true but she yelled at me so loud the neighbors(who are practically deaf) heard and I stopped talking to her much after that.
I ran down the stairs in my favorite pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I ruffled my plain brown hair as I walked to the kitchen and sat in my usual chair. There was a napkin and some forks there. Mom was walking around normally as if nothing had happened.
“Mom?” I asked, eyeing the beer bottle near the sink.
She stopped washing the dish she was rinsing. “Hmm?” she mumbled.
I stared down at the table. Mom usually got her mind off Dad by doing house chores or watching scary thriller movies. Sometimes, if she got really depressed, she would drink. And when she drank, she drank a lot. She drank wine, beer, anything with alcohol. It didn’t take me long to realize that alcohol was poison.
When I was eight, she drank so much I got scared of her. My stepfather, Indy, often took me to fast food places and parks. I didn’t like Indy much but he was the only thing I had for a father. My real dad left all the time so I always had to rely on Indy.
He smiled at me as he put a plate of warm, buttered toast on the table. “Morning Jack. You going out with Annie today?”
I smiled. “Of course.” I picked a piece of toast with my fork and started chomping down on it. The sugar crunched against my teeth and I felt a warm feeling inside of me.
“Where you guys going today?” my mother asked as she set down a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me.
“Movies. We might just hang out there, we don’t really know.”
She nodded. “I’ll just be cleaning today. Make sure you’re back at seven.”
“Seven?!?” I blurted. “But that’s too early!”
She gave me a cold stare. “Seven. End of discussion.”
I frowned. “But-”
Indy put his hand on the table and mouthed the words Just leave and be back at seven.
I sighed but nodded. Getting up from the table, I grumbled a farewell and walked out of the house. My hands dug through my pockets for some gum and I could only find a marble that I must have put in yesterday.
A girl with curly blonde hair wrapped her arms around me. “Jack! I missed you SO much!” she giggled. “Have a good night’s sleep?”
I hugged her back. “Hey Annie. Yeah, sleep was fine.”
“How’s your mom doing?” she whispered as we walked toward her brother’s car. “It’s his death anniversary today right?”
I nodded. I didn’t like to talk about my dad much. He got into fights with Mom all the time and they were going to file for divorce. When he died before being divorced, Mom started having emotional breakdowns and claimed his death was her fault. She cried for years after that, even now when I’m a junior in high school.
She opened the car door and stepped inside of the Toyota Camry. Her brother stepped into the driver’s seat. Annie and I slipped into the backseats and stared out of the windows.
We stepped out the car a few minutes later and went into the movie theater. I sat in the dark theater with a big box of buttered popcorn resting in my lap. Annie sipped her pineapple smoothie and hummed a faint song. I tapped my feet to a rhythm and stared at a piece of popcorn on the floor.
I almost fell asleep during the movie, which was strange because just about everyone else screamed during half of the time. It was one of those movies where the bad guy basically murdered everyone. There blood everywhere in the movie but I didn’t seem to notice. Annie screamed a little and held onto my arm, but I simply hugged her back.

“Okay… so see you tomorrow?” I asked, pecking Annie on the cheek. We were outside of the subway station. She wanted to ride a taxi and I wanted to ride the subway. We always disagreed on transportation.
“Yeah… if you don’t get hurt.” She replied hugging me tight as if I was never coming back from a vacation from Antarctica.
I chuckled. “Wow… you really are worried, huh?”
She nodded. “I don’t want you to get hurt.
I sighed and kiss her again, then hopped in the third car. I sat on a rusty, bench with graffiti written all over it. The subway hummed and I started to wonder what would happen tomorrow.
I waited for thirty minutes, staring out the dirtied windows of the train. I thought I could feel a man’s gaze on me, but when I turned, he was talking to a woman.
The trip seemed to take forever. I took out my cell a few times and began to IM a few friends, but it got boring. I got a message from Annie saying we would break up. I couldn’t breathe and I tried to message back, but she wouldn’t answer.
Soon, I decided to just give up. I got off a stop a few stops before my town. I needed to run anyways. Of course, it probably wasn’t very smart to run in a place where you’re not familiar with, but I’m sure I’ll find a map.
So I started jogging. The patter of my feet went with my heartbeat. If it sped up, I sped up.
I stopped to take a breath by a wall of an alley. I could hear footsteps behind me.
I froze. Stalker. “Wh-who’s there?” I asked, a little too loudly.
I heard a click and a grunt.
I turned around but saw no one. Footsteps started to come from behind me. I turned back around again.
“Well… if it isn’t a teenager… and you’re all alone.” A gruff voice said. He snickered.
I straightened myself. It was too dark to see the man, but I could tell by his voice he was probably in his early twenties.
“What do you want?” I asked. I figured he’d leave me alone if I gave him what he wanted.
There was silence for a moment. Then, after what seemed like hours but was only a minute, he said, “Your wallet.” He grunted when I didn’t say anything and yelled, “Take your freaking wallet out!”
I bit my lip, but reached into my pocket and took out a wallet. I threw it on the floor, making a hard plop.
“Okay. There. The wallet’s on the ground.” I turned to leave. He didn’t know I slipped out my cell at the same time and was dialing 911.
‘Hello, 911. May I help you?” the operator said. I held it to my ear and was ready to say something when-
I heard another click. My eyes widened as I recognized the sound. A gun.
“Say your prayers, boy.”
Everything happened so fast after that. I dropped the phone and a boom was heard. My heart was the only thing I could concentrate on. My life seemed to flash before my eyes. I could see my dad, my parents having fights, my mom marrying Jack, Annie asking me out, me getting on the football team.
Then I something hit me. I fell to the ground, landing next to the phone. I felt cold, my blood frozen. Suddenly I thought of Annie’s words “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
The operator called out for me. “Hello? Operator...” I used the last of my strength to get the phone. I held it to my lips and whispered the word I’d never thought I’d use.
Then there was total darkness covering my eyes and I felt a cold wave of terror sweep through me. I knew something terrible had happened.