Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ White noise ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Have you ever felt like a particular moment in time had happened before? Deja vu they call it. You can't put your finger on it.. Why it feels as if you've heard the same phrase in a certain setting with the same people even if you've never been to such a place or seen those involved before.. That's how this felt, this exact moment as I woke up in the pitch black room. I could have sworn I'd never been in this room before, let alone this Inn or even the town I was passing through. However, as I sat up in the bed I'd been sleeping in; a chill crawled up my spine. Shoving the bizarre sensation aside, I rose from my spot, a yawn parting my lips. Walking to the opposite side, my hand groped the smooth wall for the main light switch in order to illuminate the quiet space. That was when I felt her, the physical entity behind me. A pair of hands pressed gently against my back, the muscles beneath my skin pulsating from the foreign touch. Breath inhaled sharply as what felt like nails dug gently at the bottom of my shoulder blades, a warm current blowing behind my right ear. My pupils dilated even with the brightness now filling the room, my head turning just enough to catch a glimpse of the stranger behind me. It was futile, her small hand already at the side of my cheek to direct my gaze away from her. Everything felt familiar, down to the softness of her palm to the very scent that came from her. She shushed me, her hand creeping around to cover my own mouth so that I couldn't ask who she was or why she was there.

"You don't need to understand.. only feel. Stay with me, dear. Forever. I never want to be without you. You'll see. We're made for each other.." Her voice caused a ripple effect, the silken tone making my knees felt weak. A shiver ran along the back of my neck. The way she said forever clung to me as something soft was wrapped around my head, shielding my vision. Blindfolded. It wasn't long until I found myself being pulled this way and that, ultimately on my back once more in the bed I'd left earlier. Slowly, I felt my ankles and wrists being chained to the four corners, shackled to the bedposts. Helplessness coursed through me as cold as my blood, but even though I opened my mouth to speak, nothing came out. Only a silence that permeated the air around me. A soft bout of laughter accompanied by her hands on the inside of my thighs followed, her nails scratching the flesh all the way down to my knees. Slight pain enveloped me only to be kissed away by the warmth of her lips. Kisses trailed the inside of my leg all the way to my pelvis where her teeth bared down gently against the cloth that covered me. My hip jumped in response, the sensation caused by her canines running along my spine. She scolded me with that lovingly voice of hers followed by a hard jab to my side. The air in my lungs left me as she continued, undressing me from my already barely clad state. I was cold for just a second before I felt the warmth of her mouth envelop me. Wet euphoria. A voice in the back of my head told me I'd been in this situation before but I pushed it away. Unable to move my hands or visibly witness her tongue sliding across my heated skin, I could only pant softly. My pelvis melted, blood rushing to my most sensitive of body parts as her hands stroked my inner thighs. The amount of pleasure that built up was almost painful, but that peak that always came was rushing towards me. My head felt swamped, silent pants falling from my lips as my hips bucked upwards. Another hard smack was given and then nothing.. It was as if she had disappeared entirely, leaving me chained to my bed as if I'd been alone this entire time. That was until I felt a set of teeth sink into my upper chest, right below my collarbone. Inwardly, a moan coursed through me as I felt her body meld against my own. Over and over again, I felt her fingers rub and caress me. The steady climb towards my impending climax always within reach until she'd pull away. I ached. My need for release continued to grow, yet it never came. Near wits end, I could feel the saline roll down my cheeks as my teeth sank into my bottom lip. Though I heard no words, I begged as best as I could. She never relented. Minutes turned into hours and eventually hours seemed to turn into days. Weeks, it felt as if she pleasured me, my body responding heavily to every touch even after my mind had decided this to be torture. Her lips pressed harshly to mine, her tongue violating my mouth as she groaned. Her palms smoothed and groped my flesh. My hips, my chest, my legs and arms.

It wasn't until I felt the fabric that covered my eyes being pulled away did I think it would end. At long last, she'd give in to me. When I was free, my eyes opened slowly. Blinking away the initial blindness, my gaze fixated upon the woman that had been the cause of my agonizing desire. Her green hair fell in waves, framing a picturesque oval face. Her skin was flawless, unmarred by cuts or scars, only the strange violet scales that shimmered in the light of the ceiling fixture. Her chest rose and fell as she straddled me, large and round as she peered down at me. However, it wasn't her curvaceous body or porcelain skin that caught my attention. It was her electric green orbs that stared into my own. I felt as if I'd looked back into her eyes for years, my own soul withered and grown feeble with age. I felt old. I watched as she continued her onslaught. Her touch seared me, scorching my skin as she ran her fingers along the middle of my chest and down to where our hips met. The warmth of her sex messed with my own as she grinded against me, her facial expression one of pure ecstasy. We rode out wave after wave of pleasure, the pale female wrapping herself around me in a cocoon I never wanted to leave. She'd been right. We were made for one another, this apparent goddess and myself. I pushed away any doubt I had, the fear that still saturated my stomach as I lost myself with her grasp. Soon, she gasped. Her legs quivering against my own as the orgasm I'd waited so long for had would finally be reached. I waited for it, the climatic ending to this bizarre twist as she threw her head back. Her voice called out, something I'm sure was my name when everything went black.

An annoying buzzing filled my ears, darkness fitted snugly against my lids when I woke up. A fuzzy sensation wrapped itself around my brain, as if I'd been asleep for a long time. Have you ever felt like something has happened before in the exact same way? A groan parted my lips as I sat up, my hands rubbing my eyelids before I stood. Walking over to the door, I pressed my palm against the wall until I felt the light switch, flicking it on after. That was when I felt her, her hands against my back as her breath heated the skin behind my ear.

"You don't need to understand.. only feel. Stay with me, dear. Forever. I never want to be without you. You'll see. We're made for each other.."