Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ White Rose Petals ❯ White Rose Petals ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
White Rose Petals
Alexia’s POV
It was a cold and rainy day in the city of Los Angeles when a sixteen-year-old girl, my best friend, Damon Gate, was lowered into the ground to be buried with a tombstone right beside her parents. So many white roses were on her coffin, just like she’d ask me the day on her parents funeral to give her lots of them if she ever died too.
I though she was just joking around trying not to be so sad then, what a joke that turned out to be!
It felt like just yesterday. I’d seen her ready to go to school. I remember the first steps she took to go on the bus.
Last Wednesday is when she died, unfortunately I don’t think I’ll ever get over it, she was my best friend after all, and people around here don’t usually take kindly to people like me.
People that get good grades never get treated very nicely, but enough about me.
I’d like to tell you about Damon Gate’s life, and what she went through before she died. Many teenagers go through their life with parents being divorced, getting into drugs, getting bullied, smoking, getting into the wrong crowds and yada, yada, yada, the basic peer pressure we all encounter once in our high school years.
Even kids in elementary school are surrounded by it every day.
Well, Damon suffered many of those situations, it had all began back in the first year of high school . . .
Damon Gate was a very smart girl, good grades, hung out with the right people, and had Alexia Summers as her best friend.
Sure she had her bad qualities, arguing with her mother every day because they couldn’t really agree on anything, fighting with her sister and always wanting to spend more time with her friends then her family.
That would be most of the reasons why she would argue with her mother, and with her sister, well that’s just because all your average siblings never usually get along these days.
While it was both she and Alexia’s first day of high school, she wore a nice blue blouse and track pants for school, tied her hair up in a pony tail and pushed her glasses saying goodbye to her mother ready to start the brand-new day.
What she didn’t know was that her parents were going to file a divorce.
Her first day at school hadn’t been that great and she hadn’t gotten any classes with Alexia. She had to suffer bullying from a tenth grade girl named Briana Walter and her group of friends.
Disappointed and sad with her first day of school, she came home with her mother asking to talk with her.
Unable to believe what her mother was saying, she ran straight out of the house with her mother yelling after her to come back. All the mother could do was slowly slide to the ground crying waiting for Damon’s return. Seeing some of Briana’s friends, they offered her a cigarette, she tried to refuse but they kept badgering her calling her a chicken. Upset and tired of the teasing, she took a puff and started chocking, Briana came around the corner laughing. "It’s your first time huh?"
Damon slowly nodded her head yes while trying to breathe and get the vile air from the cigarette out from her longs.
"Hang with me and you’ll be doing a lot cooler stuff then just taking puffs from a cigarette! , Come sit at our usual table that me and my friends sit at during lunch."
After Two years of taking drugs like Marihuana and Cocaine, steeling from stores and money from her mother that was now divorced, she was rushed to the hospital for a cocain overdose.
Ineptly, as both her parents came in the same vehicle hastening over the self-conscious limit to get to the hospital as fast as possible, a drunk driver hit their car and made it land straight over a highway bridge.
Both her parents passed away while she was sixteen unintentional in the hospital room right beside them.
Once awake, Alexia had been the first person to be there, not Briana, Kayla, Ryan or Matthew ever showed up to see how she was doing.
All people she had done so much for, steel, smoke never hand in her work on time, anger the teachers.
Heck! She even took a lot of blame on Briana’s parts of fighting in school all the time. Two years of hanging out with people who never really were her friends had done a lot of damage.
Drugs, particularly cocaine, had been her route of escape from all the depressing things going on in her life. But once struck with realism to late ignorantness.
The shock and depression that came when she found out her parents were dead, was so overwhelming for her, that she became fearsomely self-destructive.
Thinking to herself that even when she had first commenced drugs to get away from the pain, there would still be more distress, no matter how much she did or attempted to be incomprehensible to it.
Many days she spent her time alone in the hospital, her sister, Monica, had been sent away to a foster home in California.
Of corse Monica always wrote letters to her sister saying how much she missed her and wished she was with her.
No matter how many times she would through them away wanting to forget, she would always get a new one every week.
Until she got tired of it and decided to write one saying she never wanted to hear from her sister again, miserable for what she’d done she began to try and cut herself again but was caught by a teacher in the girl’s washroom.
Rushed to the hospital again, Alexia was there once again. ‘Had Briana and the rest of her other friends abandoned her completely?’ She had thought for a very long time.
Being behind in class, Alexia was assigned to help Damon get back on track for school and would bring in her work for her every day.
Slowly, Alexia became friends with Damon again once she’d stopped taking the drugs and apologised for all the pain she’d caused her.
Both girls were very happy to be reunited at long last.
Alexia was able to convince her friend to go to Rehabilitation, and gave her a motivation to continue her dream of one day becoming a journalist.
The day of her parent’s funeral, she had asked the family to put a lot of white roses around the graves and coffins that withheld their bodies.
"It was what my mother always wanted for her funeral, as a little girl. She wanted lots of roses so that in heaven, she’d be surrounded by the one’s she loved in white glory of roses reminding her of me. After all, it is a family tradition."
She tried to smile at the memory, but the tears she had held back for such a long time, the tears held back from everything and every pain she’d ever encountered in her years of high school came rushing down her cheeks like a sweetened river flowing into the realm of endless unhappiness.
Falling to the ground, Alexia ran to her side hugging her and holding her dearly like the true friend that she was. Whispering in her ear for her to calm down and that she was not alone served to hold back some of her deep sadness.
Her whimpers came to a stop and Alexia let her go, they both silently watched the coffins go down six feet under as silent tears came down many other family members.
Before it was time to leave, Damon had tried to make Alexia happy by joking around and saying.
"Remember back when we were both little kids, my mom had a beautiful garden with right roses. My mom’s always complained how she wanted them to be at her funeral, nothing but white. Well, even after all that arguing, she still got what she wanted in the end."
Alexia smiled at her attempt and was glad that at list she had her old friend with her again. No longer would she sit by herself at lunch, no longer would she be forced to watch Damon ruin her life, the drugs were gone and now she could help Damon with getting over her parents death and not have to worry about her losing her again.
Several months later, Damon came back clean and very proud to what she’d accomplished. Very excited about her seventeenth birthday, both the girls had spent a week planning out a return party with her little sister on her way to the airport.
On their way there, surprised by the arrival of Briana and a very tall man that looked about twenty, were waiting by the door smiling.
"We should use another door."
Damon tried to say quickly wanting very badly to avoid confrontation, supposedly while she’d been in the hospital, Briana’s group had split up because they were afraid of what happened to Damon would happen to them.
Briana had spent most of her lunches alone getting teased just like the way she had teased Alexia horribly behind Damon’s back.
When she heard two of Alexia’s friends talking about Damon going to pick up her little sister at the airport, she thought it would be an excellent chance to get back at her.
"No Damon! We’ll have to talk to her one of these days, so why not settle it now, get it over and done with."
Damon began shaking and had a terrible feeling at the way Briana had been looking at her. "Please Alex! No! I-I think she-she g-going to do s-something horrible!"
Alexia grabbed Damon’s hand and dragged her over to Briana and her boyfriend.
Before either of them could see it, Briana had yeld at her boyfriend to grab Alexia and pushed Damon to the ground.
"Do you know how much trouble and pain you’ve caused me, while you were in the hospital acting all sick and stuff, all of my friends ditched me, they won’t even talk to me anymore!"
With a silver flash from the sharp pocket knife Briana pulled out, Damon tried to back away but was quickly stabbed in an artery falling to the ground unable to breath.
The pain was so intense she could not even get up.
"Common Luc! Let’s go before the stupid pigs catch us!"
Both Briana and Luc ran away as Alexia dropped to the ground hugging Damon dearly while screaming out for help.
It took the ambulance and hour to arrive at the scene of the crime, Damon had already lost to much blood and her vision had begun to blur as she was slowly sleeping away from the grasp of life.
Using the last volition of her strength, she was able to rise painfully up to Alexia and smile with tears in her eyes.
"Don’t cry Alex, I’ll be back with mom and dad again"
Alexia shook her head violently.
"No! Don’t say such horrible things!"
Still the young wounded sixteen year old girl kept smiling as best as she could trying to say her last words.
"Promise me something."
"What, anything, I’ll do anything, just don’t leave me! Stay with me please Damon!"
"Promise me you’ll have lots of white roses and white rose petals scattered in the wind while they put me down in that coffin, then that will remind me that it won’t be forever till we see each other again. Thank you for everything, you were a my best friend."
Damon began to slowly slump as Alexia caught her looking in her eyes.
"I promise."
Before Alexia could ask her if she was alright, Damon fell limp in her arms with a faint smile on her face. Alexia cried interminably before Damon’s body was taken to the hospital.
Alexia’s POV
Well, that’s it, sad story of my life, mostly her life though. She was only best friend, even today I still sometimes walk the hallways alone, I play the game Damon use to play, pretending she’s only gone on vacation when she really isn’t.
White rose petals, out of anything she could have said to me before dying, she asked for white roses. That’s not something that you hear everyday.
Most times I feel guilty because I told her to face Briana, a lot of people say it’s not my fault, a lot of people blame me for her death. Deep down I feel responsible, but hey! You can’t change the past right? Even though Damon went through drugs and depression, I still had hope that one day I would help her, and I did.
There’s three things I want to tell you, one is that your good friends will always be worth your time to never give up on them, two, don’t turn to drugs just because your having problems.
Sure it’s easier said then done, but that’s why they invented counselling, people are they’re for you, so try not to be to afraid and reach out for help.
Three, don’t agree to do anything that you don’t want to do just because people will tease you about it, ignore them! They’ll stop believe me! It might take a while, but staying on the right track keeps you up with good grades in school and you have a very good life style waiting ahead for you.
Every time you’re stuck in peer pressure, just think of Damon’s situation, she was the extraordinary person who overcame her fears and grief for not only her friends, but for herself as well.