Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes ❯ Wishes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Andrew was seated at his tiny desk in the corner of his room. His right hand held up the side of his head as his fingers played with his short brown hair. His elbow held in place the crisp white drawing paper. Andrew's left hand, held a pencil, ready to draw his heart's desire. His hazel brown eyes, unfocused from staring at the paper too long and thinking too hard about what to draw, started to close. Andrew forced his eyes open and made a face at himself in the mirror posed on the wall in front of his desk. This shouldn't be so hard, damned senior art project. Andrew didn't realize his hand was moving until after a finished picture of Bryan developed on the page.
Andrew stared at the picture of his crush and wished he could have his blonde haired, green eyed beautiful Bryan. As Andrew thought that, Bryan popped up from the paper. Andrew still seated at his desk fell backward all sprawled out in an awkward position on the floor, but he didn't care. Bryan was flesh and blood, and shirtless and in blue boxers. Andrew's eyes grew wide as Bryan knelt on the floor and leaned in to kiss him.
“Is this what you want, Andrew?” Bryan asked before their lips met. Their faces were so close together Andrew could smell Bryan's minty fresh toothpaste breath before he tasted it, he could also smell the Zestfully Clean soap. “Your powers are quite exquisite, Andrew.”
Andrew sat there dumbfounded wondering how on earth Bryan knew about the powers. Actually he often wondered how he had them. Andrew put his hands in front of him palms up. He stared at them, spread his fingers. He had power; he's known since he was three. His parents told him that he was part of an elite group of fighter units that have great powers and protect the innocent, yet his powers had never shown up before. He ran his right hand through his hair and closed his eyes, then ripped up the paper with Bryan's picture on it. Bryan disappeared, but he was smiling. Man I hope this was a dream, Andrew thought to himself before he flopped to his knees, walked over to his bed and plopped down; he'd just have to finish his art project in Calculus.
Andrew practically fell out of bed and scrambled to get dressed. I overslept. Damn it! I don't have one clean pair of pants. Ah man, I have to wear a dirty pair. He grabbed a pair of dark slacks from his floor hopping on one foot trying to put them on. He had a disgusted look on his face, like it pained him to put on dirty pants. After that dilemma, he grabbed a clean white shirt from his closet; he had an abundance of shirts. He was still sleepy from staying up until three in the morning so it took him two tries to get the right buttons in the right button holes. He found a pair of socks hiding in his underwear drawer, otherwise he would have had to wear dirty socks too, not a pleasant thought for him. His shoes were downstairs as well as his uniform jacket, which had his high school's crest on it. He did a quick look around to see if he was missing anything and caught a glimpse of his alarm clock. It wasn't even time to get up. He thought it was a dream. He headed toward the trashcan only to find the torn up pieces of Bryan's picture in it. Andrew looked at the pieces in amazement. The picture was slightly different than when Andrew drew it. It was the look Bryan had when Andrew had ripped up the picture, damned Bryan's little smirk. I'm too awake to go back to bed, might as well eat something for breakfast. He headed downstairs wondering what he could eat. He heard a knock at the door and then in strolled Bryan.
You have got to be kidding me!
“I'm hungry,” Bryan said, standing in front of the door.
Andrew sat on the stairs and put his shoes on. Then he picked up his school uniform jacket that was draped over the banister. He grabbed his book bag from its designated spot and hoisted it on his back. Bryan headed out the door; Andrew followed and locked the door behind them. If I don't talk to him maybe he will go away.
“How about McDonalds?” Bryan said. Andrew just gave him a funny look, but instead of rejecting the invitation, he waited in front of the passenger's seat of Bryan's car. He was amazed that Bryan had come to his house.
“Andrew, you summoned me last night, why?” Bryan said throwing the books he had in his passenger seat to the back seat and unlocked Andrew's door. Andrew got in the car.
“You know about the `powers'?
“Yeah, I happen to be a Guardian, yours actually, but I suppose you already know about all the units, right? That would be great if you knew about them it would cut down the teaching part.”
“Yeah I know about the Magicans, Guardians, Demons, Shifters, and Glamours,” Andrew said.
“Good, because it's a bitch trying to explain everything to a newbie.”
“You do know that last night was the first time I was able to use my powers.”
“Yeah I've been monitoring you, but I kept my distance.” Bryan put the key in ignition. “Besides I was forbidden to talk to you until you discovered them. There is quite a bit you still need to learn about your powers and I'm charged with teaching you,” Bryan continued while starting the car and pulling out of Andrew's drive way.
The rest of the car ride to McDonalds was silent. The walk in McDonalds was quiet as well. Andrew was annoyed with the present situation. Why do things have to turn out like this? Andrew thought, while Bryan ordered his breakfast. Andrew ordered his breakfast without looking at Bryan. The two got their food and started walking to a table.
“Stop.” Bryan said, he put his tray on the table to his right. Andrew hardly heard him.
Andrew ran into Bryan and noticed that in front of him was a strange looking man. Actually it wasn't a man at all. He had red skin and red eyes. This thing's eyes weren't only red, they were snake like. The pupil was long, very different than a normal human being. Instead of fingernails he had claws. Nasty sharp yellow claws. They looked like they could infect a person with poison just by getting scratched. Andrew was terrified. He had never seen someone that looked so inhuman, except in a book that his parents showed him every once in a while.
“That's a Demon Lord,” Bryan whispered to Andrew.
“Invisible battle engage. Shards of pain penetrate! Destroy the Great!!” the Demon Lord screamed.
With that statement a circle of white light surrounded the three. The people outside of the circle carried on about their normal routines. A man in a booth continued to read his Wall Street Journal, the couple a few tables down kept making out—how romantic, and the workers continued to spit out orders. This all fascinated Andrew. He went to the edge of the circle and reached out his hand to touch it, but before he could, he felt something fly past his left cheek and hand. Blood ran down his face and into his mouth. He raised his left hand to wipe his face and noticed that his nice clean uniform shirt was ruined.
Andrew was irritated that the Demon had ruined a shirt and flung out his left hand, palm out. Red light surrounded his hand and up his wrist. The light became fire and Andrew launched it at the Demon Lord, hitting him right in the chest.
The Demon Lord didn't seem phased. “Defense! Defense! Lightning bolts penetrate his defenses!” From the circle electricity shot out and licked at Andrew's arms and legs, almost catching his hair on fire before he moved.
“Damn he is stronger than he said he would be.” Bryan said under his breath.
Unsatisfied with his display of-or rather lack of display of-power, Andrew decided to use a word spell like the Demon Lord did. “Dragon Fire, devour him,” Andrew said pointing to the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord shrieked and his flesh started to burn off. The smell that emitted from the Demon Lord almost made Andrew sick. The skin bubbled and puss oozed from it.
The Demon Lord, not too happy with how he was caught off guard snapped to attention. “Regenerate!” cried the Demon Lord through clenched teeth. This really freaked Andrew out—his parents forgot to tell him about that ability. The Demon Lord smirked. “We're gonna have some real fun with this one,” the Demon Lord said, winking at Bryan, before disappearing. The battle circle disappeared. The people around Bryan and Andrew had no idea that a battle had taken place. The only people that were in McDonalds now were Andrew, Bryan, and that couple in the corner that looked like they still needed a room. Needless to say, the couple didn't notice anything strange or even that Andrew and Bryan had disappeared and then reappeared.
Bryan stood in amazement and told Andrew that no one had been able to summon the Dragon Fire in centuries. His eyes were wide; he decided that Andrew had to be a Great like in the stories. Bryan took up his tray that he had set on a table and went to a new table, one that didn't smell like burning demon flesh. As calmly as he could Andrew, told Bryan that he had known about Dragon Fire for quite a few years. His parents told him about it a long time ago. Andrew was still convinced that he was just a regular fighter unit rather than a Great, considering Greats normally show potential when they are children, Andrew happened to be a senior in high school.
Bryan stopped and looked at Andrew. Andrew felt like Bryan was reading his soul. Bryan then took a huge bite of his sausage biscuit.
Andrew just sat there. His breakfast untouched, he had lost his appetite. Why am I like this?
“Looks like we should be heading to school,” Bryan said glancing at his watch, taking a rather large gulp of his orange juice, and changing the subject. He picked up his tray and took it to the trashcan. Andrew followed him with his food still untouched. They left McDonalds and got in Bryan's car. Andrew was still trying to process what he had seen and done.
Bryan's cell phone rang just as he was doing the last turn to get to school.
“Yeah, I remember, I'll do it tonight,” Bryan said into the receiver before hanging up, “We have two options. We can stay or we can play hooky.”
Andrew gave Bryan a look that said he really did not want to go to school, so Bryan handed him the cell phone and told him to call the school and excuse them both. Andrew called first for Bryan, using a higher pitched voice than he was used to, to try to sound like Bryan's mom. Then Andrew called again, this time for himself. He decided against using a girly voice this time, it was too hard to do without laughing. Bryan was already trying to drive without crashing into something, he was laughing so hard he had tears.
“That's done, so now where to?” Bryan asked wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve.
“How about someplace we can talk about all this.”
Bryan suggested that they go to his house because it was quiet there. About halfway to Bryan's house the car jerked forward in an odd fashion. Andrew looked at Bryan and found a surprised look on his face and then looked behind him and found that a car had just rear ended them.
Bryan hit the steering wheel and stepped out of the car to get the guy's information. The man was wearing a black trench coat and it looked like he was wearing red gloves. He also had a wide brim hat on.
“You have six hours and 23 minutes left. You waste too much time, Shifter,” the man that rear ended them said.
“I told you I will get the job done. Trust me, my Lord.” Bryan said acting like he was getting the information he needed. Andrew couldn't hear the conversation because the windows were up and the music was a little too loud. He strained to hear, but not too hard. There was a good song on the radio.
“That's what you told us the last time you had a job. Did you fall in love with this one too?”
“That was different, that other one took over,” Bryan snapped.
The Demon Lord waved off the comment before he crawled back into his vehicle and drove away.
“Man that sucks doesn't it?” Andrew said when Bryan got back in the car.
“Yeah, we skip class, get hit, and then he doesn't have any insurance,” Bryan said to Andrew, as he buckled himself back into the car.
Bryan pulled into the driveway, parked the car and got out. Andrew jumped back, kind of freaked out. He just thought about fixing the car and it already started to fix itself.
Bryan's house was huge. It really impressed Andrew. The front double doors of the house were beautiful decorative stained glass. He just wanted to stand in front of it and draw a simple copy of it. The four pillars standing before the door invoked awe in Andrew also. The design from a distance seemed just plain stripes wrapping to the top. But up close he could tell that there were figures in the stripes. They looked like fairies, devils, and witches in stories that adults used to scare kids. Andrew ran his hand on a pillar and found it rougher than he thought it would be.
“You coming?” Bryan said unlocking the double doors. Beyond the doors was a foyer and another set of doors. He unlocked these doors as well. Andrew followed Bryan past three rooms, and down a flight of stairs to the basement. Bryan walked over and plopped down in the big forest green lazy boy easy chair, one leg hanging over an arm and turned on the TV.
Andrew was annoyed by Bryan's actions. He strolled in front of the TV; his arms were crossed and he demanded the information that he wanted. Bryan, also irritated asked Andrew what he already knew about the different factions. Andrew started to explain that the most deadly were Shifters. Shifters could change into anything they wanted. They could also copy attacks someone sent at them. The only way to defeat Shifters is to destroy their heart. Andrew continued his explanation as Bryan got up to get sodas from the dorm size refrigerator in the corner. Bryan had to crouch down to get to the sodas because the refrigerator was on the floor. He opened it and grabbed two cans. He dipped the top of one in the dish of powder that was in the refrigerator and then wiped it off, and he passed it to Andrew who continued on. Discussing the units Andrew described that the next deadly enemy, the Glamour. Glamours were so named because they are obsessed with beauty, or glamour. They were almost the same as Shifters, but Glamours could not change into just anything. They could only change some aspect of themselves. Like eye color or hair color something like that. They couldn't copy the attack of the other fighter, but reflect it back to him. They could summon familiars that weren't necessarily the black cat that witches had. After that long description Andrew opened the soda Bryan had passed to him and took a nice long drink. Andrew again went on his trail of knowledge to prove that his parents had indeed taught him vital things. Andrew continued with the third most deadly which were the Demons. Demons ran in tribes. It was pretty simple to destroy a tribe, you just have to kill the Lord of the tribe, but of course the Lord didn't run alone he had his Protectors. Andrew stopped to take another drink, and then he continued on about Demons. Most of the time Demons hired others to do the dirty work to kill their enemies.
Bryan was impressed by what Andrew knew about the factions. Andrew explained that his parents had taught him everything he knew, then his eyes closed and he fell to the floor.
After Bryan checked to make sure Andrew was out, he motioned for the hidden Demon Lord to come out of hiding. The Demon Lord told Bryan to tie Andrew up and that he was disappointed in the time it took to knock him out with the powder. Three of the Demon Lord's goonies revealed themselves from their hiding places after determining that it was okay.
“This is interesting, he already knows how to kill me,” Bryan said,
“They were right, you are a little kinky, I like that,” the Demon lord said.
Bryan nodded his head, and changed into his natural form. His white wings grew; he couldn't spread them out because the basement was too small. The house may be huge, but the basement was tiny. His hair grew from the short blond cut that was required for the private boys' high school to the shoulder length black hair that he was comfortable with. His copied green eyes turned to his normal purple. His voice deepened a couple of notches. It felt good to be back in his natural form, “Bryan” was an uncomfortable form, and his voice wasn't very easy to use, Shifter rubbed his throat.
“What is going on?!” Andrew panicked when he woke up, “Where is Bryan?”
Shifter moved close to Andrew so that Andrew could see his true form.
“Bryan is dead; he's been dead since the first of the school year.”
Andrew's eyes grew wide. “What happened? What is going on? I don't understand.”
Shifter changed back into “Bryan's” form. “I am a Shifter. I was hired by the Demon Lord over there to take you out. You know why? You're a Great. You are a threat to my friends the Demons.”
The Demon Lord smiled at Andrew. “You are destined to take out my Demon tribe, I can't let that happen. Shifter, finish your job.”
Shifter informed Andrew that he was a Great as well and engaged the battle system. The white circle of light that outlined the battle arena manifested before the six. Andrew's bindings were released. He stood up and staggered over to the middle of the battle arena. He had the need to touch the barrier again but restrained himself. The Demon Lord hung to the side, his henchmen surrounding him; he didn't want to get dirty. His claws were a bitch to clean out, that's the main reason he called upon Shifter.
Andrew stood there thinking about what he could possibly do. It was five against one and he didn't like the odds. Hopefully Shifter wasn't too strong, and hopefully he doesn't use too many word spells, Andrew likes hands on rather than spells. Andrew manifested a sword. He grabbed it and charged at Shifter.
Before Andrew even got halfway to his enemy, Shifter raised his hand, palm facing Andrew and shouted, “Freeze!” Andrew couldn't move and he found himself floating three feet in the air. Instead of freaking out, Andrew said “Release!” and fell to his knees, dropping the sword in the process. He cut his hand on the blade, but that gave him an idea. While Shifter received praise from the Demon Lord, Andrew rubbed his hands together smearing blood to his other hand. He cupped his hands and blew in them. At once a blood red ball of light developed in his cupped hands. The ball started to grow, but then Shifter fired out another spell. It knocked Andrew to his back and pushed all the air out of his lungs. Gasping for breath he got to his feet as well as he could holding his ball of light. His hand was still bleeding which gave fuel to the energy ball. He was having a hard time breathing, he thought a rib was broken. Gaining as much composure as possible before the next attack, Andrew whispered to his light ball. The thing shimmered for a second in his hand and then shot toward Shifter who was again getting praise.
Like a yo-yo is attached to a string, the ball of energy was connected to Andrew. The light hit Shifter between the eyes and slowly melted down his face. The energy wrapped around his head, it threatened to suffocate him. Shifter smirked then made a funny face. He grabbed at his mouth, yet he didn't feel what obstructed his breathing. Then a different convulsion racked his body. Not now, don't come out now! Damn you Bryan, Shifter thought to himself. His wings began to grow out again, his back arched.
“I will dominate you, Bryan!” Shifter cried to what seemed like him self.
“You told me you got rid of your second half after the incident with the last mission,” the Demon Lord fumed, irritated at Shifter.
Andrew was confused and wondered what was happening. He looked at Shifter and then the Demon Lord trying to comprehend what was happening to Shifter.
The Demon Lord stood there and laughed.
“Your family neglected to tell you at least some things vital to your survival. Shifters have two forms and two personalities. His just happens to be Shifter and your love Bryan. It is like Shifters are actually two people. If they get rid of one half, which is extremely hard to do, they lose power,” The Demon Lord said, rubbing his hands together. “Is that why you didn't remove the pest, Shifter? You didn't want to lose the power he gave you?”
The Demon Lord took a breath and stepped closer to Shifter in the battle arena, his goonies staying back against the barrier of the circle.
“In Shifter's case he happens to be just a plain normal Shifter; whereas, his other half—Bryan-is a Magican. Shifter can tap into Bryan's powers as long as he keeps Bryan contained.”
The Demon Lord continued his story as he placed a hand on Shifter's shoulder; Shifter was still trying to compete with Bryan over control of one body and breath at the same time. He was completely oblivious to what the Demon Lord was doing. The Demon Lord reached for the sword that Andrew had so carelessly dropped and forgot about, raised it and hacked off Shifter's wings. The blood spattered white wings fell to the floor. Shifter howled in pain, not only because of losing his wings, but also the pain of trying to control his body, and the feeling of lost love.
The sword still had traces of Andrew's blood on it. Which just amplified the pain; it was full of hate for Shifter, and extreme love for Bryan. Suddenly Bryan emerged as a second person from Shifter's body.
“What?! That Is Impossible! The second part of a Shifter can not just come out of the body,” the Demon Lord roared, ready to fight Bryan. Shifter fell to the ground, he was clutching his back where his wings use to be, where Bryan seemed to appear from.
“You worthless worm,” the Demon Lord said as he slammed his already blood stained sword into Shifter's back, piercing his heart. Shifter laid there, eyes wide open, mouth gaping. He was alive, but just barely.
“You just destroyed your own assassin,” Bryan said to the Demon Lord as he walked over to Andrew who was stunned silent from the start of Shifter's convulsions. He placed a hand on Andrew's cheek and whispered his love in his ear.
“Ahh, how touching, two fagots professing their love for each other. Now to destroy two Greats in one battle.”
Hands entwined, Andrew's and Bryan's thoughts were the same and they tapped into each other's powers. They demanded the death of the Demon Lord and the death of his tribe. With this wish the Demon Lord and his three henchmen fell to the ground, blood coming out of their noses, mouths, ears, and tear ducts. Around them Andrew and Bryan could hear the screams of other Demons dying in the upper rooms. The Battle Arena disappeared. Andrew fell to his knees. He survived the day. Bryan knelt down beside Andrew and took his face in his hands. “You did very well.”
“You were with me. I never thought you shared the same feelings as me,” Andrew said moving his face from Bryan's hands.
Bryan laughed at that statement and stood back up, Andrew followed suit. “Andrew, we go to an all boys' school. Don't you think there is an unusual amount of homosexual activity?” Bryan said and laughed. “I'm just kidding.” They both laughed at that. “But I had to keep a low profile so I had a girlfriend. We really were forbidden to talk to you about your destiny until you discovered it. I was the one in control until the first of the year, and then Shifter got the Demons involved. They did some kind of ritual to keep me locked up in my body and allow Shifter to take over,” Bryan sighed. “You noticed the doors when you came in right? Well, the design is suppose to weaken Greats; I guess it doesn't work does it?” Bryan smirked at the thought of something so simple weakening the strength of Greats.
“So that's what it was. I just thought it was really pretty stained glass,” Andrew said scratching the back of his head, he was embarrassed.
“Wow, there really is a lot you need to learn,” Bryan said.
“You seem full of yourself,” Andrew said as he launched himself at Bryan. He put both arms around Bryan's neck and gave him a kiss. This surprised Bryan to no end, even after all that had happened he didn't think Andrew would do something so major.
“We should get out of here, I think I hear the police coming,” Bryan said when the kiss was over. “I'm gonna have to show you all the neat things we Greats can do. We should go to my real house for awhile; we have A LOT to talk about.”