Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Mind ❯ So it begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Disclaimer: The characters and plot unfolded in future chapters are all original creations of iheartcheckers.
Rating for this chapter is PG for language. R&R please.

Pain escalates through my spinal column as my back is rammed into the locker door, and I close my eyes.
Only the first day of school and already my face is about to become someones punching bag.
Strong hands close around the collar of my sweater, and I'm lifted so that the person who holds me can look me in the eyes.
The tips of my toes brush helplessly against the floor, my worn sneakers barely skimming the waxed surface.

"You better watch yourself, sweetheart."

The voice is low, and it sounds rather pissed off.
My fingers are scrabbling at the hands that I now realize belong to a rather large, rather angry looking male.
His grip tightens on my sweater, and he gives me a good shake. My head lolls and I try to push him back but my utter lack of muscle prevents the desired effect.

People have gathered round us, and they observe the scene with a calmness that probably would have disturbed me had I been among them.
But I'm not, and I have no time to think about that right now.

His breathe is warm, and smells like the toothe-paste he'd used this morning.
He's talking to me, no doubt. I see his lips moving but naturally, I don't hear anything. I only feel.
I feel the pounding of the blood in my ears, and the burn of my cheeks. I'll bet I look like a goddamn tomato.

So he continues to shake me, and as my body goes numb, I can hear some sort of annoying whine.
It's possibley the colorful stream of words he's letting loose, and I wince as his spittle lands on my face.
Surpressing a groan of disgust, I writhe in his grasp a moment or two before he releases his hold on my front.
And do I remain standing? No. My knees buckel and I fall to them, landing at his feet.

The snicker that ripples through the on-lookers, I tell myself, is because the principle is currently giving this 'Todd Jacobs' a firm talking-too.
Not the fact that I'm a huge wuss who is incapable of standing up.

"And you."
I lift my head to see an accusing look in the principles eyes, as he points to me.
"Stand up."
Getting to my feet, I brush the dust off of my jeans and force my knees to stop quivering.
"What do you think you're doing here, young lady?" He booms in this large, unfriendly voice.
"Causing a disturbance, and on the first day no less!"

It's hard to miss the snickers now, because they've developed into rude laughter, and I can see from my peripheral vision that some are even smirking.
Boy, don't I feel like a dumbass.
Especially since this is the fourth time I've been mistaken for a girl today.

"Uhm..sir," I say, cursing myself afterwards. I had meant for it to come out louder. Not a measly mumble, which is something I do alot.

"What?" He snaps, as he comes closer. He wraps his fat, beefy hand around my upper arm and turns, jerking me with him, to go down the hall.
My feet seem unwilling to listen to me, as I force myself to keep the fast pace the principle has issued.
"You-- you have me mistaken. I'm not a gi--"
My poorly-structured sentence is cut off as he swings to the left, and pulling me with him, barges through the doors that lead into the office.

"Ms.Saunders?" He calls in this cheesey voice as we stomp past the secretary's desk, "Can you please tell George he'll have to wait a few minutes? I have a student I need to speak to."
I briefly wonder who George is before I find myself pushed through a door and forced into a hard, plastic and rather bloody uncomfortable chair.
You know those cheap ones they made you sit in in Elementary? The crappy metal legs, and the cracked plastic seating and all.

"You do realize that the young man you were causing trouble with, was Todd Jacobs?" he says to me, as he begins to pace his cramped office.
My eyes wander, and I look at some of the stupid-looking photo's he has posted on his walls. Several are about promoting anti-racism, and others are just the usual crap; 'An educated mind is a healthy mind'.

"I'm talking to you, young lady. I advise you not to start the year off this way, otherwise there will be problems in the future. I can assure you."
Turning my gaze back to him, I feel a cool indifference engulf my body. I think, So what? Does it matter? Does any of this matter?
I'm only here to stay out of my dads way. The drunken asshole got laid off again and my home is a safe haven no-longer.

"What is your first class?" he asks me, when it becomes apparent that I have no intention of listening to his long, most likely boring lecture.
This catches my attention, since I did not attend orientation and have no freaking clue where I'm going. Leaning forward, I fish out my schedual from my back pocket, and unfold the crumpled peice of paper.
"Gym," I reply, looking down at my schedual. Gym first thing, every morning? What a shitty schedual.

"I'll escort you to your class, then, since you're already late."
And who's fault is that, I wonder?
I didn't mean to ram into this "Todd Jacobs". I was shoved by one of the upper classman on my way to home-room, and had ended up knocking all of his school supplies to the floor.

The halls are pretty vacant now, and I adjust my bag on my shoulders, before fixing my gaze onto the broad-shouldered back of my principle.
We walk for several moments before stopping at a large entrance that boasts a rather large set of doors.
"Here you are," he says, turning towards me. "I expect you to behave yourself, young lady."

Running a hand through my hair, I brace myself as he leaves my line of vision, before taking a step towards the doors.
A sudden urge to skip this class overwhelms me, and I almost give in.
Thats another thing about me. I don't have alot of will power.

But for some unfathomable reason, I find myself pushing the door open, and stepping inside the gym.
It's rather large, surprisingly, and I look around before my eyes settle on the large group of males that have clustered round the bleachers, and are currently listening to the Gym instructor speak.

The door slams loudly behind me, and the teacher stops talking. Turning to face me, he blinks and even though we're on opposite ends of the gym, I can register surprise in his eyes.

Just as I'm about to start forward, I hear somebody yell, "Dude, this is an all guys class!"