Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ World's Worst Pokegirl Stories ❯ Ocean Voyage Aftermath ( Chapter 3 )
Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirls and Pokèwomen come from the Pokewomon Forum at http://disc.server.com/Indices/169881.html.
"Wild Horses and Pokègirls" is the creation of Metroanime.
C&C, MSTs are welcome E-mail: kelvins.choice@comcast.net or kelvins.choice@att.net
Challenge Story
They ran out of the forest and along the beach. Gilforn glanced over his shoulder as the laughing, cackling Jokette bounced along behind them, the mad Pokegirl who had so rudely interrupted their search for the rest of Gilforn's Harem, and somehow managed to laugh in four-part harmony. Her laughter was the most terrible part of the pursuit, that and the wind was changing.
"Mau - Mauwani! You - had to - have a sea cruise!" he gasped, reminding his Water Maiden Alpha of her part in this disaster.
"Master, you know I love and worship the ground you walk on," she cooed as she ran, then screamed, "But shut up and run!"
A figure in rags and a stovepipe hat leapt out of the brush in front of them and waved a wooden sword. "Tiver she mimbers - Miver te shimbers - Timber me shivers - Arrr! I be - !" He turned his hat around to display the hat's skull-and-crossed-bones hatband. "Shiver - Arrr! I be Cap'n Moragàin, dread commander and commandeerer of buccaneers, and the salty scallywag who doomed yer ship so's me vile crew could plunder y'all! Arr!"
"Buc - can - can - eers," Gilforn stood gasping, hoping beyond hope that they could let this nut deal with the Jokette, who was rapidly catching up with them. He almost hated to ask, "Where - are - these - Buccan - ears?"
The weather-beaten pirate stood tall. "Under my Buccin hat," Moragàin proudly informed them.
Before Gilforn and Mauwani could groan, the hat rose, displaying a dozen, tiny Pokègirls with eye patches. They menacingly brandished their miniature swords and fiercely shouted "ARRR!!"
There was a gurgle from behind as the Jokette passed on.