Other Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ On the run ❯ Shanty ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well let me tell you, this is a first. Here we are at the Train station in Dublin, Ireland and there just so happens to be two free tickets lying near my feet. This was a quiet welcome relief, seeing as how I no longer have any money, and the reason why is quiet ridiculous and yet makes me want to kill a certain someone even more.
I absolutely abhor him. For all ya'll that are looking at me like I don't speak English, I'll dumb it down for you. I hate him at the moment. Well after we, meaning him and his laughing ass, finally got moving and made it at least a mile away from our hideout an oh-so-wonderful-and-kind farmer, note the sarcasm, drove by and agreed to give us a lift. Yet some how Kyle seemed not to register the fact that there was only on way we would be riding, so he immediately accepted ignoring my death-don't-you-dare stare. Why, you ask, are the details of our ride to the train station important?
Oh goody my favorite part. We sat in back with the chickens!!!! Like Kyle wasn't enough. Oh No! I had to be surrounded by his brethren as well. But then again watching the chickens, with their high pitched cluck and what not, swarm around Kyle (avoiding me like the plague I might add. Gees I never knew they didn't like vampires so much) I now had an excuse as to the chicken throwing 101 incident.
So we were sitting in the bed of the truck, and it was one of those kinds of beds that are almost entirely made of wood….seriously the kind that make ya think- Am I going to die? Well anyways we were sitting there and over the noise of the chickens I hear the old yell out the window at us, inquiring as to where we would like to be dropped of seeing as how he was only going as far a Dublin. Which if you haven't noticed, that is our destination.
After yelling out to the driver were we would like to be dropped off, we sat the rest of the rickety, jumbling ride in silence. Now I know what ya'll are thinking. Just why in the hell are you telling us about your crappy chicken infested ride to Dublin? Well there is a very good reason.
That fucking old bastard pulled a pistol on us and freaking took all our money. Oh shut up I know what you're thinking `God Charlie you're a vampire aren't ya! So what the hell!' Honestly I don't know.
All I know is the next thing I knew both Kyle and me were standing there at the Train station watching the old coot drive away at ungodly speeds.
I immediately turned my gaze towards Kyle, not once did he twitch whilst I glared at him. Finally I sighed knowing this was going to get us no where.
“Kyle?” I said in a monotone voice turning my head back again to look at him, “Just how are we going to pay for the train tickets let alone the plane tickets!”
I tried to keep my voice steady but I couldn't help but raise the volume, if only just to relish the blank and wide eyed look on his face. To play up the dramatics I stormed off not giving him a chance to answer.
My swift footsteps echoed off the cragged rocks that the old Heuston station jutted out from. Below I could hear the slosh of waves lapping at the rocks. I stopped at a small, out jutting terrace. I was surrounded by Tea Roses and the sea looked magnificent. I could just see it past the emptying point of the Liffey River. In the distance I could make out the looming figure of St. Patrick's tower, green against the sky.
A sea shanty came to mind and I let it loose through my mouth.
It was Friday morn when we set sail,
And we were not far from the land
When our Captain he spied a mermaid so fair
With a comb and a glass in her hand.
My voice rose and fell in a way it had not done in a long time and my thoughts drifted away to the day when I was taught this particular shanty.
And the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds do blow
And we poor sailors go skippin' at the top
While the landlubbers lie down below!
Then up spoke the captain of our gallant ship
And a fine old man was he!
"This sweet mermaid has warned us of our doom;
We shall sink to the bottom of the sea!"
And the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds do blow
And we poor sailors go skippin' at the top
While the landlubbers lie down below!
Then up spoke the mate of our gallant ship,
And a fine spoken man was he!
Said "I have a wife in Brooklyn by the sea,
And tonight a widow she will be!"
And the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds do blow
And we poor sa-li-ors go skippin' at the top
While the landlubbers lie down below!
Then up spoke the cabin-boy of our gallant ship,
And a brave young lad was he!
Said "I have a sweetheart in Salem by the sea,
And tonight she'll be weepin' there for me!"
And the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds do blow
And we poor sailors go skippin' at the top
While the landlubbers lie down below!
Then up spoke the cook of our gallant ship,
And a crazy old butcher was he!
Said "I care much more for my pots and my pans
Than I do for the bottom of the sea!"
And the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds do blow
And we poor sailors go skippin' at the top
While the landlubbers lie down below!
Then three times round spun our gallant ship,
And three times round spun she;
Three times round spun our gallant ship,
And she sank to the bottom of the sea!
And the ocean waves do roll
And the stormy winds do blow
And we poor sailors go skippin' at the top
While the landlubbers lie down below!
“That's a very nice shanty there mate.”