Other Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Ryujin & Suzaku-The Chronicals of the Twins: Rebirth of a Hero ❯ Rebirth ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I’ve always thought death would be painful, I yet I felt none as my life drained out of my body. Suzaku chose the simplest painless way to kill me.
By stopping my heart completely, no heart attack, simply one moment it was beating, the next nothing.
I could feel myself slowly make its way from my body. It was like being born, only backwards. Slowly making my way out of my body, I stood there looking down at myself. Suzaku incinerated the remains and picked up her body.
“Can you hear me Suzaku?” I asked
“Yeah, where you at”
“Right beside you, I want you to take my weapons and bury them at grandpa’s farm in the barn. Can you do that?” I asked
“Right, can do, see ya around. Till then” He smiled
With one last look at Suzaku, Pinky and my parent’s house, I ascended.
“Finally, I get to discover the truth.” I thought
Traveling towards the afterlife, I would know what the truth was to all the religious crap. I soon realized that I was in fact not traveling upward, but forward, towards the east.
Faster and faster I moved, until my surroundings became a blur.

Occasionally I’d catch something far up ahead and try to make it out. Flying past the statue of Liberty and making my way across the Atlantic Ocean, it was like a high-speed roller-coaster.
Except the ride wasn’t very enjoyable. There was no fright of falling or a crash.
Not what even seemed like five minuets and I reached land. Still the continual rush, flying over green fields and passing buildings, then everything began to slow down. Up ahead I could see a bunch of monolith stones.
“Ohh my god…or should I say gods” I screamed
I came to rest at none other than Stonehenge itself.
I touched down outside the circle of standing stones, yet I couldn’t feel the grass beneath my feet or the wind on my face.
Stepping into the circle, twenty-five cloaked figures appeared in the center of the sanctuary and I could once again feel the breeze and firm earth beneath my soles.
“A sacred space for the souls” I thought to myself

Cautiously I approached the cloaked individuals, and one turned and slowly stretched forth its hand.
I noticed the hand was not skin toned at all but a dull white, like paper.
“Come forth BloodOak Oak, child of Earth (For those of you who don’t know, I’m a Druid and BloodOak Oak is my Druidic name).” the figure said in a whispery voice
Taking the figure’s hand, I was led into the circle of figures.
“Do you know who we are and why we are here?” a deep voice asked
“Well, I’m thinking you’re here to lead me to the afterlife, but as far as who you all are I’m still trying to figure that one out.” I admitted
“Have you any ideas?” a cold voice asked
“Umm, no not really, let’s see there are twenty-five of you and I’m guessing it’s Celtic in some sort of way…soo give me a minuet here.” I requested
“Ohh ho, I’ll give you a hint, together we represent a bag.” A cheery voice said
“Celtic, twenty-five, a bag…hold on let me think.”
Looking around desperately, for some form of a clue or something to help me out I happened to glance at upon some oghams chiseled in to one of the standing stones. Suddenly an epiphany came to me.
“Ohh…wow, are you serious …wow.” I laughed
“What is soo…humorous young BloodOak Oak?” the pale-handed figure asked
“A bag, a crane bag, you’re the twenty fews and the five forfedha.
The oghams” I smiled
“Indeed, for I am Beith, the most silver skinned.” Beith, the pale hand answered
“Yeah, pale skin and Birch, I get it now, wow… this is such an honor, to be greeted by the living oghams. Wow, just wow.” I said ecstatically
“And I am Luis, friend of the cattle.” A gray-skinned man said as he pulled back his hood
One by one, the oghams in turn introduced themselves.

“And I am Duir, the most highest of bushes and I especially greet you,
O’ BloodOak Oak, for you honor me by choosing my tree as your name,” Duir said boldly
“The honor is all mine.” I gasped
The on it went until Mór.
“We send thee now O’ BloodOak Oak, child of Earth to our fathers and our father’s fathers. Join now with the Sidhe and the Tuatha.” Duir said proudly  
Something at that moment stirred within me and I walked forth, first up to Beith, kneeled, and kissed his feet.
I continued to do this with every ogham, ending with Mór, the sea.
I rose and bowed, and in turn, they bowed back.
Stepping into the center of the circle, I climbed upon the center stone and was transported away.
In a flash of light, I was gone, one moment I’m seeing the living oghams the next I’m in some sort of a grand hall.
There was much commotion and talking going on and everywhere I looked people were eating, drinking, and singing, enjoying some kind of festivity.
Looking around, I tried to find someone in charge, I was sure where I was, but I had to be sure.

Walking up to a muscular man in a kilt who was in the middle of talking to a couple of his friends, I tapped him on the shoulder.
“Soo, there I was and…can I help you?” the man asked
“Umm, yeah...I’m not quite sure but am I in the Otherworld?” I asked hesitantly
“Well lad, what gave you the first clue?” the man laughed
“I’m dead for starters and I just got done talking to a living alphabet.” I chuckled
“Living alphabet yeh says, that wouldn’t happen to be ‘Ol Manannan’s oghams would it,” he asked
“The same, I’m Ryujin O’Connor; umm BloodOak Oak is my chosen name.” I said stretching forth my hand
“BloodOak, BloodOak, where have I heard that name before…oh yeah you’re that guy that called on me all the time.” He said brightly
“Umm, I know not who you are; I call on very few spirits and deities.”
“Well, I’m one of them.” He said jabbing a thumb at his chest
“Wait a moment, blond hair, muscular; fair skinned…you wouldn’t happen to have a spear per chance would you…a very special one?” I asked quizzically
“Aye, I do”
“Holy crap, Lugh, Lord Lugh Samildanach,” I yelled aloud
“Shh kid, keep it down. Please just call me Lugh, no Lord Lugh, or Samildanach business all right. Although I did love it when you’d refer to me as
Big bubby Lugh, it was cute and endearing.” The lord of light said with a laugh
“Soo, what exactly am I supposed to do, I mean now that I’m dead and all. I only have till the 17th of October till I’m to be reborn?” I asked
“Ah yes, you and that little scheme you created. A good one at that, albeit cheatingly soo, you have managed to pull it off so far thus. Giving yourself a second chance at life, to make it better and protect those most close to you.”
“Yeah, I’m trying to make it a better one this time around.” I replied
“Yeah I know, anyways what you do in the meantime is simple, eat, drink and be merry. It’s an eternal party, a feast forever. Enjoy the mead, enjoy the women, and mind you be respectful of them.” Lugh said
 “Yeah, I understand, do you think you could point me in the direction of Mother?” I asked
“Danu, if I’m not mistaken.”
“Yes Danu, I’d like to speak with her.” I said
“Over there, with The Dagda and Angus.” Said Lugh pointing to a table across the way
Walking over to the table Lugh had indicated at, I spotted a lovely woman who only could be Mother Danu, turning in her seat.
She was clothed in a sea-green tunic and a kilt of greens and browns, her hair was black as pitch, long and wavy reminding me of the ocean.
“Can I help you my child?” she spoke softly and calmly
“Uhh…yes, I was wishing to speak with you Mother.” I replied and bowed
“I know, come, and join us won’t you?”
The Dagda, sliding over, patted the seat next to him. Sitting down, a million thoughts entered my mind.
“Soo, tell us what you want.” Danu said, looking at me with a smile
“Umm…Ahh…that is…it’s such an honor to meet you all. I mean wow!
The Dagda, Angus mac Og, Danu, it’s a dream come true.” I blurted
“Looks like we have ourselves a fan” Dagda chuckled
“Oh yes, absolutely, I adore you guys, absolutely”
“Well, thank you” Danu said politely
“My other thing was this, what exactly is the truth to it all, the religion deal and everything?” I asked
“Ahh, a wise, yet common question, I believe you had it nailed in your previous life. A soul or spirit is destined to go to its host’s afterlife. Soo, if you’re a Christian you go to Heaven or Hell, and if you’re a pagan then some form of the Otherworld.” Danu explained
“And the World and its creation” I asked
“Formed by all the primordial deities,” she replied
"Well I guess it makes sense at least." I smiled
"Is there anything else?" Angus asked
"Uhh...yeah two things in fact, one how can I talk to other deities from other pantheons, and two I wanna speak with you about Clarice Fergusen."
"Well all deities all welcome here, if you wish to go to them all you must do is go through that front door there and think about where it is you wanna go to. As for Clarice, I'm guessing that you want to meet her again?" Angus asked
"Yes, I loved her, while only for a brief while, and I still love her, and I'd like to be able to see her again when I return." I said
"Ohh I understand, very well I will arrange for the two of you to meet, but don't expect everything to just be given to you." He said
"Ohh I know, I will earn her heart, and love can never come easy."
Getting up, I excused myself and made my way through the Hall.
Recognizing several faces, I greeted them with a polite "Hello".
Making my way to the door, I heard my name called out.
"BloodOak, where do you think you're going?" I heard a voice from behind me
Turning around were two of the most beautiful women, I'd ever laid my eyes on. One was clothed in a white dress with elaborate designing at the neck and sleeves, embroidered with red stitching throughout. Her hair was that of fine-spun gold and was in a single plait.
The other was a strikingly tall woman with long, wild dark hair and eyes to match. She had Celtic swirl markings along her arms and legs, and wore a tunic and kilt of black with dark purple stitching throughout, along with images of ravens and crows.
"Pardon me ladies; I was just leaving to go to Olympia." I said with a bow
"Without saying hello to us," the dark one asked
"I didn't realize I was to say hello to either of you." I replied baffled
"Do you know who we are?" the golden one asked
"Oh of course I do, I was only yanking your chain." I smiled
"Yanking my what?" The Morrigan, the dark haired one asked
"Your chain, pulling your leg, joking" I laughed
"Well you have some nerve, to mock The Morrigan." She smiled
"And you Brigid, hello to you as well" I turned to the one in white
"Hello dear, really though, to walk out without saying hello" said Brigid
"It was only a joke, besides how can I not say hello to the two of you?"
"Soo, you say you're off to Olympia, may I ask what for?" The Morrigan asked
"Of course, I was merely going there to say hello to a few gods and goddesses." I said lightly
"Huh…well okay, just curious." She replied
"I thought you were all powerful and could read people's thoughts."
"Yes my child, people, not spirits. You're dead soo; no we can't read your thoughts." Brigid explained
"Ohh, well anyways, I'll be off now. When I'm reincarnated I'll be sure to remember the two of you and honor you both."
"Most appreciated my child," Brigid said
"Well, I must go for now, I'm sure I'll see you again."
Turning around, I walked toward the double doors of the Hall, paused a moment and thought of Mt. Olympus. Opening the doors, I stepped through.
White mists swirled all about me and I was literally standing on clouds.
All around me were clouds and blue skies above, the golden sun shinning brightly.
Up ahead was a brilliant and immaculately made set of golden gates, no doubt made by Hephaestus himself. Approaching the gates, I searched for a way to enter.
Looking around I saw no knocker (why there would be one I don't know) and I know there wasn't an intercom (Ancient Greek everybody!).
Seeing no way in, I began hollering.
"Hello, anyone there, anybody?" I yelled
Silence followed and it was a bit eerie with my echo reverberating off some unknown surface.
"Hermes, shouldn't you be the gate-man or something? Hello, anybody" I yelled again
No sooner had I uttered the god of messengers' name did I see a flash of white and gold far off in the distance. Before I could finish my sentence there stood thee Hermes himself in a white toga and winged sandals upon his feet and a wide brimmed straw hat.
"Yeah, ya said my name, what can I do for ya?" he asked
"Umm…yeah, I was hoping o be able to talk to a goddess or two, what with me being dead and all." I explained
"Okay here's how it goes, you're dead, and you're not in Hades realm, which is where all the dead go. Soo, why ain't you there…hmm?" Hermes asked cocking an eyebrow
"Maybe it's because I'm not a follower of the Olympic pantheon, I'm Gaelic, as in Danu, and The Dagda." I answered
"Well then why do you want to talk to a Greek Goddess?"
"Well, maybe I love you all as well." I said raising my voice
"Well, how do I know you won't try taking over Mt. Olympus…hmm?"
"Ares, Aphrodite, Eros, Anteros, Hades, Athena, may I speak with you please. This is Dragonwolf Storm (my name to the Greek deities) also known as BloodOak!" I shouted
In a brilliant flash of light, the six deities I yelled for exploded into view next to me.
"What do you want my child?" Athena asked
"I was trying to get inside to talk to you. Yet our beloved Hermes, although doing his job, wouldn't let me in. He thinks I might take over." I said
"How absurd, I know young BloodOak here would never attempt a coupe on
Mount Olympus. It's a shame the boy's no longer a Druid and not a Greek, would have been a blast to have him down there with me." Hades said
"Ohh, it would have been an honor to entertained you, O' Lord of the dead." I said bowing my head
"Anyways, let him and us in, he wants to talk, soo let him talk, in comfort." Ares said
"Okay, I'm only doing my job." Hermes mumbled
Watching the gates open before me, I walked past and entered the famed paradise and its palace of clouds.
Walking along the gold paved walkway to the palace, I was in complete awe and amazement at the absolute beauty of Olympus. I felt at peace within myself, nothing like the Great Hall of my ancestors (though I wouldn't trade anything for the Great Hall of the Otherworld).
Soon, I reached the Grand Palace, home of the Olympian deities and realm of Zeus and Hera.
Entering the main hall Athena stopped and asked, "Soo, what did you want with me my dear?"
"Ohh, I merely wanted to say how much I adore all of you and ask possibly for a blessing as I travel on to my next life." I stated

"Ahh, I see, well then, O' Dragonwolf Storm of the Oaken Blood, I will bless you with wisdom and courage in your next life." Athena said as she bent and kissed me lightly on my brow
"Thank you Lady Athena" I said as I returned the kiss to the backs of her hands
I watched Athena wander off, most likely to invent some new thing of contemplate some idea of hers or else strategize for a battle.  
Hades asked as I watched Athena walk away, "Son, what is it you wish of me? I need to return to the Underworld, this place is not for me, and I must maintain order down below, lest some spirit get sideways and attempt something ridiculous."
"Ohh, Lord Hades, I ask nothing of you, I just have an interest in the dead and death itself. I called only to meet you.”
“Very well, I shall now take my leave.” Hades said turning around
Walking through the palace, Ares, Aphrodite, and her sons Anteros and Eros, along with myself enjoyed each others company (Well I enjoyed there’s), soon we reached  a door that lead to the heavenly gardens. Walking amongst the flowers and the trees (all which bore pure white fruit), I finally stopped and sat upon a stone bench inlaid with gold and silver.
“Finally, we stop” mumbled Ares
“I only wanted a nice place to sit, that’s all.” I said politely
 “And what is it that you want from us?” asked Aphrodite
“Well, from Lord Ares, I only ask for aid in warfare, battle, and fights excreta.”
“Ha ha, a good lad you are, asking for favor in a fight. Good, good, very well then I’ll see to it that it’s done.” Ares said loudly
“And from us, what is it thou wish?” Eros asked
“Well, from the three of you, Lords Eros, Anteros, and Queen Aphrodite,
Lady of love, I ask the blessings of love, that my true love may find its way to me.
I don’t ask for anyone specific, although there is one I do love, sadly, she died, and I sent her spirit on to be reincarnated. Angus mac Og said he’d arrange it for me to meet her one day, but I want to leave us falling in love again up to fate. I ask only that I will find true love, but not necessarily with her.”
“What is her name?” Aphrodite asked calmly
“Clarice, Clarice Fergusen, also known as Blink and Pinky to me.”
“We’ll remember that” Eros said
“Thank you, thank you all. It’s an absolute honor to meet you all.”
“Why not join us for dinner tonight my boy. Helios is nearly done making his rounds for the day. Let us go and prepare for a meal fit for… well us, Gods!” Ares said loudly
“Very well, I accept your invitation with absolute honor.” I said bowing my head
“Then let us go” Ares replied grabbing Aphrodite’s arm in escort
Continuing on, we walked up, back to the Olympic Palace.
Upon entering, we traveled to a large lounge like room, filled with strange sofa like furniture. I saw several gods and goddesses all lying about while servants (most likely mortals who had earned the privilege of living at
Mt. Olympus) served and even fed the deities.
Upon giant golden thrones there sat the king and queen, Zeus and Hera.
Ares and Aphrodite led me up to them while Eros and his brother wandered off to go eat.
“Go, and introduce yourself to them.” Aphrodite said
“Seriously, it’s Zeus and Hera, I can’t simply walk up to them and say hello.” I gritted through my teeth
“Why the hell not, they’re just like me and Ares.” she said
“No they’re not; they’re the king and queen and like super uber and crap.”
“Just do it O’Connor” Ares stamped his feet
“Yes sir”
Walking up to the bottom step of the platform at which the royal thrones sat, I bent to one knee, lowered my head, and looked up.
“Greetings, Lord and King Zeus Lightning Strike, God of gods and mortals alike, King of the weather and storms, and to you Lady and Queen Hera, Mother to mortals, goddess of childbirth and fertility. I greet you in the name of
Lugh Lamhfada, and Lady Brigid of Ireland, home of the Celts.
I am Ryujin “BloodOak” “Dragonwolf Storm” O’Connor, a humble druid. I come before you now and bid your blessings to dine with you and yours on this eve.” I said, the whole time keeping my eyes on Zeus
“Ho ho, you are quite well spoken BloodOak, and you have the manners befitting of the gods. Yes, I welcome you and your Lord Lugh and Lady Brigid and send my greetings to them in return. Please, do dine with us on this night. Let us eat, drink, and make much, much merry.” Zeus said aloud for all to hear
“And send my warm and heartfelt greetings too young BloodOak.” Hera said with a smile
Getting up, I turned and looked around to find Ares and Aphrodite were gone. Having to find a place by my self, I wandered among the gods, goddesses and privileged mortals upon Olympus.
After a bit, I found myself a couch that I could finally rest upon. Relaxing, I looked around and spotted a very familiar god, one I felt a certain elemental closeness to.
Lying upon the couch was a nearly seven-foot half-man, half-fish.
His beard and hair were tinged green with seaweed and shells tied into them.
His skin also was tinged green and his tail was a beautiful pearlescent blue-green. Beside him sat his trident and upon his head rest a crown made of coral. It was the Old Man of the Sea, Poseidon.
“Greetings Lord of the Oceans and seas, of earthquakes and equine,
Lord Poseidon.” I said with a bow of my head
“Hello lad, how are you this eve?”
“Ohh quite well, only was trying to find a place to sit and rest, and now something to eat.”
“Well, I suggest the fish, but then again I’m a bit biased towards the marine cuisine.”
“Actually, I think I will have some to think of it.”
Hailing a waiter, I ordered some sushi, calamari, and some caviar, and to drink, some wine.
Lying back, I relaxed as servants came and fed me grapes and my dinner. I was fanned and pampered to my every whim.
 “This is almost heaven, except it’s Olympus.” I sighed
Once I had finished my food and drink, I rolled over to gain some rest.
I was awakened to someone climbing upon to couch with me, rolling over I saw an unearthly beautiful woman. She had long dark black hair and was clothed in a light gray toga. Her green eyes half lidded from wine stared upon me.
“Hey what’s wrong? Scoot over, I’m tired and need company.” She said, her breath sodden with wine
“May I ask who it is you are?” I whispered
“The name is Erato, and I am the Muse of dance.” She replied lying down next to me
“Well Erato, my bed is open to you; I only ask that all we do is rest, for I do not think I could bed anyone but my one true love.”
“You would deny a Muse yourself for the night?” she asked astonished
“No no, I apologize, I mean no disrespect…it’s just, Clarice…I loved her and still do. I only knew her for a short time yet I felt it was love at first sight.” I said quietly
“Ohh I understand perfectly, you wouldn’t be being unfaithful if you carried her memory in your heart. Remember that Ryujin.” She whispered quietly into my ear
“Well, I suppose it can’t hurt.” I mumbled
“Thought not,” she said lowering her lips to mine
I wrapped my arms around her neck, ran my fingers through her hair, and accepted her kisses.
Inhaling her scent, I sighed.

Slowly Erato stripped me of my clothes. First my shirt, pulling it off over my head, she lavished my neck and chest with wet and lustful kisses.
When she finally reached my waist, Erato unbuttoned my jeans and then my boxers and climbed atop my hips.
Rocking back and forth, I began to get aroused. I reached up and unclasped the broach pin that held her toga together, letting the sheet of cloth fall down.
She had beautiful swelling breasts, each ending in a large brown nipple. Reaching up, I placed one in my mouth, pinching the other.
Hearing the stifled sigh from her mouth, I took that to be all the incentive I needed.
Pushing back on her hips, I entered her, pressing deeply I quickly filled her moist womb.
“Ahh, hmm” Erato sighed with pleasure
She began rocking back and forth, bucking her hips while I rubbed her swollen clit with my thumb.
Her pussy clenched, spasm, and felt better than anything I’d ever felt before. Soon I began thrusting as well, matching her rhythm in beat.
Before long, I felt my own orgasm begin to build and I didn’t want to cum before she got hers.
“I’m almost there Erato” I sighed
“Hold on, just a bit longer” she moaned
Continuing to thrust and manipulate her clit, I felt a warm slick wetness seep from her pussy lips and her spasm one , two, three times and in a shuddering heap collapse on top of me.
Finally letting go, with a few more thrusts, I exploded inside the lovely Muse.
“Thank you Ryujin” she said breathlessly
“No, thank you, it is an honor to bed a Muse, and thank you for helping me with my troubles of the heart.” I said
Pulling out, I wrapped my arms around Erato’s waist and closed my eyes.
I awoke to a blinding light form above. Opening my eyes, I wish I hadn’t and shut them quickly.
Shading my face with my hands, I looked around.
Several gods and goddesses were stirring, others still fast asleep, looking over I noticed Erato was one of the divine still in slumber.
Leaning down, I kissed her gently atop her head.
“Good morning Ryu” she said eyes fluttering open
Getting up, I scooped up my clothes and began to get dressed.
“Where are you going?” she inquired
“I’m going back to the Otherworld, to the Grand Hall of my ancestors, I will not forget you, nor the night we spent together, believe that.” I said kissing her again on the brow
“I would hope not,” she mumbled
“I know not what day or month it is, I’m guessing time flows at a different rate than on the mortal plane?” I asked
“The date is the tenth day of the tenth month of the one thousand nine-hundredth and eighty eighth year that the mortals date their time from the date of the divine child’s death named Jesus the Christ, son of Yahweh.” Erato answered
“October 10th, 1988…that’s a week till my birthday, I’d better hurry then!” I exclaimed
“Then go quickly”
“Good bye Erato, Muse of Dance, I shall miss you.” I said
“I’ll be watching you”
Getting up, I hurried out the room and out of the palace as well.
Seeing several deities going about their business, I had to duck and dodge to get through.
Finally reaching the palace doors, I flung them open and ran down to the huge golden gates.
Opening the gates, I ran off into the mists, picturing the Grand Hall of the Other World.
Opening my eyes, there before me were the double-wide oak doors. Opening them, I entered the same hall and it was as if nothing had changed.
I saw the same familiar faces and quickly searched for one of my deities.
Looking around, I saw none of them. Walking up to the bartender, I inquired as to where any of them were.
“Well, a couple of them might be downstairs, you could check there.” The man said
Heading to the back of the Grand Hall, I found a doorway with a sign indicating there were stairs to a lower level.
Descending, I came to a room less bustled and crowded. It felt warmer and friendlier.
Looking around I found The Morrigan sitting with Danu at a table.
Walking over, I bowed to both.
“Hello Mother Danu and Queen Morrigan. I greet you in love and peace.”
“Hello child, how are you?” asked Danu quietly
“I am fairing quite well, I just returned from Olympus.”
“I see and why are you back soo soon for?” The Morrigan asked
“Well, when I asked the date from Erato, the Muse of Dance, she replied that is was the tenth of October in the year nineteen-eighty eight. That is one mortal week from the day I am to be reborn, and I’m kinda confused as to how I’m supposed to get back.” I said
“Well, that’s easy. When it is your time, you will simply vanish form this place and into your body on Earth.” Danu explained
“Wow, so it’s that easy.”
“Pretty much so, and you were all worried that you’d miss the deadline.” The Morrigan said with a smile
“Kinda, sort of…maybe, yes.” I shrugged
“Well worry not young BloodOak, all will be well.” Danu said assuring
Sitting down, I relaxed and closed my eyes and listened to the quiet conversations going on around me.
“Soo, tell me Ryujin, what do you plan on doing with this life?” The Morrigan asked softly
“Well, I’ll probably just make it better than my last one. Make sure I make much better decisions versus foolish ones based on impulse and emotions.” I answered quietly
“Yeah, well you’re definitely well prepared physically and finically for anything that may come your way.” Danu said smartly
“I know, but I plan on making the world a better place, think of all the problems I had in my life that won’t be present. I hope to save the natural resources and the planet itself.” I smiled
So went on the next few hours, talking with Danu and The Morrigan about the plans I had for my new life.
After a good six or soo hours, I felt an odd sensation wash over me.
“Quick, what’s the date?” I asked
“October 17th, 1988.” replied Danu
“I think I’ll be leaving now.” I said solemnly
I began to feel the odd sensation begin to grow stronger as if my body was being pulled from a far off place.
Looking down at my body, it began to become translucent and then transparent.
“Goodbye Danu, Morrigan, don’t worry I shall never forget you…” I said fading

Then I was no longer in the Grand Hall, but looking at a bright light and a face looking at me.
Someone was pulling on my head and I began sliding from what I could only guess to be my birth canal. Sliding out, I was immersed in a blinding light and began breathing on my own as my cord was severed and with a slap on the ass from the doctor, I began to cry.
“Oww, hey big guy that hurt” I said yet all I could manage was a series of grunts
Evidently, my vocal cords had yet to be developed. (Which might have been a good thing.)
Quickly the nurse cleaned me up and handed me to my mother.
“Push Shelly, one more to go” The doctor said
After a few moments I saw an exact duplicate of myself come up crying, flailing his evil little arms and legs.
Once he was cleaned up, he was given to mom and we lay there cradled, across for one another.
“Hello, brother” I said telepathically to my evil twin
  “Hello Ryu, good to see you again, how was dying?”
We both sat there for a while, out parents cooing over the two of us, who looked more like whom.
Eventually the doctor took us away for our shots and footprints.
When we returned, the doctor had the birth certificates ready, waiting for our names.
“This one here will be Ryujin Amadan O’Connor II, named after his great-great grandfather.” My dad said indicating to me
“And his brother?” mom asked
“Suzaku, Suzaku Minameeno O’Connor.” My twin said planting a thought into out father’s head
“He’ll be named Suzaku Minameeno O’Connor.” Said dad
Once the doctor had taken our names, he left the four of us to be in peace before the hoard of family members would invade the hospital to see us.
“We made it Ryu”
Yes, and now it begins”

Converting /tmp/phpiG6mM5 to /dev/stdout