Other Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ My Savior- Ch 2 Progress ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Savior- Ch.2 Progress
I was standing outside my room with the door closed while
whistling a nice, peaceful tune when a scream came from inside. I rushed into the room with concern evident on my face.
“What's wrong I heard a- ow?!” I rushed into the room of naked girls and as soon as I asked what was wrong I got hit in the face by a shoe.
“Ow! What the hell was that for? You trying to break my nose? Ow! My conversation was interrupted by another shoe in my face.
“Stop that!”
“Cover your eyes! Were naked in here!” yelled Suzuka
My hands rushed to my face concealing my embarrassment.
“There.” I said, trying calming myself down. “Now who screamed, why, and why are you naked too?” I asked while directing my question onto Suzuka.
A blush crept up her face. “Well she looked uncomfortable being naked so I got naked too to try to calm her down.” She explained.
“Wow. That's…. dumb.” I pointed out.
“Shut up. Anyway when I got close to her to put the cloths on she freaked out and screamed.”
I thought for a second and then said “Let me do it.”
“You crazy!? I'm not gonna let you touch her while she's naked!”
I turned to Yuko and parted my fingers enough to see her. She was using the comforter on the bed to cover her body. “Do you mind if I dress you?” My face turned so red that I thought it would explode. I felt ridiculous for asking but I nearly jumped when she shook her head. I shrugged and turned back to my now clothed sister. “She's the boss.” I took the cloths from the bed side and went up to the beautiful creature half-hiding under the sheet covers. I put the tank top and slid it on her, being careful not to peek, and let her put on the old pair of shorts. When I finished I looked her in the eye and asked “Better?” A goofy smile on my face.
She blinked and pulled my face to hers into a kiss that started me and Suzuka.
My eyes grew wide as I pulled away and wiped my mouth. “I'll just chalk that up to the trauma of being alone in the woods in this weather.”
“Well I'm outa here. You can stay with your girlfriend I you want.” She snidely remarked as she waltzed out.
“Whatever.” I turned to Yuko and tucked her in. “Are you comfy in those cloths?” I asked.
She nodded.
“Well if you need me I'll be downstairs so holler. Alright.” I turned to leave but she grabbed the rim of my shirt with both hands. “What's wrong? Are you Okay?” I asked concerned for her wellbeing. She adopted an ashamed look on her face and hung her head. I bent down to her level so I could be at her eye level. “What is it?” She hung her head lower and began to whimper, tears welling up in her eyes. “You can't speak. Can you?” She shook her head. I put on my biggest smile, put a finger under her chin, and lifted her head so she was looking at me. “Well I'll just have to teach you, won't I?” I said wiping away her tears. She gave back a smile as big as mine and embraced me as tight as she could. “Well, let's get started…”
We talked for hours and as we did we developed a sort of relationship. After a while I looked at the clock on my bed side table and it read 4:00am.
“Wow. We studied for 6 hrs. But it was worth it, you leaned so much Yuko.
“T-thank you Koji.” She replied, with a hug. I hugged back.
“We should probably get some sleep”. I climbed off the bed and laid down on the floor, placing a pillow under my head. Yuko climbed under the covers and stared at me.
“You ok sleeping on the floor?” she asked.
“Yeah. It's ok.” I buried my head deeper into the pillow and said “good night.”
“ Goodnight Koji” She whispered softly as sleep overcame her.