Other Fan Fiction ❯ 15 Minutes and 30 Seconds of Written Short Randomness ❯ One-Shot
15 Minutes and 30 Seconds of Written Short Randomness
By FelineDragon14
Don't own anything except Radio Hiro, and this fic done in 15 minutes and 30 seconds.
So you want me to play Kessen for 15 minutes and after that summon an arcade machine of CarnEvil, and…oranges?
Yes Liu Kang this is overrated character hell, and next to it is hated wrestler hell…we wanted to make business deals over there.
(Screams are heard after that last statement)
What was that?
Nothing…that you should know of.
Okay but can I be revived after this?
NO!!! this overrated character hell you're not supposed to go out unless you beat me in a game of Dead Or Alive, Timesplitters 2, or the Sims.
To quote the Hurricane…WASSUP WIT DAT?!?
If you mean the last game it was just an add-on due to lots of people wanting to see virtual people dead.
(Skip to an old school game retirement community where two old school gaming characters decide to reminisce about their games)
Say Kid how was it like putting on those helmets?
Well Sketch the helmets made me feel like the parody I was in like the red stealth for instance made me feel like I was a samurai, the iron knight made me feel chivalrous, while the mainiaxe made me feel like a certain cold blooded killer. (A/N: If you don't know this you need help) Then in later versions though…I had to put masks on…(Breathes hard, and skips to a scene where he is forced to put a certain mask on) Why do I have to put it on it looks so girly…and it might make me a girl…
Someone off stage yells put the damn mask on…(If you haven't guessed by now it's the final boss of Kid Chameleon heady metal directing him to do so)
Okay but don't be surprised if I go on a rampage on your asses later with this. (Now he puts on the mask but like all blatant anime references this time shoujo style he becomes a girl known as…Ichigo Momomiya, now at this point everyone in the room was laughing their ass off but…)…Don't think I haven't read any of the manga…(A/N: The author would like to take the time and say that this was a funny idea at the time, and got this idea from a friend of his.)
(Now a few minutes later after all sorts food related attacks all of the people were rethinking their laughter)
Three things that I have to say, one that was one fruit sorbet of an attack, two why do read that manga, and three you do realize that you may have made yourself look gay. (All of the people in the stage laugh again, and we found out a reason there wasn't any more kid chameleon games after this mask bit.)
(Skip back to the retirement center)
Sketch how was the story?
Good kid, good now listen to mine, about my Comix Zone game in the later levels.
(Go to a Comic Book in Episode 2, Part 2)
I'm going to win you do know that.
How? I mean you don't have a weapon while I do how are you going to possibly beat me?
With this! (Pulls out his rat) Behold the power of rodents!
Ahh! (Runs into a wall)
I win.
(Skip to Episode 3, Part 1)
Now all I have to do is jump over this lava…(He jumps it but lands at the end triggering a glitch)…the person who forgot to program this correctly will die.
(Go back to the retirement center)
That was it?
Yeah the author likes to make time constraint jokes.
What a lackluster way to end the fic.
The End