Other Fan Fiction ❯ Aid Station ❯ A Shocking Patient ( Chapter 2 )
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BJ arrived at the Aid station right as the bombing stopped, for now. He got out and shook hands with an anxious looking doctor.
"Thank God that you're here." The man said. "It's been hell here."
"I believe it." BJ said, looking around. Without being told he went to one of the kids right away.
"Jesus, this kid just looked like he just graduated from High School." He muttered and started his work.
The man nodded, pleased.
"It looks like you know what to do." He commented. "I'll continue with my other patients. I'll have a nurse be brought over to give you assistance." BJ nodded, his mind only on the patient.
Suddenly it started bombing again.
"How can you work in these conditions?!" He shouted over the noise.
"We deal with it because we have to!" The doctor shouted back.
"That one was awfully close!" BJ shouted as another one happened.
"They usually are!"
BJ cursed as he remembered some of the tools in his jeep.
"Where are you going?" The man shouted. "It's too dangerous out there!"
"I have to get some of my surgical tools!" BJ explained. "I left them in the jeep!"
He ignored the man's protesting and hurried over to the jeep. It was then he realized he should have listened to the good doctor.
A huge explosion happened only a couple of feet away causing him to be thrown back by the force of the bomb and causing his head to hit a sharp rock by the jeep, rendering him unconscience and bleeding badly from both the head and the chest...
Hawkeye was singing in the shower as Charles came in to take one.
"Dear lord, not that awful singing again!" Charles muttered to himself as he got into the shower next to Pierce.
"Hey, my mother once told me I had a beautiful voice!" Hawkeye said in defense.
"Yes, her and her alone I am sure." Charles said calmly.
"Haha, very funny." Pierce commented.
Outside the showers people were resuming their normal on duty and off duty routines.
Mulchaye was tending to his garden. Radar was feeding his animals while Igor and Klinger, along with a group of people were playing baseball.
Potter walked by and watched with interest.
"Mind if I join in on you young fellows?" He asked.
"Well gee sir, it's a pretty intense game we hav going here." Igor said. Potter looked at him.
"Are you saying that I can't play baseball?" He demanded.
"Well I...uh..." Igor stammered.
"Son I have been playing baseball even BEFORE you were born!" Potter roared, clearly offened by the hinted yet hidden accusation.
"Why sir, if you feel that strongly about it of course you can play!" Klinger said.
"Thank you." Potter said and stepped up to the plate.
"Uh sir, I was going next." Igor complained. Potter fixated his glare on Igor.
"Well I'm in charge, do you see the little birdy?" He asked and pointed on his coller. Igor took the hint and backed up. "There's a good lad." Potter nodded and picked up the bat. "Oh and Klinger." He said as Klinger got ready to pitch. "Don't go easy on me just because I'm an old man. I want this game played fair and square."
"Yes sir!" Klinger saluted him formerly.
"Let 'er rip!" Potter said, more to himself. Klinger threw a hard one and Potter hit it equally hard. It landed in front of the showers as Pierce and Charles were coming out of it.
"PIERCE!" Roared a familar femal voice. Margaret Houlihan was storming over there and handed him her bathrobe. "I can't believe that even YOU would do something like this!" She shouted.
"Do something like what? I've done a lot of non believable things Margaret, you have to be more specific." Hawkeye grinned knowingly.
"Oh you know perfectly well what I mean!" Margaret shouted. "While I was coming out of the showers this morning all I got were hoots and whistles!"
"Well now Margaret, that doesn't seem to be very out of the ordinary." Charles said, surprising himself as well as Hawkeye. Margaret glared at him.
"I expceted more from you Major." She snapped.
"Now what's all this fuss about?" Potter asked after running a home run and no one yet was able to pick up the ball. He came forward to them and folded his arms behind his back, clearly displeased to have a good game ruined.
"Why look at what he did to my robe!" Margaret cried and showed them the hole that was cut where the buttocks area was. Pierce started laughing.
"I knew you did it!" Margaret accused.
"Me?! I didn't do it! That has Beej written all over it." Hawkeye chuckled. Margaret's eyes filled with more fury.
"Why when that man gets back...!"
"We'll give him a medal." Hawkeye suggested.
"Wrong! I'll give HIM a yelling he won't forget!" Margeret snapped back.
"Speak of the devil." Winchester commented and pointed to BJ's jeep that was hurrying back into the camp. They turned but they clearly saw that it wasn't BJ driving. It was someone else, that got them all very worried.
Potter, Hawkeye, Charles, Margaret and Klinger rushed over to the jeep. Hawkeys stood frozen as he saw BJ laying clearly very wounded in the back of the jeep.
"He went to this jeep to get supplies and a bomb hit him." A coreman that was from the station. "One of the doctors said to take him back over here, that you could take better care of him over here then we could over there."
"He spoke the truth." Margaret said, not taking her eyes off of BJ. She was rembering the words she just uttered before about giving BJ a yelling. Now she couldn't care less about the stupid robe, all she cared about was making sure Hunnicut was all right.
"Damn what a waste." Potter muttered as he checked BJ out. "I thought I told him not to do anything stupid like this!"
"Well you know how drafted men can be sir." Klinger said.
"Yeah, I know." Potter sighed. "Klinger, Winchester, help me get him to a strecher and then to the OR.
They did just that but in the meanwhile Hawkeye was just standing there, stunned. The only time he felt like this was when he saw Radar laying wounded on a table. But this was worse, this was his best friend. He knew he should be doing what Potter and the others were doing. Helping BJ into the OR but he just couldn't move. Winchester poked his head out from the door.
"Coming Pierce?" He asked but in a gentler and nonconcieted tone. He seemed to know what a toll this would have on Hawkeye.
Hawkeyes mouth was filled with sawdust, or so it felt like it. He couldn't speak. He felt numb, BJ's bleeding face flashing in his mind. He nodded though to get Winchester not to worry about him. Even though his feet felt like led he slowly picked them up and forced them to the room he didn't want to go. He never wanted to go to that room, that room that was always filled with blood and death. He just hoped, no he prayed that the next death wouldn't be BJ Hunnicut's...