Other Fan Fiction ❯ Daria: College Pains ❯ First Day of Hell ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5: First Day Of Hell
Daria got up earlier then she needed to so she could get everything ready and calm down before school. When Daria got out of the shower she saw Lindsey's door was still closed so she knocked on it, no response. “Lindsey get up!” Daria opened the door to find Lindsey lying on the floor not moving. “Lindsey get up it's time for school!” Daria nudged Lindsey with her boot but Lindsey still wouldn't get up. Daria could smell something rancid and looking around she saw a pile of something near Lindsey's face that she didn't want to know what it was. “Lindsey get your ass up!” This time Daria bent down and picked up Lindsey a foot off the ground before dropping her.
“I don't wanna get up.” Lindsey coughed and rolled onto her back. “Let me sleep a little bit longer.” Daria was starting to get upset.
“Lindsey you have less than two hours to get up, shower, dress, and stop being stupid in time for school.” Daria turned on Lindsey's CD player which started blaring techno music. “There! Now you have to get up to turn that crap off!” Daria had to yell over the music before leaving Lindsey in her room. Daria got food out of the refrigerator and made a sandwich. When she finished Lindsey had just crawled out of her room headed for the bathroom. “Need any help?” Daria was starting to get concerned for Lindsey, if she was this bad now how would she get through school?
“No I just need a shower and some carpet cleaner.” Lindsey closed the door behind her leaving Daria alone. Daria turned the TV on and flipped through the channels getting nothing but early news.
“The Boston Police arrested over forty people last night for driving while under the influence. The Sheriff said he knew about several parties were going to happen since tomorrow is the first day of classes for the students at Raft, BFAC, and the State College and it seems he was right. Just goes to show you shouldn't drink and drive unless you know how to pass the tests while drunk. Did I just say that? I didn't mean it, I was just uh, kidding, yeah, I would never get caught drinking and driving, I mean…” The reporter dropped his mike and ran out of camera range.
“Looks like a job just opened up.” Daria turned the TV wondering what to do now. She had at least an hour before she had to move. Relaxing as well as she could in the lawn chair Daria tried to calm herself as much as possible. School was just school nothing to get nervous about, she never got nervous about the first day of high school so why would she be nervous about this? Daria had her things together already and had her route's planned out so she wouldn't be late for anything yet she could feel her heart beat faster then normal the closer to eight o'clock she got. Her concentration was broken when Lindsey came out into the living room to get something to eat.
“Maybe it was a good idea to get a refrigerator.” Lindsey got an apple out and started to eat it.
“You feeling better?”
“After purging my system and getting a shower I guess I can make it through the day. Man my head hurts.” Lindsey put a hand on her forehead finishing her apple. “Thanks for getting me home, I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing in front of Skaz, where's the carpet cleaner?”
“You're gonna need more than carpet cleaner to get that stuff out. As far as I know the most embarrassing thing you did last night was having Skaz put you in the truck since you couldn't do it yourself.”
“Well thanks for waking me up Daria but now I have to get rid of this headache, did we buy any Advil?” Lindsey sat down in her lawn chair looking around for something. “Where's the remote?” Daria took it off her lap and handed it to Lindsey who turned the TV on and flipped through the channels.
“Lindsey I was wondering, you say people who do drugs are bad but you drank a lot last night, isn't drinking bad?”
“Alcohol is completely different, it isn't illegal, and you don't smoke it and it tastes great.” She flipped through the channels some more until she found something that wasn't news. “Yea! I love this show.”
“How would you know that beer tastes great compared to other things?” Daria was getting her brain working dueling with Lindsey.
“Like you haven't tried it at least once Daria.”
“As a matter of fact I haven't tried marijuana and last night was the first time I drank beer.” Daria said this rather snobbishly.
“Really? What the hell did you do at parties if you didn't drink and smoke and stuff?” Lindsey looked sincerely confused.
“I'm sorry if my social life wasn't as wild as yours Lindsey, the few parties I did go to I stood around and acted like I wasn't there. Jane usually dragged me to the parties or I went because Tom wanted to go to them.”
“Was Tom your boyfriend?” Lindsey turned the TV off paying attention to Daria.
“No he was this guy I dated.” Lindsey looked confused again. “Yes he was my friend who was a boy.”
“You said before you had an ex-boyfriend, why did you break up?” Lindsey was starting to get on Daria's nerves; it was too early for 20 Questions.
“He was going one place and I was going another so we broke up, we are still friends though.”
“That's nice, I wish me and my boyfriends got along still, well, not Nick, he was a bit of a prick.” Lindsey got up and went to her room coming back out a few minutes later with her back pack. “I got everything I need I think but I will probably forget something.” She went through her back pack putting things back in it except for her calculator.
“You might want that.” Daria picked it up and handed it to Lindsey.
“See told you I might forget something, I forgot my notebook book my first day of school my junior year I felt like such a ditz that first day without it. Although I got through talking to this one girl, she was smuggling balloons all year, I guess I could have been nice and told her you're supposed to put them in your shirt not suck the helium out of them to do it though.” Lindsey laughed at her joke before setting her back pack down. Daria and Lindsey made sure they had what they needed, cleaned up the mess Lindsey made in her room, and set out for school.
Daria and Lindsey only had second period together, something Daria considered to be a blessing, but it turned out she had several with Skaz. Her first class, English 101, meant having to deal with Skaz early in the morning. “So Daria you and Lindsey feeling ok?” Daria didn't want to talk. “Hangover? Another reason not to drink, but darn you see the news? A bunch of people got arrested for drinking and driving last night, should have shopped around, bet I could have made more money auctioning myself off to the highest bidder.” Daria kept ignoring him when the teacher came in.
“Hello class I am Professor Martin, I will be teaching you what you need to know to get to the next year so I don't have to deal with you again.” He seemed like the cheery type. “First thing is no talking during class, you will read the books I give you, you will do the work I give you, if you don't I will make your life a living hell!” Professor Martin slammed his hand on the table in front of him. “Now who here has read The Prince?” Daria, Skaz, and three others raised their hands. “Very good, the rest of you need to get a copy and read it, test on Friday!” Professor Martin sat down at his table. A student raised her hand trying to get Professor Martin's attention. “What do you want?”
“Uh, are we doing anything else today Mr. Martin? Or are we supposed to sit here until class is over?” The girl reminded Daria of Brittney, the high pitched squeaking, the blond hair, how did she get here?
“No! If we were I would have told you, since only five of you have read The Prince we can't do anything until the rest of you do! So get a copy of it and read it by Friday for the test. For your information I did not go to college for six years to be called MISTER! I am Professor Martin not Mr. Martin and you would do well to remember this…”
“You would do well to remember this Meagan.” The class was silent, no one moved, finally Daria went into her bag and got a book out to read. Just forty more minutes of this until she went to Algebra 101 where she would have to sit next to Lindsey. She tried to get out of it but Lindsey made her promise to sit next to each other.
“Daria.” Skaz whispered over to her.
“What Alexandrian.” Daria hoped using his real name would get him to leave her alone.
“What do you have next?”
“Oh, is Lindsey in your class?” Daria just nodded. “Could you give her this?” Skaz handed a note over.
“Postage fee is five dollars.” Daria was just joking but Skaz did get five dollars out and handed it to Daria.
“Thanks Daria.” Daria went back to her book waiting for class to end. After Math she had three periods of her major, Creative Writing, which would make it so she wouldn't have to take any English classes next year since one credit from Creative Writing counted towards an English credit. Then finally she would have a break, followed by Physical Science and then she would be back at her dorm room, which meant being with Lindsey, no matter what Daria couldn't get away, couldn't be alone. Of course she didn't want to be alone, she wanted to talk to Jane but Jane wasn't here. The bell rang and Daria left the class for her next one, Math.
Getting to her next class Daria too a seat next to the wall making sure that only one person could sit next to her instead of being surrounded. Lindsey saw her and ran over taking the seat next to her. Daria got the note Skaz gave her and handed it to Lindsey.
“It's from Skaz.” Lindsey opened it and read it.
“I don't think I have any classes with him, guess I can wait till I go back to our room to call him.” The rest of the class arrived and the Math teacher came out of her office.
“Now you may think `Math, what's the point after add and subtrat, multiply and divide, really you won't have much use for it outside of school' and you're right. One problem, you need this course to pass and I will demand you pay attention! Especially you girls, you might think you can get by on your looks but trust me when you hit forty you need brains to control those dickless twits! Unlike men you have no excuse for being stupid since you only have one head for the blood to go to!” She sat down at her desk. “You will call me Ms. Masters, I will call you student, I do not care about your names. You are here to learn not make a friend with me and learn you shall! You!” She pointed at a girl in the first row. “You look pretty smart, whats the square root of negative 4!”
“Uh 2?”
“NO! A negative number does not have a square root! That's 10 points off your score!” Ms. Masters went over to her computer and typed some things up. “Now…” The class went on and they would have homework, read chapter one and do all the problems in it, even the examples.
“Wow Daria she isn't to nice.”
“Nothing a good lobotomy wouldn't fix.” Daria now had to walk halfway across the campus to get to her next class, Creative Writing. “Lindsey you have fun in your next class, don't let the fumes get to you.”
“That's why you open a window, putting on makeup and hair products in a bathroom without a window is a major no no, you do that and you are just asking to brain your damage.” Lindsey smiled at Daria trying to get her to laugh.
“I guess.” Daria had to run to make sure she would make it on time, make it and get the seat in the corner up against the wall to keep people from surronding her. The other students sat down and Daria looked around, some of these people didn't look to bad, if they were in this class they must have brains.
“Class, I am Mrs. Yulo, you may call my Yulo if you want. I am glad to see so many authors interested in learning more about writing. I will teach you writing styles, from first person to third person, how to write from different point of views, but I will also teach you how to get people to read your work, how to get people interested in what you wrote, and finally how to get your work published.” A hand shot up. “Yes?”
“Have you had anything published?”
“Why yes I have, my first book sold over 20,000 copies, my second book sold over 14,000 copies. You are?”
“Yes well if you want I can get you an autographed book, both of them if you want.” Mrs. Yulo seemed proud that her books were apparently flops.
“No it's ok Mrs. Yulo.”
“Alright now I am wondering how many people have written their own stories?” Every hand went up, even Daria's. “Very good if you like you can submit one to me to go over, make notes, and for every story you submit no matter had bad or great you will get an extra 15 points to your grade.” Daria smiled to herself, all the things she wrote, she could pass this class and never show up again, but there was no way she was going to let someone read her work, not some teacher. “Now how many of these were Fan Fictions or how many of you have also written Fan Fictions along with your original work?” Only seven hands went up. “Very good, I have found that the truly great authors out there are great not because of what they wrote but that they inspire others to write, even if they are the author of a television show or movie.”
“Can we submit our Fan Fictions? What if it is from a show or something you don't know about?”
“Well Fan Fictions are alright to submit, and if I don't know it give me some of the original work if you have any, always wanting to learn more even at my age.” Mrs. Yulo laughed. “Now some of you are able to write comedy, some are able to write drama, but you aren't able to write romance or action, with this class you will be given an assignment, three weeks to complete for each one. Not today but starting tomorrow I will give you an assignment that I hope will challenge you, for I can write a romance in my sleep but if I try to write something dark, something where the hero doesn't get the girl, I couldn't. Many of you are the same way, you can write one type or two types very easily but others you couldn't even if your grade depended on it so for this class I will assign new styles. I will give you a heads up, our first style will be action, so take today and tonight to think about what you want to start writing.” A hand raised. “Question?”
“Uh what kind of action, Jackie Chan action, James Bond action, or Boondock Saint action?”
“Those are all forms of action writing, the scripts the people write for those movies have their own styles and you will to. Now I know some of you while trying to write an action story will be more lost then a blind blonde put in a round room and told to pee in a corner.” A few laughs, a couple sighs. “But don't worry if your action isn't as bloody or kung fu packed as others, controversy in itself can create a lot of action, with that one joke I got laughs and made a few people upset, an action story needs as little as one line to set it up.” Mrs. Yulo went to her desk and sat down. “Now this class is three periods long so if you have anything you were working on before, any new story you just have to finish, take this time to do so. If you don't have anything like that then take this time to work on how you want to make your new story, action can have as much or little of it as you want really, just one scene or an epic, but I would like at least five pages, front and back, for a full grade.”
Daria got her Math book out and did the homework which was basic review of things she learned in high school. She still had over a period left when she finished and decided to work on the new assignment. “Melody Powers or Zombie Shooter 2000?” Daria decided she didn't want her heroine Melody Powers being corrupted by school and wrote a story on her favorite video game but made sure it was different enough to not count as a Fan Fiction.
The class ended and Daria had her first chapter done. She had a break and decided to head to the cafeteria to see what she could get for less then an arm and part of a leg. Daria got cheese fries and looked for a place to sit when Lindsey saw her. “Oh Daria sit over here!” Lindsey waved her arm making sure Daria and everyone else saw her. Daria walked over and sat down with her.
“So uh, Lindsey, how did you enjoy your class?” Daria just wanted to eat and get out so she was giving a chance for Lindsey to talk about herself, surely she could take up the time it took Daria to eat cheese fries by talking about herself.
“Well it was alright for a first class we really didn't do anything though just went over the basics as if none of us knew not to use a curling iron on hair that wasn't pre-treated and of course we all knew how to mix certain dyes and…” She went on like this for forty five minutes and Daria didn't understand a word that she said, just getting parts like `lipstick' or `brush'. Daria had finished her fries and wanted to leave but didn't have an excuse and she knew if she just got up and walked away Lindsey would get mad.
“Hey uh, almost time for my next class so I gotta go.” Daria picked her book bag up and slung it over her shoulder.
“Oh it is almost time for my next class to! Time flies when you're having fun right Daria?” Daria just nodded not wanting Lindsey to hear `If you count wishing you'd pulled a Van Gough fun'.
“Well have fun in your next class Lindsey.” Then in a hushed voice “I feel sorry for them.” Daria went to her last class, Physical Science. Getting there she saw Skaz, again, she had a class with him.
“Hey Daria!” He sat down next to her.
“Hi Alexandrian.” Why did she have to get stuck with him?
“You give Lindsey the note I gave you to give to her?” Daria just nodded. “Good, I don't have any classes with her so that sucks, but hey have classes with you so that's cool right?” Skaz started tapping his fingers on the desk. Daria was already annoyed that he existed in the same universe as her and was about to yell at him to stop when the teacher came in and Skaz stopped on his own.
“Hello class I am Professor Rossler, you can call me that or Mr. Rossler, which ever works for you.” Daria didn't care she put her head on the desk. “Now this first couple weeks will be review for you but review is important as it makes sure what you know stays fresh in your head, no point in knowing what sub-zero is if you don't remember it when it comes up on a test.” He went to his desk and got a book out. “Open your books to chapter 1…” The class continued like a regular class reminding Daria of Lawndale High, except this teacher wasn't likely to pair her up with some numbskull idiot just to punish the numbskull idiot. When the bell rang Daria was ready to go back to her dorm room to get away from everyone else when she noticed Skaz was following her.
“Are you lost?”
“No, Lindsey lives with you so if I go with you I can talk to Lindsey, see how she responds to my note.” Daria couldn't stand it; these two were getting on the last few nerves she had left. College wasn't as hard as she expected but the people, none of them were Jane, and none of them were someone she could talk to like she could with Jane.
“Fine but if she isn't there you are waiting in the hallway.” Daria tried walking faster but Skaz was taller and his longer legs allowed him to keep up with her. Getting to her dorm room Daria opened the door and looked to see if Lindsey was there, she was. “Skaz wants to talk to you.” Lindsey hopped up and nearly skipped over to the door. When Daria got out of the way Lindsey jumped up and threw her arms around Skaz's neck and kissed him hard.
“Yes Skaz I will!” Daria ran into the dorm room to get away from the two hearing more sloppy noises. Daria grabbed the phone and called Jane hoping she was home.
“Hello?” It was Trent.
“Trent is Jane home?”
“Yeah, I think, she went out running but she said she would be back after my afternoon nap.” Daria heard some noise, Trent yelling, then another voice.
“Yo Ms. Morgendorffer, how you doing?” It was Jane.
“Jane this sucks! College is different from high school in that everyone is more annoying and uptight and stop it you two!” Daria heard a thump up against the wall in the hallway, they must be getting into their actions.
“What? Andrea isn't here.”
“Not you my roommate and Skaz, they are uh, acting like Kevin and Brittney.” Daria was away from Lawndale, why did they have to haunt her still?
“He cute?” Jane laughed knowing it would get to Daria. “Hey young love what can you do about it?”
“Put it to sleep, a pillow over her face wouldn't leave any marks would it.”
“Well just hope if they get serious they go to his room.” Daria didn't want to think about it, not that.
“My first day of school and I already wish I was back home, at least I could go to your house and talk to you.”
“Well as long as you call me it's free for you. If you want I could go up this weekend and visit you, get you away from the two love birds.”
“Are love birds in season?” Daria thought about it, she missed Jane, but to have her come all the way here? “No it's ok, maybe next weekend.”
“Daria we are going out, uh, wherever, I'll be back tonight whenever.” Lindsey and Skaz left.
“Look Jane I uh, have some homework to do, say bye to Trent for me and have a better day then me I guess.”
“I am going out with Andrea later; some new punk band called `Bodies of Hell' is playing at The Basement, as long as I don't get caught in a mosh pit I'll be fine, bye Daria.” Daria waited to hear the phone click before hanging up. Going to her room Daria lay down on her bed being alone in the dorm room. Daria lay there until she fell asleep, she was exhausted, she hadn't done a lot but school and her room mate had worked her brain into a coma. Daria never heard Lindsey come home and barely heard her alarm go off the next morning.