Other Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at fan fiction of this nature, so please, no flames. I know the boys will be out of character, but that's just how I wrote it. I will take criticism but I would prefer it be constructive. I will try to update as much as possible, but I have like no life, cause I rodeo, and I'm in the school marching band. Well, off we go!
Disclaimer: I don't own the Jonas Brothers or anything except my characters and this plot! Okay!
This isn't how it was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be such a simple mission. A get in get out type of thing. At least until she had stepped through that window. They had been waiting for her, ready to capture her. So now she was locked in a cell, basically just chained here, waiting for her next beating and rape. Yes, these bastards raped her. Every time she yelled or screamed in pain, they beat her more, they beat her until she was unconscious. She never asked God for anyone to save her, because she knew the agency would list her as a Prisoner of War and mark her off. She wasn't important, not like some of the others.
Now she waited for her death, waited for the day they would just beat her into the black oblivion so she could stay there. She looked up through her unruly and unwashed hair when the door to her cell creaked open to reveal her captors. They jerked her up and drug her off into the room they did all the beatings in. It was a cold place; stone walls with blood stains splattered everywhere. They chained her to the wall, before ripping the blanket she had wrapped around her body away. She screamed as they began the daily beating with a whipping. She lost count of how many times she was lashed, and the next thing she knew, she was being punched, kicked, bitten, and so many other things she didn't want to even think about, until she was finally, blissfully knocked unconscious.
When she awoke she was back in her cell, with her shredded scrap of a blanket and a small cup of water. She tried to move but her arms and legs were chained up short to the wall, and her wounds were still bleeding profusely. She yelped when the door was flung open and a struggling person was drug in and chained with the longer chains she used to wear. The person struggled as the door was shut to get loose from the chains.
“Don't waste your energy, its not worth it, you wont get out.” She said, her voice not far past a whisper, her throat still burned from her last beating. The other prisoner froze, and turned to look at her.
“Are you the one that was sent in here a year ago?” The person asked in a stunned voice. She was stunned, she had only been here a year, it seemed so much longer.
“Yeah.” She said in return, moving the small amount she could to see the person. She cried out when a particularly painful gash from a previous beating ripped open from her movement. The person crawled over to her, and covered her with the blanket, being careful of her injuries.
“What have they done to you?” He, she had discerned his gender, asked, looking at all the wounds she had.
“Beat me, raped me, broken me.” She said sadly. He looked down at her, with compassion in his eyes.
“My brothers will come, they'll come to rescue me, and we'll take you with us, I promise, I wont leave you here in this place.” He said, placing a gentle hand on the only un-bruised part of her body, her face. She fell asleep that night, for the first time in a year she had hope in her heart, because of her brown-eyed companion.
The next morning when the door was swung open, they both jerked away, and he moved in front of her, which made their captors laugh even more.
“Already trying to protect the girl? Well we will just have to change that, you'll watch her beating, then get your first dose of reality boy.” The biggest of the three said, before jerking her up after unlocking her chains, the other two grabbed him by the arms and drug him. They chained her up against the wall, as usual, her arms above her head, and then ripped the blanket off her battered and scarred form. They chained him to the chair across the room, and turned him to face what was being done to her. As the beating began, he turned his head away, trying not to look.
“Boy, you had better watch every second of this, or she'll get twice the beating we plan on giving her.” One of the men said. He immediately, although unwillingly, returned his eyes to the beating the girl was getting. He watched her get whipped, punched, kicked, and worst of all, sexually violated. When the men were finished with her, they tossed her to the floor at his feet, before chaining him to the wall.
“Your gonna get the easy end of this boy,” the man said, before beginning to whip him. After what seemed like hours, they drug him and the girl back to the cell, and chained them up again. He watched the girl, hoping she would wake up. When she finally woke up, after the sun had set, he took his first deep breath. He slid over next to her and gently reached out to touch her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open, and she lay there, looking at him with tear filled eyes.
As he watched her, his heart broke more and more. “I never told you who I am. My name is Nicholas, but just call me Nick.” He said gently, in a soothing voice. The girl nodded and grimaced in pain.
“Megan.” She said, her voice gravely and pain filled.
“Shhh, just try to rest, my brothers are working on getting us out,” he whispered. She nodded again, and her eyes fluttered shut again. He sat back against the wall, and looked up at the ceiling. He hoped to God they could get them out soon. He knew Megan couldn't handle any more beatings; she was already breaking, almost past saving. He spent that night doing his best to keep her gashes from reopening. He thought silently to himself, making a promise to never give up on her. He would help her out of this place, and then he would help her heal, physically and emotionally. It didn't matter what it would take he would help her.
The next day, at the same time as usual the door swung open and the men took them to the stone torture room.
“Your first today boy.” One of the men said, a nasty smile crossing his face. He heard Megan fighting against the man that held her, and he turned to look at her when they chained his hands up over his head. He saw the heartbreak in her eyes and smiled reassuringly. He didn't cry out when the man began the lashings, he kept his eyes locked on Megan's for strength. When they began to punch and kick him she yelled out.
“Stop it, please! Leave him alone; I'll take his beating! Just please, stop!” She begged the men. They laughed, and unchained him, dragging him back to the cell without her. They chained him to the wall, and returned to the stone room. He sat in the cell alone, for how long he didn't know, and he was going crazy. When the door finally opened, the men dropped her onto the floor, left her unchained and slammed the cell door shut. He scrambled over to her, his chains let him reach that far, and pulled her into his lap. He laid her head on his shoulder and her legs across his lap. He held her close and rocked her back and forth.
“Why. Why did you have to do that?” He asked, knowing she was out, and wouldn't answer.
“Had to . . . protect you.” He heard her murmur. He looked down at her, tears in his eyes, then started shaking his head.
“No, you can't do that, let me protect you, we have to get out of here together, do you hear me? Together, that means both of us, alive.” He said, tears falling from his eyes. She smiled, and then passed out. He shook his head. This girl was brave, almost to the point of foolish, but it made him love her even more. Yes, he said it, he loved this girl, and not just because of the situation they were in, but for her, she was amazing, beautiful and kind, she even tried to protect him. All this made him become more and more attached to her, more and more dependent on her.
The next morning when she awoke, she looked up to see herself still in his lap, and him still awake. “Did you not sleep?” She asked, clearing her throat a bit. He didn't say anything for a moment, just looked at her.
“Not for long.” He said, gently moving some hair off her face. He sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. “What made you want to do that yesterday? I mean, take an extra beating for me?” He asked, pushing his hand through his hair.
“I don't know, I just couldn't stand to see them treat you like that. I'm used to all the stuff they do, but there's no reason you should have to get used to it.” She said, her voice still scratchy. He sighed and reached over for the water they left in the corner, he lifted her head gently and tilted the cup so she could drink. After she finished he set the cup back against the wall.
“Why don't you tell me something about yourself. What got you started in the agency, what are you going to do when we get out of here. That kind of stuff.” He offered after a while of silence. She sat up, and moved to lean against the wall beside him.
“I'm in the agency because I am trying to find my sister, and they have promised to help. I got started in the agency because my parents were killed when I was younger, and I wanted to find the people that did it. The agency knew who it was, and they were trying to infiltrate their hideout and shut the operation down. That's why I ended up in this place, these are the people that killed my parents, and they are also the ones who kidnapped my little sister.” She said, looking at her hands that sat on her lap.
Nick sat looking at her in stunned silence for a moment. “Wow.” He said.
“What about you?” She asked, still looking at her hands, but sneaking a few looks at him. He smiled slightly.
“I'm in the agency with my two brothers, Kevin and Joe. We're in it because we want to help get rid of the people that are causing problems for society. We got started in the agency because our dad used to be in it, and we wanted to follow in his footsteps. I ended up here because I heard that one of the agents that came here was reported missing and I wanted to help. My brothers weren't as in to it as me, so they stayed back. Now I've found you, the missing agent, and we just need to get out.” He said, taking a small drink from the water. Megan looked at him for a moment before returning her attention to her lap. They both looked up when the door swung open again.
After the beating, Megan lay where they had thrown her, waiting for them to bring Nick back. She thought back to the time she'd been spending with Nick, not that they had a choice, but he had actually tried to interact with her, and she had begun to like him. He wasn't like the other prisoners that had been in her cell, ready to blame whatever was going wrong on her, and escaping and leaving her here. She actually had hope that he would take her with him when his brothers came for him.
When they threw Nick into the cell, he stumbled for a moment, then fell to the floor. She gasped, and moved towards him, setting his head in her lap.
“Nick? Nick, please, wake up, say something!” She begged, ripping a piece of blanket off and dipped it in the water, washing the blood off his face. She kept water on his face, and kept talking to him, trying to wake him up with tears in his eyes. She leaned down and set her forehead against his, begging whatever God there was to wake him up.
When he did wake up, she was so happy she kissed him, surprising him, and herself.
“Are you alright?” She asked, gently placing a hand on his cheek. He cringed slightly but nodded.
“How long have I been out?” He asked, sitting up for a second, before laying back down.
“Quite awhile, I'm not sure exactly.” She sniffled, wetting the scrap of blanket again and laying it across his forehead. He smiled slightly.
“You were worried about me?” Megan blushed, then nodded slightly. “ I can't give up, I have to get us both out of here.” Nick said, reaching up to touch her cheek. Megan thought to herself for a moment. She was surprised at how attached she had become to Nick. She watched him silently as he fell asleep again. She smiled at the peaceful expression he wore.