Other Fan Fiction ❯ Escape ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

That night they all sat around the table for dinner in silence. Megan was still asleep, but Nick had moved her to the couch where he could see her. Anymore he got nervous when he couldn't see her. Denise and Paul sat at the ends of the table, watching the children eat. Frankie watched everyone, but began to tire of the awkward silence.
"Are you Meggie's sister?" Frankie asked, in that random way kids do. Kevin rolled his eyes and put a hand over his eyes. "Cause just so you know, she's my big sissy now, and you can't take her from me." He said with all seriousness.
Brooke blinked several times, taking in what he said. "Megan," she said, "is my sister. I would never take her away from you, but you can't take her away from me!" Brooke nearly screamed the last sentence.
Frankie looked as though he was about to start crying when Denise broke in. "Now Frankie, Megan is as much Brooke's big sister as she is yours. Brooke has been away from Megan for a very long time, and there is no need to act like that." She said. Frankie nodded, and he sniffled before returning to his dinner. Megan stumbled into the room a couple minutes later, still groggy. Nick stood up and pulled her chair out for her, gently pushing it in when she sat down. Denise smiled and went to the kitchen to get Megan's plate heated for her.
"Why was everyone yelling?" She asked quietly. Joe laughed a bit.
Brooke looked down at her plate, which was still half full. She pushed it away from her and asked to be excused. She wasn't all that upset, but she had suddenly lost her appetite.
Megan looked at Brooke with a confused expression as she left the table. Nick sighed. "She and Frankie had a slight misunderstanding." He said.
When they finished eating, all the kids, including Brooke went to the backyard to sit and watch the stars. Joe and Kevin sat beside Megan, while she leaned back against Nick's chest. Frankie lay on the other side of Kevin, asleep. They all sat in silence for a while.
"How do you like it here Brooke?" Nick asked still looking up at the skies.
"I...I love it here...It's really...peaceful." Brooke replied. She was laying on her stomach, staring at nothing in particular.
Megan smiled. When midnight rolled around they all made their way to their rooms. Megan to the room with Nick and Joe, Frankie to his room with Kevin, and Brooke to the guest bedroom. Megan slid into a pair of shorts and one of Joe's t-shirts. She fell into bed, completely exhausted.
“Tomorrow we start the tour. How are we going to get everyone on one bus?” Joe asked as he flopped down on his own bed. Nick sighed.
“Dad said he called and got us a bigger bus, but I guess we will have to see. Cause we will need 7 bunks.” Nick said. Joe nodded, then sighed.
“Well, see you two in the morning,” he said before rolling over and pulling his covers up. “Night Nick, Night Megan.”
“Night Joe.” They both said, curling up and going to sleep.