Other Fan Fiction ❯ Jade cocoon: shadowed past in the rains ❯ in the night ( Chapter 3 )

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Nightfall… …

time: ???


fires burned low in their brackets, for the deep part of the night was about to begin, and attendants

being human, rather would enjoy the night somewhat indoors rather than see to the dying torch

flames..or anything else much outside for that matter.

using the darkness as cover.. he..crept. avoiding house pets sleeping or talking a leisurley stroll

outside wasnt that hard either,though one had to of course always watch their feet and surroundings.

no..as this was passed, sometimes ontop of roofs,what one using stealyh had to avoid was.. them. the

dark ones assigned to watch out for any interlopers, or stop them and question their motives. while he

may have even known a few personally off their schedule, and was quite sure he spotted at least one

with their empty eye sockets containing the abyss, twitching in the shadows.. they were part of the

reason someone was sneaking through his own village.

the temple of ancients-it never looks as one thought it to be upon hearing the name, certainly nothing

over grand or even resembling pyramids or mayan archetechture, perhaps having a slight pyramid

shape to it, but differenter. containing some small but lavish offerings placed somewhere near the

top.. the temple of the ancients was not anything overdone either. if you stepped on a part of the

floor, or touched sensitive designed that way perhaps, boulders wouldnt smash you and walls would

not protrude spikes and impale you, nor the open beneath your feet to your doom.

perhaps some measures to ward off intruders WERE in the burial chambers and such-but the large

structure was simpler than youd suppose, more like the chiefs estates. sleepy guards lay with their

weapons placed in their claws, slumped against the masonry on either side of the entrance to the

temple..peacfully sleeping. a bottle of spririts could be seen right next to each.hell, one could be heard

snoring loudly. all the better for the figure who swung into the temple from an opposite entrance,

landing as softly as he could..keeping to the few shadows available...

for the brackets in this place ran on oil as opposed to wood and some cloth wrapped rightly about the

torch sticks..and so burning more brightly here than other places needing firelight.

no sound could be heard much save for the far off cry of some divine beast..and the ever crackling

sound of torches, unaware of the intrusion of a boy in black who made his way deeper within the

temple of the ancients. ogrul let out a quiet sigh og relief, during and after his short journey in the

temople to the archives..the start of them anyway.

why...why orgul had decided to sneak into here as he had many times since his first, orgul didnt really

know. it had begun with a very fast tour initially as a curtesy from the chief himself who could decide

and had on a whim to show magonne villagers the unique wonders placed here for preservation

mostly, and although they werent allowed to get very far into the archieves area or for very

long..orgul never could see enough of this place to satisfy him-now he was well past the distance his

family and a few others had been allowed to see, his breath being taken away like every time before this.

to his left, histories the lore masters and elders has written for untold years spanning perhaps back

almost to when elhrim had warned the spirit not to tread with the beast of knowledge. on orguls right,

weapons of frightening power used by long deceased-or in some other form by now..- masters of the

darkness, sparkled with deadly magnificence in orguls eye glasses. on the cave-like stone walls

around, and above, paintings and depictions of coccoon masters along with the chosen ones of the

dark posing in fighting stances alongside their divine beasts,some stranger than orgul assumed he

would ever see and had few words to describe, made the young teen turn his head this way and that,

orgul never being quite sure these were the same each time he left and came back to this place-and he approached the best part at last.

..for unlike the previous stone chizlings and painting,even if they were epic as anything weve ever had

access to like the ramayana or the bible stories,these...far more curioser and unique depictions simply

put, were ten times what lay behind orgul. these were placed so they looked directly at you..one with

red bushy hair like flames, an oblong face. one very large and having oddly contrasting yellow wild

hair with itself since it was a sickly forest-green.. one with blue fur looking so bushy as though it went

down its back who just like the green-man depiction, its face was rather long, though not as much, an

finally,what might have been just a replica image of the blue haired creature, with darker blue hair, nearly black.

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just a friendly reminder..
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as wonderful as they were..these..whatever they were, were terrible to behold,resembling something

much worse than those assigned to the night watch, so that orgul had to stop looking at them directly

after a while. he could swear from out of their empty yawning eye sockets once his backed was

turned, that they watched him.orgul quickened himself forward. until at last...

he came to stop before his objective in risking his life in this place like this. there was no going

forward any further. wall curved in front of him, and below that strange dipped surface of stone blocks

resting on a daias was,to orgul, the prizes of all prizes in the temple, nearly placing his hands lovingly

on the ancient manuscripts-and drawing his fingers back like hed been burnt severely when he

remembered like always did for what hed learned in bits about this sensitive place; for the first few of

many times orgul had wandered about the halls of this temple, hed poked about. reading something

here..absorbing another books worth of info there. and might not be around at thsi moment if he

hadnt bothered to. for what orgul learned was that behind the strangely-shaped rounded out wall near

the end, was someone of great learning, and powerful knowledge, and utmost learning in the arts of

blackness was buried there, even now. and those who didnt pay proper tribute every time before

touching his property,as orgul did now, were rapidly consumed by the ever sleeping lord.

the scent of the carefully selected herbs he laid before the elegantly carved ancient daias burned and

tickled his nose, and orgul rose off his knees to a standing postition as the herbs withered

instantly,turned old, then became dust..blowing away in a wind that wasnt there. the torches blew

back threateningly around orgul, nearly going out, acommpanied by an old, dusty long sigh that

seemed to be everywhere around orgul and nowhere, the unflinching teenager bravely stood stock still

throughout it all, unseeable things brushing about him in the dark..almost..grateful, orgul felt from

whatever was there, and a sound- perhaps thousands -like the deepest, thirstiest breath made of ages

of dust and cold cool dry black places blew throughout the air;

''-haaaaaaahhhh.... ‘’

and it was over suddenly, the way it always did. he felt as if he had been sleeping for some reason,

blinking his eyes in the brightly burning torchlight and moved on to his objective this night: pulling

various inks and pens and papers out,sorting them from the ones already scrolled in inks orgul carried

with him, and placing these on the dusty stone beneath the daias, with itching fingers he reached

forward to unravel the huge tome on the daias. his eyes flicked over each page of its writing written in

what might have been blood,quickly deducing what he had, and had not read yet-

stopping when he finally got there