Other Fan Fiction ❯ Legion Of Superheroes ❯ bio ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Gender: Female
Name: Sakura Knives Kazehana
Nicknames: Saki. Puppygirl.
Superhero Name: InuCeres
Age: 10
Hair: Silvery white. Long with bangs.
Eyes: purple
Description: half dog/half human. Dog ears and tail, fangs, and claws on both hands and feet.
D.O.B.: January. 26, 2999
Attitude: Happy-go-lucky, except in battle.
Hobbies: Art, music, singing, dancing, and drawing.
Fears: Storms. Hospitals. Surgical and medical utensils.
Abilities: Light attacks and other fighting skills.
Bio: Was genetically altered by her father while she was still in the womb. Her mother did not long after giving birth to her, so she has no real memories of her birth mother. When the authorities caught up to baby Sakura and hr father, they took him into custody and contacted his ex-wife, Mrs. Hallol. Mrs. Hallol, aftr everything was explained to her, took in baby Sakura willingly and raised her as her own. Sakura has a half-sister who is five years older than her who is very protective of her. Sakura is a big Superman fan.
Gender: female
Name: Prudence Page Hallol. Pru for short.
Superhero Name: The Charmed One
Age: 15
Hair: Black. Down the middle of the back. No bangs. Just two long lock, one on each side of her face.
Eyes: brown
Abilities: can use magic, spells, potions, telekinesis, freeze time, create spur-of-the-moment spells. Later on orbing and blowing things up.
Date of birth:
Attitude: caring, but also has an “I don't care attitude” and a “Don't mess with me or I'll kick you ass” attitude.
Hobbies: reading, secretly likes to sew, cooking.
Fears: spiders
Bio: The father experimented on her first. Even did a bit of brain surgery on her as a baby. She despises her father for what he did to her and her sister, Sakura. She cares about her sister and is very protective of her. She was the one who gave Sakura the nickname “Saki.” She has a bad attitude about her, especially toward anyone in authority. She is a descendent of the Charmed Ones, hence her superhero name. and just like her Great-Aunt Pheobi, she has a tendency to fall for the bad guys. Pru is a big Batman fan.