Other Fan Fiction ❯ Legion Of Superheroes ❯ Man of tomorrow ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3: Man ofTomorrow
(31st Century - New Metropolis)
The whole scene started with the Legion Battling the Fatal Five. Validus held Bouncing Boy as he got hit by the Emerald Eye of Ekron. Tharok threw Brainiac 5 into the eyes beam. "Huh?" Lightning Lad was fighting a member of the Fatal Five when he noticed that his fellow team mates were in trouble and went to help them. As he flew over to them, Tharok hit Lightning Lad with his laser beam. "AAAAAAH!" Lightning Lad screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. He grunted as he tried to get back up. Then Saturn Girl and InuCeres, who were unconscious, were dropped to the ground right beside him. "Where's Superman when you need him?" Lightning Lad said sarcastically.
(21st Century - Smallville)
Clark and Faith were in Clark's room going through the newspaper. Mainly about a disaster that had miraculously been prevented. They were hoping that there were no clues that they had been seen using their abilities.
"Clark, Faith, is everything okay?" his mom asked through the door. "You two have been in there for awhile."
“Everything's fine,” Faith called out.
"We'll be right out," Clark told her. He then used his heat vision to burn away two spots in the article talking about the school bus that was mysteriously saved. "Come on," he said quietly to himself.
"Do I smell smoke?" Mrs. Kent asked. For at that moment the newspaper burst into flame.
"Everything's fine, Mom!" Clark called out as he shook the paper while Faith grabbed a glass of water and threw it on the flaming newspaper. After they disposed of the newspaper, they both opened the door and stepped out. There stood their mother with a knowing look on her face.
"Have you packed yet?" she asked him.
"Bags are packed, hay's in the loft, and you got new fence posts from her to the barn," he told her as he ticked each thing off on his fingers.
"I just know you're going to love Metropolis. My son, the reporter."
"Copy boy," he corrected her.
"It's your last night. You should be out having fun."
"I know. I thought me and Faith would drop by the fair," Clark told her as he opened the door to go out.
"Just please be careful," their mother warned them, looking concerned. "Remember you two, you're not like the rest of us."
Clark and Faith steped out of the house and Clark closes the door behind him. "I know," he replied softly.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Smallville, a bright burst of light appeared, and out of that burst of light there stood the Time Bubble. A door opened and out stepped Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy, The Charmed One, and InuCeres. Brainiac 5 put the Time Bubble away until they needed it again. "We're here," he told the group.
Bouncing Boy looked at the sign that welcomed people to Smallville. "Smallville?" Bouncing Boy asked confused. "Brainy, did you plug in the right coordinates?"
"I have a 12th level intelligence, Bouncing Boy. I don't make mistakes."
"Here we go again," The Charmed One said to herself, rolling her eyes. "Do we have to be reminded that you have a 12th level intelligence everytime we turn around, Brainy. Cause it's starting to get really old fast."
Brainy just ignored her.
"But I thought Superman lives in Metropolis?" Bouncing Boy commented as he scratched his head in confusion.
"Trust me," Brainiac 5 told him. "We're here for a reason." With that, he flew off towards the town of Smallville. Bouncing Boy then looked at Saturn Girl and The Charmed One. They just shrugged their shoulders. As the two girls flew off to catch up with Brainiac 5, InuCeres tugged on Bouncing Boy's arm.
"Yes InuCeres?” he asked looking down at her. “What is it?”
“Smallville is where Superman grew up and learned to control his abilities. He would also come back to Smallville to visit his parents and for holidays,” she told him helpfully.
“Oh, thank you InuCeres.”
With that they both flew off to join the others. As Bouncing Boy and InuCeres caught up with the group, The Charmed One turned around to see the two of them bringing up the rear. “What took you two so long? I thought I was gonna have to come back and get you.”
“Sorry sis.”
“Yeah, I'm sorry too. It was my fault.”
“It's okay,” The Charmed One sighed. “Let's just get going.”
Meanwhile, back at the fair, people were walking about enjoying the festivities. The owner of a booth where you knock down bottles stacked like a pyramid was calling out for customers. “Step right up,” he said. “Come on, win a prize.”
Brad and his girlfriend stopped at the booth. “I can do this with my eyes closed,” Brad bragged as he threw the ball at the bottles. He knocked them down and won a prize for his girlfriend.
The booth owner saw Clark walking by. “Hey, what about you son?”
“Clark Kent?” said Brad. He couldn't hit the side of a barn.”
Faith glared at Brad.
Clark, wanting to prove Brad wrong so badly, walked up to the booth and paid to give the game a try. He then picked up the ball and got ready to throw it. But then he remembered what his mother said.
“Remember Clark, you're not like the rest of us.”
End Flashback
Clark glanced over at Brad for a second. And then when he threw the ball, he allowed it to miss. Everyone who was watching laughed. “Nice try, Kent,” Brad said laughing. “Better stick to pitching hay.” Brad walked away laughing. But suddenly Clark heard something that didn't sound right.
"Something's not right," Clark said to himself.
“Clark? What's happening? What do you hear?” Faith asked, concerned by what he said. He then started to scan the fairground using his X-ray vision. When his eyes fell upon the ferris wheel, he saw that it was braking down. “The Ferris Wheel is breaking down. Come on, we have to try and fix it.” Clark and Faith ran over to the ferris wheel. They both leaned against the ferris wheel's frame, using all of their strength to hold it up.
Meanwhile, at the same time that this was going one. On the other section of the fair, Bouncing Boy and the others were walking through the fairgrounds. Of course, while doing so, Bouncing Boy and InuCeres stopped at some of the food courts. They both got a candied apple, cotten candy, mixed nuts, m-ms and a corn dog, much to The Charmed One's dismay.
"Can you believe it?" said Bouncing Boy. "Food on a stick." Which he then ate the candied apple. ""Hmm! Primative, but delicious."
"I agree," said InuCeres as she enjoyed her corn dog. Bouncing Boy then finished off what he had left. InuCeres had already beatin him. She even shared some of what she had left with her sister and Saturn Girl. After a few more minutes of walking, Saturn Girl did a mind sweep of the people.
"No one seems to be alarmed by our presence," Saturn Girl informed the others as she finished the mind probe. "They think we're performers."
A few second later, Brainiac 5 spotted Clark and Faith Kent. "It's them!" Brainy exclaimed.
Everyone looked over at Clark and Faith. "You're right!" said InuCeres excitedly.
"Are you sure?" asked Bouncing Boy. "Cause I don't see a cape nor does the girl have white bangs."
"Of course it's them!" said InuCeres. "That's Clark before he became known as the Man of Steel and Faith before she became known as Rogue."
Well Bouncing Boy decided to see for himself. So he walked over to Clark to see if this guy really was Superman.
"Need a hand?" Bouncing Boy asked Clark.
"A hand?" Clark stammered out. "No, everything's fine here."
Right at that moment, the wheel part of the ferris came off and started to fall. The people who were on the ride screamed at the sudden jerky movements. Clark used both his super-speed and super-strength to catch it.
"It really is you!" Bouncing Boy exclaimed, completly amazed by what he just saw. “And that must mean that you're Faith.” That's when the rest of the group came over to the ferris wheel right behind Bouncing Boy.
"I'm Saturn Girl," Saturn Girl said, introducing herself. "This is Brainiac 5, The Charmed One, and InuCeres. We're here to help" While Saturn Girl was introducing everyone, Bouncing Boy went behind Clark under the ferris wheel.
"Seriously. we don't need any . . . help?" Clark was surprised by the fact that the weight of the ferris wheel was being lifted off of him. When him and Faith looked behind them, there was Bouncing Boy, inflating to the size of a really huge rubber ball. Clark was so startled by this that he stumbled just a bit as he backed up. Faith, on the other hand, screamed and fell on her butt.
"The first time I saw him do that, I did the same exact same thing," Saturn Girl told him.
"Who are you people?" Clark asked them.
"Bouncing Boy held out his hand. "I'm Bouncing Boy. It's a real honor to meet you."
"I'm Clark." Clark and Bouncing Boy shook hands. That's when they noticed that a crowd of people were surrounding them.
"I'll handle this," Saturn Girl said as she stepped forward. She then used her mind control abilities and said telepathically the to crowd, "You will forget what you have seen here"
"How did you do that?" Clark asked as the crowed walked off in different directions.
"I'll explain it later," Saturn Girl told him. "Right now these people need our help."
In order to keep people from seeing any more than what they've already seen, The Charmed one was going to have to use her ability to freeze time. But she had to have those who were going to be fixing the ferris wheel to not be frozen. They would have to be in contact with her. The Charmed One stood tight next to Bouncing Boy with a hand on him while the others gathered around her to touch him and each other so that anybody touch would be in contact with her. Braniack 5 had his hand on Clark while he had his other hand on her. Faith was getting very nervous, so she grabbed a hold of her brother's arm. Neither Clark nor Faith were sure what was about to happen, but before either one could ask The Charmed One shouted, "Freeze!" The next thing Clarkand Faith knew was that everything and everyone seemed to be standing still.
"Let's get started," said The Charmed One. "Time will only remain frozen for 5-10 minutes." Clark and Faith didn't have to be told twice. They got right to work fixing the ferris wheel. Brainiac 5 then used his flight ring and flew up to where the two siblings were at and watched them work.
"Super-strength, just like in the history files," Brainiac 5 exclaimed. He then turned to look at Faith. “And you have the ability to absorb other people's abilities, just like in the history files
"Uh yeah. I was just . . . you're floating!" Clark said. Faith just stared at Brainiac 5 in shock and amazement.
"Flight ring, one of my inventions," Brainiac 5 told them, smiling broadly.
"I don't believe it!" said The Charmed One as she watched how Brainiac 5 interacting with Clark and Faith. "He's an android and yet he's acting like a little kid meeting his favorite superhero for the fist time. This is a first."
Saturn Girl then flew up to where Clark, Faith and Brainiac 5 were at. "If you guys are done impressing each other, I think we're finished here."
Outside the Fairgrounds
The group decided that it was best to leave the fair so that they could talk and not attract anymore attention to themselves. ""I don't know who you are or what you are, but thanks," Clark said to them. "But whatever you do, please don't tell anybody about this."
"It's okay," Brainiac 5 told them. "We know all about the both of you."
"Yeah, you're Super . . ." Bouncing Boy started to say but was cut off by Brainiac 5. "You both are super with all your powers."
"we're gonna go now," Clark told them.
Saturn Girl then approached Clark and Faith and said, " This is probably gonna sound crazy, but we need you two to come to the future with us."
"The future?" replied Clark. "Your right. That does sound crazy." Clark the turned around to walk away and that's when he saw InuCeres, who was looking up at him awe-struck. Uh, hello there," he said as he looked at the young girl. "Nice costume."
"Superman," InuCeres said softly, in complete amazement.
"S-superman?" Clark asked confused. "Who's that?" But InuCeres didn't say another word, for she just stared up at him, speechless, with her mouth wide open. The Charmed One, Who was standing right next to her sister, rolled her eyes as she constantly placed her hand under the young girl's chin and closing her mouth.
"Uh . . . little girl?" Clark asked. He even waved one of his hands in front of her face. "Uh . . . hello?"
"Oh, don't mind her," said The Charmed One. "She just gets really shy around people. But just so you know, Saturn Girl is right. We do need you two to come with us. We do need your help."
"You're the only one's who can help us," Brainiac 5 pipped in.
"I think you got the wrong guy," Clark told them.
“Not to mention the wrong girl,” said Faith. Faith then climbed onto her brother's back and Clark ran home at super-speed.
"Clark, Faith, wait!" Brainiac 5 called out as he started to go after the two siblings.
"Brainiac 5, stop," said Saturn Girl as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "They know we're right. Let's just give them some time."
The Kent Farm
Clark and Faith had just walked through the front door when they heard their mother call from upstairs," Clark, Faith, you're friends from the fair are here."
They both poked their heads into the kitchen and saw the small group of people who had helped them fix the ferris wheel sitting at the kitchen table. Bouncing Boy and InuCeres were both eating a piece of pie. "Oh no," Clark moaned.
"Hey Clark," said Boucing Boy as Clark entered the kitchen. "Pie."
"How'd you get . . ." Clark stammered. " . . . never mind. Okay, even if you are from the future and I'm not saying that you're not, why us?"
"We belong to the Legion of Superheroes," explained Brainiac 5. "We want you to join us."
"Clark Kent, as Superhero," Clark mused. "Right."
“Same here,” said Faith. “I'm no superhero
"Why not," said Bouncing Boy. "Super-strength, super-hearing, heat vision you can fly."
"Don't forget about super-speed and X-ray vision," InuCeres added. Not to mention your ability to absorb other people powers, Faith.”
Faith just stared at them in shock.
"First, how do you know that stuff?" Clark asked, shocked that they knew about his abilities. "And second, I can't fly."
"We know this is a lot to take in, but you've got to believe us," Saturn Girl told them.
"I can't help you," Clark told them as he walked away. "I'm sorry. You'd better go before you get in trouble."
"Don't you want to learn more about your powers?" Saturn Girl asked him. "Come with us and you won't have to hide them anymore."
"Even if I wanted to, I can't just leave," Clark told them. "What about my job?"
“They won't even notice your gone," Brainiac 5 told him.
"What do you mean?" Clark asked confused.
"Come help us and we'll bring you back the exact moment you left," Brainiac 5 explained.
"You can do that?"
"Just in time for chicken and dumplins," Bouncing Boy said as he lifted the lid off the pot that was cooking on the stove and smelled the delicious aroma coming out.
Mrs. kent called down again to ask, "Clark, Faith, do your friends want to stay for supper?"
"Haven't you ever wondered what the future hold for the both of you?" Saturn Girl asked him. "Now's your chance to find out."
Faith was completely interested. Clark, on the other hand, thought about this, but still didn't look convinced. The Charmed One and Saturn Girl looked at each other and nodded. "Looks like we're gonna have to use our secret weapon after all." The Charmed One said.
"You're right," said Saturn Girl. "It sure looks that way, doesn't it."
"Huh?" Clark's head snapped up at what the two girls were saying. "S-secret w-weapon? what secret weapon?"
"InuCeres, would you come over here for a minute," The Charmed One said as she smiled one of her famous evil grins. Clark looked at her nervously.
"Coming," InuCeres said innocently as she got up walked over to her sister.
"What's going on," Clark asked nervously.
The Charmed One knelt down to her sister height "You know what to do kid," she said as she winked at InuCeres. InuCeres nodded and walked over to Clark. Clark looked down as he watched this young girl walked up to him. Suddenly, before Clark could do anything, he was hit by the saddest, most pathetic look he ever saw. With her ears down, her tail just barely moving, and her hands clasped together like they were made this the saddest sad puppy dog face ever. The group knew that not even the great Superman could resist such a sad and pathetic look.
Very sweetly and innocently she asked, "Please will you come with us?"
"GAAAH!" Clark was taken aback. He then understood what the two girls meant by their secret weapon.
"Please?" InuCeres continued. We could really use your help and I'm asking very nicely."
Faith just couldn't help but laugh as she watched her brother lose his will power to the puppy dog eyes routine and give in.
After a couple of minutes Clark gave in. He just couldn't fight nor resist the look that InuCeres was giving him. "All right," Clark said as he knelt down to the girl's height. "I'll come and do what I can to help." With that, he leaned over and gave her a hug. At that moment InuCeres became exstatic. Not only was she going to get to fight side by side with her idol, Superman, but she was also just hugged by the future Man of Steel.
Clark then stood up and called to his mom upstairs, "Me and Faith are going to the future, Mom. We'll be back in a few minutes."
"Take a sweater."
At that same moment, The Charmed One noticed that her sister seemed very happy about something. "What's with you, Saki?"
"Superman just hugged me!!!"
"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! Clark Kent, the future Man of Steel just hugged me! I can't wait to tell the others back home!"
The Charmed One looked up and glared at Clark. "What did you do?!"
"Huh?" Clark almost jumped clear out of his skin when he saw the look that The Charmed One was giving him. "I-I just gave her a hug. W-what's wrong with that?"
The Charmed One sighed as she lowered her head and placed her thumb and forefinger on both sides of the bridge of her nose. "You are her idol, you idot. Or should I say, you will become her idol when you become Superman. So as of right now, with the fact that she just got hugged by her favorite superhero, that makes her extra excited. Just so you know that because of you hugging her I'm never going to hear the end of it! In fact, it's most likely going to be down right impossible to get her to go to bed tonight!"
"I'm sorry," Clark apoligized. "I didn't mean anything by it. She's just so cute and adorable."
Then the Charmed One got an idea."Unless . . . yes, I think it's fair."
"What?" everybody in the room asked, wondering what she was thinking.
"Clark, you can be the one to put her to bed."
"Um . . . The Charmed One," said Brainiac 5. "It is not his responsibility to take care of your sister. He is coming with us to help us defeat the Fatal Five."
"No really. It's fine.” After Clark had convinced the others that what The Charmed One wanted him to do was fine, everyone got into the Time Bubble and headed for the 31st century.
Just as the Time Bubble disappeared, Mrs. Kent came back downstairs. That's when she realized what her son had just said and became very confused. “The future?”
31stCentury - Legion Headquarters
Back at Legion Headquarters, everyone else who was there was getting ready for the arrival of Superman and Rogue. Triplicate Girl lifted up the middle of the banner and then split into three. The other two picked up the ends and finished hanging up the banner. When the banner was hung up, the words “Welcome Superman and Rogue appeared.
“Viola,” stated the white triplet.
“Good job, Triplicate Girl,” Phantom Girl complimented.
“If you ask me, digging up some old heroes from the past makes us look desperate,” Lightning Lad complained.
“Maybe that's because we are desperate,” said Phantom Girl. Lightning Lad, this is the Fatal Five we're talking about. Even the Science Police are afraid of them. We need all the help we can get.”
“You tell him, Phantom Girl,” said the triplets. All of a sudden everyone's attention was drawn to where the Time Bubble was appearing.
“It's them!” Phantom Girl exclaimed. Everyone watched as the door to the Time Bubble opened. That's when Clark stumbled out of the machine. The triplets melded back into one person and floated back down as the banner fell, completely disappointed.
“Is that Superman?” Phantom Girl asked, disappointment in her voice.
“Superman?” Lightning Lad laughed. “More like Super Geek. Brainy, you've really out done yourself this time.” He then placed one of his arms around Brainy's shoulders and leaned on him. “You really think this guy is going to help us.”
“I know what I'm doing,” said Brainiac 5 as he shrugged off Lightning Lad's arm. “Just give him a chance.”
“Hi, I'm Clark. Cool place,” Clark said, trying to be friendly.
“Thanks,” said Lightning Lad. “All right let's see if you can keep up.”
They then went into another room to test Clark's strength. “They use these things to compress Tyrellium,” Lightning Lad explained. “Hardest stuff in the galaxy. Let me know if it get's too heavy.”
“Don't hold you breathe,” said Clark as he started to push against the weight that was already coming down on him.
“I'm just getting started,” said Lightning Lad as he added mote weight. Clark struggled with the weight that was just added. “Oh, he's losing it!”
“Come on. Clarkie! Don't give up!” Bouncing Boy called out.
“You can do it, Clark!” InuCeres and Faith called out. But Clark just couldn't take the pressure anymore. He jumped clear before the machine could crush him.
“Clark!” Faith cried out as she ran over to her brother.
“This is your Superman?” Lightning Lad asked sarcastically.
Clark became angry as he stood up. “I have no idea who this “Superman” you keep talking about is, but it's not me, okay! You don't want my help, fine!” With that, Clark took off out of the building.
“What is your problem?! We come to help you and this is how you act?! You'er no hero, you're just a big old jack@$$,” screamed at Lightning Lad as she stomped hard on his left foot. Faith the went to catch up with her brother.
“So, he's no Superman,” Lightning Lad said as he turned to face the others. “Big deal.”
“In your effort to test him, Lightning Lad, did you bother to check the scale?” asked Brainiac 5.
“IS that how much he lifted?” asked Bouncing Boy, amazed.
“How much?” asked Lightning Lad.
“3,000 tons,” stated Brainiac 5. “Approximately.”
“Really?” asked Lightning Lad, surprised at how much Clark had lifted. InuCeres walked over to Lightning Lad and kicked him in the shin. She glared up at him angrily as he hopped around on one foot.
“OOWW! Puppy Girl!” Lightning Lad exclaimed. “What was that for?!”
“Serves you right, Sparky,” said Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl together.
“Garth!” The Charmed One screamed as she walked up to him. If it wasn't for the fact that we were about to face the Fatal Five and that we need all the help we can get, I wound seriously turn you into something!”
“How about a fly!” suggested InuCeres.
“When this is over with, Garth, you and I are going to a little chat. And trust me, it won't be pleasant.”
“I'll go find him,” said Saturn Girl. “InuCeres, would you like to come along?”
New Metropolis
Clark had stopped running when he was well enough away from Legion Headquarters. Faith jumped down from his back. “Okay. We're definitely not in Smallville anymore,” Clark said to Faith.
“I know what you mean brother.”
They walked around the city looking at everything. They noticed how different it was from the Metropolis in their time. They eventually came the Superman Museum. They walked through the museum and then sat down on a bench, looking at all the pictures and statues of Clark's future self. There were even some of Faith's future self. That's where Saturn Girl and InuCeres found them.
“It's a lot to handle, I know,” said Saturn Girl as the two girls walked over to them. Saturn Girl sat next to Clark while InuCeres sat next to Faith.
“So, I can really fly?” asked Clark.
“Cool, isn't it,” said Saturn Girl. “I'm sorry we brought you here. It's not your fight. We can take you back. We can even erase your memory. You'll forget all about us.”
“So these Fatal Five guys are pretty bad, huh?” Clark asked.
“The worst,” said Saturn Girl. The Giant, Validus, probably as strong as you. Mano, He can destroy with a touch. Tharok, as smart as Brainiac 5 and armed to the teeth. Persuader, his atomic axe can cut through anything. And the Emerald Empress, their leader. The Emerald Eye of Ekron is the source of her power and the tool for her cruelty. It took the entire Legion to put them in jail. They've escaped and now they're coming back . . . for us.”
InuCeres shuddered and let out a soft whimper, which deep down she hoped non of them had heard. But Clark's super-hearing picked up on it and turned to look at her. She just continued to look at her feet.
Saturn Girl saw how Clark and Faith were looking at InuCeres and answered the question that was farming in their minds. “Her and her sister didn't join until after we had put the Fatal five in jail. So this would their first time to face the Fatal Five.”
“What about the police or the army?” asked Clark. “Can't they help?”
“Not against criminals like these. We're on our won and they know it.”
Just then Saturn Girl got an emergency communication on her ring from Lightning Lad. “Get back to base, now! They're coming.”
“You both should stay here,” Saturn Girl said to Clark and Faith.
“Mom and Dad taught us to never turn our backs on a friend in need,” Clark told her.
Faith shook her head in agreement.
“You brought us here for a reason. We're coming with you.”
With that said, all four of them headed back to Legion Headquarters.
Back at Legion Headquarters
“I sent a code red to every Legionnaire,” said Phantom Girl.
“And?” asked Lightning Lad.
“Shrinking Violet is still undercover,” said Phantom Girl. Colossal Boy is still on Braal.”
“What about Cosmic Boy?” Lightning Lad asked.
That's when Saturn Girl, InuCeres, Clark and Faith walked in.
“At the outpost, he would never make it in time,” Saturn Girl explained.
“We're it, Sparky,” said Triplicate Girl.
“What can we do?” Clark asked, sincerely wanting to help.
“If you're smart, you'll go back home,” Lightning Lad told them.
“I'm here. I wanna help. I have superpowers, said Clark
“So do I,” said Faith.
“You've never used them.”
“We have used them.”
“Not like this you haven't.”
“Garth, if they wants to help, let them help,” said the Charmed One. “We can use all the help we can get. So stop being so damn stubborn.”
They all went outside to meet the enemy. People all over New Metropolis were running and screaming as the Fatal Five made their way to the Legion Headquarters. Along the way, the Science Police tried to stop them.
“Stop right there!” cried the Science Police.
But Validus used his laser beam in their direction, destroying their vehicles and sending them running for cover. When the Fatal Five emerged form the smoke, the Legion was waiting for them.
“This is it!” sneered the Emerald Empress. “I expected a bigger turn out from the Legion of Superheroes.”
“There's five of them and fourteen of us,” said Bouncing Boy. “No problem. Right, Clark, Faith.”
Clark took off.
“Uh, we may have a problem,” said Bouncing Boy.
“Hmph. Seems like you're a little short this time,” bragged Emerald Empress. “Ah, you brought in four new members for my gang to crush. Oh, wait, one ran away so that makes three. Even though it's kind of pathetic that you would bring a pet to the battle.”
InuCeres growled at the comment.
“Bring it on, Green Queen,” said Lightning Lad. We put you away once and we'll do it again.”
“Take `em down, boys,” ordered the Emerald Empress.
Whatever you do, don't look directly into the eye,” Saturn Girl warned.
The battle began. Phantom Girl and the Charmed One worked together and knocked Persuader down, but as the trips went to finish him off, he brought his axe up and knocked two of them back. The white triplet turned around to help her sisters. But the minute she caught up to them, they came face to face with Validus. By smashing all three of them in the palms of his hands, not only did he merge them back together, bit he also knocked Triplicate Girl unconscious.
Meanwhile, Persuader knocked both Phantom Girl and the Charmed One to the ground. That's when the Emerald Empress used the Eye of Ekron on both of them.
Bouncing Boy attacked Validus, but then Validus defeated Bouncing Boy by using his laser beam on him. Bouncing Boy then became the next victim to the eye's beam. Brainiac 5 and Mano fought each other, but Mano grabbed one of brainy's outstretched arms and through him into the eyes beam. InuCeres was know battling Persuader. One by one the Legionnaires were being defeated and having the Emerald Eye of Ekron used on him.
“AAAAAAH!” InuCeres Faith screamed as Persauder swung InuCers around by her tail and Faith around by her hair and then tossed the both of them like a rag doll. They both hit the wall and fell to the ground to the ground. Faith was knocked unconscious. InuCeres tried to get up, but she was in too much pain and collapsed back down to the ground.
At that same moment, Lightning Lad was fighting Validus. He turned his head as he heard InuCeres's scream. He flew over to her to make sure that she was alright. He could tell that she was in a lot of pain, but she was still willing to get up and fight.
“Behind you!” InuCeres grunted between clenched teeth.
Lightning Lad turned around to see Validus coming towards them. “I'll be right back,” he told her and flew off to take care of Validus.
“Your mind is mine,” Emerald Empress told Saturn Girl. Saturn Girl groaned as Persuader brought her over to Emerald Empress. Lightning Lad was still fighting Validus when he noticed that she needed help.
“Huh?” He then flew off to help her but got blasted out of the sky by Tharok. Persuader dumped the unconscious Saturn Girl on the ground right next to him. The other members did the same thing with the other Legionnaires.
“Where's Superman when you need him?”
Meanwhile Clark ran back to the Superman Museum, grabbed the Superman suit and put it on. At first it was baggy on him. But then it seemed to shrink to fit him. He then stepped outside and looked at the statue of Superman on the roof. He removed his glasses and got ready to rejoin the Legion.
“Up, up, and away,” he said as he tried to fly. But he wound up crashing into ledges and parts of buildings along the way.
“Got to work on that.”
Back at Legion Headquarters, Validus held Lightning Lad in one hand while holding an unconscious Saturn Girl in the other. The Emerald Empress was using the Eye on Lightning Lad.
“Kinda sad really, watching you struggle like this,” Emerald Empress said to Lightning Lad, mocking him. “You're just gonna end up like the rest of them.”
“No . . . I . . . won't!” Lightning Lad fought the Eye's hypnotic beam with everything he had. But he was defeated by the eye anyway. Saturn Girl came too and sent a thought blast at the Empress.
“AAAAAH!” screamed the Empress. She then turned to face Saturn Girl and said, “Strong mind, but your body is weak. And when that goes, it's lights out. Permanently.” She then used the Eye on Saturn Girl, who screamed and went unconscious again. At that moment InuCeres managed to stand up. After seeing what had been done to her sister and her friends, she became angry and hit the Empress in the back with a blast of light. Emerald Empress screamed as the attack hit her. Validus dropped the two Legionnaires he was holding and grabbed InuCeres. Inuceres tried everything she could to break free from Validus's grasp but to no avail. “Why you filthy little half-breed!” screamed the Emerald Empress. “You're going to pay for that!”
Meanwhile, at the moment, before the Emerald Empress could make good on her threat, Clark had made it back to the others. But as he went to land, he wound up making a crash landing. He coughed as he stood up. Let them go, Empress!” Clark demanded.
“Love the cape,” said Emerald Empress mockingly. “So 21st century.”
“Last chance,” Clark told her.
“You're braver than you look. But I'm afraid you're too late,” the Emerald Empress told him. With that, she then uses the Eye on InuCeres, who screamed and passed out. Validus then dropped her to the ground like a rag doll. “That'll teach the little fleabag to mess with me,” Emerald Empress sneered. She then turned her attention back to Clark, who was looking pissed off. “Teach him some manners boys.”
Clark fought Validus, Persuader, Mano, and Tharok. At first he wasn't making much headway, but he didn't give up. Saturn Girl came too and saw how hard Clark was fighting. She used her telepathy to talk to the others.
“Look at Clark,” she told them. “If he's not giving up, neither should we. We have to fight it.”
By this time, Validus held Clark down as Mano held his head still. Clark kept his eyes closed while the eye tried using it's hypnotic ray on him.
“Now, play nice and look into the eye,” Emerald Empress told him.
“If . . . that's . . . what . . . you . . . really . . . want,” Clark said as he opened his eyes and used his heat vision on the eye. When the full force of the laser beams from Clark's eyes hit the Eye of Ekron, it caused an explosion that knocked the Fatal Five to the ground. That's when the Legionnaires were able to fully snap out of the spell they were under.
“Hey, they're getting back up,” said Brainiac 5.
“Then let's put them down for good,” said Lightning Lad.
Triplicate Girl, Phantom Girl, and the Charmed One took care of Persuader. Brainiac 5 took care of Tharok. Lightning Lad and InuCeres fought Mano. And Saturn Girl used her mind control abilities to temporality turn Validus against the rest of the Fatal Five.
“Help my friends,” Saturn Girl said to Validus telepathically. Validus picked up Mano and threw him into the air. Clark was still battling with the Emerald Empress and the Eye when Lightning Lad and InuCeres went to see hoe it was going. “Hit her with your freezing breath,” Lightning Lad shouted to Clark.
“My what?” exclaimed Clark.
“Think cold and blow,” InuCeres and Lightning Lad said together. Clark did as the two Legionnaires said and used his freezing breath. The Emerald Empress and the Eye of Ekron were frozen. As the two frozen figures fell from the sky Clark caught them.
Meanwhile the rest of the Legion were gathering the remaining members of the Fatal Five. Faith stared in aw at what her brother just did. Just then, the Emerald Empress teleported herself and the rest of her group out of there.
“Hey, where'd they go?” asked Clark.
“Teleported,” Brainiac 5 stated matter-of-factly. “They could be anywhere in the galaxy at this point. But I think they got the message.”
Inside Legion Headquarters
“I knew they could do it,” bragged Lightning Lad. Everybody looked at him. “Well maybe not at first,” he admitted.
“Do you guys always have this much fun?” Clark asked.
“Pretty much,” said Phantom Girl.
“You better believe it,” said the Charmed One.
“I guess we'll take you home,” said Brainiac 5, sounding a little sad.
“Hold on a second,” said Clark. “You said you could take us back to the same moment we left, right?”
Brainiac 5 noddeed.
“I really didn't get a chance to see New Metropolis.”
“And neither of you really didn't get to try all your powers,” said Saturn Girl.
“Maybe we should stay a little bit longer. What do you say, Faith?”
“You bet I would! This place and time is amazing!”
“Well, as long as you both are here, you'll be needing these,” said Brainiac 5 as he gave Clark and Faith their own Legion belt and ring. They were both then made a members of the Legion.
“All right, Clark and Faith,” said Phantom Girl.
“Yeah,” said the Trips.
“Welcome to the team,” Said InuCeres.
“Congratulations, Clark,” said Bouncing Boy. “You too Faith.”
“You know, Clark just doesn't cut it as a superhero name,” said Lightning Lad. “If you're gonna be on the team, You're gonna need a new handle. Just like the rest of us.”
“I already have one,” Clark stated.
“And so do I,” said Faith.
“You do?” asked Lightning Lad, sounding surprised.
New Metropolis
The Legionnaires flew around the city on patrol. Clark was still having a little bit of trouble flying. He even started to fall at one point and had to work to get back up the others. He looked over at Brainiac 5.
“Altitude,” Clark said, a little embarrassed.
“Try it like this,” Brainiac 5 told him as he showed Clark the flying posed that he would be known to use when he became “Superman.” Clark took the pose and found that it made it easier for him to fly.
“Hey, I like it,” Clark said. He then flew to the front of the group.
“Hey, that's my spot,” yelled Lightning Lad.
Faith looked over at the redhead and rolled her eyes. “Oh, get over it, Lightning Bulb.”
Everyone laughed as Lightning Lad looked at Faith, shocked by what she said. Then gave her a dirty look. Faith just smiled at him smugly as she went to catch up with her brother.
Back At Legion Headquarters
Once the group got back from patrol, Clark and Faith were given a better greeting and learned everyone's name. As everybody else was talking to Clark and Faith and eating, Pru dragged Garth out of the cafeteria by his ear. A few minutes later everyone stopped talking as they heard Pru yelling, the occasional sounds of something banging into a wall, and yelps from Garth.
“I don't think Sparky's ever going to learn,” said Sakura.
“You're telling me,” said Tinya. “You would think by now he would learn not to piss Pru off.”
“Hopefully he'll learn before she winds up killing him,” said Sakura.
“Remind me not to get on your sisters bad side,” Clark said to Sakura.
“Don't worry, I will.”
A few minutes later Pru walked in and grabbed something to eat. She then sat next to her sister.
“So, is Sparky still alive?” Sakura asked.
Before Pru could answer that, Garth walked in. He was holding his arm and looked to be in some pain.
“I'll take that as a yes,” said Sakura.
Clark couldn't help but feel bad for Garth. Sakura even felt a little sorry for him.
“Well, I'm heading off to my room for the evening,” Pru said as she got up to put her tray away. “Don't stay up too late, Saki.”
After Pru had left the cafeteria, Sakura, Clark and Faith walked over to Garth's table.
“Hey, Sparky, you okay.”
“Huh? Yeah, I'll be fine, Puppy Girl.”
Sakura, Clark and Faith sat down.
“So, Clark, how did they talk you into coming to the future?”
Sakura almost choked on her desert as she heard the question.
“Puppy Girl!” Garth said as he turned towards Sakura as she was coughing. He even started patting her on the back. Within a few minutes Sakura stopped coughing.
“Are you okay now, Puppy Girl?”
“Good, don't scare me like that.”
“Sorry,” she croaked.
“That's alright. Okay, now that that scares over with, maybe I can find out how you guys talked Clark into coming.”
Sakura's face turned bright red and her ears turned pink.
“Puppy Girl? Do you know something that I don't?”
“She's the one that finally talked me into coming,” Clark told him.
“Huh? Puppy Girl?”
“Yeah. Or should I say, as Pru and Imra put it, “Your secret weapon.”
Garth just smiled as he said, “Oh, I see. No wonder she's blushing. They had her use the old “sad puppy dog” routine.”
Sakura groaned as she laid her head face-down on the table.
“Well, uh . . . yeah. She was just too cute to ignore.”
“Yeah, I know,” Garth said, patting Sakura lightly on the head. “She really is a cutie. But I will warn you, don't piss her off.”
“Uh . . . why is that?” Clark asked nervously.
“She has her sister's temper. And Plus, with her ability, let's just put it this way, she'll have you seeing the light in the end.”
“Eh-heh-heh-heh,” Sakura chuckled nervously. “I'm still learning how to control it.”
“But you've improved quite a bit since you got here, Puppy Girl.”
Sakura blushed again as she smiled. Suddenly the communication device on her ring went off.
“Saki, are you still in the dinning hall?” Pru asked as a hologram of her face appeared from Sakura's ring.
“Um . . . yeah.”
“Well, I think it's time you got off to bed. And Clark, remember our deal. You have to tuck her in.”
“But I'm not tired , Pru,” Sakura said as she quickly tried to stifle a yawn.
“Yeah, sure, that's why you just tired to stifle that yawn. What? You thought that I didn't notice. You should know me by know. I notice everything. Now, off to bed, young lady.”
“Yes, Pru.”
With that, Clark, Faith and Sakura headed for the exit.
“See you in the morning, Puppy Girl,” Garth called. “Oh, and tell Monster goodnight as well.”
“See you in the morning, Sparky. And don't worry, I will.”
“Who's Monster?” Clark asked Sakura as soon as they were in hallway.
“My dog,” she said simply. With that, they walked down to Sakura's room where Clark got a big surprise the minute he walked in. For Monster came to greet Sakura the minute she came into the room. Sakura hugged the big dog affectionately. Monster then jumped up and greeted Clark. She even gave Faith the same greeting. Clark couldn't help but laugh at the greeting he received, for he was use to it with his dog Krypto back home.
“It looks like Monster likes you,” Sakura replied.
“Yeah, it seems so. She sure is a beautiful dog,” Clark replied.
“I know, but she's also a good friend and protector.”
“She reminds me of Krypto from back home,” Faith commented.
Sakura then showed them her Superman collection. She yawned a couple of more times before she went into the bathroom and changed into her nightgown. Clark was sitting at her desk reading some of her comics. Faith was sitting on the floor doing the same thing.
“You guys can borrow those if you want,” Sakura said as she climbed onto her bed.
“Oh, thanks,” said Clark.
“Yeah thanks, Sakura is it?” said Faith.
As the three of them sat and there and talked, Monster got up on the bed and made herself comfortable. 15 minutes Sakura started to lay down and doze off. Faith started to do the same. Clark then got up, picked Faith up, placed next to Sakura on the bed, and covered the both of them up with the blanket.
“Goodnight, Sakura,” Clark whispered. “Goodnight, Faith. And goodnight Monster.”
Sakura and Faith were already out like a light as Clark exited the room, when he looked back there was a huge smiles on their faces. He couldn't help but smile himself and chuckle softly.