Other Fan Fiction ❯ Lives in Choosing ❯ Leaving Behind the Life I Knew ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I take no credit for the characters in this story, only the story itself and the evil mind it takes to manipulate them.
<>Well, I'm finally done with this chapter! Took me forever, I know. I had half of it, started over, had half again, started over again, then gave up for a couple weeks. So I ended up changing this chapter's idea altogether and I came up with something. Sheesh, I'm glad to get this one out.
Ahh, semester finals are finally done! I was sooo stressed out about the tests and they were no big deal really. That frustrates me! The only class I had trouble in was English, but that was only because I wasn't paying attention when directions were given out.
I'm going to quit babbling now, so you can actually read something worth your time.... maybe...<>
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Leaving Behind the Life I Knew
The grass was pleasantly green, but tiny droplets of water splattered onto her numb feet and she chose to speed through the foliage until she hit dirt. Mud really, by the way it stuck to the bottoms of her feet and squished between her toes. Sighing in aggravation, Rinoa continued on through the thin lines of trees, picking her way along mud and rocks.
Morning came with no sun, but a nice, dense fog. It stuck to her hair as she walked and made her skin terribly clammy. There was no trail to follow, but it was clear enough to make a straight path through. She stumbled twice, dropping herself into several mud holes and puddles. Her clothes were still soaked from the rain, but now they marked brown and black with muck. She felt light headed and weak and was constantly coughing.
Rinoa had been `let out' of her captive for the morning, giving her time to relieve herself and find some privacy. After many threats from Squall and the evil grins from Zell she promised to return by midday, when the camp would be put up. Now she wasn't sure how late in the day it was. The time was around 9 o'clock when she left, but that must've been at least an hour ago. Just as soon as she found somewhere nice and dry to sit for awhile, she would make her way back.
Rinoa was caught by surprise when her foot suddenly struck sand. She looked up, bewildered. Before her stretched a long beach with the ocean right there! The fog was heavier here, but she could clearly make out the lapping waves to tall standing rocks set far out into the water. The tide was light and smoothed over the white sand like butter.
`What's an ocean doing here? Right by the forest?' she thought to herself. She stepped out further into the sand, her frozen feet leaving prints as she went. She struggled her way over to the water's edge, watching the foam slide over and dissolve before they reached her.
The girl's gaze was drawn back up and she peered down the sandy bank, noting how more rocks were protruding from the ground along the shore. She made quick time getting over to the nearest set of boulders, studying the surface. It was black like coal and looked like swiss cheese. Holes made easy grips as she mounted the rock and sat upon its tall heights. Exhaustion took over as she reclined against it, enjoying the relaxation and ignoring the bumpy pillow it made.
Sleep and dreams were settling in when a small movement caught Rinoa's eyes. She sat up, rubbing the back of her sore neck. Her gaze traveled down, seeking out a crab crawling in and out of crevices. The little distraction from life made Rinoa grin and she leaned forward, following the path of the crab. The thought barely crossed her mind and she suddenly was wondering how long she had been dosing off for. The sun was still not out, making it impossible to tell time. She shivered slightly and rubbed her hands over her arms.
A small breeze picked up and Rinoa looked over the side of the rock out onto the sandy path. Her prints still marked where her feet had been, but the waves seemed to be a little higher, stretching beyond the limit they had the last time she was down there. She took the time to enjoy the scenery from the bird's eye view. It dawned on her by surprise how much different this beach was from the one by Sastugas.
Here the sands looked much cleaner and were the color of creamy pearls. It almost appeared ancient, her footsteps the only obstacle in perfection. The air, though moist, was fresher and easier to breath. She never imagined that they would have traveled this far from humanity. Her heart sank to her stomach when all hopes of escape withered away to nothing. She tried hard to hold back the tears, but memories of what she might never see again broke the bond that restrained them.
Her heavy sobbing lasted only a few moments before her attention was brought to something else. Through the line of trees so near by the coast she could make out the movements of carts and wagons. Her breath caught when she was in view of the large Galbadian army, slowly making their way to the sandy shore.
Again she looked to the sky, but the sun remained hidden. It must be past noon if the forces were already trekking again! What if someone saw her? They must think she was trying to get away! The sudden flash back of threats raced through her mind, echoing the bitter and serious voice of their commander.
The black-haired girl quickly looked around, deciding whether she should break and run or surrender herself. She made quick work of getting down the jagged rock, but a familiar red head caught sight of her before she could run. He came swiftly through the trees and onto the sand, grabbing a firm hold of her shoulders as she struggled to get up.
"Get off!" She screamed desperately, stuck between shrieking and sobs. Her body was roughly pinned to the ground and her wrists were bound as more soldiers came to see the commotion.
Irvine then pulled her hastily to her feet, yanking her shoulder out of place. "Should have gotten away while you still could," he sneered with a devilish grin.
The commander was swiftly upon the situation, directing units as he hurried over. When he caught sight of the problem he slowed down his pace and calmly halted before Rinoa, vexation quivering in his very breath. He spat a command to Irvine and the few following soldiers to leave and returned his frozen gaze back to Rinoa's anguished one.
He stood with arms crossed and waited for her explanation, excuse, confession, whatever... but she only glared back with mounting rage. Calmly and unaffected by her anger, he said, "I thought you would've escaped by now." He ended his statement with a shrug.
Rinoa's carefully confined anger suddenly snapped and she pounced upon him in a fury of resentment and agony. She struck out with her ties fists, pounding into his chest. Her effort was half-hearted and only the element of surprised caused Squall to stumble a few steps back.
With an aggravated growl Squall smoothly grabbed her arms and pushed not too lightly to the ground. His grip was painful against her shoulders as he pressed her harder into the sand, causing her to yelp in discomfort. The resistance she put up was short lived as she began to break down into fits of tears. The whole struggle ended as she jerked her head away from Squall and pressed her eyes closed.
Squall let up on his hold, but remained firm in his grip. He shook her roughly, staring intensely down on her. "Do not defy me!" He roared in all his enmity. "You've defied me once and I gave you the chance to run! Never, so long as you breath in my presence, will you do such a thing again!" Rinoa continued to avoid his intimidating glare, sobs racking her entire body.
His release was more of a thrust, pushing him up to his feet and pressing her more firmly to the ground. He looked down upon her body, worn and wrecked from the last week of vigorous travel. Her clothes were torn in several places and dirt was stained everywhere, including all of her flesh. Her body alone was thinner than he remember from the first time he saw her. It was only nine days, but her fragile form couldn't take the aggressive treatment and insufficient rations. Her hair was knotted and plastered around her face, sticking to the wetness of her tears.
His expression softened when he saw her like this. It was amazing how much he was now regretting his actions towards her. And even more than what he had been doing to her being unfair, it was inhumane. She was starved and obviously dying. His concerns lay too deep in his own work that he never noticed it until now. And what did she do to deserve it? Sure, she had tried to kill him, but what other determined soul wouldn't stand up for what was theirs to defend? He should really be admiring her bravery rather than resenting it.
Squall took a few steps away from her, still watching as she curled into a ball of agony, weeping silently. He was trapped between choosing what he normally would have - to just leave her lying there and have nature decide her fate. Or he could.... no, he was a commander, not a caretaker.
With a firm step he turned around and made a grand total of three stides before he turned back and gathered the debilitated girl in his arms. He half carried, half dragged her back to his station.
"Shh! Damn it girl, don't you ever shut up!" Seifer looked back at Selphie, looking as if he was ready to thwack her.
Selphie seemed not to hear him, too caught up in her attempt at bird calls. She bounced around with energy, marking the passing of an elephant. When she finally caught Seifer's warning glance, she quieted down. "Hurry up and find something! This is boring and I can't even see anything!" Selphie squinted around in the fog.
"Well, if you would pay attention... Selphie...... Selphie! Oh gods, never mind," the blonde rolled his eyes as Selphie now seemed busy trying to see through the cloud.
Seifer continued through the pines and oaks, looking for any signs of passing or a path. It wasn't long before they stumbled onto the clearing Galbadia used the first night of rain. Seifer and a now interested Selphie searched around for any clues.
"Hmm, I can't say exactly how long they've been gone, but it certainly didn't concern them if they were trying to be followed," Seifer concluded with a gesture to the deep tracks leading off into the forest again.
"So what are we gonna do, follow them?" Selphie came up to stand beside Seifer, a look of perplexity written on her face.
"No, we'll let them go," Seifer sighed and stepped lightly along the trail tracks, plunging into the trees.
With a look of even more confusion, Selphie followed.
Rinoa opened her eyes reluctantly, savoring the final bit of her escape into dreams. She awoke to the blue of sky and the warmth of sun. It felt incredible compared to the last week and a half of rain and gloom. Her brown eyes danced with laughter when her worries were suddenly left behind and she watched passing puffs of silver clouds.
For the first time in a long while she felt wonderfully comfortable. Despite the tattered clothing that she still wore, she felt herself molded into a thick and cushioned mat. Sighing in contentment, Rinoa enjoyed the feeling for a moment more before she hastily pulled herself up. A sudden pain shot through her right shoulder, making her gasp sharply.
"Irvine pulled your arm out of the socket. Its fine now, just let it heal," a cold voice said behind her.
Rinoa whipped around, despite the pain, and tripped a few feet away. "Leave me alone!" She shouted in a panic. Her head flew from right to left, looking for a way to flee. "Where am I? Where are you taking me?!" She seemed desperate.
Squall stood across from her, staring blankly into her eyes. "You're on a ship, crossing a small sea. We'll reach land by dusk."
An uneasy feeling overtook Rinoa and she took another step back. "Where are you taking me?" she whispered.
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Yeah, I know, this chapter was pretty useless. But trust me, its a lot better than what I started with. You may have killed yourself if I left the other one... or just fell asleep. Well wish me good luck on ideas for my next chapter! I'll accept any suggestions! R+R!!!!!!!!!!
~Tsukino Kaze