Other Fan Fiction ❯ Loki's Assault ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Beginning
Dragons have always been looked upon in awe and terror. They were beasts of magnificent size, strength, courage, intelligence, and often greed. In the future, Humans discovered the ability to travel between planes through machines. Despite the Humans' fear of dragons, it was a half-dragon who created the first plane-shifting device, capable of sending three creatures at a time. The hypocritical Humans now want to destroy the dragon race, greed overwhelming them to be the only race capable of moving between other planes.
Currently, in the year of 3876, the planet is Baxian, and an empire of Humans has completely eradicated the Golden Dragons of their plane, deeming the race the most powerful and dangerous. The remaining, and dwindling, races of the metallic kind (Brass, Copper, Silver, and Bronze) had banded together, roughly a hundred plus of each kind. Despite their differences, many had agreed to build massive tunnels allowing for an underground city, a home deep below the Empire's reach and its dangerous weapons. Millions of Humans and Elves, among many lesser races, had journeyed to this city to help aid the dragons in any way possible: Forming resistances to assault the empire and whatnot. However, the Empire had found out about the city and finally brought down its own army. After a devastating battle prolonging into four years, each race of dragons fled for its own safety, the population a single digit of each.
Differently, the Empire would have failed this conquest without the aid of the Chromatic Dragon's (Red, Blue, Green, Black, and White) intelligence and strength. Growing rapidly in number, the Empire's main army was composed of the great dragons. Present day has Chromatic Dragons running around under the Empire's rule, with no sign of the Metallic Dragons that fled from the battle. The great city is now in ruins, much avoided by the traveler.
The story starts with a boy, born a half-dragon, but with the power to choose a different life. This is his story, and how his life underwent a change to relinquish this oppression.
* * *
Nix was a young boy, and the only child of his family. Despite having no siblings, the boy was treated fairly, not getting his way, and earning his keep at home. He had an admirable, if not shy, personality, and kept many friends close when he was at school. However, he was different than many of his friends. Nix was one of the half-descendants of the great dragons, one of the metallic dragons that survived the war of the Great City. He was half Brass, and rather fast and strong. However, one thing that was odd was his slightly gray color, different than the bright `brassy' color of his race. Despite that Nix was nineteen years of age; still young and learning. This is his story after graduating the human school.
After the war of the city, humans who rebelled against the empire allowed the half-dragons (when the dragons fell in love with humans and elves, they would change into a human or elf to truly be with that other) to join them in school for education, as most of the dragons were killed.
“Nix! Come over here!” Sibyl yelled to the Brass dragon, beckoning for him to come over. Sibyl was a bronze, a half bronze, to be exact, very noble by race. Nix and Sibyl had been friends for many years, classmates from the 1st grade and on.
“I'm coming.” Nix was standing at the base of a hill, a sunny day outside, cloudless, and possibly spring from the warmth and the wind. Sibyl was at the top of the hill, gazing at the sky, watching something. As Nix walked up to her, he noticed something black on the horizon.
“What do you think it could be, Sibyl?”
“I don't know. Maybe a ship? Could be a dragon.”
“Dragon? Looks too big. Then again, maybe it is a Full. We might want to warn Sinka. Think he would like to know about it?”
“Eh, maybe? I'm going to go on and look. Catch ya later!” And with that, Sibyl darted off, spreading her greenish wings and gliding along the ground. She wore a purple kimono, preferring a long forgotten style unknown to Nix. He watched her glide slowly towards the location of the black blot in the sky, fearing for what may happen. With a gust of wind, Nix looked over his shoulder, back at the town, then darted after Sibyl, his manta-like wings rippling in the wind. The Brass dragon wore no shirt, instead preferring to live out the sun in all its warmth. His pants were dark brown, large and billowy, flapping in the wind as he flew. Unlike most dragons, who had horns, the Brass dragon had his plate on his head like a shovel, good for digging, but behind that were two, tendril-like appendages that grew far down to his waist, sticking him out from crowds from any distance. Nix could control these two tendrils with great ease, and could even hold things with them. No one had an answer, but they showed some importance for the future. For now, they flapped in the wind behind him, undulating like snakes.
“Sibyl, wait for me!” The girl came up short, righting herself and landing elegantly on her feet.
“Yea? So you are coming with me. Gotta catch me!” The bronze leapt forward and took to the wing before Nix caught up, and flew on out of reach.
“Sibyl, get back here!” A good game of tag is what Nix thought, which ended differently than expected. The half bronze darted into a nearby wood, beyond the rolling hills that the couple were standing in previously. Nix sighed and dove through the air, landing heavily in front of the tree line.
“I can't believe I'm going after her. Sinka is going to be irritated.”
Nix ran into the woods, preferring foot than wing in the dense forest. The light started to fade as he ran in, the trees closing in. There was a scream far off, and Nix sped up, jumping from time to time with his great wings helping him.
“Sibyl! Where are you!?”
The boy came upon a stream, and lying in the middle of it was Sibyl, a red line trailing off downstream next to her.
Nix jumped from his position, landing next to the stream, then ran next to her. The cool water was only ankle deep, and the boy ran in without a thought, kneeled, and lifted her in his arms. She tilted her head and opened her eyes.
“Sorry, Nix. He caught me by surprise.”
That was when Nix noticed the cut in Sibyl's side, on her left, a nasty, deep cut where she was bleeding profusely.
“I'll get you back to the town. You'll be alright.”
“Sorry, Dragon. You aren't going anywhere.”
Instinctively, Nix leapt forwards, where he could see no one in front of him. He turned around, one of his wings bending down to cover Sibyl's head.
Where he was standing, Nix perceived a rush of water surge upwards, as a gunshot rang out.
“Don't make this hard on me, boy. I know you are young, and your dark skin should fetch me a pretty price.”
“A hunter. Go away before I remove you from this realm.” Nix bared his fangs, the tendrils on his back lifting up in anger. He slammed his tail on the ground behind him, swishing it through the grass.
“Big talk from a boy so young. And one with no weapon but the claws on his little hands.” The man, covered in black clothing, with a leather jacket studded with spikes, leather pants flowing similar to Nix's, and a bandana with the empires' symbol (an angel with twin swords on a blood-red background) pulled up his hands to hold two pistols, new-age with a strange light projectile. Nix knew this as a laser, but had never really seen one until now.
“Do I look unarmed?” Nix shot out a blast of fire from his lungs, the line shooting straight at the hunter's chest. He leapt to his left, where a line of lighting connected with his shoulder, sending him to his knees.
“Don't exclude me, filthy human.” Sibyl was standing next to Nix, weakly, but fully. The Brass dragon then dove forwards, his wings sending him straight over the creek and at the man, a good three yards. The two connected and rolled down into the water, where they punched each other. Finally, Nix got the upper hand and stood, holding both of the pistols in one hand, the hunter in his other.
“Go away, hunter, and leave us be.” The dragon threw the man to the ground and crushed the pistols in his hand. Cursing, the hunter stood up and ran off into the dark woods, where Sibyl started to go after him.
“Leave him, Sibyl. Let us go back to Sinka and report the Black shape.”
“You were almost killed. We must go.”
The couple ran to the edge of the forest, and then Nix picked up Sibyl and took flight, his strong wings carrying them both to the town in a few more minutes.
Waiting at the edge of the town, a large half Silver dragon stood, shirtless, a sort of cape flowing from his waist, wrapped like a belt around the Silvery pants similar to his skin. His eyes were closed, but any passersby could tell he noticed everything, could see, or feel, everything around him.
As the couple approached the town, Sinka, the great Silver Dragon that oversaw this home, greeted them.
“Nix, Sibyl, welcome back. I trust she needs medical attention?”
“er… yes, how did-“
“Let me see her.”
Nix allowed Sibyl to stand for herself, and as she walked over towards Sinka, he put one of his large hands on the wound, and a soft glow appeared, stopping the blood from flowing, and allowing the wound to seal so it could start its healing. The Silver dragon took his hand back and looked at the two, roughly around a foot taller than either. (Nix is 6' 8”, and Sibyl is 6' 2”)
“Please be more careful next time. I can heal a wound, but I cannot heal death, or your mistakes. Learn from them.”
“Oh, one more thing-“
“The black speck looming on the horizon is a Carrier.”
Sibyl looked a little discomforted and a bit depressed that the news was not hers alone to tell, that the overseer already knew.
“A…. Carrier? What is that?”
Nix looked at Sinka for a moment, expecting a long explanation.
“It is a ship by the humans, some by Resistance, many used by the Empire. It holds equipment for war, such as ammunition, vehicles, weaponry, the like, and is guarded heavily. You would do well not to go after it.”
Nix looked on with amazement. Sinka was never out of wisdom.
“Oh, and one more thing. The Carriers hold prisoners. Especially Resistance members and half dragons.”
“The Empire would go that far to capture half dragons such as us?”
“Occasionally, but they usually try for the Setzu Clan.”
“Setzu Clan?”
“Yes, the clan that operates in combat, a Resistance clan of dragons. They are large in number, and ask for aid in numbers from many villages and towns such as this kind. One messenger is here today, by chance, asking in particular for some… allies.”
“Woah, a group of us that actually does something. Is it hard to get accepted?”
“Yes and no.”
Sinka closed his eyes for a moment and looked up at the ever-looming Black speck.
“You see, they do not add any dragon that looks weak, does not appear to show any great intelligence, and shows no…. talent.”
“um, aren't all half dragons intelligent and talented?”
“They look for… special traits.”
Right as Nix was about to ask another question, a massive and muscular half Black dragon walked up behind Sinka, aimed straight for the trio. Sibyl raised her guard immediately, and Nix did likewise, but Sinka did not turn around, nor pay any attention to his approach.
“Hello, Grandmaster.” A deep voice emanated from the mouth of the dragon, his sunken eyes giving him a deathly glare, his straightforward horns giving him the appearance of a Minotaur, almost in size. Sinka turned around and bowed, then smiled.
“Hello, Thurkear. What is it you seek?”
“That boy. There. What is his name?”
The large dragon was now standing just in front of Sinka, who, having turned around, was a few steps in front of the couple, Sibyl and Nix. Both of the adolescents looked at each other, and then listened on.
“You want Nix? Whatever for? He is hardly anything your clan would want.”
“Setzu looks for anything odd, these days, and surprisingly, Srrivarla wanted `a boy with two tendril-horns, a fighting spirit, and eager for adventure.' Now, I'm not sure if he is a fighter, but seeing a dragon looking like that doesn't happen every day.”
“Neither do we see someone quite your size, buddy.”
Nix smiled, shocked at first for his abrupt remark. Sure he disliked being courteous to strangers who had not earned his respect, but mocking a guy oh say around 7' 8” wasn't exactly a good idea.
The dragon smiled.
“He has a fighting spirit, then. Can I have him? Or, `We', I should say.”
“It is up to him.”
Sinka folded his arms and looked over his head, his wings folded neatly over his shoulders, his tail packed gently on the ground around his feet. His one eye staring at Nix was focused, asking for an answer.
“Um…. What will I be doing? Can Sibyl come along?”
“Sibyl? Oh, the Bronze. She can tag along. Don't make me regret my choice.”
Sibyl smiled; glad she wasn't going to be left behind.
“You won't regret this. I'm a fair fighter.”
Nix flapped his wings once in jubilance, and then folded them against his back.
“So when are we going to leave?”
The Brass dragon was eager to get going, hoping to be apart of many stories to bring home to everyone. Possibly to impress Sinka with a story too, was an option.
“What are your names? A name is rather important in the Setzu Clan, and I'd like to write yours down for introductions upon our arrival.”
“I'm Nix, and she is Sibyl. By the way, you seem like a pretty nice guy compared to your looks. I just thought I would get that out now.”
Nix raised his hands in defense, palms out, and smiled innocently. Thurkear reached behind him and pulled out a small, rectangular device, silver in color. He took one claw on his right hand, his index, and seemed to write something over the face of it. Then, the large Black dragon lifted his head and smiled.
“A renegade is always kind to those who did not betray him.”
Sinka turned around towards Nix and Sibyl then spoke, interrupting Nix's questions again.
“Thurkear, do you not need to leave, as like one with a tight schedule?”
The large dragon raised a hand to the sun, palm facing outwards, and then lowered it. “Yea, you are right, Master. I must be off in a matter of hours, and so many things to do.” He lowered his gaze towards Nix and Sibyl. “Now, do what you want for those two hours, but be here after that on the dot, or I'll be forced to leave you. Some of us aren't free-going, unfortunately. Oh well. Just be here, and have said your farewells. You'll be back, of course, but it may be a while, possibly a year or two at most without a visit.”
Nix and Sibyl looked at each other in mystified glances, and then ran off in opposite directions, as if pulled by an alien force. The young adults each told their families, exchanged hugs, kisses, and remarks to parents and siblings alike. Sibyl, now that the realization that she would be leaving her family hit her, almost decided against it, but stood fast and left her home in high spirits. Nix, on the other hand, departed resentfully, unable to come to terms with his father, having been fighting with him in the past. Nix's father, Elay, wanted his son to stay home and work in the newly, draconic style of agriculture, them being farmers. Nix, wanting a more adventurous life, continued to work, but now that he was leaving, the large, Bronze father sent Nix out harshly, disowning him. His mother, however, said good-bye sweetly and gave the dragon a special cloak, mysterious to Nix. Taking the silky fabric, the dragon left, and met Sibyl waiting in the meeting spot.
“So, how were your farewells?” Sibyl folded her arms, and looked up at Nix.
Staring forlornly at the open field beyond the town, the dragon lowered his eyes to his feet.
“Is it your dad again?”
Nix nodded his head, closed his eyes, then reopened them, having moved his head to look Sibyl straight in the eyes. “But that won't stop me. I have my life, he has his, whether he likes it or not.”
Just then, a shadow loomed over the couple, enveloping them in a slight darkness as two great wings, accompanied by a large body, landed heavily on the ground near Sibyl and Nix. Thurkear walked up, folded his wings against his back, and smiled.
“So, children, we all set?”
Die, Thurkear, kill him…. Wait, what?
Nix shook his head, clearing a thought from his head.
“You ok, Nix? Need to sit down, or wait till another time?”
“No, I'll be fine. Let us go. I am too eager for the road.”
Thurkear liked the sound of that, and immediately lifted a pack from behind him, put it over his left shoulder, and walked past Sibyl and Nix. Where he was standing were two packs, of considerably smaller size, but similar in texture and look. “There is one for each, so choose one and let us depart. I'll be late if we don't hurry.”
“Um, late for what?” Sibyl lifted her pack, putting her arms through both straps, her wings folded neatly between her shoulder blades. Nix lifted his and put it on his left, similar to Thurkear.
“Late for my meeting. We have three days to travel nineteen miles east of here, to Seras Dale, and three miles north of there, to home, called the Draken Hive, where you two will be staying.”
“Sounds like a fun walk.”
“Walk? We dragons were born with wings to use them, not disregard them. Let's fly.” And with that, Thurkear lifted into the air, the pack now in both arms as he soared high above the ground, twelve feet, sixteen feet, and eventually finding twenty eight feet to his liking.
Sibyl and Nix exchanged glances, and followed, Sibyl flapping her bronze wings in unison to Thurkear's, but Nix's manta-like wings allowed his to rippled through the air without straining his muscles as much as his companions. “And that, Nix, is where your advantage comes in. Your kind, you and once the gold's, can fly for days at a time, lazily riding the winds anywhere. We dragons, with more arm-like wings, must flap often, taking short breaks to ride these wings that you do without a second glance.” The Black dragon looked on in envy, but continued without a second thought after that.
Seras Dale. A sunny town in the middle of a valley, next to a river cutting through the two mountain ranges looming on each side. The river's name was Evanshra, or the Violet River, for the massive amount of Violets growing on each side of the bank, from one mountain to the other. Clear, sparkling water ran through the village to supply it with the much needed cleansing water for baths and laundry. The town was mainly a town of commerce, relying less on farming and production, and more on its great economy, a great tourist attraction, with nature looming jubilantly on each side. The mountain ranges, Amthra, to the East, and Feyla to the West, were also major attractions, with rumors to combat their superior heights. Explains why Thurkear used his area as a landmark, because the town had its own clock tower for the people, which was hard to miss even in the air.
“Well, there it is: Seras Dale. Tell me, have either of you left your home town before now?”
“Um, no sir” the couple replied together.
“First, don't call me sir. I am your equal, not your superior. Second, just stick with me and everything will be fine.”
Amazed at the mountains, the two dragons started to fly a little a stray, much to Thurkear's displeasure. After many shouts to keep their attention, the great Black dragon told the two to land, and as they did, he kept a better hold on the two, and they all approached the town.
As the group neared the first few houses, Thurkear put his hand to the sky again, and brought it back down with a grin on his face. “Well now, I expected to be here in about five hours. That means we are that much ahead of schedule. It also means that if you two wouldn't mind, I'm going to enjoy a little sleep to keep me fully aware for later. You two can have your little fun.” He tossed a little bag at Nix, and upon catching it, found himself hitting the ground hard, losing his balance from the weight. “Don't get it too dirty, that thing cost me. Now, I can tell you fell because of the sudden weight, but it is only around eighty or fifty pounds. I forget which. Anyways, that has some money in it, the human's currency. Buy a few trinkets if you would like to, but keep the spending to a minimal. Now, I also know I just contradicted myself, but I'm sure you two need to learn how to work on your own, so I've changed my mind. Meet me back here in four.” And with that, the dragon took wing again, and vanished in the trees.
Sibyl and Nix looked at each other in bewilderment. “Um…. Now what?”
Sibyl shrugged, and set her bag down. “That thing gets pretty heavy after a while, and flying for seven hours gets a little tiring. How about you? Thurkear seemed to be pretty envious of your pair of wings. Guess they are indeed something different.”
“Yea, I don't feel anything near tired in my --> Alars[Author:MSOffice] , like Thurkear said would happen. I guess I have never flow enough to understand the possibility of my wings. So cool.”
“Yes, Nix, and while you admire your wings you have had for the past eighteen years, I'm going to take that bag and go buy something. Maybe I can find us something a bit more interesting.”
“How about something to eat?”
“Of course, Nix, aren't you always hungry?”
“Oh yea, always, anytime.”
Nix stood once more, having been laying on the ground while talking to Sibyl. After carefully standing with the heavy bag, no more than a few inches deep and wide, he threw it at Sibyl. “Catch” Was all he offered, and as she lightly caught the bag, she too fell forwards in an attempt to counterbalance the weight. Failing, and falling face first into the dirt, she stood up with a frown on her face.
“That wasn't funny.”
“I thought it was. Come on, let's go.”
The Brass dragon darted off, his wings folded behind his cloak, his tail swishing in the air behind him as he ran into the town, with Sibyl hot on his trail.
Upon entering the town, Nix realized it was much larger than he noticed from the air. First of all, on the outskirts on the side of the river the dragon was standing, the town composed mostly of houses. A windmill, probably with a mill underneath for many products to be made, was nearest the water, accompanied by a large wheel in the water. Four bridges, made of a solid wood, were placed over the river, which was also much larger to Nix as he was on the ground. The Violet River expanded around 29 to 30 feet across at the narrowest, which the river did not change in the town in fact.
Sibyl ran up behind Nix, and jumped against him, almost knocking him to the ground.
“What's up, slowpoke? I caught you already.”
“Nothing. Just looking at the river. It is so beautiful.”
The river had many lilies on top, but little algae, and boomed with tons of dragonflies, frogs, fish leaping around, and so much more. Reeds poked out occasionally in clumps, and Storks would wade around in the water, poking their heads down for a meal.
“Yea, you are right, Nix my boy. It is much more… real than our little creek back home in the forest.”
Sibyl smiled and dropped off of Nix's shoulders, then stretched her arms.
“Yea, especially with no merc-“
Nix was cut off abruptly as he saw a man walking in front of him, towards another shop on the other side of the river. He wore a black trench coat, boots, gloves, vest, and leggings. His hat was a large brimmed one, topped with a strange, red feather. His face was shaven, and firm, as from many years of working. He walked with a cautious, but firm gait, and seemed to shine in Nix's eyes.
“He looks suspicious if I ever saw a man.”
Sibyl folded her arms, but changed her mind and began to walk towards the closest bridge, happening to be on her right. The Brass dragon ran after his Bronze friend, both of them beginning to enjoy the day. Having dismissed the man-in-black, the couple stopped to survey the area after crossing the bridge. Having done so, someone else caught their attention. Or rather, two people caught their eyes. A half gold dragon, roughly seven feet, was fighting a human, clothed in red-trimmed black armor. Many residents and merchants alike were standing around, watching the fight.
“Back off, empire scum.”
“After you, Raxad. You won't defeat our perfect rule.”
“My influence shall start off with you, then.”
The Gold flipped over the man, who was unable to turn quickly in his armor. A blade on the underside of the Gold dragon's tail whistled overhead and decapitated the man. The body dropped to the ground, along with the head. As the eyes closed, the Gold dragon spread his arms out wide, and the body was enveloped in a roll of dirt, rocks, and grass which buried the body, leaving the mark of a half dragon's claw over a star in the dirt, barely perceptible.
By the time Nix and Sibyl looked back up, the Gold dragon was gone, nothing but a memory in their minds.
“You saw that.”
“Yea, at least, I think I did…”
“You did.”
Nix closed his mouth and shook his head. All his life he was told the Gold Tribe was gone, no half dragons, no true dragons, nothing. Yet he just saw a half dragon kill a man from the empire.
“Hey, Nix, why does everyone hate the empire?”
“Um, I'm not sure. Why don't we ask Thurkear when we see him again?”
“Alright, then. Instead of waiting, let us go buy some trinkets. That should be fun.”
Once more, the couple returned to shopping, Sibyl buying an amulet, and Nix buying a blade that he fastened to his tail.
“Nix, you look dumb.”
“No I don't. Did you see that guy earlier? That was awesome. How am I any different?”
“Because his glowed and yours is just some blade strapped to your tail.”
“His was not glowing.”
Nix and Sibyl fought for a while, until Nix realized his counterpart was right, and then stored the blade in its sheath on his hip, a little glum for having spent Thurkear's money on nothing.
Thurkear walked back from the trees, having successfully spent his day. Upon coming to the meeting place for the two younger dragons, the larger Black dragon saw something that unsettled him. Standing where the group was a few hours ago, was what looked like a grey-skinned human with an octopus on its head, with only four tentacles. Thul was a common name, as well as illithid.
Not sure if the creature posed a threat, or was friend or foe, the dragon did the only thing he could. He waltzed right up from behind the trees and straight towards the creature.
I wondered if you would show yourself.
Thuls were known for many things. One included their ability to speak telepathically. Second was their expansive knowledge and wisdom. Third was their ability to stun and kill, viciously and unpleasantly.
“Ah, so you knew I was here. Are you for or against the Empire?”
Judging by your tone, you consider me an enemy. Why is this?
“You are not an enemy, but neither is your race known for its kindness. I simply wish to end any chance of hostilities.”
You protect someone. Or more than one. You are strong. Why would you be as low as a Defender?
“It is not your business. Nor are you anyone to judge. Besides, you are avoiding the question.”
You are right. Forgive my rudeness. United we stand, now and forever.
“In truth, divided we fall.”
So we are both of the Setzu Clan. The Thul bowed low, his long, skinny fingers behind his back holding a small crystal.
“What brings you here, all the way to this little town?”
I bring terrible news. Leave at once, as soon as your children return.
“Why, what is the matter?”
They are being hunted, by Him.
“If they were being hunted, I would have known.”
“I hardly doubt that, half-dragon.”
Behind Thurkear walked a tall man, his attire complete with Black everything: boots, gloves, vest, pants, and coat. His hat was especially odd, being wide brimmed with a red feather on the left side.
Thurkear, go find the children. They must survive. Hurry!
“I will fight. No man has bested me, and none shall start today.”
“I'm sorry to hear that, but it seems your streak is about to be broken.”
Thurkear! Listen, he is a Cormocodran. You cannot win.
Wrestling with common sense and the urge to hit the guy in front of him, the great Black dragon clenched his fists, and then opened them. Twin blades appeared in his hands, and he leaped at the man. Right as he was about to clash his swords against the man-in-Black's chest, the wings snapped down, and Thurkear launched himself over the head of his enemy, did a flip, and sped on in to town, the day becoming dusk. Angrily, the `Cormocodran' thrust out his hands, sending three dagger tails flying out from underneath his trench coat, and shot at the Thul. The creature waved his left hand, the one without the crystal, and a multi-colored wall appeared, catching the tails in mid flight, snagging them inside. The four tentacles on the Thul's mouth lifted upwards, and he bellowed a scream, sending out a shockwave, angrily distorting the immediate area. Feeling the power rush into him, the Cormocodran resisted, barely, feeling his legs weaken for a moment. As he regained control, he lifted right hand, and a crystal appeared floating in mid-air. Another appeared, and another, until six were stacked perfectly next to the other, similar to a spear.
“I wished to keep you alive, for you were not in this matter, but now that you've interfered with my mission, your life ends here.”
The crystal-spear launched forward with a thought, shattering the wall as it passed through it, and impaling the Thul.
Thurkear almost fell to the ground as he heard the cry, telepathically screeching from pain. Good-bye, friend. I will honor you, despite having not known your name. May you be avenged.
Angrily, Thurkear continued on, and upon finding Nix and Sibyl walking towards the meeting place, fell in upon them, nearly landing on them.
The Thul fell to its knees, then to its hands to brace itself. It looked up at the man, hate building in its eyes. Your kind left mine crumbling to its knees. Your resistance to us will not matter. We will find a way for you to repent for assaulting the innocent.
“Please. You couldn't stop us then, why now? Because a few of you joined a Resistance group? Few plus few still leaves a few. Just die.”
Another crystal shot forward, slamming into the chest of the Thul, piercing it and continuing to the ground, where it dissolved to nothing.
The creature fell to the ground, and its eyes closed, the pain of suffering long gone.
Thurkear had the couple in the air in a few moments, having little time rested before their departure. Flying as fast as possible, the Black dragon could not risk the people he was charged to protect. Nothing would happen to them unless he was removed first.
“Why are we leaving so soon, Thurkear? What is the matter?”
“No time, Nix. We go, now!”
His voice cracked against the air like a whip, the demand irresistible. Nix and Sibyl spread their wings, and leaped into the air, followed by Thurkear, the great Black dragon keeping them moving quickly.
Below them stood a man the Cormocodran. His cloak billowing in the wind, he waved his left hand in two great circles. Lightening shot from the clouds, splitting the sky. The winds picked up, trying to pull the group from the sky. Swearing, Thurkear led the children back low, towards the ground. As the Black dragon hit the ground, a crystal shot out from the darkness, slamming through one of his wings. Growling, Thurkear turned around, and saw the man once more.
“Thurkear, what is going on?” Sibyl bolted behind a tree, followed by Nix, who understood their predicament.
“Cormocodran, leave, if you know what is good for you!” Thurkear spread his arms out wide, his tail slamming into the ground. His wings spread outwards, giving him an impressive, if not frightening look.
“Please. You cannot beat me, half-pint scale-bait. Your kind is nothing before me. That Thul learned that as well.”
Thurkear's fists shook for a moment. “He will be avenged, mark my words foolish human. No matter your origin, you will die.”
“Enough talk. Fall to your knees and die.”
A ray of brilliant, green light shot from the man's right index finger, slamming into Thurkear's chest. Oddly, the ray continued on, streaking through a tree, which melted away from the hole.
As the image vanished, the Cormocodran turned around, familiar with this fighting technique. Only, to his surprise, he did not find the dragon. Instead, he noticed the bushes to his right shift, and a Black tail vanishes, trailing behind its master.
“You'll have to do better than that.” He shot another green ray at the tail, which vanished again. Frustrated, he turned back to where Thurkear stood previously, and found that the two smaller dragons had vanished, along with the strength of the Black one's scent.
Thurkear was carrying Nix in his left hand and Sibyl in his right, as a cloud of shadow wrapped around him and launched him into the air, much like a cannon straight towards his destination.
The shadow, however, was quickly dispelled, and the Cormocodran, with newly grown wings, red and demonic, had him flying right after the trio.
“Fine.” Thurkear dropped the two dragons, allowing them to fall, open their wings, and fly back up to him. “Follow the eye. He'll show you where to go.”
A little Black eye appeared out of no-where, and then streaked on the path the trio were taking.
“But, Thurkear-“
“Just go!” He waved his hand and looked back towards the approaching man.
“Now, you wanted a fight, little man. I will show you the consequences.”
Lightening streaked across the sky, and Nix and Sibyl were afraid. They descended to gain speed, and then chased after the flying eye, barely perceptible in the newly arrived rain. Both of the children were afraid, and they did not know what to do.
An explosion sounded out, and Nix could see in the dark two figures with arms clashed against each other. He stopped, Sibyl oblivious to him. He began to fly towards Thurkear, but then was launched back towards Sibyl, the wind erupting from the two creatures pushing his wings painfully backwards.
Nix closed his eyes, then turned around and flew after Sibyl, catching up, and then flying on.
After what seemed like ages, Sibyl and Nix finally came to the end of the storm, reaching a dreary night, pursuing the Black Eye. It finally slowed down, though, and then looked to the ground. It suddenly seemed to give way, and flew, streaking straight for the ground. Sibyl and Nix did likewise, folding their wings and gaining on the Eye.
As the couple came close to the ground, they noticed a few housed hidden in a forest, and only then did they realize that they had past the mountains, and were actually flying over them when they were hit by the storm. And Thurkear…
No, I don't have time to worry. Thurkear will be fine. At least, I'm sure he will, right?
Nix finally reached the ground, followed shortly by Sibyl.
Gasping for breath, the two dragons surveyed the area, and realized the Eye had not stopped, but was moving straight at a casual walking pace. Hurrying, so as not to be left behind, the two dragons continued to look around, and realized that many humans were about, working on their homes and whatnot, with a few half-dragons and other odd creatures milling about, carrying out untold duties.
Nix tapped a claw against his chin, wondering what was nagging at his mind, but he could not put his mind on it.
“Hey, Nix, there are only Chromatics here. I do not see any metallic half dragons around.”
“That was it. Yea, I thought something was odd. At home, in our little town, dragons of all kinds, though rather small, were everywhere and working. So eerie.”
The Eye suddenly bolted forwards, leaving the couple behind. Bursting forward, Nix and Sibyl were barely able to perceive the creature of shadow turn a corner, then stop, turning around and looking at them from some steps leading up to a large castle.
Drums rang out, beating a perfectly balance tune as they echoed throughout the dawn. With the night away, everything seemed more serene. A flute sounded somewhere behind the couple, and they hurried up to the steps. A strange instrument, sounded off as well, and Nix thought it to be either a Cello or Violin. Feeling courage well up inside him, he ran up to the doors. He knocked on them, and they opened, showing a massive room, holding to a large, round table, with dragons standing at many intervals. Blues, Blacks, greens, whites, reds, Silvers, bronzes, Brasses, and coppers were all present.
Woah, there are so many dragons, so many present…
They began to sing in unison, a grand blend of strong voices. The very air seemed to vibrate with power as their voices sang out about unity, justice, valor, and courage.
Standing at the far end of the table, across from Nix, stood a figure, completely wrapped up in a golden cloak, standing brilliantly in the light. Then the little Brass dragon stood, mouth agape, as he realized what it was.
That isn't a cloak! Those are wings!
The golden wings folded back, revealing a very tall golden dragon, the whiskers on his lips bare, his frame shirtless, and on his back was a Flamberge, easily holding it on one shoulder, strapped to his back. A total of eighteen dragons stood in that room, all powerful and awe-inspiring. Some had scars, chipped scales, broken horns, and one even had tattoos all around his body.
As the song ended, a blue dragon leaped forward, his wings launching him over the massive table, and he landed in front of Nix, towering over him with his seven foot frame.
“I see we have visitors. And to what do the Draken Guard owe the honor?”
“I-I am…. Nix.” The blue dragon, bearing a broken nose horn, and a scar falling from his right shoulder down to the opposite hip, diverted his eyes to the bronze dragon.
“And you?”
“I am Sibyl, sir.”
“Please, formalities are for those who deem themselves above. We are all equal, children.”
His stature took on a sterner pose as he noticed Nix's head.
“You were brought here by Thurkear.”
“Y-yes. H-how did you know that?”
“Your horns show us your originality, young Brass. Where is that Black beast of a friend?”
“H-he…. Didn't make it.”
Nix looked down at his feet, ashamed of having to tell the dragon the news.
The blue, however, closed his eyes for a moment, opened them, and turned around, pushing Sibyl and Nix into the room.
“Here, here, Gar, what news is this?”
“Thurkear accomplished his objective. However, judging from the truth ringing in the little one's voice, I suspect he will not join us in this life.”
The gold dragon put his hands on the table, gently, and looked down.
“My ears are burning. You talking behind my back again, Gar?”
The great doors slammed open, and the huge Black dragon walked in, favoring his right leg slightly.
“Thurkear! For a moment this Brass here had us worried!”
“I'm ashamed that you would believe anything about my demise. Come now, I'm here. Let us all rejoice.”
The castle shook slightly, and two greens stood up and flat, green sheets, floating in front of them, appeared with many random-looking images on the front. One of the greens looked up at the gold. “Koran, three Thul's are being pursued by a group of Cormo's. The Cormo's are randomly assaulting the village, hoping to hit their target.” The second green looked up like the former one. “Two of the Thul's are not ours, but leading one is Ssingax. We must aid him.”
The blue dragon smiled, and vanished, becoming a bolt of lightening and streaking out of the room with a crack. In the middle of the round table was now floating an orb, showing the area through the eyes of Gar. As the image became less blurred, everyone knew he was slowing down. On the ground were three Thul's running from maybe six or seven men in red, trimmed with Black attire. Exactly as the greens had said. “I'm going in!”
Gar dove in, and the image immediately blurred, then hardened as he stopped, then blurred and reformed, one of the men on the ground with blood pouring from his waist. The other five turned immediately. Recognizing Gar as a threat, four lines of deep red energy shot from their fingers, and the fifth waved his hands, a glowing ball of energy forming around the group. The image blurred considerably, moving one way then the next.
Nix turned around to go help the warrior, but Thurkear grabbed his arm. “Let him do his job.”
Thurkear shook his head, and in the image, it hardened again, and thousands of bolts of electricity poured from the sky, slamming into the four Cormo's that attacked him, singing them and igniting their bodies. The image blurred, possibly because Gar begun to spin, and as it slowed down to a stop, Gar was suspended in the air, and a chain of brilliant blue energy had connected with the fifth man, three prongs sprouting from his back as the blade sat in his stomach. The projectile had easily pierced the shield, and now the fifth Cormo's hit the ground, blood spilling from his mouth.
“Did I do a good job, Koran? Or was it a little slow?”
“Just come on back. No need for excess violence or play.”
“Aww, just having some fun.”
The image immediately vanished, and from next to Nix a bolt of electricity was standing, then spreading out into the large image of Gar. He cracked his neck one way, then the other, and closed his wings around him in a cloak. He walked back up to his place on the table, and everyone did likewise, except for Thurkear, Nix, and Sibyl.
All 18 dragons standing at the tall table stood quietly, looking straight ahead, wings folded, tails curled about their feet. The in-tune balance was almost unnatural. Then, the three Thul's appeared, gasping for breath were the other two other than the one in front, who had a hole in his chest and some bruising on his head.
“Ssingax, what do you have to report?”
It was one of the greens with the weird projected sheet.
“Success. The Cormocodran was successfully eliminated. All thanks to Thurkear here, for helping me remove him from this plane.”
There was an odd shuffling from Thurkear as he began to walk to one of two empty seats at the table. He stood directly opposite of Gar, to Nix's right.
“Yes, Thurkear had run into the man as he was escorting these two here, and met him mid-flight. Unfortunately, I was un-able to retrieve the body, due to the complete obliteration Thurkear was forced to undertake. It seems the Cormocodran was a level Theta, and was much stronger than anticipated. Despite this fact, Thurkear removed him, and nearly arrived on time. A great feat, as I may have perished without his aid.”
The Thul bowed low, then stood erect, and walked to a corner, where he sat down, cross legged, and stared onwards.
“Thurkear, I did not know you had the strength to beat a level Theta. Your power is always improving. Many thanks, from Ssingax and I.”
“It was no big deal. Though I must be honest, as nothing is hidden from friend to friend, but he almost forced me in to Ascension, a shame I must bear.”
“A shame? Most of us cannot enter Ascension as complete as you can. It is no shame to rely on hidden talents.” Gar put his left hand upon the table as he leaned forward, looking at his friend in the eye.
“Even so.”
“He is defeated. That is all that matters.”
Nix looked around in wonder. All of these dragons were friendly, powerful, and wise. Back home, he was strong for his age and strong in the town. Compared to any one of these guys, he was a toothpick lingering dangerously under a chainsaw. Just the slightest tap would remove him from existence. He looked on in awe.
Sibyl, however, felt a little nervous. She saw only three females present at the table, three out of nineteen. There was a magnificent Silver, standing next to Koran, a powerfully built Red, and a Blue standing next to Gar. Even so, just three.
“If I may.” Thurkear had put his hand, palm down, on the table. Koran immediately ceased to talk, as everyone did likewise.
“Yes, Thurkear? Speak your will.”
“I have completed my mission, bringing the Brass dragon, his head adorned by two tendrils, to this table. What is it you plan on doing with him? I will see to it that it is carried out, if at all possible.”
“Why, he will be tested, and possibly brought before Him.”
“Do you think that wise? Why, most of us are not tested until the age of thirty or more. He is simply two under the age of the human legality. Shouldn't we hone his skills and await the day?”
“No, Thurkear. We must see to it that he is able as soon as possible. We all know why.”
“Yes, but-“ Thurkear sighed and lowered his head. He then pulled his hand from the table, and many dragons resumed speak to their neighbors, passing on many suggestions about things Nix did not understand.
After what seemed like hours, the ring of dragons stopped their conversations, almost abruptly, and looked down on Nix and Sibyl. Koran began to walk around the table, slowly and peacefully. After walking behind Gar, and then Thurkear, the two dragons followed him quietly. The three half dragons finally came upon Nix and Sibyl, and looked at each other.
“Come with us.” Thurkear beckoned, and then passed between the couple, followed by Gar, then Koran.
Looking at each other, the younger dragons followed meekly, almost afraid of what they were doing, unsure of what was to come.
Don't be so nervous. Nothing will happen… until blood is spilled. Hehehehe…..
Hearing the voice again, Nix clasped one hand to his head, shaking it a few moments, unsure of what he had just heard. Sibyl looked at him, almost as if he were ill, then hurried up to the trio of knightly dragons. Nix ran up beside her, and then shrugged.
Upon coming to a cabin off of the path to the round table, Koran pushed the door open, slowly, and then stepped back for everyone to enter. Ushering the younger dragons in first, Thurkear passed behind them, followed by Gar, and then Koran.
“Now, Nix, Sibyl, you two will be tested here.”
“What exactly is this test, and why away from everyone else?”
Nix tilted his head to one side, a quizzical look on his face. Sibyl looked on dispassionately, and awaited a response.
“You see, the `test', is to see what sort of Guardian you can be, and what rank. This allows us to hone your skills, so you can become something like Gar here. A fine example and a very, very powerful Draken.”
“What is a Draken?”
“A guardian of this village and a warrior-like leader for the Resistance. Each one is chosen for his talent, and maybe if he shows some odd capabilities. Those two green dragons back there are twins, opposite in gender, but have specialized in the scanning of enemies, the adaptation to new weapons, and building these weapons. They are our specialists, and good at that. They can tell the difference between a Cormo's, a Cormocodran, a human, and an elf who is disguised simply by their gait.”
“Woah. I want to do that.”
“Well, Nix, we are here to test what you are good at. Step forward please.”
Nix stepped into the circle of dragons. The cabin was easily twelve feet tall, and nine feet wide, a square for the base. Gar, Koran, and Thurkear were standing at symmetrical intervals, with Koran in the middle. Nix and Sibyl had their backs to the door, and now Nix was in the middle. As he walked forwards, the stones beneath his feet lit up, runes below his feet shining with power.
Nix's vision blurred, and everything went dark. Suddenly, he was aware of two large, ominous red eyes staring at him, slightly crooked into an angry stare, with Black slits melding from the Blackness around them. They blinked once, twice, then stopped and seemed to fix their gaze upon Nix.
Why do you disturb me now? I am not needed.
“I…. I do not know what I am doing. I was in the cabin and stood on those runes-“
You still are. Those runes are allowing you to see clearly from your inner eye, peering into your mind and around it. However, because you have not Reaped yet, I am the only one here.
“Reaped? What do you mean?”
That is for you to figure out. You'll know soon enough. Besides, a Rager does not need to Reap. At least, not yet. Just morph to fix the problem. Yessss, that'll do well.
“What are you talking about?”
You know what I am talking about. You just never had names for them. Oh well. Your ignorance is annoying. Leave me be and go back to seeing through your squishy eyes. You bore me.
Nix had the lurching feeling of heaving, but immediately canceled it as he began to regain vision with light, seeing Koran, Gar, and Thurkear staring at him. He turned around and saw Sibyl there, just like before.
Koran looked to Gar and spoke. “He is still. This may not bode well.”
“I beg to differ. Many of our Draken did not move.”
“Yes, and they began to gain in power considerably, and eventually go themselves killed. You seemed to have forgotten that part.”
“Yes, I suppose you are right…”
“I keep the bitter details in mind first.”
“Um, guys? What is wrong?”
“Nothing really, Nix. Just that, Srrivarla said you had untold power, the one with twin tendrils for horns. We sought you out, to see if her divination was correct. So far, you have shown yourself to be quite different, maybe admiral, but maybe too early.”
“Anyways, many dragons who take the test usually erupt in an elemental vortex, or collapse. Something catastrophic. A few, like yourself, stand and stare blankly and usually develop strange otherworldly abilities, such as instead of combusting things, you simply create fire from nothing, or create metal out of the air. Very odd and mysterious things.”
“Can I test this?”
“Well, it is usually dangerous. The many that openly show what they can do can be tested likewise, using lightening against lightening, fire against fire. However, the silent ones are very hard to train, unless we get lucky, or wait until you begin to use your elemental or other such abilities.”
“Guardians, report to the Table. Immediate regroup suggested”
An odd voice rang out as of nothing. As it spoke its message, Nix felt an odd tingly sensation shiver down his back. Thurkear, Gar, and Koran darted past him and Sibyl, rushing through the doorway and running down the path towards the large room with the round table. Nix followed hot on their trail, followed by Sibyl. He leaped forward, using his wings to fly behind the three. As one, the three Draken Guardians erupted in a cyclone of similar colored energy to that of their scales; Koran was covered in fire, Thurkear shadow, and Gar a constant shimmer of electricity. All three then ran through the door, running up to the Table.
“Tinska, report!”
“Cormocodran approaching, sir. It is a level Rho, sire. We must take action.”
“Rho, eh? Gar, think you and Thurkear will need some help?”
“Maybe Kaip or Reka. The three of us could handle it.”
“Be careful, my friend.”
Koran patted Gar's shoulder, and then nodded his head to Thurkear. A red dragon completely covered in tattoos and other carvings ran up beside them. She was nearly as tall as Gar, and just as sturdy. Gar and Thurkear turned around, along with Kaip, and flew into the sky, turning around and heading North, facing the Table from Nix's position (entrance to Table Room faces south). The young dragon looked up in amazement and looked down at Koran, the fire dwindling to nothing more than a reddish aura.
“What is a Rho?”
“Ah, my young Nix. You see, the Cormocodran fancy them old, and one such master leaked information to us, seeing it sportier. He told us that in their realm, they told the Greeks about their own language, and used the letters as ranking, from Alpha being the weakest, and Omega the strongest. Rho ranks up nearest to Omega, seven from maximum to be precise.”
“Oh, so Omega Cormocodrans are the leaders, and so on down to Alpha's being fodder, right?”
“Close enough. Now, we must watch.”
Turning around, Koran waved his hand, and the two green dragons waved theirs, creating the two sheets in front of themselves, and a giant sphere appeared in the middle of the Table.
“Error, sire.”
“Jelk, what is the matter?”
“Koran, sir. We have miscalculated. There are two Rhos. And a band of Cormo's, maybe five or six, accompanying them.”
“That is a serious error, my friend. They need back-up. I will go and help them.”
“Koran, you must stay. You hold us together with your brilliance and prestige.”
It was the Silver dragon who had burst out, and she bravely held a lance in her right arm.
“Srrivarla, what do you mean? I must help my comrades.”
“Let me go. I will take Vixshra and Santimzza. We will be fine.”
A bronze next to the Silver dragon flapped his wings triumphantly, and across the room the blue near where Gar's place was also moved forward.
“Hurry, my friends. Do not delay.”
Just then, the room shook with sound as Gar made contact with the nearest Rho Cormocodran, a shockwave erupting from the two. Thurkear was right behind him, landing on the ground and running in to two of the Cormo's.
“Um, Sir?”
“Yes, Nix?”
“What is a Cormo's?”
“Ah, a Cormo's is like a Cormocodran. Or rather, a Cormocodran is like a Cormo's.”
“Now you've lost me.”
“Sorry. Cormo's are like the children. A Cormo's becomes a Cormocodran when reaching the strength of an Alpha. The Cormo's are weaker by far, and are used as fodder. However, what two Rhos need with them is beyond me.”
A crystal spear shot from somewhere on the sphere towards Gar, and Kaip appeared out of smoke, absorbing the crystal as if it were fire. She smiled, and swung her hand forwards, a whip lashing out and slashing at the Rho rank. He yelped in pain and jumped back, glaring at his adversary. Thankful, Gar spun clockwise, a blue blade in the shape of lightening flowing easily in the air, and slashed at his opponent. Obviously more experience in combat than his other ally, the Rho Cormocodran blinked deeply and opened his eyes, flashing green for a moment, and his body absorbed most of the damage, healing back part of the slash. His body then blinked out of the visible spectrum and reappeared behind Gar. Before the Rho could use another power, the lightening reflexes of the blue dragon snapped in, and he shot backwards, impaling the Rho, lifting off of his feet, and then in one more fluid motion he ripped out his sword, spun counterclockwise, and split the Rho in half through the waist. Turning away from the blue mist seeping out of the wound, Gar turned his attention to the Cormo's.
Seeing Gar finish his enemy, Thurkear sprung into motion. He reached behind his waist and pulled out his weapon of choice: two pistols of purest Black. Each was nearly eighteen inches long, the barrels wide for a .32 shell. He shot the left pistol, slamming its shadowy essence into the shoulder of one Cormo's. Before the man could react, another pistol slammed into his stomach, then into his other shoulder. Thurkear put his weapons back into their holsters, having finished his job. Smiling, he snapped his left fingers, and instantly, the Coromo's erupted into shadow, bending at the knees to be shorter than the others. He turned around and began to attack the other four, shooting rays of Black fire at them. Surprised by the sudden turn, two of the four were caught in the blast, erupting into similarly colored fire and whisking away with the wind.
The remaining Rho, noticing he was outmatched, shouted, or at least, Gar thought he shouted, something loud, almost screeching. Instantly, Thurkear and Kaip put their hands to their ears, the screech slashing through the ground, and Nix finally was able to see a clear image now that the chosen viewer, Gar, stopped. The groups were standing in a field, flat with a few trees, and the ground completely covered in grass. Only, in a massive circle, all the grass had been removed in the screech and a nearby tree had been slashed and cut up to bits.
“Thurkear! Get back!” Gar yelled at the Black dragon, closest to the Rho. Immediately, the Rho stopped his yell and waved his hand in a massive arc, and from left hip to right shoulder, Thurkear fell apart.
“Thurkear!” Kaip yelled and shot out a blast of fire from her mouth, hitting the Rho in the chest, knocking him over. Angrily, she leaped towards the man, landing on him, her bare, clawed feet pressing on his chest. Now, the Cormocodran's were not weak, like human wizards, but neither were they tough, like the half dragons. He gasped for breath, but was able to concentrate on another of his strange powers, and an unseen force lifted Kaip into the air and pushed her back, slamming her on to the ground. Thrashing under the weight of the strange force, Kaip took her turn gasping for breath and trying to keep from being crushed.
Though, unfortunately for the being, he froze over before he could continue crushing the red dragon, and Srrivarla flew through the air, grabbing the red dragon and pulling her to her feet. The blue Draken Guardian spun through the air and slashed at the Rho, easily cutting him in half, blue vapor pouring from the gap.
“Mistress Srrivarla, sorry to break the celebration, but that was too easy.”
Vixshra, the bronze dragon, landed near Gar and looked towards the two remaining Cormo's.
“Leave some for me?”
“As always, Vixshra. None of us can have all of the fun.”
“Gar, Vixshra, get back!”
Srrivarla waved her right hand at the remaining enemies, a storm of ice shooting out to impale all standing in its path. Laughing like the madmen who corner their pretty, the two Cormo's erupted into a sickening purplish color, their skin melting off of their faces. The ice pelted the bones remaining, and the skeletons looked at each other.
Nix. Warn them of evolution.
“Wait, wha-“
I care not for your new friend's deaths, but I do not need you depressed over this mistake. Tell them.
“Koran, sire.”
“Not now, Nix. This scrying is to help warn Gar and the others of danger. Please do not distract me.”
“No, you must listen. Those Cormo's are evolving.”
At that rate, they must be the true Rhos the greens felt earlier. Indeed amazing
“Koran, those two are the Rhos. They disguised themselves and let you defeat their other Cormo's.”
“How do you know this?”
“I. um, I don't know. Just trust me.”
“Gar, Srrivarla, regroup your squadrons and pull back. Those are the Rho, and they must have been analyzing you all. I repeat, Re-Group!!”
The large blue and the Silver dragon called out to their respective company and jumped back, just as the ground liquefied into magma, killing all of the plants in the immediate eighty-foot area.
“Those Cormocodran's are push-overs. I'll take them.”
Kaip dove back down, landing on the magma. Her skin glowed against the fire, and suddenly two creatures of pure fire rose out of the ground.
“Kaip, get out of their!”
Shrugging off the warning, the red dragon clapped her hands, and the very fabric of their existence was absorbed into Kaip's body, eating away the fire. She then ran towards the Rhos, smiling now with new skin, most likely their own. They had on the same attire as the Theta Cormocodran that Thurkear fought, only the red trim was replaced with purple. Both the Rhos raised their hands palm upwards, and then the magma froze over, spiking upwards, wrapping around Kaip and piercing her body. The tattoos glowed a bright, light blue color, and the ice was melted, finally absorbed by the red dragon. Standing on one foot, her other knee on the frozen magma, Kaip breathed a heavy sigh. She shook her head a minute, hearing a faint buzzing sound, and decided to rush the two Rhos. By that time, Thurkear had flown in beside her, accompanied by Gar. The other squadron, Srrivarla, Vixshra, and Santimzza, watched for a moment, and then flew in, the Silver first and the other two directly behind her. Thurkear and Gar's wings suddenly grew taut, and the muscles stopped moving their limbs. Understanding what happened, Thurkear angled forwards as much as possible, and began to glide to the ground, where as Gar shifted into a bolt of lightning and slammed in to the nearest Rho, his brilliant flashing sword connecting with the left arm of the creature. Smiling with Black pits in its eyes, the Rho thrust his arm forward, his hand connecting with Gar's chest. A loud crack, the air rippled with energy, and the large blue dragon was launched into the air, spiraling up, then down. Kaip, with rage in her eyes, flipped forward in her charge, slashing the extended arm of the Rho three times in her spin. She landed next to it, and did a 360, her tail slamming into the opponent's face.
Srrivarla landed on the melted, burning ground, freezing it immediately with her presence. Vixshra and Santimzza flew past her, Vixshra's lance and Santimzza's halberd connected with the second Rhos chest, lifting him in to the air and flying backwards. Angrily, the Rho rank regained his posture and immediately began to change. It was not similar to the evolution Nix saw earlier. It was a power, something both the Rhos could do, as well as other of the Cormocodran race. Massive, leathery wings sprouted up, horns sprouted forwards, and his jaw stretched out. His skin darkened to red, and fir begun to emanate from his body. Claws moved from his fingernails, and the Rixalgur (balor, for some) stretched his wings and a Black wave erupted from his body. Realizing the danger, Srrivarla jumped into the fight. She vanished from her standing point, and reappeared next to the Rixalgur, frozen fists slamming into its chest. She kicked twice, slammed her tail in to its face. Three ice spears appeared out of the freezing water molecules in the air. They slashed at the arms and eyes, until the Rixalgur shot the flames from its body upwards, melting the ice and pushing Srrivarla back. Though obviously hurt in that short time, the creature did not show any weakness.
A sword of fire came into existence in the Rixalgur's left hand, and a whip of similar element in his right. He lashed out at Srrivarla with his flaming whip, catching her by the neck. Pulling hard, the Silver dragon was pulled off of her feet and was dragged quickly towards the massive creature's chest, standing several feet above her.
Several shots, many of which Nix could not see, appeared from the air, Black as the shadows at night, and ripped through the Rixalgur's wings. Thurkear was running on the frozen ground, un-able to walk on the magma himself, and was shooting rapidly with his pistols, the bullets distracting and hurting the creature. Seeing the weakness, Srrivarla froze the whip, broke it with a twist of her body, and vanished once more, slamming several attacks on its person. Vixshra and Santimzza caught each other in a spiral and created a vortex of double lightening, shooting off in all directions. As they stopped their flight, they rested above the Rixalgur, and lightening poured down, raining heavy blows until its body was Black, no long a burned red. The two stopped and fell to the ground, standing near to Srrivarla, and looking at Thurkear.
“Wait a minute, you were split in half? How?”
“Do not worry, Miss Srrivarla. Let us finish this fight first.”
Gar regained his ground in a tree, above the magma. Wait, the trees are not burnt? An illusion?
The blue dragon jumped to the ground, and laughed at himself. “It is an illusion, everyone! The magma is not here!”
Kaip turned around to look at Gar, then back at the Rho. The buzzing sound returned to her head, and she could not think straight. Shaking it, she dove for the Rho, and then stopped in mid attack, and the Rho exploded beneath her, Thurkear resting on one knee, his two guns larger covered in shadow, whipping around it like tendrils.
“I cannot do that every time, you know. That kind of stuff drains me.”
Thurkear stood back up, and almost fell back down, were it not for Vixshra helping him maintain his posture.
“Come, my friend, let us return. I am sure everyone will feel safer once we are back.”
Nix was already outside when the six dragons returned, some battered, others better. Gar had a few bruises from the sonic blast that passed through his body; Thurkear was some what weakened, saving him from death, just barely. Srrivarla had a few burns, but Vixshra and Santimzza had nothing to show. Kaip, however, walked up weakly, unsure of what was wrong. She took a beating more than everyone other than Thurkear, and had not used anything other than her resilience and her strength in the fight.
“You all fought bravely. I am glad you all returned. Two Rhos are very rare, indeed, and Tinska and Jelk are on it now. Go home and recuperate those of you that need it.”
Nix bowed to all of the dragons, and only Thurkear went home, refusing at first, but eventually giving in. He was wounded spiritually, and not many dragons can save themselves after dying.
“How did he do it?”
“How did who do what, Nix?”
“Koran, how did Thurkear revive himself? I just know he was killed then appeared next to Gar, uninjured.”
“Well, like I said before, we all have our talents and abilities, to use the elements, to manipulate our bodies. Thurkear can use the shadows, and he must have found a way to keep himself on this world despite the circumstances. I must ask him later for a better explanation to give to you.”
“Oh, alright. I guess I can wait.”
Sibyl ran up behind Nix and put her arms around his shoulders.
“So, now what? Am I to be tested, or was that just for Nix?”
“You can be tested if you wish young bronze.”
“If you do not mind.”
“Certainly not. Come now, I will get Srrivarla to replace Thurkear here.”
The group of five, Gar, Koran, Nix, Srrivarla, and Sibyl, all walked down to the little mysterious cabin, and put Sibyl in the center. She closed her eyes to an incantation, and immediately opened them, her eyes a solid luminescent blue, her body lifted off of the ground, and a bubble of intertwining links of electricity surrounded her form. Wind swirled in the bubble, whipping the tips of her wings around her body. Sibyl's wings opened up, and the bubble and wind were immediately stopped, and she fell to her knees. Opening her eyes, Sibyl looked up at Koran, an empty mind looking onwards.
“Gar, lift her up, please.”
The blue dragon stepped forward and grabbed Sibyl by the shoulders. Lightening coursed from her body to Gar's and seared the tip of the pants he was wearing.
“You can let go, Gar. Just as I thought. Unlike her friend, Sibyl has a more defined attunement to your nature, Gar. You can train her personally if you wish, or leave it to the other bronze or blue Draken's.”
“I'll take the duty, sir. Sibyl will grow up to be a fine warrior, obviously resembling her trainer.”
“Oh, come now, Gar. Don't get cocky. It gets you into trouble.”
Srrivarla was teasing, of course, but Nix looked on forlornly. He had nothing. He has that mind in his head, but he will not tell anyone. That voice continues to penetrate his thoughts, and he might as well be crazy.
Metamorphosis. That word returned to his thoughts. Nix remembered the voice saying something about it. Maybe he could shape-shift, like Gar into a lightening bolt?
`Don't even think about it. You are not an elemental master, twit.'
`What am I supposed to do?'
`Do not fret little scale-bait. I will train you tonight. Worry, though, and you'll miss the session.'
`Where will I meet you?'
`You will soon know. For now, stop talking to me. I have better things to do…'
As the voice trailed off, Nix realized Srrivarla was staring at him.
“What happened? Is everything alright?”
“Answer the question.”
“I'm confused.”
“As I thought. You zoned off. Please pay attention little one.”
“But I--- never mind.”
Nix looked down at the ground. “Nothing, ma'am.”
Sibyl finally stood back up, woozy at first, her body jerking occasionally.
She understood what happened, and followed the older dragons out of the room, followed once more by Nix.
“Hey, Nix, what is wrong. You seem to be a bit lost, if you know what I mean.”
“I just don't know anymore. I seem to have been forgotten here. I was brought here for a purpose, but I don't know what.”
“Why not ask Srrivarla. She was the diviner who told every one about you. She might know something.”
“It is alright. Really, I'll just wait.”
“For what?”
“Until tonight.”
Nix looked away from his friend, staring up at the sky.
“I wonder when we'll be trained.” Sibyl looked over at Nix, lowered her eye-lids a smidge, then looked forwards and ran on ahead towards the trio of dragons.
Smiling Nix bolted after her, his tail flipping in the air behind him.
“Man, that sucked.” Nix walked away from the massive Table Room, as bored as he had ever been. After arriving, following the three dragons in, a meeting was held, discussing all of the major parts of the empire, then how to defend against them. There was not even he slightest thought of offensive maneuvers, and Nix never thought they would talk about it. Now he and Sibyl were free, only to realize it was night.
“I thought it was interesting. Did you even listen to Koran's plans?”
“What, of holding this particular base and leaving four other Guardian outposts to send for help if they needed any.
One thing Nix had learned while in that room: This group of dragons was only one of five bases, the Guardian Outposts, as they were called. This one was the Draken outpost, and the other four were spread out all around the Empire's main city, Sentra. The names were Keya, Siyap, Vorsa, and Tein. Draken was the fifth, and all worked together in a single group when the Empire was involved, but separately with all other matters. Each base used a small crystal to communicate with the other, left up to by the two dragons appointed. At Draken, Jelk and Tinska were the communicators, as well as the observers to spot present enemies.
“We should be more offensive. If we want to remove the Empire, why not attack at once? Surely a bunch of humans cannot stop a large mass of dragons.”
“Ask Koran tomorrow. Maybe he has the answer for you.”
“Oh, and I was going to ask why, other than the usual taxes and oppression, why we should hate the empire so much. I know they wiped out the gold dragons, but… oh I don't know. I'll just wait till tomorrow.”
Sibyl and Nix began to walk away from the Table Room then realized they actually never got a home to sleep in.
Running back, the two found one of the other Draken Guardians, Santimzza.
“Um, do you know where we could get a home? We came here, and in the rush were pretty much forgotten and have no where to stay.”
“Stay with me, if you like. I have a large house, too much for myself now.”
“Really? Thank you.” Sibyl jumped forwards and hugged Santimzza, not even able to get her arms around his thigh.
Nix nodded a thank you, and the two followed the blue dragon back to his house, which was much closer than they thought. Right about twelve or so minutes from the Table Room, and the group had arrived.
Santimzza's house was unlike any that Nix and Sibyl had seen. Coming from a small town, the two had only seen wooden houses, straw houses, or the occasional brick house. The blue dragon's house was composed of warped metal, rounded and smoothed to the touch. Several stairs were in the front to allow entrance for humans, and two balconies about six feet to each side of the stairs and several stories up were opened and rail-less for dragons. The metal, however, was not a simple Silver luster. Instead, it was multi-colored, red intertwining with green, rippling to purple on the edges and opening to a blue in many areas. It almost looked like a piece of a rainbow was taken from the sky and warped into the house. Though, as Nix and Sibyl looked up, they realized that the house was dome-shaped in the middle, a single color displayed in the round part of the house: a deep, midnight blue, specks of white shining on the top for a perfect effect.
“Come now, let us go in.” Santimzza spread his wings and jumped upwards, flying to one of the balconies, the one on his left. Nix and Sibyl followed him, and he pushed open the doors, glass in the middle of the metal frames like little windows. Inside, the floor was hard, but still smooth, even, and shiny. Instead of the multi-colored wonder outside, the floor was purplish, and near the walls it deepened to a Black then opened up to a yellow on the walls. The ceiling was blue, a little lighter than the dome, but still deep and beautiful.
Then Sibyl noticed something: The walls were bare. Many creatures loved to have ornaments on their walls, trophies for their victories, or maybe some art for what they find pleasing. Instead, just the colors ran along the metallic walls. The room the three were standing in was large, and yet, small. Many walls seemed to have been erected, splitting the theater-sized room into smaller rooms, like little houses inside of the house. Each room, and there were eight, were wall to wall and had two bedrooms. Tables of wood or metal (varying on the rooms) were in each little house, and a carpet or two were on the floors. Each house was the same size, twelve feet tall and the floor was eighteen feet wide and long.
“Santimzza, why do you have such a large house?
“Large? This is one of six rooms. You have yet to see the dining room.”
“But, why? Who else lives here?”
“No one. I am alone.”
“But, that is so sad. You could fit hundreds of people in here.”
“Well, 64 to a bed, yes, and my dining room can hold about 382 people. That is why it is called a hotel to the humans.”
“You mean this isn't your entire house?”
“It is, but I rent out rooms to travelers, and I once had a family to share this with. Actually, we all had families here.”
“You mean you have lived here with your parents, and then with your spouse, right?” Sibyl smiled, obviously thinking it wonderful of seeing Santimzza's family.
“That was true, a long time ago. I am all that remains of the Soarbird branch of blue dragons.
“Santimzza Soarbird. What happened, then? Why are you all alone?”
“Another time, children. For now, get some rest. Choose any room you like. I currently have no visitors, so all are vacant.”
“Where do you sleep, Santimzza?”
“I do not.”
“Wait, what?”
“I do not sleep. You are a few that know this, so please keep it that way. The other guardians do not bound into each other's lives, and I will keep it that way. That also means they do not need to know I am a little less mortal than they.”
“How?” Nix had already found a bed, plain, Black covers and comforter in one of the little houses. There were two windows in the front, but on the walls he shared with the other houses, it was solid. Good for privacy.
“Ask questions tomorrow. I will be glad to do so then. Sleep, little one.”
Reluctantly, Sibyl began to walk towards one of the houses, then moved to the next one, and stopped with the one Nix was in.
“Mind if I join you?”
“You would come in regardless of what I say.”
“You know me too well, Nix.”
The bronze dragon walked over to her bead and begun to take off her excess clothes, standing in shorts and a white shirt. She then dove under her covers and went to sleep.
Now what? I guess sleep and wait for tomorrow. Santimzza is also immortal? That is so odd. He has this giant house, is immortal, a rather large blue dragon, and very kind. I wonder if he has something to hide other than this ability to need no sleep…
`Quit talking to yourself. It is annoying.'
Gah, what are you doing here? Wait, can you leave me?'
`Obviously. Why else do you feel rid of my presence?'
Yes, that is true. Anyways, where are we to meet? Are we talking telepathically? What am I supposed to do or bring or what?
`Just stop thinking. I'll explain little dragon. Now, think of a nice, little meadow. Good, good, keep that up. Now add flowers, more grass, and a few butterflies. Good, your imagination is very accurate at depicting this. Add a few animals, maybe a deer venturing out of the forest nearby, a couple of rodents moving beneath the protective layer of the tall flowers. Good. Burn it all.'
Wait, what?
`I did not ask for questions. Burn it all, and imagine everything burning, dying, their existence cut off. Now, this is your option: Train under me, or find someone else. Before you answer, think of this. Training under someone else leaves you to be guessed at. Everything that person teaches you is all skeptical, all guesses and assumptions. Why? Because they do not know what you can do. You do not know it, but I will teach you should you choose me. However, if you do, you cannot fail. Failure is not tolerated, and will result in pain and suffering. That is my price. Excellence is all I can have.'
So what was with the meadow?
`That is your work. You can prosper, grow strong, understand the world and be appreciated by your comrades. Failing at your tasks will result in a wound, an injury, and occasionally, it may lead to someone else's pain and suffering. I will treat you like an adult capable of doing anything I ask. No special `well you are young' excuses.'
I choose you.
`goooood. First test finished. Believe in yourself and understand your potential. Keep watch of your weaknesses, or die.'
Wait, that was my training? Hello? Voice, where did you go?
Muscles for moving half dragon's and true dragon's wings up, down, forward, and back