Other Fan Fiction ❯ merry christmas ❯ merry cristmas part one: the plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
"another day, another $300 bucks spent on food."

shadow stared at the grocery tab as she made her way into the house. she couldn't believe that she had spent another $300 on food, right when she had already bought some the other day. but it wasn't that much of a surprise. she has five mouths to feed, four of them eating ten times more...especially on their seconded round.

it was Christmas time, and shadow had her hands full with fixing the Christmas dinner, inviting friends and family, and getting the house decorated. first on the list was food, which was going to be harder to take care of...

once inside the house, she found Dante and inuyasha, both sitting on the couch eating dominos and drinking beer. wrath was the only one still in the kitchen, helping her to put away the groceries.

"some help you two are." mumbled shadow.

"hey! we ARE helping!" yelled Dante, mouth half full. "we're helping by ridding you of all this junk food! it was taking up too much space!"

inuyasha snorted, slightly coughing up bits of pizza. shadow rolled her eyes and helped wrath to put away the turkey.

"hey...where's nava?" asked shadow, looking around.

"oh......she's outside." wrath answered. "vergil made me tie her up because she was chewing on the sheath for his sword."

"damn him. well, can you go get her?"

"but, he said-"

shadow places a hand over wraths mouth, cutting him off.

"don't worry about vergil...I’ll deal with him."

wrath nods slowly, then goes outside.


five hours later...

shadow sits in her room on the bed, counting up the rest of her money. she was amazed to see that after spending a grand total of $600 bucks on food (which would have been enough to pay for a round trip vacation to Disney land, mind you) she still had plenty for decorations and gifts. as she began to put away her stash, there was soon a loud shout from the room next door.


it was vergil, from the sounds of it, once again yelling at nava. nava soon came skidding into the room, quickly running and hopping into shadows arms. vergil, eyes piercing red, stood in front of the door holding onto his yamato. shadow snickered at the sight of it, for its sheath was covered in drool and little teeth marks.

"why...hello vergil." snickered shadow, sarcastically. "what brings you here?"

"you know why." vergil hissed. "I’m here because of..." he points to nava. she whimpers, trying to hide. "...because of that wreched animal."

"who? nava? what did she ever do to you?"

he holds the sword in the air. a small line of drool drips from the tip. shadow snorts, fighting down a laugh.

"it's not funny."

"oh no...of course not, vergil." shadow holds the black puppy toward vergil. she whimpers, slowly waging her tail. "say your sorry, nava."

the puppy looks at vergil with sad eyes, then barks softly, still whimpering. vergil grits his teeth and swings the yamato back down to his side.

"if I ever catch that animal again..."

"you'll do nothing to hurt my dog!" shouted shadow. "I should hurt you, seeing that you made wrath tie her up today!"

"she deserved it." smirked vergil as he left the door. "actually...she needed more than that."

shadow gritted her teeth. she placed nava in her basket beside the bed, then went downstairs. everyone was there, sitting on the couch waiting for shadow to make her speech about the Christmas preparations.(she was taking no chances in losing track of what to do, so she made a list for everyone to follow)

"alright. lets get to work." smiled shadow. she handed a long list of contents to the group.

the list goes as follows:

1st. invite friends and family
2nd. secret Santa
3rd. gifts/decorations
4th. games
5th. Christmas eve party
6th. more games
7th. give presents
8th. Christmas dinner
9th. new years eve party
10th. ring in new year

everyone seemed to have problems with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4...well...lets just say that they couldn't cope with the whole list.

inuyasha was the first to ask questions, being that he came from another world and didn't really understand Christmas customs.

"I’d invite someone, but...I have no one...except for my brother, sesshomaru." sighed inu.

"it's okay. if you can, try to invite him."

"but I hate him!"

"Christmas is when you put your hatred for one another aside and have peace. spend some time together."

"harder said than done, but...I’ll try."

"hmp. your tougher than me." smirked Dante, eyeing his brother.

"shadow..." started wrath, slightly nervous. "...the only person I know that will probably come is sloth."

shadow cringed from the very thought of sloth living in the house. the image of her was enough to make shadow feel sick.

"I-its okay, wrath." she finally spat out. "as long as you have someone."

"who are you inviting then, shadow?" asked inuyasha.

"well, I’m inviting tifa, cloud, kadaj, Yazoo, loz, sephiroth, lady, and kikyo...oh! kitten, Brandon, and mooshi too."

"great! just great!" laughed Dante. "your inviting the slut, the secret gay, the date rape gang, and inuyasha's ex-lesbo girlfriend! the only good ones out of the bunch coming over is lady, kitten, Brandon, and mooshi!"

"I never knew I would say this, but...I agree with my younger brother." smirked vergil.

"damn. this IS serious." laughed wrath.

"what are saying, vergil?"

"well...tifa is the town slut, cloud is secretly living a gay life, kadaj and his brothers will rape people, and kikyo...why in the hell are you even inviting her? we all know that you can't stand her, mainly due to the fact that you get insanely jeluse when you see her and inuyasha together."

"...I noticed that you emphasized 'insanely jeluse' there, verdi...what’s that suppose to mean?"

-end part one