Other Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 2: ( Chapter 2 )

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In the rush of getting away from her mom before she realized Mystery had run away, Mystery ran to the bus stop and climbed onto the bus without looking at the number.
When Mystery finally realized it was too late, the bus was already moving. She went up to the bus driver and tapped her shoulder.
“Qué?” she asked.
“Um, hi,” Mystery replied, “Where does this bus go?”
“Yo no hable inglés,” she replied.
“Um, New York?” Mystery tried.
“Yes, New York, very nice,” the bus driver replied.
Mystery took a deep breath and walked back to her seat trying to relax herself and refrain from strangling the bus driver.
The lady next to her had overheard Mystery's conversation with the bus driver.
“In case you were wondering, this bus doesn't go to New York,” she said sweetly.
“What? Where does it go?” asked Mystery.
“Philadelphia! I can't go to Philadelphia! I need to get to New York!” Mystery exclaimed accidentally raising her voice so that people on the bus were starting to stare.
The woman shifted uncomfortably, “Relax honey, there's train from the station that the bus drops off us, take it and it goes straight to the city. When we get there I'll show you”.”
“Thanks,” Mystery smiled. “Sorry about that.”
Truth was Mystery needed to get to Ithaca, New York, not New York City. But hey, it was still New York; Ithaca couldn't be too far away. Anyway, this wasn't the time to worry about these things. Mystery was exhausted; she laid her head against the window as she watched the other cars pass by. Soon she fell asleep.
* * *
“Hey, sweetie…” a comforting voice said. Mystery could feel the lady shaking Mystery awake.
Mystery's eyes fluttered open; she lifted her head from the window and looked around. The sun was beginning to rise outside, a pink and orange color was filling the sky. People were getting off the bus. What was happening? Mystery was wondering if last night's events were all just a dream. She looked up at the middle-aged woman smiling warmly at her; apparently this was real.
“Let's go,” she said.
Mystery got out of her seat and took her suitcase from the compartment on top. The lady helped Mystery get her suitcase down and got out of the bus; she signaled Mystery to follow.
Once they entered the station Mystery followed the lady past many stores and down a huge staircase. While Mystery followed an awkward silence lay between them.
“So,” the lady asked Mystery, “how come your parents aren't with you?”
Mystery hoped she wouldn't have to answer this question, “Well, I'm going to and art school, it's a boarding school and my parents couldn't drop me off so…” Mystery lied.
“Oh wow, what's your name?” she asked trying to keep away from another awkward silence.
“Mystery,” Mystery replied.
“Mystery huh? Wow, that's a… unique name.”
Mystery smiled, “Yeah.” It was a funny story how her name became Mystery. When she was a baby everyone, even the doctors, said that she would be a boy. Mystery's parents wanted a girl so badly because they already had two boys. But what could they do? When Mystery finally came they were so happy to see that Mystery was a girl. But they had already chosen boy names for her, and they had only a week to choose a name. Apparently it was the younger of Mystery's two brothers that picked the name. He had said that it was such a mystery that the new baby would be a girl they should call her Mystery.
The name fit her well, it seemed she was destined to have that name. Mystery was a mystery to most people; it wasn't always a good thing. Most people had a hard time understanding her. She had a few friends, but even they didn't know much about her.
“Okay, here we are,” the lady said. “Take the A train, it'll take you straight to Grand Central in Manhattan. Good luck with the art school!”
“Thank you so much!” Mystery said gratefully. She watched until the nice lady left, and she realized, sadly, she didn't even get her name. Oh well, she thought, that's life, people get out of your life as quick as they come in.