Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ A Passionate Kiss, Some Halo, and More ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 4: A Passionate Kiss, Some Halo, and More
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
Ned couldn't believe it. He was kissing Moze. He didn't even care that he was kissing her in front of his friends. Time seemed to stop for him and Moze. He pulled her closer as his lips were locked with hers. She didn't even hesitate. He could tell she was enjoying it. After at least 30 seconds, their lips finally parted. Ned could suddenly feel everyone's eyes burning into him, as could Moze. They suddenly realized that they had just locked lips in front of their close friends, and started blushing.
“Holy crap! Ned kissed Moze! I thought he would have passed, but no! He kissed her! You go, Ned!” Cookie cheered.
“It was a dare! Nothing else!” Ned and Moze shouted, still blushing.
“Right…whatever you guys say…” Martin said, grinning.
“Let's just drop it and play some video games, alright?” insisted Ned.
“Fine, what game?” Cookie asked, still grinning.
“Um…Halo! Halo 2!” Ned suggested.
“You have it?! I didn't know that! Let's play!” said Martin, completely forgetting the kiss that Ned and Moze had just shared.
“But there are only four controllers, and there are five of us!” said Coconut Head.
“Well, there's another Xbox downstairs, though it's my dad's; I don't think he would mind if we played it though,” Ned replied. “He has a copy of Halo 2, too, and they are both set up on Xbox Live. Some of us could play downstairs, and some of us up here…it doesn't matter who,”
“Alright, how about if me and Coconut Head play up here, and you three downstairs,” suggested Martin.
“That's fine,” Ned replied. “I'll set up the game. You guys just join…now, let's choose teams,”
“Alright, me and Martin are on a team,” Coconut Head said.
“I fight alone, so you two lovebirds be on a team!” said Cookie, snickering.
“Shut up, Cookie! Don't call us lovebirds, either!” shouted Moze.
“Yeah, what she said!” said Ned. “That's fine though, me and Moze will be on a team,”
“Ok then, it's settled! Let's get ready!” Cookie exclaimed, still snickering. Ned, Moze, and him then headed downstairs as Martin and Coconut Head started up the Xbox in Ned's room.
“My copy of Halo 2 is already in the Xbox,” Ned shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
“Got it, Ned,” replied Martin and Coconut Head.
“Just wait to join `til I tell ya to,”
“Ok, got it,”
With that, Moze and Cookie sat on the couch while Ned started up the Xbox. He put Halo 2 in and closed the tray. He picked up three of the controllers, which were all wireless, and carried them back to the couch. He then handed one to Cookie and one to Moze, and sat down next to Moze.
As the game booted up, Ned chose split-screen. Ned then set down his controller. “I'll be back, guys,” He said, getting up and heading for the stairs.
“Alright, hurry back,” Cookie and Moze replied.
Ned headed up the stairs to his room. Ignoring the odd looks from Coconut Head and Martin, he fished out a pair of walkie-talkies from his sock drawer and handed one to Coconut Head. “We'll keep in contact with these,” Ned said.
“Alright, that's a good idea,” Martin said as Ned left his room, the other walkie-talkie in hand.
As Ned sat back down by Moze, he switched on his walkie-talkie and said into it, “Martin, Coconut Head, can you guys hear me loud and clear?”
“Yeah, loud and clear, Ned,” They replied.
“Good, so what game mode? You guys pick,”
“Alright, let's see…how about we have some Slayer!” Martin exclaimed.
“Just normal Slayer, or one of the other variations of Slayer?”
“Um…let's go with Team Slayer!”
“Alright…the score limit?”
“Let's go with…50 kills,”
“Then no time limit I take it?”
“Alright, and the weapon set?”
“Halo Classic,”
“The starting weapons?”
Um…the Needler for the primary, and the battle rifle for the secondary,”
“Start with grenades?”
“Of course!”
“And the map?”
“Alright then, we're set! Just join in, guys!” The game was about to start. It was Moze and Ned on the red team, Martin and Coconut Head on the blue team, and Cookie on the green team. “Ok, let's get this thing started!”
Once the game had begun, Ned and Moze headed for the ground level to head off Martin and Coconut Head. Meanwhile, Cookie had gotten a sniper rifle and had taken station at one of the ledges. He took aim and fired, taking out Ned.
“Damnit, Cook!” growled Moze, who switched to the battle rifle and took out Cookie. “Cookie, you aren't gonna be able to win by yourself. You should have joined us instead of playing that `me against the world' shit you're always talking about!”
“I'll beat ya, you'll see!” replied Cookie.
Meanwhile, Martin had grabbed a rocket launcher and had gone trigger happy with it, killing Cookie seven times on his way to the ground level. Once he got to the ground level, he took aim at Moze. However, before he could even get a rocket off, he got blown away by Moze.
The match was a bloodbath. Cookie surprisingly did pretty well, though he got last place. He had gotten 37 kills. The red and blue teams were pretty close, having a score of 48-50. Ned and Moze had won, though it wasn't a surprise since they were the best players at Halo there.
As Coconut Head and Martin made their way down to the living room, Ned shut off the Xbox and, subconsciously, gave Moze a quick hug. He then realized what he had done and blushed. She was blushed along with him.
“I gotta go. I promised my mom I'd help her around the house today,” said Coconut Head.
“I gotta go, too. I'm kind of grounded and my mom'll be home soon. Later, guys!” Martin said. Ned, Moze, and Cookie chuckled and shook their heads as the two headed out the door.
After they had left, Ned, Moze, and Cookie plopped down onto the couch. Ned's arm had once again snaked around Moze's shoulder, unbeknownst to him and Moze. Cookie could just barely keep from laughing when he saw this.
They sat there for what seemed like hours, or it seemed that way for Ned and Moze. It had actually been only 15 minutes. They then realized that he had her in his arms. They blushed, and Moze quickly stood up. “Um…I told my mom that I'd be home at four. It's a quarter `til four now, so I guess…I'll see you guys later! Bye, Ned!” With that, Moze headed for the door, and before leaving, she took another look in Ned's direction. Then she turned forward and started back for her house, closing the door behind her.
“So…” Ned said, still blushing.
“So…” replied Cookie.
“You can still stay, right?”
“Yeah, my mom doesn't mind,”
Later that night, as Ned was lying on his bed and watching Cookie play Final Fantasy VIII, Ned sat up and asked, “Cookie, can I talk to you?”
“Yeah, Ned, I'm all ears,” replied Cookie, pausing the game and turning towards Ned.
“Have you ever felt…close to someone? Closer to someone than anyone else? Someone that's not a family member?” Ned asked.
“Yeah, I feel that way about Lisa, though I haven't told her that she's the closest person to me in my life yet,” Cookie answered.
“I kind of, sort of, feel that way about someone,”
“Is it Moze?” asked Cookie.
“Yeah, it is. How did you know?”
“It's kinda obvious, Ned. You kept blushing around her today, which is something you always do. Plus, you had this picture facedown on your bed stand,”
“Damn, I forgot to move it…I thought I had, but it had been him,” Ned muttered.
“Ok, spill it, dude. How long have you realized that you've felt this way about Moze?”
“Since Suzie moved away. I started to question my feelings for Suzie. Then, Moze started to appear in my mind. A lot! That's when I realized that I love Moze,”
“Dude, you need to tell her! You don't wanna wait! What would you do if she was with someone else?! You wouldn't like it at all!”
“Yeah, I know! I plan to tell her at the park on Friday,”
“What's so special about Friday?” Cookie asked.
“Well, she saw through my lie. She knew I had been doing more than just beating a video game, and I felt I wasn't ready to tell her how I really felt, so I told I was planning to take you and her to the park on Friday. Lisa can come, too, if she wants,”
“Alright, sweet! You better tell her!” Cookie replied.
“Yeah, I will tell her, no matter what happens!” With that, Ned fell back down upon his bed.
A/N: Well, what'd ya think?! I think it's goin' pretty smoothly. And thanks for all the reviews. I appreciate every last one of them! Well, please R&R! Later!^^