Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ Tension ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 7: Tension
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
As Ned's house came into view, Ned noticed that everyone was waiting for him. As they waved, he smiled and waved back. His legs suddenly began to move on their own, and he began to run. He didn't know what caused him to run, but he didn't care. Whatever it was, he felt it was something good.
When he had reached his porch, he came to a halt. “What's up, guys?”
“You were gone for longer than we had thought you would be. We were about to form a search party and come find ya,” replied Moze, chuckling softly. “So, where'd ya go?”
“Don't worry about it. All that needs to be known is that the thing I needed to do has been done, so I'm good,” Ned replied.
“What was the thing you had to do?”
“Don't worry about it,”
“Come on, tell us,”
“No, it doesn't matter,”
“Yes it does! We were worried about you!”
“Alright, I'm sorry,”
“Let me see your cell phone; you had given it a certain look when you had checked for missed calls,”
“I really don't think -”
“Cell phone!” Moze was now holding out her hand.
Ned jumped. “O-ok, here,” Ned then handed her his cell phone.
Flipping it open, Moze pulled up the recent calls. She didn't even need to look at the name. She knew Suzie's number like the back of her hand. “Suzie?! You went to see Suzie?! You left us and made us worry just so you could seeher?! I can't believe you, Ned Bigby! I'm out of here!” Moze then started to storm back towards her house.
“Moze, it's not what you think!” Ned called after her.
“I don't wanna here it, Ned!”
“Ouch, that's a bad sign, Ned,” Gordy said.
“Shut up, Gordy!” Ned growled.
“You better wait awhile before you call her or go see her. She looks pretty pissed,” Cookie said.
“Yeah, I know,” Ned sighed.
“So, were you at Suzie's?”
“Yeah, but I wasn't there to be with her though,” Ned answered.
“What were you doing there then?” asked Gordy suspiciously.
“I was just…telling her that I love Moze and that I was sorry, but I wanted to be with Moze and not her,”
“Oh, so that's why you had said that you had to do it,”
“Makes sense, though you need to somehow get that through to Moze,”
“I know, though as stubborn as she is, it'll be like a child taking on a bull,”
“That's true,”
Meanwhile, Moze was just getting home. Storming into the house, she slammed the door behind her. “I can't believe him! To think I actually thought he liked me, but now that Suzie's back, he's already with her! Damnit, Ned Bigby!” Moze muttered angrily as she stomped up to her room and shut the door.
A moment later, there was a knock at her room door. “Can I come in, Honey?” asked Mrs. Mozely.
“Yeah, come in,” Moze said. Her door then opened. “What is it?!”
“You seem upset. What's wrong, Jennifer?”
“It's nothing,”
“Jennifer, it's more than that,”
“It's nothing!” Moze shouted.
“Jennifer, you can tell me. You know that,”
“Yeah, I know,” Moze said, a little more calmly than before. Mrs. Mozely had now come to sit next to Moze. “I thought Ned really liked me! He was all nervous around me, and he kept blushing, and he had been putting his arm around me and stuff! Then today, his old girlfriend came back to town after over a year, and he immediately ditched us and went to see her!” Moze was now on the verge of crying.
“Jennifer, maybe it's not what it seems. Maybe he went to tell her that he likes you over her,”
“Or maybe it's exactly what it seems, and he went to see her!”
“Jennifer, you know I taught you to not believe until you have solid proof. Now, go and ask him yourself if that's the reason he really went to go see her,”
Moze sighed. “You're right, as always. I'll go see him right now!” Moze's face now had a smile upon it that glowed as a sign of hope.
Ned had been slumped down on his couch with his hand pressed to his face ever since Moze had left. Suddenly, something clicked in his brain, and he sat up. “I've done enough moping around! I have to go see her and set things straight!”
“That a boy, Ned! Go get her!” said Gordy.
Ned raced to the door. Just as he opened it, he was face to face with Moze. “Moze!” He blurted out.
“Hi, Ned! I'm sorry about earlier. I just…I just freaked out, that's all,” Moze replied.
“It's ok, Moze. I can understand why you did it,” Ned replied, smiling and hugging Moze. “I wasn't over at Suzie's to be with her. I was there to tell her that I didn't want to be with her anymore, for I had found someone else,” Moze blushed at this. “Besides, I had a feeling there really wasn't much there anymore when she had left,”
“So, is Suzie ok with you not seeing her anymore?” Moze asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” replied Ned.
“That's good to here,”
“I'm glad she didn't try to kill me like I think she would,”
“Yeah, that is a good thing!” Moze replied giggling.
Ned stepped aside to let Moze inside. Once she was inside, they both sat down on the couch. Cookie and Gordy sat down next to them. “So what do we do now?” asked Cookie.
“Well, we could pop some popcorn and watch a movie,” suggested Ned.
“That sounds good. What movie?” replied Cookie.
“Um…well, tell ya what. I'll list off a couple of choices and we'll choose from them, alright?”
“Ok, sounds fair,” said Moze.
“Ok, we can watch The Chronicles of Riddick, DOOM, Alien vs. Predator, Spiderman, or Spiderman 2. What'll it be?”
“Hmm…well, I have seen Spiderman 2, but not the first Spiderman. So, how about Spiderman?” suggested Moze.
“That sounds good. Anyone object?” After a moment, Ned then said, “Alright, Spiderman it is! I'll get the popcorn ready. Cookie, you know where the movies are, so could you get the movie ready?”
“Sure thing, Ned,” replied Cookie, standing up and heading to the entertainment center on which sat the TV.
Ned headed into the kitchen. Pulling out two bags of microwavable buttered popcorn, he opened the first package and put in the microwave, pressing the popcorn button. Once it was done, he took the bag out and put the second bag in the microwave, pressing the popcorn button again. While the other bag was in the microwave being “popped”, he opened the first bag and emptied it into a large bowl. Once the second bag was done, he emptied it into the bowl.
Ned then threw the empty popcorn bags away and carried the bowl into the living room. “There ya go,” He then headed into the kitchen and broke out a twelve pack of Mountain Dew which was for special occasions only. Carrying four cans back into the living room, he handed them out, while keeping one for himself.
“Mountain Dew?! You only get the Mountain Dew out on special occasions!” said Moze.
“Yeah, this is a special occasion. I'm watching a movie with my best friends,” Ned replied.
As the movie started, Ned had his arm around Moze. The popcorn had been eaten within an hour, though the Mountain Dew lasted through most of the movie. By the end, Moze had fallen asleep in Ned's arms. Ned felt all warm inside. He gave into his urges and kissed Moze on the forehead, who simply smiled and snuggled against him.
“Well, I better get going,” said Gordy, heading for the door.
“Alright, later Gordy,” replied Ned and Cookie. Ned simply smiled as he rested his head against the girl of his dreams.
A/N: Well, what'd ya think? I think this is going pretty well! Well, please R&R! Later! ^^