Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ The Big Day ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 10: The Big Day
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
The following morning, Ned woke with a start. His heart racing, he had just awakened from a nightmare. He had dreamt he had told Moze how he really felt about her, and yet she rejected him. It took him a good five minutes for his breathing to return to normal. “What if she really does reject me?! I'll be crushed!” He muttered. He then glanced at the clock. It was 7:30.
As he headed downstairs, he saw that Cookie and Moze were already there waiting for him. “Good morning, Ned,” They said.
“Good morning,” replied Ned. “How long have you guys been here?”
“Just ten minutes or so,” said Cookie.
“Good, at least I haven't kept ya waiting for too long. Hey, where's Lisa?”
“She said she would be here once she's gotten ready. So she should be here within the hour,” replied Cookie. Ned then took a seat next to Moze, his arm quickly wrapping around her.
“Oh, Ned! I see you're up! Well, then I'll start getting breakfast ready,” said Mrs. Bigby from the kitchen.
“So, when are we gonna leave?” asked Cookie.
“I was thinking we could leave around 10:30. It allows enough time for Lisa to get here and for us to eat breakfast,” replied Ned.
“We'll be done a long time before then, Ned,” said Moze.
“Plus, there are a lot of creeps in the park in the early morning, so by 10:30, they should all be gone,” Ned pointed out.
“That's true,” All fell silent as they continued to wait for breakfast, and Lisa.
Ten minutes later, Mrs. Bigby called, “Ok, breakfast is ready,”
“Ok, we're coming,” Ned replied. Cookie, Moze, and Ned could smell an exquisite scent wafting from the kitchen. On top of that, when Ned and the others drifted into the kitchen, they were met with a real treat: blueberry ginger spice pancakes. “Wow! Mom, you really outdid yourself!”
“Awe, it was nothing. I knew you would be going to the park with your friends today, so I figured I'd send you out with one of my best dishes!”
“Thanks, Mom!” Ned said as him, Moze, and Cookie all piled their plates with pancakes mounted with maple syrup. Sitting back down on the couch, they all began to dig in.
As they were all on their last few pancakes, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” Ned called in between bites.
The door opened, and there stood Lisa. She wore a simple red T-shirt and jeans. In Cookie's eyes, her face glowed golden, though in reality, it was just the sun. “Hi,” She said, smiling in Cookie's direction.
“Hey, Lisa,” replied Cookie.
“Hey,” said Moze.
“Hey, if you want some breakfast, my mom made her famous blueberry ginger spice pancakes,” Ned said.
“It's alright. I ate before I came over here,” replied Lisa, taking a seat next to Cookie. “So, when are we leaving?”
“We're gonna leave at 10:30 so we can avoid most of the creeps and psychos that take refuge in the park in the early morning,” replied Ned.
“Alright, so what do we do for the next couple of hours?”
“Video games?” suggested Ned.
“Sounds good,” replied Lisa.
For the next two and a half hours, Lisa and Cookie on the blue team took on Ned and Moze on the red team in several games of Team Slayer and Two-Flag Capture the Flag on Halo 2. By the time it was 10:30, the red team had nine wins and the blue team had six. Choosing this time to quit, Ned shut off the Xbox and stood up. “Well, shall we get going?”
“Yeah!” replied the others, standing up as well.
As Ned and the others headed out the door, Ned called, “Ok, we're leaving, Mom. See you later,”
“Ok, Ned. Have fun,” replied Mrs. Bigby as Ned shut the door behind him.
Twenty minutes after they had started walking, St. Polk Park came into view. “We're finally almost there!” Cookie said. They all then started running towards the park. Luckily, there weren't that many people there, meaning that most of the psychos, creeps, and potheads had already left.
From the park entrance, they made their way down to the lake. It was a large, pristine lake in the middle of the park. They would always go to the lake to fish, or swim, or just hang out. Finding their favorite spot, they all sat down. “This is the life, eh?” said Ned, laying back with his knees bent.
“You got that right, Buddy,” agreed Cookie.
As they continued to lay there, they soon found out that there were two goons they hadn't avoided: Loomer and Crony. Loomer was wearing his usual leather jacket and black jeans. Crony, his hair as long and curly as ever, was wearing a light blue T-shirt and blue-gray jeans. “Well, well, well, what do you we have here? A couple of losers!” mocked Loomer, laughing in his usual over exaggerated, maniacal laugh. Crony laughed along with him, giving him a high five.
“What do you want, Loomer?” asked Moze, annoyed.
“Well, if you must know, I have come over to rescue you from these losers, Jennifer,” replied Loomer in his “sweet” voice.
“For your information, those `losers' happen to be my friends, and I wouldn't ditch them even if World War III had broken out right here in St. Polk!” growled Moze.
“Come on, Jennifer! You could do better than Bigby, Cookie, and Zemo here!”
“My answer is no, Loomer, and don't insult them in front of them!”
“Come on, Jennifer!”
“She said she's not gonna leave with you, Loomer!” said Ned, standing up.
“Shut up, Bigby! This isn't any of your business!” growled Loomer. “So buzz off!”
“Moze is my best friend, so it is my business!”
“Stay out of this, Bigby!”
“Leave her alone and leave, Loomer!”
“Ned Bigby, you should definitely think about who you're screwing with!”
“I said leave her alone!!” Ned shouted, stepping forward. Balling his hand into a fist, he swung as hard as he could. He hit Loomer square in the cheek, sending him slamming to the ground. Loomer's cheek quickly swelled up where Ned had hit him.
Standing up slowly, Loomer rubbed the place where he had been hit. “You've done it now, Bigby!” Loomer growled.
“I'd run if I were you, Ned,” said Crony.
“No! I'm tired of running! For way too long have I run from you, Loomer! Well, not anymore! I will not run away!” Ned shouted. Standing his ground, he waited for Loomer to retaliate.
“You probably expect me to leave you alone, right?! Well, you're mistaken, Ned! I won't back down just `cause you stand up to me! Maybe a couple of years ago I would have, but I'm different now! You're mine, Bigby!” Loomer moved forward and prepared to punch.
`Just stay calm! You can do this!' Ned told himself. Just as Loomer lashed out, Ned moved to the side. This move caused Loomer to stumble forward. Ned's foot then swept beneath Loomer's feet, causing him to fall forward. He landed face first right into the lake with a splash. “Yes!” Ned muttered.
“You'll pay for this, Ned Bigby!” Loomer shouted.
“I don't think you're in any position to threaten me right now, Loomer,” Ned replied, snickering.
Getting out of the lake, Loomer trudged away slowly. Crony simply stood there, stunned. “Come on, Crony!” shouted Loomer.
“Oh, uh, right!” Crony said, running after Loomer.
“Ned, that was amazing! I never knew you had it in you to stand up to Loomer, but ya did! Plus, you even put him in his place!” Moze exclaimed.
“Awe, it was nothing, really!” Ned replied, grinning widely.
“Um, me and Lisa are gonna go get something to drink from the pop machine! Come on, Lisa!” Cookie said quickly after getting a certain look from Ned that told him to leave.
“Huh? Oh, yeah! Right! See you guys later! Nice one beating Loomer, Ned!” replied Lisa. Her and Cookie then hurried off towards the pop machine.
Sitting down next to the lake, Ned gestured for Moze to sit down next to him. Moze did just that. He then turned to her and said, “Moze, I've been wanting to tell you something. I've thought about it for a long time now, and I have finally decided that I should tell you,”
“Yes, Ned?” Moze said hopefully. `Oh please say what I think you're going to say!'
“I've been wanting to tell you that I like you! I like you a lot! To hell with liking you! I love you, Jennifer Mozely! I love you very much! I love you more than anyone I have ever loved before!”
“Oh Ned! I love you, too! I always have, but I didn't know if you liked me in the same way,” Moze replied, wrapping her arms around Ned. “I love you, Ned Bigby!” She then planted a very passionate kiss upon Ned's lips.
A/N: Woot!! Ned and Moze have finally confessed their love for each other! There is still a little bit more to go! Now, all I need to put in is their first date, so if you have any suggestions, please include them with your reviews! Please R&R!!! Peace! ImI>.<ImI Ned and Moze forever and ever!!!