Other Fan Fiction ❯ My Maker, My Lover ❯ Ice and Fire ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is just an intro into the story! First Vampire Chronicle fic I have written. Hopefully to your liking. I would appreciate your comments! Thank you!!


Title: My Maker, My Lover
Pairing: Lestat/Louis
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild slash. May up rating later depending on content.


This is just an introduction to the story. If received well I will continue!

Disclaimer: I do not own Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire or any book relating to the Vampire Chronicles. The stories written here are strictly fan writing and may not follow the plot of these books either.

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M y Maker, My Lover


I had never been fond of the idea of continuously traveling over the country. I suppose it was because he, Lestat, loved new things. Often he would grow weary of a new coat or a fancy pair of shoes, easily discard it and buy new ones. Not just for himself, but for Claudia and I as well. And I don't believe it was out of generosity, but merely his love of spending gross amounts of money; which I can be sure is directly related to his love of power.

And do not assume that I despise him; I could never hate my maker. Though he has not much knowledge to offer, his very presence instills comfort in me. I have always been mesmerized by the way he speaks, and the intensity of his eyes. A beautiful calming blue, yet fierce and dominating.
I sighed as I felt two arms encircle my chest from behind. I could see a mass of curly, yellow hair to my left shoulder.

I chuckled. “Hello, Claudia.”

A sweet voice spoke softly to me, “Louis, why have you been sitting alone all this time? I want you to take a walk with me.”

I turned and smiled at her, running my long fingers through her golden locks. “Of course my dear...should we ask Lestat to join us?”

She hummed. “I thought it would be nice just the two of us. Besides he left to hunt...”

I nodded. Of course.

“Shall we?” Claudia smiled.


That night we had a long walk through the cobbled streets, under the moonlight. With a cloudless sky, we pointed out the stars. It seemed as though time had slowed down significantly. We didn't speak much, or rather I didn't. Claudia picked a few flowers from nearby gardens along the way, sang a couple of her favourite songs and retold stories of the past to me; the past she knew as a vampire. I tried to listen intently, however, I managed to slip in and out of my conscious mind, not sure if I really was listening to her every word. In fact, I wasn't sure what exactly was on my mind. And then I saw those blue eyes. I gasped.


I looked down at Claudia. I felt slightly flustered and cleared my throat.


Her eyes filled with concern, she took a firm hold of my hand. “Let's go home, Louis.”

I followed behind her, trying to keep up with her light, quick pace. What a wonderful girl, and how patient she always was with me. I swore she had grown to be the most mature out of us three and still maintained her child-like sweetness.

As we approached home, I noticed one of the top windows emitting a warm glow from inside.

He was home.

I sighed peacefully and Claudia and I entered the front door. She immediately gave me a kiss on the cheek and went up the staircase to her room.

“Dawn comes soon, Louis.”she said turning back.

I nodded. “Yes. Have a good rest.”

“And you as well my dear Louis.”

I began to walk up the staircase myself. I approached a room where light seemed to dance at my feet. As soon as I entered, I felt the warm heat from the fire place glide across my skin. The room was dimly lit, yet it was soothing how the light flickered on the velvet curtains and fine furniture.

However, nothing was more captivating than the glowing radiance of Lestat sitting before the fire. He was in a large leather chair, arms resting on either side of him, one hand holding a glass of a crimson. Legs crossed, he stared intensely at the rising flames, his icy blue eyes appearing resistant to the heat. I couldn't help but stare at his lovely figure.

“Won't you join me, Louis?”

His voice startled me. His eyes were now fixed on my own and felt a surge of embarrassment as a slight shiver ran up my spine. Without a word spoken, I slowly walked to the middle of the room and sat across from him.

He smiled at me when I looked at him. Reaching forward, he offered me his glass. I shook my head.

“No thank you, Lestat.”

Lestat sighed, leaning back into his chair. “You are the odd sort of vampire, Louis. We must enjoy all life has to offer. Why deny yourself? We are immortal beings with endless time in our grasp.”

“That does not mean we must be gluttonous, Lestat.”

My eyes were met with sharp ones. Lestat raised the glass to his lips. “I only take when I feel the need. I am not one to go on a killing spree. You know this Louis.”

He set the glass down on the table to his right. “How was your midnight stroll with dear Claudia?”

“Enjoyable,” I answered. “We talked of the old days. Or rather, just she.”

Lestat stood up. “You seem troubled Louis.”

My eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “How so?”

He walked towards me slowly. I wanted to stand up as well, but it seemed his eyes kept me in my seat, unable to move. He reached his hand forward to caress my face. I breathed shakily, although I am sure he could not tell. It was impossible to ignore the elegance of his face. I couldn't look away from him. Why was I so captured by his presence?

I heard a low chuckle emit from his throat as he leaned close, his blonde hair lightly brushing against my face. I could feel his lips next to my ear.

“Something seems to be occupying your mind. Even now, Louis...I am not only here as your mentor. You may come to me when you feel the need to.”

He pulled away so his eyes were level with mine. “You can find comfort in me too, Louis. Claudia doesn't need to be the only one you run to.”

He put a firm hand on my shoulder. “The morning light is coming. I will retire for the night. Have a pleasant sleep, Louis.”

He left me sitting alone. I couldn't quite comprehend what had just occurred. But I knew I did not have the time left to ponder. I rose from my seat and extinguished the fire. I exited the room to my own where my coffin lay against the hard floor. Sliding inside the wooden case, I shut the lid above my head and lay still. It wasn't long before I grew tired and sleep took a hold of my consciousness.

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So.. .what did you think? Please review! Thanks again!