Other Fan Fiction ❯ My Master ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This is my frist time posting on MediaMIner.org so be nice.
Ok, few little words:

1-i haven't seen the movie in a while so if I have the events out of place I'm sorry.

2-the charters are going to be ooc. But that's just because I think weird

3- Its yaoi boy on boy and its going to have a little BDSM. I'm not going to put those parts on
FF.net- I have a livejournal that I'm going to maybe put it on or an ff.net on. Not sure yet. But seeing as
how it's going to be a while before they get to that- I have time to figure it out. So only will be spoken
about-no doing. Enjoy and let me know if I need to fix anything. Thanks.

Disclaimer: I do not own Osmosis Jones or any of the charters. I make no money off this fic.
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How could this happen? All I wanted was to help. Ozzie sighed, who was he kidding. The people of this
body were all dump shits. All believing in that stupid mayor, ha! If he lives through another election, this
whole body will die.
The water went cold and got out; he heard that the virus he saw at the dame was
going to the Zit Ozzie laughed out loud, he knew that it wasn't needed, him being put off the case, but
he wanted to. The white cell will never tell anyone this, but the virus was hot and Ozzie was very
attractive to him. He was kind of happy that he was off the case, because now he can find the virus for
personal reasons.

A look in the mirror had him glaring. Ozzie run his hands through his short hair to bring it to its
right length. The waist length hair looked wrong with his goatee but a simply pull had that taken care of.
Everyone thought of him as a wannabe player, that loved his looks. Ozzie Jones used that to his
advantage. He used his morphing abilities to change his hair into a modern day style of his dads. Form
what he could remember. Then the pull on pull off goatee tock care of his "manliness"

While Ozzie did the manly thing out during the day, he could be mistaken for a girl when he was
at home. He hated it, but knew that there was no way that the police force would take him for real
when he was dressed normally. But do I care anymore. If tonight goes as I hope I won't have to worry
about Leah or anyone else. Only have my Master virus.
Another thing that Ozzie tock care to hide was
that he was heavily into BDSM, even though he was a virgin in every sense of the word. He was saving all
of himself for his first and last master He didn't want more than one

Once the white cell was dried off he moved into his bedroom. He all ready perfect outfit for the
night, hopefully the virus will like it. As he started to put on the black and red Lolita dresses a knock on
his door stopped him. Ozzie grasped his bath rope and went to the door, trying to figure out who it
could be.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Drixs "

"What do you want?"

Ozzie could just picture the cold pill flinching at the harsh words, but the white cell didn't care
This pill had made it impossible to go and find out who the virus was, and now he was delaying him form
meeting his master. Ozzie didn't care that the pill had no idea what he was doing, he hated him Oh sure
he acted like he liked the cold pill, and that they could be friends, but in all honesty, the cold pill could
die. They holy than thou attitude, pushed him back at first, but what really put him over the line of ok
and hate was that Ozzie caught a look in his eyes. Looks that Ozzie knew will the look of the morons that
thought they had a chance to be his master.

Just the thought of being sexual with the cold pill makes him sick.

"Ozzie Ozzie are you there?"

"Yeah, what do you want Drips?"
A sighed let the white cell know that the cold pill thought himself in the clear. Yeah right.

"I know that you are going after the virus, and I want to help "
Yeah help me, cause you think that it's going to let you get into my paints "Ok let me get dressed, and
no you can't come in " Ozzie cut the question off before it been voiced He didn't want the cold pill to
come in and question why there wasn't anything personal here Right after going to the mayor's office
he got rid of all the things that had been in his house. Ozzie had given it to charity, all his cloths,
furniture, everything. The only thing he had was the last of his body soap, which he had just used and
the outfit.

Ozzie got dressed and looked around, everything was gone. Even the picture of his grandfather,
he had burn it, it wouldn't do him any good now. He left the key with the owner of the building letter
her know that he won't be coming back If his chosen master didn't want him, Ozzie was going to kill
himself He wouldn't be able to live if the perfect master didn't want him

He ignores all questions from Drips as they head out to his car, that he already sold to the
bouncer of the Zit. He hoped that his master was here, and that the bouncer didn't just tell him that for
the car. Please let my master be here, and let him accept me.