Other Fan Fiction ❯ Quick Silver ❯ Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

ran through the packed streets my lungs burning. Five minutes. My long silver hair flowed behind me. As I ran by the shiny new building four blocks from my destination and stopped thinking for half a second, I was my mother. I shook my head of course it wasn't her. She had long black hair that she hid in a boyish wig. Not to mention four years ago she… three minutes. I took off glad for the chance to stop the memories from flooding my mind.
By the time I made it school they were closing the gates and I just barely made it through. I was in class soon after. “Midori Kabuki?” the teacher said in a voice that indicted he got into another fight with his wife.
“Here,” I said bursting through the oak wood door.
“Please take a seat Ms. Kabuki.” He commanded. I strode to my desk in the back.
I was disappointed to find my bad past immediately upon me again. I had been doing my homework in my room when Uncle Shino walked in with a smile on his face. “Come on, Mimi, I have a surprise for you.” I followed him down the short flight of stairs and into the kitchen.
I gasped in horror at what I saw, my parents slaughtered in front of me. “Mama? Papa?” I said in a voice that probably couldn't have been heard by a hound dog right next to me, it was so soft. I shook them gently with my little twelve-year-old hands and arms. Trying to wake them up from their obvious slumber. Only they didn't wake up and they never will. I was snapped back to realty by the sound of the bell. For the rest of the day I worked hard to think of the times before my parents were killed. They never convicted my uncle, they may have had I been brave enough to say anything about my uncle's smile as he brought me to the bodies.
The walk home was uneventful. When—finally—got to my house I was ready to go to sleep. As I went through the gate to the small closed community beyond I stopped dead in mid-stride. There, sniffing the purple and pink flowers planted just out of the view of anyone outside was Gabriel. When we were kids I unintentionally changed his life for the worst. He'd never held a grudge against me but it still hurt me. “Hey Silver! What you doing this Sunday?”
“I think you know that,” I said in my most oh-my-god-did-you-lose-some-IQ-points-or-something voice.
“Really Silver you should start making an effort to make friends being a `freak' as you call it isn't so bad.”
“You weren't so normal to begin with. Most people wouldn't like growing tails when they get wet.”
“Hey it's only when we get wet from the waist down!”
“It makes no difference to me. It's because I touched you can banish people to the Shadow Realm.”
“It's not a realm, more of a state of mind!”
“Oh, for the love of— look I can't give even one more person powers I'm fine having six. Plus I'm still guilty about giving you powers and you want them!” I finally exploded.
“Fine, Fine.” He spat out with lack of interest.
“This Sunday.” I repeated his earlier words.
“Oh! Some kids are planning on jumping Rick. You remember Rick right?” He said doubtfully.
My mind shot back to my 6th summer two years before I'd changed Gabriel into a merman. We had been playing in the city park when a strange kid with black hair and blue eyes came up to us. “Can I play to?” This one sentence started a friendship that would last three years. When I turned nine I realized that the people I cared about could have horrible lives if I touched them by accident. Armed with this knowledge I broke off my friendship with him and Gabriel came along with me. ”Yes,” I finally answered.
He must have seen the pain in my gray-blue eyes because he changed the subject, “Want to get some pizza at Toni's?”
“Sure, you know I think pizza is the one good thing about America?”
“What are you talking about,” He said as we started to walk to our houses to drop off our stuff, “You've only been to Japan twice!”
“That's all it takes. Besides What good things can you point out?”
He grew really silent after this and couldn't help but crack up. I was in a full out laugh-cough when I hit somebody. “Sorry. Are you all right?” I said in a nonchalant manner, automatically going into I-don't-give-a-hoot mode
“No, no it's perfectly fine. Are you alright?”
“You live here?” I looked up to see the student council president.
“Yes. Are sure you're not hurt? If you are I could help you. I know you bruise easily.” I peered over his shoulder gauging the distance to my door. If I ran I could make before he could catch me. Knowing this I bolted for the crystal knob and was in even sooner than I'd foretold. After dropping my book bag in my room I went to the kitchen. Upon arriving inside it's black and white structure I shivered. Even years later it still gave me the creeps. I went to the drawer where I kept my money after shuffling through it I grabbed a single ten dollar bill. I went through the back door to avoid an angry student council president.
I looked on to the lush, green hill that sat in the center of my overly sized backyard. As I slowly walked to the mound I thought of all the baseball games that had taken place on it. It had been out of use so long small yellow flowers were beginning to grow on it. I flopped onto my back and stared in gaze with curious eyes at the clouds that used to hold so many unspoken stories and images and now were just white cotton fluffs. I began to wonder what happened to make such a difference in my life. What could have changed that should not have? My head was soon buzzing with such thoughts.
My beehive of a mind stopped working along with my heart when I began to sink into the ground. Frantically I reached with my mind for my powers but found them tied. Quickly terrified of the unknown danger I kicked my legs and flailed my arms. I did not scream. I had learned years before that no matter how much you scream other people will worry for them selves first. It was no use I realized this was the end. I began to think of my crush of eleven years. Gabriel.
As soon as these thoughts had entered my mind, the ground disappeared all together. I was about to fall onto hard metal ground when a blanket of water reached out to catch me. The moment my legs hit the water I found myself with a tail. A shiny, silver tube top that split into two just below the breast had replaced the uniform I had been wearing. After a moment the water left me to my own devices, a short fall and I hit the ground. The first thing I did was dry my tail and stand up. When I did I saw the last person I thought the danger would be, my mother's friend, Fuchsia. I looked to my left thinking I'd see the villain that was holding her captive but the face that met mine was that of one of my father's friends, Juki. The same was with the left and behind me: Luna, and Tsukasa.
My confusion must not have been well hidden because Fuchsia spoke to me answering my inner questions, “Sorry for scaring you. I assure you we mean you no harm. However we do need your help. The Mermaid Kingdom needs your help. I understand you have refrained from touching people am I correct?”
“Well, of course! What was I supposed to do make everyone into freaks like us?” I screeched so loud I had no doubt Gabriel and the ever-nerdy pres could hear it.
“Calm down!” This was Luna her voice was silk but her temper had hit me before and I mean hit so instead of popping her one I shut up. ”We don't care about that and thus, by the end of the year, we need you to touch the remaining five people then get your scaled butts down there to kick werewolf hide.” So the werewolves were the threat this generation.
“Are you crazy?” I was going hysterical by then, “No way! Gabriel was an accident! I'm not going to do it one more time let alone five!'
“Stop being childish! It's not just you its all the mermaids in the world! So—“
“I'm not doing this for me I don't care about me! I can't make anyone a freak!”
“Well then call out Mr. Hide because it's time to get mean”
Then, as if on cue, everything went black.
2.Horse Clouds
awoke in my bed. Immediately I rushed down stairs, once I was at the foot of the stairs I turned right, into the kitchen. Half-stumbling to a stop in front of the stain glass doors I took two deep breaths before opening them for the second time today. Very little surprise four of my parents' friends faced me. “Why are you still here?” I practically screamed. Who did they think they were? They had kidnapped me then asked me to help them! How could Mama and Papa have trusted them?
“We are here to make sure you don't skimp out on your duties.” Juki said to me.
“I'm not doing anything for you! You may have fooled mom but I know better! Anyone who will willingly make someone a freak isn't someone who can be considered a `hero'!” It was then that I realized I was crying. I raised a hand to my check to touch the tear in incredulousness. Not because I had not noticed but because I did not cry. Not even when I found out I was a monster and would have to leave Rick behi—
I was jerked from my thoughts by the speaking of one of the four. I could not be sure of witch one, as I was to astonished to pay much attention. “So you are willing to let millions of merpeople die for the pride of five humans?”
I froze s/he was right and I knew it. I whispered, “Sunday”
“I'm sorry?” It was the same one… I think…
“On Sunday I have to save someone. Please this is really important to me. Me and Gabriel will leave for Japan right away afterwards.”
“Very well, we will give you time to pack and put your affairs in order. Two weeks after then?” I didn't have lookup from the ground were my eyes had wondered to know they had called forth water and left.
Friday and Saturday seemed to last for ever. On Friday I went to school like always. I wore a t-shirt that had Stewie from Family Guy on it holding his teddy bear and kind of glaring; under him it said: I like you. When I rule the world your death shall be quick and painless.
I love Family Guy in fact I watch it every week. Witch is why I have so many t-shirts like this. I even have one of Peter taking a bath with Lois. Anyway, besides that I had on skinny jeans and black hiking boots. I walked from class to class tensely. I didn't know when or where the mugging would take place.
By lunch I'd decided to just tail Rick all day and wait for it to happen. I got a roast beef sub at the Subragues and began to look for a seat I could sit alone at. I found one outside under a huge cherry blossom tree. I sat down and stuffed nearly half the 12ft sub in my mouth. Before long Buck Castro came and sat next to me. Which is really weird because he has friends and I don't. So my first reaction was to say “This tables taken,” I'm not sure why I said it in the Voice as it was my rule was not to talk to anyone in the Voice as a mermaid's Voice is quite seductive, “Now will you please leave me alone?”
“Hmmm…? Baby, don't be like that.” He purred. Then he put his arm around my shoulders luckily someone called him before he could touch my bare arm and become a merman. I watched him leave my heart beating with terror. After that the rest of the day was uneventful.
On Saturday Gabriel and me went to see Happy Feet. It was ok I guess but I was never to open to the idea of dancing penguins which is kind of stupid since I'm half fish.
“This is getting really boring.”
“Oh, shut it Gabriel. We don't know when it's gonna happen. This is our only choose.”
“Oh, really,” he said cocking one eyebrow, “ I disagree. We can just ask him if we can join him.”
“Really? And if he's still mad his best friends left without a backwards glance?”
“Then you can use the Voice on him.”
I knew I'd lost so I made way up to him. His back was to me. Gabriel was the first to speak. “Hey! Rick, remember us? It's Gabriel and Silver!”
“Yeah… I remember.” The way he said it made me want to wince.
“Well, would you like to do something?”
He looked kind of confused and I thought that I'd have use the Voice, but then he said, “Sure,” and I suddenly could look him in the eyes…
Rick's heart seemed to soar when he heard Gabriel say that. Sure he would have preferred to have Midori say it, but still it meant they were forgiving him for whatever he had done all those years ago. A smile came to his face as he realized he also had chance to get some real friends. Everyone at school knew how tightly knit they were. With them by his side he could finally ditch his old “friends” if that's what you call them.
Halfway through the day with still no sign muggers. I leaned over Gabriel you sure about the mugging?”
“99.9%. Why?”
“Because if you're wasting my time then I'll kill you.” He laughed as though it was just a joke. “I'm not kidding! The Oldies'll rip me limb from limb if they find out there's no mugging!” Rick came out of the bathroom and my expression went from furious to hyper in a nanosecond. “Rick!” I said in a voice that sounded a little on edge. I quickly fixed that. “You done? How about we­­—­­”, but before I could finish my suggestion about ten really buff looking guys stepped out of the alley.
“You Rick Kolinsky?” He said his eyes boring into Rick's.
I sighed and turned to Gabriel, “I thought you said `some.'”
“Well, for us ten is `some.'”
Another sigh, “Fine you take those five and I'll get the others.” I gestured to the five that looked to be the weakest minds because the weaker the mind the easier it would be to send them to the Shadow Realm.
The guy who spoke must have been angry that a chick was showing no fear in front of him because he took a swing at me. Now is probably the time to say that merpeople are not only superior in intellect but also in speed and strength. That being the case I easily dodged his punch. “ Run, Rick! Get! Me and Gabriel have got things covered!”
“No buts just run we'll catch up later!” This time he obeyed and fled. That fight was over 3 minutes later. I didn't have a scratch on me. I spit on The Speaker as I now called him, “Next time actually give me a challenge!” The comment came out bitter and dangerous just like I wanted it to. After getting their weapons together and dumping them I turned to go home.
“Where are you going?”
“Home?” I asked in a very duh voice.
“But you told Rick we'd come after him!” He sounded truly taken aback.
“I told him what he wanted to hear.”
“Really? Well, maybe he'll be so mad at you he'll try to hit and you being so shocked won't dodge it. Then he'd one of us then he could protect himself! Maybe you're right! Maybe this is for the better!”
Condescending jerk. “Fine. You. Win.” I said through clenched teeth.
“ All right let's go!” As we made our way down the path Rick had taken I happened to look at the sky. What I saw was a stamped of horses.
3. Mistakes
didn't take long to find him. He was in the same sandbox we met. “Hey,” I said sounding a lot less guilty then I felt.
“What were you thinking? You could've been killed!” He whorled around to face me his face distorted with anger.
“No. That was not an option. Not us being the way we are.” My words sounded sad even to my own ears.
“What's that so supposed to mean? You're not Superman!” I flinched at his words. They were the most painful things I'd ever heard. Tears stroked my face for the second time in three days. Gabriel must have seen this because he began to steer me towards my house I put my head in my hands and let the tears flow. They were hot and salty. I hated it. Why had I become such a crybaby? Couldn't I have stayed strong? That definitely would have been my first choice. “Midori—“ It was barely a whisper but somehow I was able to hear it above the cars passing by and the children's shouts. Rick's voice was heavily laced with regret. Perhaps that's why I turned but for what ever reason I soon wished I hadn't…
She turned around and Rick looked into her eyes. What he saw was the little girl who had been the first to accept him. Before he knew what he was doing he brought up his hand to touch her cheek. Oh, how he had dreamed of the day he could touch her, kiss her… But when he placed his hand on her cheek and was about to kiss her, her face went from grief ridden to horrified.
“I'm so sorry.” Her words showed how sorry—for whatever reason—she was. “I didn't want to drag you into this. I'm so sorry.” Her voice was pained. Rick looked at his first and only love and saw that he had to be missing something. Something important.
“I'm sorry.” My voice cracked on the on the first “r” but I don't think he noticed. “I didn't want to drag you into this. I'm so sorry.” At first he looked confused but he must have realized he missed something `cus his face cleared up.
“What is it that I'm missing?” His voice was strong but his eyes were begging.
“I turned you into a freak. Just like me and Gabriel—“
“Hey!” Gabs shouted. I ignored.
“—Now you'll have to fight because I wasn't care full enough! Oh, god I'm so sorry.”
He blinked twice then gave the same lopsided grin he had when we were 6 and simply stated, “That's all? I'll be a freak? It doesn't as long as we're friends.”
It was then that I knew the last eight years of my life had been one huge mistake. I didn't needed to leave my best friend ever behind! What an idiot I am! I put a hand over my mouth and laughed at my stupidity. Before I knew it I was at home packing my stuff and making a fake academy acceptance letter for Rick.
A week later and we were at the airport ready to leave. I was still hyped up that the three of us were back together again. I flew on that high tell it was time to hand over the tickets.
“I'm sorry I seem to have miss placed them.” Gab said.
“Oh, move over,” My voice was irritated. Which makes cense since I was. I looked the tall Hawaiian man straight in the eye and used my best Voice to say, “I'm sorry mister but you can trust us please let us through. Please?”
His body stiffened as I said the words the person who stopped us was a woman and Gabs had to take over this time. That's how we got the airport. Gabs. Me. Gabs. Gabs (gay guy).
When we got to the gate we were both ready to collapse. “You know I could have helped.” Rick spoke for the first time since we got here.
“Nah. We're barely staying awake and we're veterans you're just get used to your powers no way am I letting you use the Voice.” The words came out in gasps even though they were meant to come out cool.
He sighed and helped Gabriel up as I got to my feet. “Well, I'll be back I need to go to the bathroom.” And, thus I skipped off.
“Well, you retarded ape. I ape you're proud of yourself because you're slow on the up take Silver got an early period.” Hissed Gabriel.
“What about you? Couldn't you have enchanted more people?” retorted Rick.
“No, you numskull I couldn't have. It all depends on their sexual orientation.”
They just glared at each other; they got along fine when Midori was around but because it made her happy. They each despised each other because the other loved Midori. Just when looked like it might turn into a fistfight Midori came back and they were all smiles.
When I came back the guys were grinning ear to ear. I couldn't resist a smirk we we're all back together; this time I'd keep it this.
you know what it's like to be woken up at 3:40 after a night of using the Voice like 6 times? No? Well, It sucks! My peaceful slumber was disturbed by the mindless idiot next to me singing—and I use the term loosely—to a rock song playing on his I-pod. I was so over come by rage that I yanked the headphones out of the dang thing and snapped them in half. “Hey what's you're problem?”
“Oh I don't know maybe you're pig calling woke me up?” I snapped. Hey, what can I say I'm not a morning person.
He gulped but he's pretty strong and says, “Yeah, well, I know the song be heart so there!” And get this HE STICKS HIS TOUNGE OUT AT ME! At this point I just start cracking up. “W—what?” He stammered.
“Nah, man it's just that you're pretty funny.”
He blushed and said, “Yeah? Well, I think you're funny yourself.”
“Pig calling? Genius, pure genius.” He gave toothy grin and I just knew that he had to be a warrior—this guy's the perfect comic relief!
“Hey,” I said finally putting my seat up, “what's you're name?”
“Kyouhei Tendo. You?”
“Midori Kabuki.”
“Nice to meet you. Were you on vacation?”
“No. I've leaved in America all my life, but now I'm going to Japan on a scholarship.”
“Where to?”
“K High”
“Hey! That's where I go! Your parents must be proud of their daughter for making it into such a prestigious school.”
I gave a weak half-hearted laugh. “My parents are dead. Murdered.” I added.
“Oh,” he said sounding sad, “sorry.”
“Forget it was four years ago it doesn't hurt as much anymore.”
“But it still hurts right?”
Then everything got strangely quiet. I was just falling back asleep when Gabby shot up from behind us and said, “Hey, Silver, you want your pretzels?”
“Why, yes.”
“You and Rocky Road can look for a new Lord Dark together then.”
“You're already calling him that again?”
“Yep! Childhood names stick to ya like glue!”
“Here,” I said giving him my bag, “and leave Rocky Road alone, `k Gabs?”
“Not you too!” RR complained and stood up from his seat next to Gabriel, “You know I hate that name!”
I pretended I didn't hear him and said, “Tendo-kun, he goes to our school.” I shoot my two best friends meaningful glances.
“Nice to meet you Tendo-kun!” They said in sync. I shook his hand.
“Welcome to The Seven.” I said in an almost singsong voice but my lips were trembling. I was still terrified of passing off my powers.
“The Seven?” he replied. That was what we talked about the rest of the flight.
Rick liked the new guy. He talked to Sliver and made her laugh but only as a friend. He would be no obstacle for him. He did not like Gabriel, however, as he liked Midori—maybe even loved her. He knew they used to be friends, but, really, did he have to always have his arms around her neck as they walked? He sighed and decided to go to sleep. He could worry in the morning.
As we walked off the plane I'd finally come up with the answer to my question. “Hey, Tendo-kun can I call you—“
“Ryou? Sure.”
“No, actually, I was going to say Comicon.”
­“No way.”
“And we have a new nickname!”
“Hey!” Comicon sounded offended.
“Rule number one of the seven: You can't like your nickname.” Gabs chimed in. “Oh! And hey, if Silver acts all indifferent at school don't worry about. She's just like that when it's outside of The Seven. Very level headed. Not sure why but ever since we were kids it's been like that. The only reason we don't call her The Amazing No Emotion Girl is because Silver takes alot less breath.”
“You do realize I'm right here, right?”
“Yeah. Sure, Sure,” was his half-heated reply. To tell you the truth it really aggravated me. Not that I let it show. I would not give him that satisfaction. Instead I just walked a little faster and called over my shoulder with a wave, “Meeting at my room at 8:00!”
“See you then!” One of the guys called.
“See you then!” Ryousei called after her. It was like an anime. He was being swept into a world with out of this world people. He felt like after all these years his childhood wish came true. He was becoming a super hero! Sure, it was, like, ten years to late, but, still, for most people it never came true. He counted himself lucky.
“Hey, I gotta go get our uniforms see you guys latter.” Gabriel Moon said, turning from the others.
“I'm not leaving you with my clothes.” Rick's words were practically dripping with acid. “I'll see you at the meeting, Comicon.”
“Oh, Rocky Road, I've been wondering this for awhile but what's Gabriel's nickname?”
“Oh! Well, we use two: Gabby and Yaya.”
“We use to play superstar when we were kids and he always wanted to be Yaya: The Girl All Guys Want.” He Turned and ran after Yaya, screaming, “Hey get back here you retard-midget-sized-yellow monkey!”
And so, Ryousei walked to the dorms on his lonesome, only vaguely noticing the lilacs and marigolds at the front entrance. He only stopped to notice the world around him when he saw his sister. Oh, crap! Silver was going to be in serious trouble! ARRRGGGGHHHH!
The pastry shop was small, cute, and bright. All things I hate. Despite this in my book sugar was more important. Thinking I could walk in, get a dumpling, and walk out I stepped into the wonderful smelling, horrible looking confictner's.