Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ A New Member of the Host Club ❯ Appearance of Sakura Yuri ( Chapter 1 )

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The multicolored lights danced overhead, and the music was booming. The crouds were screaming for the girl onstage, about 15 years old, who was singing Brand New Breeze. The song ended. "Arigatou, minna! I hope you enjoyed my concert. Please, come to watch me again!" she said into the microphone and walked off the stage. There, her manager, Arimi, greeted her.
"Yuri, you were great. I may be 30 years old this year, but I know those teenagers loved you!"
THere she goes again. Always woeing over her age. Yuri gave a smile, and went backstage to change clothes. When she came out, she was wearing a light pink dress, that had no straps, but had sleeves up to her elbows.
Yuri's description:
A 16 year old with fair skin, beautiful hazel eyes, and waist long hair that was light brown with a few yellowish-tannish highlights. All in all, she was gorgeous.
"Oh,and Yuri, tomorrow's the congratulatory party in the afternoon on the success of your concert. You don't have to be there, but it'll be nice if you came. My daughters (twins) need to be picked up from their grandmother's now. I'll see you tomorrow!" with that, her manager ran off, grumbling about how her daughters were gonna chew her head off for being late. It was 10 PM, so she got in her limo and went home. Her mom waited patiently for Yuri to get there. She had watched the entire concert on tv, and her eyes were a bit watery out of pride. When Yuri walked throught the door, she was huggled by her mother, and fireworks exploded in their backyard. Sighing, she dragged her mother off of her. "Mother, how many times do I have to tell you, do NOT explode all the plants with fireworks." Still sighing, she trudged upstairs to her room. Yuri plopped down on her bed and fell asleep. Her mother looked sheepish as she went into her own bedroom. The next day, she awoke to the sunlight and the sound of birds chirping. Her maid came in. "Yuri sama, today, you are transferring schools, and will be starting there from tomorrow. The mistress wanted me to inform you." she timidly walked out. 'Too bad she won't be there for the signing up.' she thought. She put on a black tank top, with a white shirt over it that hung on one shoulder, with a dark blue jeans and a small bag, that was custom made. She walked out, only to be stopped by Sumire, her old teacher. The wrinkled face was set in a stern face. "Yuri sama, I would like to inform you that you are transferring today, and I will not allow you to skip the interview. Even though you have fairly good grades, that is not an exception," she said. Putting on a sad face, Yuri replied "Oh, alright." She turned towards the stairs. As soon as Sumire smiled and relaxed, Yuri dashed towards the door and outside. Sumire barked for the security guards and ran after her in the car.
Yuri ran towards the nearest school, Ouran High school. She'd heard about it, but never went in. She barged inside the school, running up the stairs. She reached the empty music room. The sign said unused, so she assumed it was empty when the host club was getting ready for their guests, who would be arriving in 20 minutes. She barged in, panting. "Ah, my dear lady, so sorry, but the host club isn't ready yet. Although, I suppose that your radiant light will allow me to make an acception." Tamaki senpai said, putting his hand underneath Yuri's chin, dipping her down. "Tamaki senpai, don't scare her like that." Haruhi said. The Hitachiin brothers, who were listening to Yuri's cd, had the cd case in Kaoru's hand. They were listening together with the right earphone in one twin's ear, and the other in the other twin's ear. Hikaru took one look at the cd cover, which had Yuri's face on it. Kaoru noticed too. Kaoru said, "Wait a minute, milord. I suggest that you --"
"Get your filthy hands off her." Hikaru finished. They came over, putting the cd cover directly in front of his face. Tamaki let out a surprised yelp. Hunny senpai looked up from his strawberry shortcake, and Mori senpai turned his head from the midst of stuffed animals. Kyouya adjusted his glasses, "Yuri Sakura, heir to the Sakura Real Estate company, 16 years old, child genius and singer. If memory serves, that is." Yuri rolled her eyes. She heard Sumire's voice outside. She leaped away from Tamaki, and went to the window. She opened it wide, and put her arms out, as if she was going to catch something. A backpack sailed down. On the way here, she had contacted Mario, an old friend of hers, to prepare a parachute and come to teh roof of the school. Putting the backpack on, she mumbled "Uh, thanks for, uh, something. Oh, letting me come in here. Kay, I must get going. Um, please, the next time we meet I'll pay you back for letting me hide in here. Here I go!" With that, she jumped out the window, and pulled on the parachute string and sailed down. Throwing the backpack into a trash can nearby, she ran outside the gates just as Sumire banged open the door to the Host club. "Excuse me, have you seen a young lady come in here?" an elderly lady asked. "You mean Yuri?" Kaoru asked in a bored tone. "She just parachuted out the window." Hikaru finished. "Well, if you see her, please contact us to this number, and please, catch her when you set eyes on her." Sumire said. Obviousely, she wasn't surprised at Yuri's attempts to get away. She turned briskly on her heels and left the room, full of appalled and amused people.
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Yuri still had a few hours left befor the party. The bell for the Ouran High school rang, alerting the students that school was over. Her cellphone rang. "Hello?" "Yuri! Its me, Raichi. Can you do me a favor? Could you go to a commonor's market and buy some ice cream?"
Yuri sighed. Her friend, who was also the heir to a large company, had taken a liking to commonor's food lately.
"Hello, are you still there? Oh, and I sent Ria, Kanon, Eyes, and Ginta over to help you. Bye!" With an eyebrow raised, she started for the nearest market.
Meanwhile, Haruhi had to go to the market herself, and the host club decides to "help" her. Or rather, to have fun marveling at this and that and riding on the shopping carts. Yuri and the host club arrived at the same market, at the same time. What a coincidence. Yuri was the first one inside, though. She clutched her bag as if it were her lifeline, and walked in gingerly. She turned her head to the right, to the left, to the right again. Just as if she were a five year old, crossing the streat. Just then, a child went dashing by her, pushing a cart. She let out a little yelp, and ended up standing on one foot. This gained the host club's attention. Haruhi walked over. "Ano, would you like some help?" she offered, to a girl looking terribly out of place.
"Ah! Arigatou...Um, do you know where the ice cream is?" she asked.
Smiling, Haruhi led Yuri to the frozen product aisle. Sighing with relief, she picked one up and walked swiftly to the counter. There, she payed with the lowest change she had, then practically ran for the door, thanking Haruhi. Outside, she breathed in deeply, only to be immediately glomped by a girl with dark green hair, and a friendly face.
"E he he he, Welcome back Tomoyo!" the girl replied.
"To-mo-yo!" a boy with honey colored hair and amber eyes called.
"Kanon! Eyes, Ginta!" Tomoyo yelped, looking beyond Ria.
There stood two more boys, one with white, shoulder length hair that had a very stern manner about him. The one next to him was a boy with darker brown hair, and ear pierced, and a laid back attitude.
By now, Haruhi had come out of the marked, and was left to watch the scene unfold. Kyouya immediately called the number Sumire had given him; and then a black limo pulled up a moment later. "Tomoyo-sama! Please do come back home milady!" Sumire barked from the car window. "Yada!" And then Haruhi knew no more, for she had left, and the club members followed suit.
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"Sit down class!" the sensei yelled over the commotion of her class. After things had settled down, she began again. "Today we will have a transfer student. Three rules:
1. no glomping
2. no suffocating
3. stay away if you want a signature or a picture. Come in." she called.
The door opened, to reveal none other that Sakura Tomoyo, in the school uniform. "Yuri!" Haruhi, Kaoru, and Hikaru said in unison.