Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ Host Club Love ❯ The plot simmers ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Go `way…” Tamaki grumbled and rolled over. The ringing didn't stop.
Tamaki didn't seem like it, but he could be a very patient person. He decided to outwait the caller and hopes that the person at the other end gave up first.
But twenty three minutes later…
“What do you want?” Tamaki moaned as he gave in and picked up the phone. He was generally a polite person… but he had gotten to sleep at four that morning after planning the next step in his plans.
“NO! That is NOT how you answer the telephone! If you MUST be impolite at least do it in a sad voice, as if you had been crying yourself to sleep!”
“OHOHOHOHOHO! You must play the part of the lonely prince at all times!”
“Renge? What do you need at…” he checked his clock, “eight thirty on a Saturday?”
“I wanted to take Haruhi-kun on a picnic in my estate's garden but I've misplaced his number.”
“…you stayed on the phone for half an hour to ask me for Haruhi's number?”
“Well I needed it. And when I called Kyouya-kun he…”
There was a sniff on the other end of the line and Tamaki immediately sympathized with any person who had to interact with Kyouya early in the morning.
“Alright. I'll get the number…”
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“Kaoru-kun? Tamaki-kun gave me his cell-phone number.”
“Wait a few minutes until he's back asleep, then call him again and say his cell phone is off. He'll give you the house number. Then you're going to tell him…
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“What have I done? What sins have I committed?” Tamaki groaned loudly. It was probably Renge. And that meant she wasn't going to hang up. “Hello…”
“Tamaki-kun? His cell phone is off.”
“Fine, here's his house number…”
“Umm… I…Tamaki-kun? I'm scared…”
“Of what?”
“What if his father hates me!?!?!?! What if he thinks I'm some sort of freakish stalker!? What if… what if it's not right among commoners for a girl to call a boy at his house? What if his family expects me to MARRY HIM!?!?! Please, please, PLEASE call for me!! Please? Ask if Haruhi-kun can have lunch at my estate at 12:30.”
Cursing the manners his mother taught him as a child, Tamaki found himself giving in. “Alright. I'll call you back.”
With a labored sigh Tamaki dialed Haruhi's house phone.
“Hello. Ah, Ranka-san, this is Suoh… hello? Hello? Ranka-san?” He looked at the phone and dialed the number again.
“You don't seem to understand that I don't like you.”
“Ranka-san, please don't hang up. A friend of Haruhi's wants to invite her over for lunch today. I can vouch for her: she is a well mannered young lady and is quite…”
“Sorry, no.”
“But Ranka-san! I can even guarantee that I won't be at the lunch!”
There was a smile in his voice as Ranka answered. “As tempting as that sounds, Haruhi can't go to lunch with anyone today because she isn't here and won't be back `til tomorrow.”
“…oh…” Curiosity got the better of him. After all, Renge did say that her cell phone was turned off. “If it's okay, could you tell me where Haruhi is?”
“She's spending the weekend at her friends' house. You know, those two nice brothers from your little club.”
“EH!?” Tamaki's entire body drained of color. “The…The Hitachiin twins!?!?”
“Yep, that's them. Sweet boys, those two. You could learn a few things from them boy. They even said that she didn't need to bring any clothes…”
Tamaki dropped the phone back onto its cradle as the inner Tamaki theater began its countdown.
“But… isn't this a little too …short?” Haruhi tried to pull down the back of her extremely short nightdress while trying to pull up the mid-chest-cut cleavage.
“It's hot this time of year so I thought you'd be a little more comfortable in something cool.” Kaoru smiled at her from his bed. Haruhi stood straight up and pressed against the wall. If she so much as leaned in any direction, the designer thong would show. “In fact Haruhi, let me open the windows so we can get some breeze in here. The air-conditioning won't be fixed until morning.” The air conditioning vent had hurriedly been stopped up with wads of clothes, but Haruhi couldn't have known that. Kaoru growled as the window clasp slipped from his grasp again. “How do commoners make this look so easy!?”
“Here, let me.” Haruhi, eager to help, crawled over the bed to the window. It slid open easily. “See? Nothing to it.” She looked up and was nose to nose with the younger twin.
“Hmm…” Kaoru's hand slipped around her waist and started wandering down.
“Kaoru! What are you doing?” Haruhi squeaked.
“There was a moth. I was simply brushing it away.”
There was a crash in the doorway and the two turned to look at the paling Hikaru. “Kao…Kaoru, what are you doing? That's… our bed. Your's and mine, not your's and Haruhi's…”
“Hikaru! I'm so sorry! I wasn't doing anything to…” A kiss on her cheek silenced Haruhi. Lips still millimeters from her skin, Kaoru whispered.
“Silly big brother. There's always room for you on the bed, even with Haruhi here. Come.”
Hikaru crawled in, holding Haruhi between them. And they started…
End credits
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Ranka smirked at the phone and hung up. “Was that alright?”
“Perfect Ranka-san! You should be an actor!” Hikaru pressed a large wad of bills into his hand, and he immediately began to count them.
“I didn't really do it for the money, although it's a plus. I did it for the other part of our deal.”
“I hate this dress.” Ranka turned and beamed at his daughter who was wearing a Hitachiin original evening dress.
“Haru-chan! You look beautiful! We'll keep it!” Kaoru nodded and shooed Haruhi back to her room to try on the next outfit. “So whichever ones of these we… I… like, you'll give them to us?”
“Right.” Hikaru smiled. “With the conditions that 1: you play your part for tono, which was very, very good incidentally, and 2: you make Haruhi wear the dresses sometime.”
“I can live with that.”
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Kyouya growled, promising death and destruction on the fool who dared disturb his sleep. Tamaki, unaware of the impending danger, paced his friend's room and wailed at the top of his voice.
“They're being bad mommy! I just know it! They'll do horrible things to her! OH MY POOR HARUHI!”
“Ta-Ma-Ki…” Tamaki glanced up and then cowered as far away from the youngest Ohtori as possible. A purple and black thunder-cloud-like aura swirled around the boy and he sat up slowly in a Frankenstein-like way. “If. You. Value. Your. Life. You'll. Leave. Now.”
Random maids looked up curiously for a moment, and then returned to their duties, rightly supposing that the loud crash was a result of the young master's morning temper.
Tamaki lay twitching in the hall and Kyouya's door was swung shut by some invisible, evil force being radiated from the cranky boy. The book that had hit him with enough force to throw him out of the room and into the hallway wall lay beside him. For about a nanosecond Tamaki considered returning it, but common sense took over. He'd give it back at school on Monday. As the blonde boy picked up the book his eyes glanced at the title. `Host Club: Member Records'
A single page fluttered out and Tamaki panicked. If Kyouya found out he had torn a page from his precious records his temper would be unmatched! What if he just slipped the page back in and left it by the door? Maybe Kyouya would think it just fell out when he picked it up. Looking around to see if anybody was watching, Tamaki picked up the paper.
“Wait…it's one of Haruhi's pages…favorite foods…” A light bulb went off in the `king's' head. Stealthily he opened the door and placed the book on the table inside and silently closed the door. He rushed to his house and headed straight for the kitchens. If they didn't have these foods, then they'd have to get them before lunch on Monday!
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Kyouya watched through half-closed eyes as the door slid open and then closed again. He listened for retreating footsteps and quickly checked the book to make sure Tamaki had taken the page with him. It would be a shame if he had missed the hint. The phone at his bedside rang.
“They did it.”
“I know. You'll be compensated for your assistance, Renge-san.”
“Happy to help.”