Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Her phone was blowing up and she didn't give a damn. She left Haruhi a text of course, and
told her she would be at her house for the next few days to see her mother, and to pick up
and school work she missed. Haruhi agreed, and asked no questions. Kai was glad Haruhi
understood not to ask any questions, because honestly she wouldn't know how to answer
She was still upset, but the woman next to her seemed to make things a bit better.
She was a bit taller than Kai, slimmer with fewer curves. Her hair was a dark brown, her
eyes a warm hazel brown. She had been on tour with her baseball team all year, and they
have been kicking some major butt in their division.
Her mom smiled back at her, and wrapped an arm around her. Kai frowned as she saw
the dark circles under her mother's eyes.
"Mom, when was the last time you slept?" she asked her, the guilt slowly rising in her as
she noticed the bags under her mother's eyes.
"Oh hush dear. It really hasn't been that long!" her mother said, chuckling as the car came
to a stop. Kai forced herself to leave the comfort of the car as the limo driver opened the
door for her. She walked up to her gate and opened it, her mother behind her.
Her house didn't look any different. It was a big blue and white house with a large yard. It
was a little over 3 stories, and had several rooms. Although it was just her and her mother,
they made the house warm. However, when her mother was away, the house was a
nightmare. That is why she stayed with Haruhi.
Her mother opened the door to the house and they looked around. It was clean and without
dust, even though it has been months since they have been there. Her mother must have
called a cleaning crew.
"See? Feels just like home!" her mother stated, as she turned on the lights. It was nearing
dawn, and the colors in the sky were turning a pretty color.
Kai felt a hand on my head, and she turned to her mother. "Go upstairs and put on some
comfortable clothes. Then we can talk “she said, as she put her purse on the counter, and
set her suit case on the floor.
Kai nodded, and gave her mom a small smile. Walking up the stairs, Kai noticed the pictures
that were on the wall. Pictures of her as a little girl, pictures of her mother playing baseball,
and pictures of them together. There weren't any pictures of her father. Of course, why
would there be? It wasn't like she knew him. Her mother had barely know him, too.
Whatever the details, she wasn't upset with not having a father.
Shaking her head of those thoughts, she proceeded to open the door to her room. She
smiled in spite of herself. Navy blue walls, covered with posters of her favorite books and
movies, and yaoi and popular Manga were stacked on her book shelf. Her bed was made,
and her old stuffed animals lay on her pillow. Putting her stuff down, she stepped toward
her closet and pulled out a pair a sweats and a tank top. She stripped off her witch
costume, and folded it carefully on her dresser. Looking at it made her think of them, and
she didn't want to feel that ache right now.
After dressing, she grabbed her phone and headed downstairs. Without thinking, she
headed outside onto the porch. Plopping down onto the swing, she heard her mother walk
outside and join her. Closing her eyes, she leaned into her mother’s side and began to cry.
Without saying a word, her mother patted her back and petted her hair.
"Kaika, what is it?" she asked her, voice low.
Kai looked up at her mother, and spilled her guts. As she told her everything, never once
did her mother stop her or frown with disapproval.
Time went by and soon the sun was completely up. After finishing her story, she looked at
her mom and sighed.
"What do I do?" she asked, voice breaking again.
"Well my dear, sometimes you just have to sit back and let everything work on its own.
From what it sounds like, Haruhi isn't even interested in Hikaru. Maybe you should talk to
Haruhi about her feelings?" her mother suggested, as she squeezed her hand.
"That's just it though; I haven't spoken to Haruhi about it. She doesn't even know I love the
twins. I bet she doesn't even know about her feelings for Tamaki. Or that Hikaru has fallen
for her! This whole thing is a mess!" Kai said, shaking her head and sighing.
Her mother chuckled and rubbed Kai's back.
"Talk to her, my dear. That is the best thing for you" she told her, voice soft but firm. Kai
nodded, and then gave her mother a weird look.
"What?" her mother asked, taken aback by her daughters confused look.
Kai grinned at her mother as she said,
"You have no issue whatsoever with me being in love with two guys. Let alone BROTHERS?"
Her mother fell back laughing and nearly broke the swing.
"No! I don't see anything wrong with it, and whatever makes you happy makes me happy.
You know that. Besides, you can’t help who you fall in love with Kaika. You know I know
that as well as anybody" she told her, crossing her arms and sighing.
Kai nodded, and sat back on the swing. There was a long silence, and eventually her mother
broke it.
"I'll invite Ranka over to chat, and you and Haruhi can talk" she said, as she got up and
kissed Kai on the forehead. Kai nodded, and watched as her mother went into the house
and called Ranka.
Looking down at her phone, she turned it on and waited until she got a text from Haruhi.
After her mother hung up the phone, her cell buzzed and Haruhi said she would be on her
way. Kai smiled in spite of herself, and went upstairs to put on a pair of jeans.
The doorbell rang, and Ranka rushed in and gripped onto Kai's mother like a life preserver.
Haruhi went to stand next to Kai, and nudged her. Kai nudged back and smiled, but the
smile didn't touch her eyes
"Oh it has been to long Jun dear!" he yelled, still hugging her fiercely. Her mother laughed
as she wiggled in his arms.
"Ranka! Put me down, I need to hug my god daughter!" she said, and he set her down. She
walked over to Haruhi, who was smiling warmly at her god mother.
"Hey kiddo, you look just as lovely as ever!" Jun said, swooping down to give her a hug.
"Thanks Jun!" she said, returning the hug and squeezing hard. It was hard on Haruhi not
having her mom in her life. Kai's mom understood that and did her best to be there for
Haruhi as much as possible. Just as Ranka was for Kai.
The silence was thick, but Ranka caught the hint and said,
"Well we two adults have a lot to discuss. You girls go outside and play for a while".
Kai and Haruhi glared and muttered,
"We're not five years old anymore".
"Oh hush! Scram kittens!" he said, and shooed them outside to the back yard.
Kai and Haruhi walked through the garden, not saying a thing. Once they reach a bench,
they both took a seat.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Haruhi finally asked, after the silence became
too much for her.
"I-its complicated. Answer me this, Haruhi. Is there anyone in the club you’re...attracted
to?" Kai finally answered her, as she stared at her best friend.
Haruhi's face got red, and she got very quiet.
"Please don't tell me you have feelings for him too" Haruhi almost whispered.
Kai looked at her curiously, and asked,
"Tamaki" Haruhi whispered her face extremely red. She obviously didn't like admitting it out
loud. Kai did her best not to laugh, but lost it. Haruhi stared at her as if she were crazy.
"What? You do?" she asked her, and Kai shook her head.
"No silly, I don't love Tamaki like that. He's the older brother I never wanted perhaps, but I
definitely don't feel that way" Kai told her, wiping her eyes and grinning at her best friend.
"If you don't love Tamaki, then who is it?" Haruhi asked her, and Kai's grin faded away.
"Kaoru. And Hikaru" she told her quietly, as she put her hands over her face and sighed.
Haruhi grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"It's okay you know. I had a feeling you did" she told her, and Kai looked up at her best
"Kaoru likes me, he told me so. As for Hikaru...he is head over heels for you Haruhi. I knew
you were in love with Tamaki when I saw him rescue you at the beach. He feels the same
way too, you know. He's just confused about how to express it. So you don't like Hikaru at
all?" Kai asked her, voice trembling.
Haruhi shook her head,
"Not like that, Kai. It's always been Tamaki. I just never wanted to admit it".
They sat there for a while, not saying anything. They were both so deep in thought. After a
few minutes, Haruhi grabbed Kai's hand.
"What are you going to do?" Haruhi asked her, voice full of concern now.
"I guess I'll have to tell him sooner or later. Just like you will have to tell Tamaki sooner or
later" Kai told her, nervous.
Haruhi nodded, and then stood up. Kai looked up at her, and Haruhi held out her hand.
Smiling, Kai took and stood up as well.
"No matter what happens, we always have each other" Haruhi said, and Kai felt her eyes
sting. Turning her head away so she didn't cry, she nodded.
Haruhi laughed at her, and they walked to the house to sit with their parents.
After everything was said and done, Kai would spend the weekend with her mother before
she would be back on a plane to America. She would return to school Monday, and face her
fears. She just hoped it didn't blow up in her face..