Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ Orange and Chocolate Pocky ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: This is a Yaoi fan fiction based on the OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB Manga. Story and Art are by Bisco Hatori. Please see www.shojobeat.com for more details about the Manga, the author and its characters. YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 TO READ THIS STORY.
Orange and Chocolate Pocky
“Orange and Chocolate Pocky, please,” resonated the voice behind the glasses. The voice was cheerful and full of mischief. “I'll need at least two boxes.”
“Yes, sir” said the clerk and happily finished the transaction.
Hikaru nearly screamed when he was clear of the store. “Kaoru is so going to pay for the other day,” he thought ecstatic. “Yep and this is going to help!” He admired his purchase.
Hikaru was out of breath when he made it to the club. He was late and they were not going to be happy. He was about to open the door when it suddenly opened leaving Hikaru staring into the face of a very angry Kaoru.
“Where have you been?” demanded his twin. Hikaru just shrugged.
Kaoru grabbed his twin, “Out, where?” he asked quietly.
“No where in particular,” Hikaru smiled mischievously.
Kaoru stared at his twin for a moment. “He is up to something,” he thought. Then he registered Tamaki's voice.
“Hikaru, you're late! Hurry up and change, the girls are waiting!” Tamaki was dressed in Egyptian attire.
Kaoru followed his twin to the dressing area. His plan was to help his twin dress when he ran into said twin. Hikaru patted him on the head.
“Go entertain the girls, I'll be right there!”
Kaoru was shocked. Hikaru is hiding something and he wasn't please. On top of that he really didn't like Hikaru having all the fun. “Why won't he tell me what he is going to do?” thought Kaoru sadly.
Hikaru changed in record time and plopped down next to Kaoru. Kaoru gave him a sad glance and continued his talk with the girls at the table. The conversation was far from entertaining and Kaoru so wanted to scream at his brother. “Today, doesn't look like it is going to be very fun.”
Hikaru watched the idle chitchat between his twin and the girls. “Nothing interesting, of course, but maybe I can fix that!” he thought to himself and he pulled a Pocky out of the folds of clothing he was wearing. He was quite proud of himself that he remembered to open both packages before coming out of the changing area.
Hikaru held the Pocky before his face. He waited a second, then two to let everyone know he had it and then slowly inserted into his mouth. Most people would just nibble the Pocky, bite or lick; but not Hikaru he keeps inserting the Pocky until the end was barely visible. Using his tongue, he removed all the orange and chocolate off the biscuit stick and then removed the stick.
Everyone at the table had gotten quiet. Dead quiet and they were completely focused on him. He smiled and handed the stick to one of the girls. “Want this?” he asked.
She squealed like they all do over the twins and gladly took the stick. After a moment or two she decided to eat it.
Hikaru smiled and repeated this new game with the Pocky. He handed each girl at the table a biscuit stick while Kaoru just stared at his twin. Kaoru was shocked, amazed and downright mad at Hikaru for this. He wanted to scream at him but could do nothing but sit there and stare.
Hikaru turned with yet another Pocky in this mouth to look at his twin. It was then he noticed that the entire room was watching him and most importantly Kyoya was staring just as intently as Kaoru. His smile grew much bigger.
“Hikaru,” started Kaoru.
Hikaru handed this stick to Kaoru. “Save the best for last,” he smiled seductively at Kaoru.
Hikaru threw his head back, watching Kyoya out of the corner of his eye; he slid the Pocky down the back of his throat. Some girls gasped, some squealed, but Kyoya's reaction was the best. Hikaru loved the way the boy began to fidget in the chair and turned suddenly to talk to the girls at his table.
This reaction of Kyoya's did not pass by Kaoru unnoticed either, but he was more interested in the display before him. “I get that!” he nearly shouted at Hikaru.
Tamaki promptly stood up, “Hikaru…Mother!”
Kyoya lifted his head, “Yes, Father.” He shifted uncomfortably.
“Mother, um,” he started again.
“You're right, maybe we should close the club early today,” he smiled at the girls before him.
The girls began to protest and begging to stay. Mori, Hunny, and Haruhi began herding the girls out of the Music Room. Kyoya pretended to write something in his notebook and refused to move. And Tamaki was chewing out the twins.
As the door shut, Haruhi began to laugh. Hunny ran up to Hikaru and asked for some Pocky. Though slightly disappointed it wasn't' strawberry, he was happy with his new treat. Mori was silent as always.
Soon Tamaki decided the twins were not listening and the girls were gone. He shook his head and began to gather his stuff to leave. Haruhi was finishing with the cleaning and Mori started shuffling Hunny and himself out the door as Hunny munch happily on his Pocky.
Soon it was just the twins and Kyoya. Kyoya got up to leave. At the door, he threw Hikaru the key.
“Don't forget to lock up,” he said with a smirk.
“Want to join?” asked Kaoru.
Kyoya's smirk turned into a smile “Leave my desk in good order” was all he said as he left the room.
Kaoru turned his attention to the devious Hikaru. “That was mean!” he started. Hikaru just smiled.
“You're not going to say anything?” yelled Kaoru. He stood in front of his brother. “Why would you do that here? What were you thinking?” Sadly he bowed his head “How could you not tell me?”
Hikaru tilted his brother head slightly up to look into his eyes. He smiled mischievously again and took out another Pocky.
“This is your first penalty game, my dear brother,” he said before inserting the Pocky into his mouth.
Kaoru stared at his brother for a moment than bent to take the Pocky from his brother's mouth. He slid his tongue around the end of the stick and gently took the tip between his teeth. He nibbled the Pocky out of his brother's mouth and swallowed his treasure. Smiling seductively at his brother he began to search the folds of clothing for more.
Hikaru started to giggle then laugh as was Kaoru searching for the Pocky. Kaoru was tickling him in his search. Hikaru began to squirm and move with his brother. Kaoru's hands became for frantic as he searched further and further in the folds of cloth.
“Hint!” Kaoru demanded.
“Fine!” Kaoru snapped. Pinning his brother to the couch, he started stripping him. “I want that Pocky!”
Hikaru was surprised; Kaoru had never been so aggressive. He didn't know that Kaoru would respond so well to the Pocky. “I'll have to find something better next time,” he thought happily.
Kaoru suddenly kissed Hikaru. “I want that Pocky!” he demanded again. “Where is it?”
Hikaru slowly pulled out another Pocky from the clothing on the floor. “How much do you want this Pocky, brother?” He was clearly enjoying himself.
Kaoru looked at the Pocky, then his brother and back at the Pocky. He licked his lips wantonly. Hikaru began running the Pocky across Kaoru's lips. The smell of orange and chocolate surrounded Kaoru nose. He slightly opened his mouth and touched the Pocky with his tongue. A little taste of orange mixed chocolate excited the taste buds and Kaoru opened his mouth for more.
Hikaru nearly creamed himself as he watched his brother seductively sample the Pocky. He watched in awe as Kaoru licked, nipped and then took the entire Pocky into his mouth just as Hikaru did. Hikaru completely understood why Kaoru was so mad.
Before Kaoru could pull the Pocky out of his mouth, Hikaru drew him into a deep kiss. There Hikaru retrieved his treasure, a Pocky stick surrounded by melted chocolate and orange in his brother's mouth. He like this taste and reached for yet another Pocky. Hikaru was glad there were sixteen Pocky sticks in each package he bought. He could have a lot of fun with this last package.
Kaoru licked Hikaru's lips and sat up. He stared longingly at his brother. The look of delight the fell upon his face as Hikaru pulled yet another Pocky out of hiding was priceless. He threw his head back as Hikaru had done earlier and repeated the demonstration. Hikaru, sitting up, wrapped his arms around Kaoru and began licking and nibbling his neck.
Hikaru pulled at Kaoru's clothes until they too were on the floor. Hikaru was very thankful for Kyoya suggesting the Egyptian garments for today's club meeting. They were loose and easy to tear away from the skin. “We must really Thank Kyoya-Senpai for all of this,” he thought joyously.
Pulling the stick out of his mouth, Kaoru offered it to his brother. Hikaru just brushed it away.
“You eat it, it will be more fun,” he said huskily as he moved back to Kaoru's neck.
Kaoru nibbled the Pocky stick absently. He was focused on Hikaru's tongue and mouth as Hikaru moved up and down his neck and moved to his chest. Kaoru almost threw himself backwards onto the couch before he remembered that he was on top of Hikaru at this very moment. “I have control!” he thought suddenly. Gleefully he smiled at his brother. “Now it is my turn to tease!”
Pushing Hikaru back against the couch, Kaoru unwound Hikaru's arms from him. Sitting with his hand on Hikaru's chest he smiled at his brother. A look of confusion crossed Hikaru's face.
“Three more Pocky, please,” Kaoru asked.
Hikaru reached over and pulled three Pocky sticks out of the package and handed them to his brother. Kaoru promptly place all three on Hikaru's chest. Kaoru lined the chocolate and orange Pocky up about two inches apart along the chest and abdomen. He smirked at Hikaru and began running his tongue up and down the Pocky; licking all the covering off the biscuit sticks and the skin below.
Hikaru began to squirm again. The gently moisture of the tongue followed by the hot breathe of Kaoru tickled. He bit his lip to keep from making any noise. He really was enjoying this. His twin hardly took the lead in their affairs so far and he liked sharing it with Kaoru. “This was turning out to be a pretty fun day,” Hikaru thought.
Kaoru began to nip at the sticks, gently nipping the skin as well. Hikaru started to moan. He no longer could control himself. Kaoru persisted with the washing of Hikaru.
One stick at a time, Kaoru washed and cleaned the sticks and Hikaru. Down the chest, the abdomen and chased the third stick that had rolled as Hikaru moved under his brother's tongue.
As Kaoru devoured the last Pocky he started gently stroking Hikaru. Moans escaped Hikaru's lips making Kaoru smile. “So this is what I sound like when he does this to me?” thought Kaoru. “I like this sound!”
Kaoru began running his tongue up and down Hikaru's member, kissing and caressing him cautiously. Kaoru was unsure, he didn't want to hurt his brother and he had never done this before. He paused. Hikaru rose to his elbows. Bracing himself he lifted Kaoru's head to look him in the eyes.
“Do you want me to do this, little brother?” he asked softly. His eyes were full of warmth and gentleness.
Kaoru smiled sadly, “I don't want…”
“You're doing fine. You won't hurt me, I promise!”
Kaoru grinned and slowly took Hikaru into his mouth. He moved his head gingerly. Again Hikaru began to moan with the rise and fall of Kaoru's head. This excited Kaoru and he began to pick up his pace.
Suddenly Hikaru is pushing Kaoru off. “Stop,” he breathed. “Stop or I'll cum!”
Kaoru looked at his brother, he was confused and it was written all over his face. Hikaru gently stoked Kaoru's cheek. “I want to come with you,” he whispered in Kaoru's ear. “Please?”
Kaoru hugged Hikaru, “What do I do?” he was almost crying.
Hikaru just patted him on the head. “Go get the lube, I'll do the rest.” He said gently.
Kaoru went to Kyoya's desk. Kyoya had mentioned that they were to leave his desk in order. Kyoya's desk was a neat and precise as he was. Perfectly organized and not a thing that Kaoru was wanting was in it. Kaoru almost panicked. He looked at Hikaru and then back at the desk and started feeling for hidden compartments. If Kyoya was sneaky with the Host Club maybe he was just as sneaky with his desk.
Kaoru was right. A hidden compartment back in the middle drawer gave them exactly what they needed. A lot of what they needed. Kaoru left all the strawberry stuff behind and was about to return when he had a brilliant idea.
“Hikaru?” he asked.
“Do we still have any Pocky left?” Hikaru started laughing and threw the rest of the box to Kaoru, who promptly hid it in the drawer.
Kaoru moved to his brother and handed him the lube. “Now what?” he asked.
Hikaru wrapped Kaoru up in his arms, hugged him close and pulled him into a kiss.
“Anything you want, little brother!” he whispered.
Kaoru sighed. “Hikaru always knows what to do,” he thought happily as he leaned back onto the couch. Hikaru began his ritual of “cleaning” Kaoru and making him moan.
The neck, the chest, the abdomen before Hikaru took Kaoru into his mouth; his movements were less hesitant, less uncertain. He knew his twin and knew what to do to bring his twin to ecstasy. Kaoru was saddened that he could not do the same for Hikaru, but never really bother to talk to him about it.
Hikaru listened for the sounds Kaoru made just before he came, just before he was ready to explode. Here was when Hikaru usually turned him over and started the second course. But today Hikaru hugged his twin, pulled him close and kissed him again.
“You make me so happy,” he whispered as he pushed himself into Kaoru. Kaoru gasped as Hikaru pulled him up on top. Kaoru froze, here he was sitting on top of Hikaru and he didn't know what to do.
“Just move,” Hikaru said softly. “Moved any way that makes you comfortable.”
Kaoru stared at Hikaru for a moment and then began to move up and down, using his hips and legs to keep the momentum up. Once or twice he lost his balance and Hikaru winced in pain but wouldn't let Kaoru stop. He held Kaoru up and helped Kaoru keep his balance.
Kaoru's legs began to ache at the attention they were receiving but he didn't want to stop. He was beginning to enjoy this and from the groaning from Hikaru so was his twin.
As they both came to climax, Kaoru started crying. Tears burst forth upon his cheeks falling on to Hikaru's stomach. Hikaru swept Kaoru into his arms and let him cry.
Holding him tightly, Kaoru let out all the frustration of not knowing what to do onto his brother. He let all the misunderstanding fall into oblivion. Hikaru just kissed his head tenderly and said soft words of encouragement until his brother grew quiet.
After a few moments, Kaoru looked at Hikaru. Hikaru smiled and nodded for the door. They moved silently in the room, back to the dressing room for their clothes and out to the car. The ride home was quiet also and it was the best quiet Kaoru had ever heard in his life.