Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ secrets? ❯ the secret revealed ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ouran high school host club. If I did I wouldn’t be working at walmart...

CHAPTER 2: the secret comes out

Monday was Hikaru’s day, Tuesday Tamaki, Wednesday kaoru, Thursday Mori and Friday Hunni. The questions were easy to come up with at first. did your dad get remarried? did you get a new house? A new pet? A job?

None of these were the real answer. Day by day it got increasingly harder to think of questions. One day, Tamaki used his question to ask Haruhi to marry him again. He was turned down again.

Finally they were desperate. Haruhi decided to have a little fun with this.

“There are a few choice people who know why I’m happy. One of which is my father. If you can guess who else knows I will let you ask that person for a hint. It’s their choice weather they want to give it to you or not. You can use your question of the day to guess. You will have to guess in a separate room so everyone doesn’t hear if you get it right.” Haruhi smirked. At least this would stop the stupid questions. Maybe.

“Is it your grandmother?”


“Your land lord?”


“The headmaster?”


“That doesn’t count Tamaki.”

“Ok will you marry me then?”

“You already asked your question today.”


It went on like this for 2 more weeks.

Finally mori guessed it.


“Good guess.”


“You can go ask him for a hint if you want.”

“There’s no need,” is all he said before walking out.

“That’s strange” Haruhi thought to herself.

Days went by and finally it was Hikaru who guessed, then Kaoru. Hunni was the last. They all left with that same response and a dejected look. Maybe they knew? Thankfully Tamaki was still clueless. She didn’t know how he was going to react, but she knew it wouldn’t be good.

Everyone had given up the game. It took some convincing to get Tamaki to stop guessing, but finally he gave up. So, everything was fine. But it wasn’t fine. The rest of the group was oddly distant. They went about their daily activities with a smile on their face, but at times it seemed like they didn’t want to be there, or that they didn’t want to be around someone there.

Then, one day out of the blue, the secret came out.

They were getting ready to start club activities. They had about half an hour before the girls would start showing up. Haruhi was the only one who wasn’t there yet. They all looked at the door as it opened. It was Haruhi.

“Haruhi! You’re late again,” the twins stated.

“I know. Class went long. Come to think of it, we are in the same class last period. How did you get here so quickly?”

“We snuck out,” they smiled.

“They really don’t like that class.”

“Haruhi, you look so beautiful today, and that smile you have on your face is just precious. Tell me, will you marry me my sweet?”

Haruhi sighed. This was it. He was going to find out sooner or later. She might as well get it out of the way.

“Tamaki, I can’t marry you no matter how many times you ask me.”

“Why not love?”

“Because I’m already married.”

A/N: Ok I know that chapter was really short, but I tell you this is no where near the end. I am working on chapter 8 right not. I’m kinda in a rut about certain things so don’t expect updates every day like this. There will be more secrets and a LOT of fluff!!! you’ll get to see inside a certain club member’s mind and it will be fun ^_^ I thank you for the reviews and please keep it up ^_^