Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ Who cares if I cross dress? ❯ Enjoying our feast I see? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bells rang loudly throughout the house, cracking every single cell in the ear drum to those who went near them. The noise started in a well-furnished living, or gathering room. Two people sat on a cloud of heaven, the cushions where fit to every person who sat on this vibrant green couch. Of course along with the couch were similar recliners and love seats throughout the large room. In the front of the room was a very large screen that had pix-elated pictures of large bells, being shown from town square. It was as loud as one could turn it up to. The carpet was paper white, and with one spill, or slight notification of dirt would very well take away its clean beauty.

The walls themselves were painted white, to match the carpet. There were two windows in the room each had light pastel green drapes hovering just slightly above the ground. So to tie it all together, In many areas of the room where different vases with arranged flowers that sat daintily in every single one. Although they weren’t real they seemed to be treated as if they were. The two men on the couch laughed and carried on silly conversations as the evening went by, they seemed to be in their mid-thirties and where used to the beverage they held in their hand called alcohol. One had golden eyes which skimmed the room only quick enough to notice the time.

His burnt brown hair fell over his eyes as he sighed. “Time to wake up the daughter.” He said standing.

He wore a very expensive looking business suit; it was black with thin white strips running down the soft polyester fabric. The sleeves where long and had cuffs at the end of each with a white button holding them together. His slacks however where slightly wrinkled from him taking time to relax on his couch, thus showing a glimpse of his ankle high black socks. He drug his feet over to the phone and dialed a number. The phone looked rather old and what would look like a very well treasured antique. It rang a few times before a voice answer on the other line.

Normally was a soft soothing voice; however the voice that spoke this time was rather horse from awaking just then. “Hello?”

The voice called through the phone. The man smiled and replied. “Asiya dear you need to get up, the school ceremony starts soon, you don‘t want to be late, do you? “ He asked.

The person on the other side didn’t answer for some time, after a few seconds it replied rather irritated. “yes father, I’m getting up..” The phone clicked and began to beep rather obnoxiously showing that the line was cut off, or someone had hung up.

The man sighed and walked back to the couch in a slouched manner as he unhappily sat down. “I swear.. Teens” He spoke taking a drink.

The man next to him was a family friend; he just snickered and stared at the upset father next to him with his midnight eyes. “Oh come on Hideki, she’ll get over her. .Well. .cross dressing stage I’m sure.” He replied knowing that the man named Hideki was upset about his cross dressing daughter.

He looked up at his friend who was dressed identical to him, the only difference was that he wore white socks, and his hair was black like his eyes.

He slapped Hideki on the back. “Yeah, Wife says it’s a psychological thing, “he said drinking his beverage. Hideki smiled, nodding hoping his friend was right.

The covers moved slowly up into the air, signifying that someone was underneath them. Soon porcelain skin could be seen merging from the red wine comforter. The figure soon came into view as a younger teenage girl; her slender pale fingers pulled the edges of the covers forcing it off her head and onto the bed. She sighed as the room started to darken. The sun that once hit the window blinds now barley seemed to seep through them. Her mysterious aureate eyes stared mindlessly around the rather empty looking room. Asiya, or the name her father called her by soon stood up making her way out of bed. The girl gave a shiver as the cold floor tormented her delicate bare feet. Asiya made her way to her vanity mirror with a sluggish posture. Her long purple hair lay on her slender porcelain shoulder. The girl grunted and picked up a pony tail. She grabbed long soft strands of hair and tied them back behind her neck. Asiya then Grabbed a rather strange looking role of white cloth that sat on her dresser, after taking of her night shirt, which was a blood red tank top, she quickly wrapped the roll around her breasts until they were as flat as a board. This did look rather painful, but Asiya didn't seem to care, that is because she happened to do it every day before leaving her home. After hooking the last strap of cloth to a bottom layer, and patting it a few times the female placed the role back on the dresser; and walked to her closet. There hung a boy’s school uniform. It was a polyester blue jacket top with long sleeves indicating it was the fall uniform. The tee-shirt that goes underneath the jacket was white, rather large in size as well. And the last things were the pants, which were an enchanting black color, with two pockets on each side. The girl grabbed the outfit and put in on rather slowly not wanting to even get out of bed to be honest.

Asiya then turned looking back into the mirror to see herself. On the front of the jacket was the school emblem, and in the middle had OR in rather large letters. She sighed and walked toward her dresser drawer pulling out some ankle high white socks and slipping them on as she walked to her door.

As always before she left she turned and looked at herself once more in the mirror. ”oni-chan.." was the last thing the girl said, before the light went off, and the door shut.

Asiya walked through her house avoiding her father at all possible, she knew that the moment he saw her he would question her about her choice of appearance. She usually managed this as she darted out the door and down the rather long slanted road, which her house sat on.

All that could be seen was the setting sun' and hissed slightly. "Why do these things have to be at night?" she questioned as she continued to walk down the darkening road.

IT took her awhile to get to the school, mainly because they lived so far; However Asiya herself wasn’t in any hurry. This was because she wasn’t the one that got accepted to Ouran, her brother was. For all the people knew Asiya was dead, not her brother. She soon made it there as many of the girl peered out to see her delicate pale figure. Occasionally they giggled and ran past her before telling others about her. A sigh of hesitation came from her lips as she walked toward the door to see a girl who seemed panicked, she was pinned up against the wall by a rather thuggish looking guy, who didn’t care for what the poor thing had thought.

In fact by the look of him it would have seemed that he didn‘t even attend this particular school, anyone would have noticed this by his poor choice of clothing

.“ I said no, now leave me alone. “She turned her head as the man moved closer.

“Oh, why not babe, you know you want me.’ He smirked as she coward even more

“Excuse me, but I believe the girl said she wasn’t interested. "A voice came from nowhere, it was a soft light tone of voice, and there stood Asiya who stared at the girl.

The thug glared. “Want to make something of it pretty boy?” He hissed going to punch Asiya in the face.

Her eyes narrowed as she moved to the left and swung herself forward punching the guy in the gut, then spun quickly around behind him and held him left arm behind his back. If Asiya new anything it was how to fight, thanks to her brother, Not to mention she had gotten very good at imitating his voice.

“Like I said, She wasn’t interested, so I kindly Ask you to leave. “ The thug moaned and ran off with fright. “S-sorry man” He yelped going back to whatever hole he crawled out of.

A blush came from the girls cheeks as her amber hair swayed delicately in the wind. “Thank you for saving me..’ She said twirling her locks around, and keeping her eyes on the ground.

Asiya turned to her and gave her a warming smile. “It’s okay, Are you alight miss? “:She asked with a voice that many would die over, it’s soft build tone made any woman stumble on what to do next. “Yes. I’m fine Umm?” Asiya smiled and bowed. “I’m sorry My name is Sai. “ She said as the bell rang the girl freaked and ran past Asiya or Sai. “Sorry, but I can’t be late for the opening ceremony. Oh and I’m Himiko….” she smiled and disappeared into the building.

Asiya sighed and walked in after her only to get lost in the massive halls. She soon found herself, well completely lost as some would say. The tom boy sighed taking a deep breath, or as deep as the bandages around her chest would have allowed her. It had only seemed as moments later when she came to a complete halt. The constant clicking of her heels on the very nice tile floor had stopped.

Her eyes widened as she stared at the amazing, no miraculous room before her. She had never seen anything so decorative since her cousins wedding, and this one topped the cake literally. Asiya took her time taking in the scenery as she started to walk once again, completely unaware of the people in there. She soon stopped at the buffet which was fit for a king.

Her eyes wandered until she saw it. It was a cheesecake, not just any kind however, it was the finest in the land; Name brand of course. Red strawberry sauce was poured delicately over the top. The sauce had then made a waterfall over the sides and rested at the bottom of the rather large dish which it sat on. She smiled and lifted her finger to take just a small little taste of this wondrous man made delicacy.

It didn't last long however, for she was brought out of her trance by a voice behind her. “Enjoying our feast I see? Well there will be a fee for eating the food." Asiya suddenly turned and that’s where her crazy story began.