Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ My C'tarl-C'tarl and me ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )
My C'tarl-C'tarl and me
Chapter 4
"Well... never figured I'd get a chance to thank you for your help." Hilda said as she replaced her gun aimed at my head.
"I'm sure a bullet or two through my brain's thanks enough."
"So why did you?"
"Why did he do what Hilda?" Melfina asked as she tried to push down Hilda's other hand that was still aimed at Aisha.
"Rescue her from a group of bounty hunters that had her pinned."
Gene couldn't keep from laughing at her. Since that's all he heard. "Hilda was pinned and a kid helped her out?"
Hilda's gun when right back up again, this time aimed at gene's head.
"I didn't need his help, but he offered and I chose to go with him."
"Yeah right, just like when you didn't need our help getting the outlaw star." Gene continued to laugh, just about until Hilda's gun went down about 20 degrees and was aimed perfectly at gene's little outlaw. Gene stopped laughing; Hilda wasn't the type to kill recklessly but a little damage in one region she didn't mind having to do to prove her point. Well… not really, she'd never actually do that, but she knew how to make it look like she would.
Hilda and me explained what happened. Basically I was hired to help them find where Hilda was so they could hunt her down, and so I did, but after I found her and told them where to catch her I did some more searching and found the bounty wasn't legal, it was from some pirates not through the police. And so I wanted to try and stop them, though how I didn't know, I hacked into the security cams in the building they where in and found they had her pinned in a room. I hacked the phone lines and called her, I told her where to go through the vents in the building while shutting and locking the doors in front of the bounty hunters. They never knew it was me doing that, so really I helped her reputation instead of mine, I lead her out and that was the last we saw of each other. Though actually she never saw me.
Jim decided that since they had nothing better to do as well, he should go take a look at the ship now, so Jim, Melfina, Aisha, and I went to see what condition my ship was in.
Before we left gene had to ask just why that animal was here. And as you can guess aisha got ticked off and kicked gene so hard on the face the imprint of Jim's shoe was completely erased to put a new one of Aisha's foot in place of it. He was knocked unconscious so that's why he didn't come along too.
Jim and me looked over the damage, while Aisha and Melfina went inside the ship to sit and wait. After Jim and I figured out all the details of the price and what not, we went inside to get Aisha and Mel. Jim was surprised to see Melfina trying to style Aisha's hair, and not doing to badly, he never really figured she'd so naturally act female. Since she was a bio-android. Then again she had been acting more and more human like.
I was just about as surprised to see the massive wad of hair lying all over my ship.
After Jim and Melfina left, Aisha screamed "WHY?" because I had just said "alright I guess I'm not going to free you anymore."
And so for probably the first time ever, a C'tarl-C'tarl had been forced to clean up after herself, by a human. Well… not counting when she was a slave.
(If you where wondering, since I'm sure you've read some of the other Aisha heavy fan fics. C'tarl-C'tarl do have very sensitive hair, almost the same as the touch of their skin, but even if she could feel the scissors there aren't any nerve endings meant for pain in hair, so she could feel the cut, with out feeling the hurt, hope that clears it up for the one other reader who is as obsessed with anime as I am.)
"Well? Where are they?"
"I don't know! He canceled his landing site access and said he was going to some starwind or something place." Pleaded the landing site manager, as Harry held a really deadly looking rifle to the side of the man's head.
"Did you hear that Ron?" Harry said
"Did I ever. Thank the man for me, I've got to go." Ron said as the COM unit blacked out.
"You should feel lucky Mr. Manager. You turned over the information so quickly, Ron decided to let you live."
The next day the report was shown on the news of how the star ports managers' car suddenly exploded when he started it on his way home.
"Unfortunately for you, I didn't."
"Ok Aisha, we have two things to do."
"What are they?" Aisha asked
"Number one, we need to find some cash, so we can pay for the repairs."
"And two?"
"We need to get you some new clothes, I'm sure walking around in that anymore will bring some unwanted attention."
"Actually no we don't."
"Oh? And why not?" I asked.
"That Melfina girl must of taken pity on me or something and she gave me something to wear."
"Oh well that was nice of her, you should probably go put it on, getting a job in that is going to be tough."
I went to wait outside of my ship for her, while she changed. To my surprise she managed to look stunning yet again. Though to everyone watching while walked by still got a specific stereotype for just what she was doing.
Aisha had on this really weird suit like outfit on. It was baggy around her arms, though she said when Melfina wore it is was even baggier looking, since Aisha's arms were bigger than hers. "And all mussel!" she added. However her bust was larger than melfinas so it didn't leave much to the imagination. Also Melfina wore a tie with it, she said Jim said it completed the outfit. Aisha cut up the tie and tied it around her head, like a headband. For the bottom half she had a really short skirt on, it definitely looked more suiting of Melfina, but aisha somehow managed to keep it at least pg-13 for how far up it crawled up her leg. It had two straps that where meant to go directly over her chest area, but instead she crossed them in front and back, she said it felt better that way, but to the approval on the onlookers it caused her breasts to look even more… well you know… inviting. I didn't dare ask what she was wearing for undergarments, my eye still hurt from when she decided I looked like a comfortable bed the other night.
Though actually there were two stereotypes you could of guessed from seeing us walking together. One was I hired her, or two was she was hired to make sure I didn't screw up at doing something. Either way people moved out of our way. I was glad when we finally came to an empty spot in what seemed to be a park; Aisha however hadn't the slightest clue what was going on.
And it took us until we got there till we remembered we needed to officially free her from slavery.
And it took a bunch of henchmen types just that long to find us.
"Hey! Are you aisha?" a voice shouted from behind.
"Yeah. Why?" Aisha thoughtlessly answered as she turned around twice, once to see who yelled her name, the other to dodge the incoming rocket. Unfortunately for tree behind her, she dodged it clean.
Ticking off Aisha wasn't the smartest idea the idiots with the rocket launcher ever had. Neither was trying to take her down with anything less than a caster rifle. And with in moments aisha had taken off at them, and managed to beat the living daylights out of every one of them, except for the guy who shot the rocket, he took off as soon as he fired it, and thanks to my two superior legs, why I had him in a head lock. However I didn't manage to get any info out of him, since Aisha had taken off after him when all the other guys where either unconscious or near death. At least that's what I hoped. While I was walking him back Aisha saw him from one side and didn't manage to see me. One massive flying kick later both him and I were lying on the ground, he just happened to have a snapped neck.
Actually that little encounter helped us a great deal, I had faye analize the few of them whose faces where still recognizable to anyone and they happened to have a bounty on their heads, of just over the repairs cost. "Gee, that's the kinda thing that only happens in anime." I thought.
We turned them in to the police and went on our way back to starwind and hawking. One thing caught my attention though. And I figured out the answer a second later. Just why all the security cameras in the building where focused on aisha while we where in there. I guess they still think having a person control the camera is a good idea.
End chapter.
Well? I'm guessing it sucks too. Oh well, the next one will come soon. As soon as I get around to it.
Summary for chapter five.
Well, even with the bounty money I still need to help jim fix the ship. Aisha and mel decide to go out on the town, well actually gene insisted mel go and aisha was to bored not to go. And Hilda says good-bye. She's just going back to being who she was before the outlaw star. She's not dead. Plus an apperance by a character I have yet to name.