Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Outlaw Star: Growing Pains ❯ The Boiling Point ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters. I just own the perverted ideas to do this to them, so if you're under 18 turn back now. If you don't like cheesy sex stories about characters you obsessively love, turn back now. But if you don't fall into any of the criteria above, read and hopefully enjoy. So without further interruption I present Outlaw Star: Growing Pains.

It had been 7 years since their adventure began…

Gene and Melfina were still together, surprisingly, and still just as happy. Suzuka had parted a few months after returning from the Leyline, retiring her sword after her family's murders were avenged. Aisha Clan-Clan, the proud C'tarl-C'tarl, was still present. However, her temper and high strung nature had been slightly calmed, which had made her more noticeable to the young man in his quest to adulthood. The young man, Jim Hawking, had a great fear of the woman when they first met. He still remembered her chasing him and Gene through Blue Heaven, intent on killing them.

The fear had diminished, however, as she proved her worth and friendship to them time after time. The way she had began to treat him was different back then. Jim was accustomed to being treated like a grown up--hell, with Gene around, who else was going to be the responsible adult--but Aisha always treated him like a kid. Most kids hated when real adults did that. But, for a kid who wasn't used to such, it was a good feeling. She'd always make sure he wasn't working too hard or found something to distract him with during his supreme panic attacks.

Jim continued to dwell on her, as he rose to his feet from behind beat up car.

The others had often criticized him for not dumping the thing which, for some odd reason, felt wrong to even think about doing. Tinkering with the Ehefrau usually left his nerves at ease, and it also gave him something to do when they didn't have a job or impending bill to pay. Deciding on what to toy with next, Jim went back underneath the car to have a look at the oil line; it had a drip that liked to become apparent at all the wrong times. Once again, hours passed as he worked on the beat up clunker. Before long, it was dinnertime and Mel worried when he missed meals. Jim figured he could work a little while longer, though, as she wouldn't send someone for at least five minutes. And like clockwork, he heard the heavy trudging of boots on the concrete, which signified that his time was already up.

"Hey! Jim? Jim, come on. Dinner's getting cold, and you know how Mel gets when you don't eat…" The annoyed tone of his friend and business associate, Gene Starwind, was always recognizable.

With one last turn on the wrench, Jim slid from under the car. "Yeah, yeah I know," he said, getting to his feet.

"Heh, if you know so much, why do you make me come and get you everyday?" Gene asked with an air of playful indignation.

"Because your boots are music to my ears," the young man said, batting his eyelashes in a mannerism that would make Fred jealous.

"Why you little..." Gene grabbed Jim in a headlock, which the youth quickly slid out of before placing Gene in one of his own.

"All right, all right--I give. Sheesh, give a guy a couple feet and a little muscle--and he starts abusing his friends." Gene smoothed his ruffled hair into… less ruffle and more spikes, while noticing puberty was easier on his cohort than it was on him. "I hope you're gonna bathe," he whistled, while waving his hand about following Jim back into the interior of the building.

"There's a shower or eating," Jim mumbled back, before catching sight of Melfina and Suzuka. "Hey, sorry I'm late." He gestured to his dirty clothing, before making a line to upstairs' bathroom to wash up. Mel simply nodded, accustomed to it. Suzuka waved aridly, acknowledging that she had heard him. Jim paused once he reached the bathroom door, searching for something to open it with that wouldn't leave axel-grease fingerprints.

"Something else that I'll be cleaning up," he muttered, reaching for the knob until the door was suddenly flung open.

Aisha was standing there slightly wet, obviously marking that she had just showered. Her head was buried beneath a large blue towel, blinding her to everything that wasn't beneath it. From his vantage point, she was better wrapping the towel around her body instead of focusing on him… not that it mattered or anything. Even as the struggle continued, Aisha hadn't shown any signs that she noticed Jim yet due in large part to that towel.

Jim, on the other hand, couldn't make his presence known at the moment as he was fawning over her body. He had long since got the obsession with women aspect of Gene's personality when puberty first struck. Every woman with a pulse seemed to attract his attention. If they were actually attractive, tunnel vision described things amicably. And rest assured, only one thing lay at the end of those tunnels.

With great resolve, he mastered this feeling as best he could. The cat-woman in front of him was breathtaking, though. From where the towel was encircling her rather large breasts, he could see the still glistening valley they made and that small area of flesh was slowly numbing his thoughts. The scented oils and soaps interfered with Aisha's sense of smell so she couldn't tell he was there apparently, because he had a feeling he stunk--and that meant more ogling time.

Finally getting the towel into a place she liked, Aisha walked forward with a satisfied humph of triumph before colliding with something.

"Thought I opened the stupid thing," she growled reaching for the handle instead meeting an arm.

"H-H-Hey, Aisha…" Jim managed to stutter, silently attacking himself for the brief stammer.

She pulled the towel back and was met with what she thought was going to be Gene; instead it was a younger face, no scars and cuter. The two stood in silence, staring into each other's eyes. Something clicked there, but neither knew what. Perhaps, something had been there all along and this was the odd, grime-covered moment for it to take hold. Whatever it was, Jim just knew that her deep blue eyes seemed to make him as calm as when he was furiously working on that car.

Aisha was letting her eyes take in, for the first real time, a thorough look at him. She'd seen him plenty of times, naturally. You can't live with a guy that long and not see him. But today was different. Aisha wasn't sure if it was the heat from the shower messing with her mind, or her being naked except for the towel, but today Jim looked... different. He was put together just as well, if not better than, Gene--and his usual cuteness seemed to be amplified into outright gorgeous.

Without warning she grabbed the young man and yanked him into the bathroom. Letting the towel pool at her feet, she ripped the oil and grime covered T-shirt from his body. With a lover's grace, he slowly began to fondle her breasts with a familiarity that made her whole body tingle. Jim flashed a smile in lieu of her responsiveness to his touch, before moving with his own shocking speed, and kissing her. The kiss was slow, and deep enough to stimulate her toes it felt so good. His mouth trailed from hers, though, his lips never left her flesh. Jim found his way to her neck, teasing it with nibbles before traveling ever closer to her breasts.

Aisha found herself squealing as Jim's lips reached her breasts, which turned into a strangled cry as he began to sensually gnaw on her right nipple. Somehow she managed to look down at him through the sensation, numbly shaking her head in a disbelieving no as Jim slowly slid his tongue down her body until he was at his jackpot. Aisha felt his breath signaling his arrival there. She watched as his tongue inched slightly forward until it was so close that she could feel it. And, and…

"And I said dinner is getting cold! God, it's bad enough when he's late but now you, Aisha?" Gene continued ranting as he went back downstairs after killing her fantasy.

"All yours, kid," Aisha said, patting Jim on the chest--finally snapping him back into reality enough to move. Jim took notice as she patted his chest; Aisha's hand had touched him three times. And he noticed that on the third time, she'd let her hand slowly drag off as she made her way around him. He wanted to think that she'd meant something more by the contact, but the thought didn't seem probable enough.

"Nah, it can't be," Jim thought again. With a sigh that bordered on sadness, he washed the majority of the oil and dirt from his face and hands before making his trek back to the table.

"I'm starting to get the impression you don't like my cooking, Jim," Melfina said, with a smile that didn't look very convincing as he made his way to the bottom of the stairs.

"No, I like your cooking, I swear! I'm sorry… I'll try to get here on time tomorrow," said Jim sincerely, though, missing an obvious joke. Everyone gave him a quizzical look at his humble words before it finally dawned on him. "Damn, she was joking," he thought with a low grumble. Seven years and he still couldn't read her facial expressions, she'd smile and look like she was ready to cry and that was the cause of his apology. He sighed and took his seat.

"Okay, everyone's here so let's... damn it. Aisha!" Gene screamed noticing that she was missing.

"Shut up, I heard you the first time," the C'tarl growled, leaping over the railing to the floor below simultaneously landing within walking distance of the table.

"I say the dismount needs a little work, but I'll still give you a nine point nine," Gene said into a fork. "What about you, judge number two?" he asked holding the spoon out to Jim.

"I found the performance flawless; I'll give it a ten," Jim added eyeing Aisha with as much innocence as he could muster.

"Suck up," Gene coughed, looking at his friend cross-eyed.

"Thank you, Jim," Aisha replied serenely. "And you can still shut up!" Gene held his hands up in mock fear as she shouted at him before sitting down again. Aisha took her seat in front of Jim and was careful not to make eye contact.

Soon, Mel served a stew that everyone submersed his or her attention. It was an obvious sign that her cooking hadn't become old hat, and that everyone did still enjoy it. The other thing of notice at the table was Aisha and Jim's overt enjoyment of the food. Everyone looked at them because, at the rate they were eating, it looked as if they were racing. The true reason was so they wouldn't have to look at the other. Jim was beyond his limit, yet he continued to eat and something told him that Aisha--in all her ravenous hunger--was past hers as well.

Suzuka, Gene, and Melfina had finished without either of them noticing. They'd even left the table, went to the living room, and began to chat on the past, present, and possible future without so much as a pause in slurping. At the table, Jim and Aisha were finishing the last of the humongous vat of stew when, at long last, the ladle on scratched the empty bottom of the pot. There was nothing left. Now, there they sat. Silence reigned over them, neither making an effort to move due to a sudden fear of eye contact and that weird electricity that had existed near the bathroom.

"This doesn't make any sense. It's just Aisha for crying out loud!" Jim began to chide himself. "It's the same person who's been here for the past seven years. The same cat-woman who…" his mind began to wander back to the bathroom "...who looks amazing in a towel. Damn it!" Jim reprimanded himself for the loss of rational thought.

One would think the older of the two would have better self-control, but that'd be wrong. Across the table, the downcast eyes of Aisha focused on the napkin she twirled back and forth. She surveyed the table to see if anything was left to eat on to make this all less awkward, but there was nothing. "I am a proud officer of the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire," she began the familiar speech to scrounge up some courage. "I can't get up and leave this table... and why the hell not?" she thought, deciding to look up. There Jim was and there her eyes went back onto that napkin.

"That's why," Aisha whispered, even in her thoughts. "What's the big deal? It's just Jim. The same uptight, over worried kid..." there was a pause in her thoughts "…man."

It had never occurred to her to think of him as a man. Aisha had just held him at the same image for all those years. He was Jim, the little boy with too many responsibilities. The image of him standing before her in the bathroom door reassured her that he wasn't a kid anymore. And like Jim's, Aisha's mind began to wander. "I wonder if we would make a cute couple... What the hell am I thinking? It's Jim, woman! Jim," she screamed mentally.

In the living room, the trio sat looking at TV when Gene broke the silence.

"What's the deal with Jim and Aisha?" he asked, eyes never leaving the television. "Do you think they made a bet about who could eat the most or what?" Gene took a glance over his shoulder, noticing that they were still seated at the table.

"Seriously, Gene, are you truly that thick?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask..."

"Not like that you pervert," Suzuka interjected, cutting his sick joke short. "They obviously like each other," the assassin said astutely, looking into her tea.

"What? No way! If Jim liked her, I'm sure that he would have made a move by now," Gene said, surprisingly high on his partner's abilities with the other sex. "I mean, he did with that other girl when he was like twelve."

"Think about it, Gene. When you were twelve, did you have half of the thoughts that you have now?" Suzuka asked, still not looking directly at him.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Gene asked, looking at her with interest now.

"At twelve, Jim really wouldn't have cared if the girl had said no. He probably didn't have any feelings invested in her other than innocent puppy love," the former assassin said.

"And," Gene continued, oblivious to where this was going. "He was upset when she didn't meet him after we killed that pirate assassin, so he had to have some pretty deep emotions to feel hurt."

"Let me put this in terms you may be able to understand," added Suzuka, as her patience was beginning to wane. "He's probably scrutinizing every detail and personal flaw about himself wondering if Aisha could look past it to be with him. I don't know much about the C'tarl, but I'm guessing that she's doing the same thing, not to mention the paranoia and possible rejection pulling at them. Hormones, anxiety, and fear don't mix well at all," she finished making sure to keep her tone in check so they didn't hear.

"I don't see the problem," Gene began. "She says, no--wow, a million others just like her."

"Really? Imagine if Harry was to walk through that door right now and ask Mel to leave with him and she accepted." She knew a nerve had been struck when she heard Gene's teeth grind, but the former assassin persisted. "But before she left, she renounced every feeling that she ever felt for you and said yours were meaningless as well. Are there still a million others?" Suzuka finally looked at him then. Gene's eyes were slightly popped as his head shook back and forth in the motion of no. "And that was hypothetical; imagine how they feel facing the possible reality of something like that."

Melfina wasn't paying attention to their conversation and was surprised to find Gene's arms around her. "Something wrong?" she asked, relaxing into the embrace.

"Not anymore," Gene said simply. "Good luck, Jim. Why her of all people? Did you not learn anything from me?" The red haired outlaw thought enjoying his embrace.

At the table, Jim and Aisha were starting to lose patience with themselves for being so timid. It's not like they had to talk about this. They could get up and walk away and everything would go back to normal. "Do I want things to go back to normal?" They both thought looking up slowly at the same time. Their eyes met and the answer was heard, "No." Again, they thought in tandem.

"Can we talk?" Jim mumbled while still staring at her.

"Yeah, I think we can," Aisha replied to that in joking reference to their hour-long silence.

Jim missed the joke.

The trio watching TV turned when they heard the door to the garage shut suddenly. Suzuka and Gene glanced at each other before returning their attention to the TV show.

Inside of the garage, Jim placed himself against a tower toolbox and Aisha continued her stance by the door feeling oddly out of place. "So, what can we talk about?" she asked, striking first.

It was bad timing, because Jim had his time preoccupied with letting his eyes dance over her body, especially considering her attire. Aisha was in her usual sleeping attire--a cutoff pair of sweatpants and a shirt that was seemingly cut by her own claws, and was so short that Jim was shocked that her breasts weren't out--but things weren't usual. Rational thought continued to diminish as he almost drooled.

"I'm still thinking," a part of Jim's mind said in response to her question.

"Okay," Aisha said demurely, looking him over just as much as she felt him doing unto her.

Feeling a bit frisky, and maybe a little driven to impress, Aisha made the gigantic leap from the doorway (with a little flip) and landed silently on the hood of Jim's car. Well, it was silent except for the clank of the golden chakra in her hair.

"Holy shit," Jim shouted following the tremendous thud it made.

Aisha cringed, thinking that this was a lousy start. "Dent his crappy car, nice move," she thought. "Sorry..." Aisha began, looking at the ground.

"Whoa, this thing is weighted?" Jim asked, pointing to the golden hoop.

"What about your car?" she asked, thinking it best to get his anger out of the way first.

"Forget the car," Jim tossed back. "I like to fix the thing, so you just gave me something else to fix. Now, back to the hoop--how much does it weigh?" His question was asked with child-like enthusiasm, relieving more tension in the C'tarl than even she knew existed.

"It doesn't weigh that much," Aisha said coolly, waving her hand impassively as though it were nothing.

"Can I hold it?" Jim asked, looking at her with an air of his old self.


Aisha began to unbraid her hair from around it, before adding, "Here ya go."

With a flick of the wrist, she dropped it in his hands. Jim caught the chakra and sank to the floor almost.

"Not much? This has got to be a good thirty pounds!" he stated, not bothering to hide his amazement with her strength. "Your neck must be as strong as the rest of you to walk around with this on all day." Jim spoke while curling it a few times, much to Aisha's enjoyment. She just stared at his biceps contracting over and over again.

Jim continued to tool around with the chakra, and Aisha was starting to wonder if he'd forgotten why they came out there.

"Note to self: Take that stupid thing off when he wants to talk," she thought with a growing annoyance, watching as Jim began to throw the thing up and catch it. And beneath her semi-heated glare, he suddenly remembered his true purpose for being out there--and here he stood, playing with a thirty-pound ring.

"Nice first impression, idiot..." Jim thought with a weak a smile, handing the hair ornament over with a muttered apology. "Heh, guess I got a little carried away there. Like you always say, relax... I guess," Jim gave a shrug and another nervous smile.

"No problem," Aisha cajoled with a little smile of her own, taking the chakra back. Figuring it'd do their conversation a world of good, she sat it down on her opposite side so Jim wouldn't be distracted by it any further. When she turned back, a loud crack emanated from her neck. "Oooow," she growled, grabbing her neck as though she'd been shot.

"That would be your vertebrae adjusting to the lack of extra weight," Jim quipped in his best medical professional's voice.

"Funny," Aisha groaned, both at the joke and the pain. "Can you help me?"

"Wow, she must really be hurt to ask for help," Jim thought, looking on at her in disbelief. Going into an all too common parental mode, Jim hopped onto the car with Aisha and maneuvered until both of his legs rested on either side of her. He swept her long, white hair over her left shoulder, admiring the flowery scent before getting down to business.

"This may hurt a little, but you'll feel like a million bucks when I'm done," Jim said in his most comforting tone.

"Whatever! Just make it stop!" Aisha screamed in response to the pain more so than Jim's attempt to ease her nerves.

Jim took a deep breath, cracked his knuckles a few times, and began to slowly knead her back. He always figured she was covered in short fur, but he was shocked to feel she was as hairless as a newborn. "Well her back is hairless, anyway," he thought, looking at the giant mane of white hair sprouting from her scalp. Within a few minutes, the sensations from the massage were slowly easing Aisha's nerves and she began to purr despite herself.

"Damn," Jim muttered to himself. "Too bad I have to end this to make her feel better."

He was vastly loving the sounds of Aisha's purring, which really made his next steps that much harder. Aisha tensed slightly as his heated breath swirled against her neck. A small squeak past her lips as Jim leaned forward until his chest rested against her back. Aisha began to inhale sharply as she felt his breath move on to her ear.

"This is where it starts to hurt," as he said it, Jim pushed suddenly against her spine.

"Aaaah!" Aisha howled, her voice slipping into its more primal depths. Jim didn't stop, though. He pushed again and again trying to realign her spine as quickly as possible. The last of her various screams and growls ended as he popped her neck one final time. It was done, but Jim felt like crap. Ugh, he was sweating and seemed to feel her pain somehow.

"I'm done. So, how do you feel?" Jim asked, hoping this didn't piss her off infinitely. He watched as Aisha slowly rolled her neck around, and waited for her response.

"Mmmm, I feel great! Where'd you learn how to do that anyway?" she asked, turning to look at him from over her left shoulder.

"One of the many things you learn being the parent of a grown man," he said whimsically, shaking his head at the truth in that. Jim closed his eyes and took a deep breath of that intoxicating shampoo that permeated Aisha's hair. Fruit had never smelled better. And if there was a way to chew on a few strands of her without looking like an idiot, he'd do it. Upon opening his eyes from his little thought of being Gene's parent, Jim realized how close he was to Aisha's face.

"Well, thank you," she said sincerely. Aisha's next action didn't make sense to her, but it was too late to take it back. She'd kissed him quickly on the cheek, as it was so close. Her eyes popped as did his, but they didn't do anything to change their position. It had to be hormones, Jim liked to think, because there was no way her proximity and body heat was getting him this turned on. Unfortunately, Jim's hormones surged with what, rationally, should've been a poke to the stomach--and his thin dam of restraint broke.

Jim slid his hand under her neck--which startled him when Aisha purred deeply within her throat--to cup her chin for another kiss. Aisha smiled, making Jim realize that he must have found a rather sweet spot on her. Deciding to go with this turn of event, Jim let his fingertips roll lightly under neck coaxing more of the same moaning purr combinations out of her. Aisha managed to open her eyes and hoped she didn't see a face staring at her riddled with, "Ha! I gotcha!" Luckily, she was met with a smile that radiated warmth that probably couldn't have been conveyed with words.

"I take it Ms. Kitty likes this?" Jim asked lightly. Where he got the nerve to talk, Jim didn't know. Aisha smiled a toothy smile nodding very slowly all the while. So, once again, with more nerve than he knew he had, Jim leaned forward and waited for the smile to end. As her lips returned to normal, he softly kissed her. Aisha's ears perked up and her eyes shot open with the new feeling.

Then, Jim felt her push away from him.

"Shit, must've gone too far," he thought.

"Sorry," Jim went on to say through his veil of embarrassment.

"Don't be, you kiss good. I just wanted to get in a better position. You just fixed my back and you're already trying to screw it up again," Aisha quipped.

Jim took notice at this point and sighed. His lungs were barely empty before Aisha had turned completely over on top of him, and had her tongue in his mouth. They'd lay there for the next few minutes thoroughly examining each other's mouths with their tongues. Ever observant, Jim noticed that Aisha's tongue was slightly smaller than his was, but more rough in texture. "With all those taste buds, she must be able to taste everything that I've eaten in my life!" he thought briefly, before the passionate kiss erased his rational thought again.

Aisha, for lack of a better term, was in full-blown heat now; it had been far too long since she last encountered anything sexual. With a little struggle, Aisha eased out of the kiss and straddled Jim's waist. He looked at her with all smiles, exactly how she was looking at him. Aisha's smile faded, though, as she reared back her right hand and clawed his shirt off like a kid opening a Christmas present. Of course, Jim's insides only held blood and guts, not gifts. And to prove this theory, one of her strikes scratched his chest and left a few welts.

"Easy," he chided softly, though, a bit jazzed up in the wake of the brief flash of pain. "We humans bruise easy compared to you guys."

"Hehehe, sorry about that--I guess I'll have to break you in first," Aisha whispered, though, fumbling with his belt before ultimately ripping it off in anticipation. Jim suddenly panicked, grabbing his pants in a tug-of-war effort having remembered his lack of bathing.

"Damn, I just remembered that I never took a shower," he said once she gave him a rather confused look and quit fighting him. "Aisha, uh, do you think we should hold off? I mean, at least until I smell my best?" Jim asked, rising to a sitting position.

"What? No!" she screamed forcefully, pushing him back against the hood of the car. "I don't care how you smell, damn it!"

Jim found himself slightly scared by her outburst, but it quickly faded as a new idea formed.

"How about we move this to the shower?" he said with a seductive tone. By now, Aisha was ripping his underwear off.

"No! I... can't wait that long," she admitted, staring at his erection lasciviously.

"Oh, come on. It's just fifty feet away and..." Jim managed to say before the feral woman interrupted.

"Damn it! You're thinking too much again," Aisha shouted, though, focusing more on Jim's penis than his face. "Just listen to the small voice in your head... or just think with the smaller head all together." She took a firm grip of his shaft, smiling evilly. Jim arched his head up to get a better view of what she was going to do, as though he didn't know. Aisha noticed his interest and locked eyes with her prone lover. His breath stalled in his chest, as he watched Aisha's tongue slide past her teeth, and slowly lick from the bottom of his sack up to the apex of his dick.

"I don't know about smells," she began, smiling more and more by the second, "but you taste great." Aisha winked before enveloping him inside of her mouth. Jim found his eyes rolled back into his skull, as his head dropped onto the car. The overwhelming strength in her suction began to break him in a manner that brought on an urge to shout.

"Oh, God... don't stop!" Jim whispered, as her rough tongue roll around the head of his cock.

If death were to come at this very moment, he wouldn't die until she was done. Jim wished to believe that thought, but it was too short-lived to focus on. Suddenly, he felt teeth on either side of his member. Like most men, Jim, too, sat partially up to see if Aisha was actually going to bite down. No, she wouldn't do that. She smiled at the worry on his face, before she continued to move up and down his length. Jim slowly relaxed until she stopped, leaving her incisors to hold his penis hostage. With him immobilized, Aisha's tongue assaulted his bloated head, causing Jim to collapse against the hood of the car again.

"Uh... I'm..." he couldn't even form words, just grunts, and those escalated the moment her motions began to slow. Figuring that Aisha was going to stop, Jim decided to use the small head. His hands found their way to the back of her head and he began to thrust into her mouth. At first, Aisha froze. Slowly, though, his moans started to get to her as she resumed her tongue's paces without really thinking about it.

"Ah," Jim gritted his teeth as he felt his balls begin to quiver uncontrollably. "Uuuuh!"

He thrust one final time, slamming as much of himself as he could get into her throat. Aisha took it in stride, moaning as Jim slowly drained himself within her mouth. And did he ever drain himself--he just kept going and, with every hot bit of sperm that shot against the back of her mouth, she found herself moaning. Finally, the arch in his back began to fade and Jim fell to the hood again. That light-headed daze would be short-lived, though, as he soon felt Aisha's teeth closing down again. Propping up didn't reveal a smile this time, either. Her facial expression was carved in anger and Jim inwardly thought, "Well, I got to use it for that at least once." Thinking that Aisha was going to end his dick's being right then and there, he said the first thing that popped into his head.

"Like you said, think with the smaller head..." Jim hoped that lightened her mood, because he didn't want to experience life as a eunuch. To his delight, Aisha's face softened into a slight smile, as she made an audible swallowing sound. "Whoa."

"Mmmm," she added for effect, "I gotta say all of you tastes good so far." Aisha licked her fangs, watching as he began to get hard again from those two simple actions. Jim smiled, as she crawled up his body and into another kiss.

"Stay just like that," Jim commanded, struck with a moment of perverse genius. Aisha arched an eyebrow, but soon realized what her position on all fours could lead to, and froze. Jim lay back against the car's hood, and smiled up at Aisha as she looked down at him. With a squeaking of sweaty skin on non-polished steel, Jim slid completely under her torso. "Now, let's get a look under the hood," he said, easily tearing her already shredded shirt open to get at her breasts.

Jim watched as the bronzed mounds of flesh swayed under their own momentum. Arching his head forward, he took one of the dusty brown nipples into his mouth. Aisha moaned deliciously, lowering herself slightly so that Jim could get more of her breast into his mouth. He let his tongue continue to swirl around the firm nipple, stroking it into an even tougher nodule of flesh. She felt faint, as Jim folded his tongue around the nipple and sort of stroked it from all sides with great effect.

"Another sweet spot," Jim paused to ask, continuously surprised by how receptive she was to his touch. "I think I'm going to enjoy finding them all."

"Well... ah, I'm not giving hints. Mm," Aisha moaned, chewing heavily on her lower lip as Jim's tongue began to work again. Seconds melded into minutes, and those minutes seemed like the most exquisite torture ever conceived. Unfortunately for Aisha, all things must come to an end.

"Everything checks out there," the young outlaw said from beneath her, feeling a bit more confident as he listened to her panting. "Now, let's see what we can do about you..." As Jim inhaled her right nipple, Aisha released a scream that made the car shake. "Damn," he thought, as it seemed her right breast as a whole appeared to be a giant pleasure zone. His lips curled into a smile wrapped around her nipple, before he allowed his teeth to slightly tug at it.

"Jim," Aisha shouted, swallowing to regain composure. He ignored her, biting down again and sending an orgasmic rush through her bones. "God! It feels so… fucking… good! Enough!" Her last statement was in that animalistic tone, but it hadn't scared him this time. In fact, it made Jim suck that much harder. Aisha fell from her hands down to her elbows, as a surprisingly large orgasm submerged her senses beneath a bow of swirling lights, and an odd flutter in her heart.

"I see this one is in perfect order, just one more inspection," Jim said below her screams, smiling as the C'tarl came down from another brief orgasm. She was in the midst of catching her breath, when Jim slid down her body further. Now, he was face to face with a part of her that he'd always wondered about. "I see. Well, that's human enough for me," Jim thought quietly, just as he pulled the shaken woman's hips down onto his mouth. At first, his tongue didn't register. But slowly, the feeling began to build. A lingered moan of his name, then a shriek as he'd drill her clitoris, and Aisha suddenly submitted to another orgasm.

"Fuuuuck! Jim! Raaaah!" Was that the sound of a beast in death throws or a C'tarl-C'tarl in the midst of her second orgasm in eight years? No one outside of the Starwind & Hawking Building knew for certain.

Aisha arched back and ground her pussy against his face, futilely riding an orgasm that seemed to be the size of a small planet. Ah, Jim had found the sweet spot of all sweet spots. Never one to rest on his laurels, he ran his tongue the full length of her moist crevice and then crammed it inside of her for emphasis. He simply stared up at her screaming and shaking her hair in a pointless effort to stop the impending third orgasm for as long as she could. Her fists suddenly slammed down on either side of his head, denting the car and shaking them both. Jim sighed, thankful that she'd missed, but also into her-and the cool air only added to her stimuli.

"Yes! I'm co…ming! Fuuuuck! Jim! Jim! Jim! Aaaaargh!" Aisha's voice changed into that of the beast once more, as his tongue brought forth a flow of her own lubricating juices that made her arch so far back until she almost fell off the car. Jim just held her hips, though. He wouldn't let her get away that easily. He sat up to ensure that she didn't fall, his tongue and slurping never once ending. Aisha was balanced on her neck and shoulders continuing, as her legs pin-wheeled beneath Jim's ways. It was like Jim was on a drug and the high never ended so long as he kept his tongue flicking, licking, and digging into her clit. Pausing for a moment, he looked down at her and found that Aisha was halfway into another orgasm.

"Well, let's see how this one moves you," he remarked lightly, exhaling deeply between her splayed vaginal lips.

Jim ran his tongue to the very top of her slit, and found his target. Aisha's felt her lungs contract, almost painfully so, as Jim latched onto her clitoris with a force that would have made a leech proud.

"Ah! Ha! Shiiiit!" Aisha's vision was reduced to only lights and blobs of color, as he feasted from between her spread legs like a pig from a trough. As if it could get any better, she watched as Jim took his left hand and made for her right breast. He pinched and tweaked her highly sensitized nipple, garnering a new level for the climax. It was too much. The teasing, and the orgasmic sensations sent her through the roof; Aisha slammed her fists into the hood, leaving another two fist-sized craters in their wake. Her body bucked, but it wasn't enough to shake him lose.

Jim continued to drink from her, though, as Aisha's orgasm produced his liquid need. Releasing her clitoris and, all together removing his mouth, he looked at her. She was breathing heavily, covered in bullets of sweat, and her hair had come out of the braid. He looked at the place his face would most definitely be returning and smiled. "It kinda looks like she has two," he thought, noticing a matching nub at the bottom of her slit identical to the one up top. He lowered his mouth over the protrusion and lightly sucked, causing Aisha to moan.

As the quakes subsided, Aisha found her legs released from his face, and placed atop his so that she could sit up. That is, if she ever would up.

"Aisha, are you all right?" Jim asked, concerned that she wasn't really moving anymore.

"Oh, oh god... What the hell are you?" Aisha asked drowsily, finally finding the strength to sit up.

"I am very attentive," Jim replied, pleased with his work, as Aisha seemed to have met a bus with her head. Then again, she was frowning and that could've meant bad things. "Uh, does that mean it wasn't as good as I thought?"

"You sound as dumb as Gene now," Aisha chastised, "of course it was good!"

"Okay, okay, just asking. Calm down--or no more tongue," Jim folded his arms petulantly, and turned his head away from her. It was a joke, naturally. Aisha found herself whimpering, and it shocked Jim back into being serious. "I'm just kidding. As long as you're offering, I'll be eatin'!" His face seemed to be glowing with sincerity-among other things-as he lightly licked his lips, while purposely letting his eyes lower to stare between her thighs. She turned a lighter shade of brown and he assumed that's how she blushed. She placed her index and middle fingers on the well-dented hood and walked them over to his partially erect penis. It immediately sprang to life at the slight contact.

"I think someone is ready to go exploring C'tarl space," Aisha cajoled with a wink at Jim.

"Well, let's not keep it or C'tarl space waiting," he replied, nowhere close to missing these hints.

Jim leaned back, bringing Aisha along with him and decided to let her guide him where he needed to be. Aisha hovered directly over him, the heat from phallus and vagina intermingling and putting them in sexual frenzy again. Aisha didn't bother to ease down at this point. The tongue had driven her bug-fuck, which saw her plunge his penis in as deep as it could go. They'd done it now. Jim Hawking's dick was inside of Aisha Clan-Clan, but the overall tightness killed the significance of that fact with the club of primal desire.

Well, there was desire and a touch of fear.

"Um, Aisha," Jim asked, as they sat there getting used to the feeling.

"Hmm," she replied, looking down at him and begin to grind a bit.

"If I manage to get you off like before, could you, um watch the strength? I'd like to be able to do this again someday." It was a weird thing to say, but how could it not be posed?

Aisha smiled, noticing the pot marked hood and nodded with a cute smile of her own.

"With the formalities out of the way…" Jim pulled back slightly, losing himself in how her vaginal walls pulled against his cock, and slammed back in. Aisha's breath caught in her throat with his sudden movement. He continued to pound into her with slow-then-fast strokes, changing from long-to-short rhythms. He kept alternating so much so until she couldn't find her own rhythm to keep up.

"Damn it," Aisha shouted, growing increasingly frustrated, "fuck me one way or the other! All this switching is pissing me off!"

Casually, Jim's motions came to a stop. "Okay, you tell me what to do and I'll do it." He smiled at her contorted features, which seemed to take frown off her face.

Aisha had to admit that this was a first. But she knew what she liked and right now she wanted it slow. "Start slow," she whispered, as Jim used the pause to massage his hands into her butt. Doing as instructed, Aisha sighed as Jim slowly withdrew and slid just as slowly back in. "That's better," the C'tarl murmured, as she began to rock her hips with his. Aisha bit her lower lip slightly as the motion started to have its desired effect. She began to slide down as he thrust up and vice versa, growing equally vocal in her enjoyment.

"Yeees," she hissed, meeting one of Jim's powerful thrusts and taking his dick that much deeper. "Just like that Jim," Aisha continued to instruct, this time rocking her hips in small circles each time that maximum penetration was achieved. "Aaaah, don't stop!" He just continued the rhythm watching her breasts bounce up and down with their movement. Jim wasn't getting that much out of the slow motions as she was, but the sensation was enjoyable.

Hmmm, it's like her walls are moving against me, he thought, feeling Aisha's internal muscles clutch with a slight rolling motion that felt like they were pulling him into her deeper. That coupled with the sway of her breasts finally got to him, though. Sitting up, he embraced Aisha with both arms and kept her bouncing down his shaft. Aisha paid this no mind, until she felt his lips close around her sensitive right nipple.

"Harder!" she suddenly screamed, grabbing a fist of his hair and holding him tightly to her chest.

"I'd love to," Jim smirked, clicking her nipples between his teeth before changing positions. He gathered her small, but strong, frame in his arms and slid off the sweat-soaked hood of the car. They twisted for a moment, never once disconnecting below the waist, and continued to move against one another while standing. With a small 180 degree turn, Jim sat her on a part of the hood that wasn't dented about waist level. "What did you say you wanted me to do?" asked Jim, with a mock air of forgetfulness.

"I said fuck me harder!" Aisha shouted, slapping his shoulder for emphasis.

"I live to please," Jim replied, as he reared back and flung all of his weight into a thrust.

"Don't you dare stop! Make me yours, human!" He wondered if Aisha even knew what she was saying at this point. Still, Jim slammed into her again, and again, and again until he felt her clamp down. "Auuuugh!" He again tensed up in preparation for the worse. Aisha's eyes glazed over, rolling back into her sockets as the orgasm began. Feeling her nails dig deeply into his back, Jim swore loudly and unknowingly thrust into the spastic woman. As Aisha's screams subdued, Jim found the scratches an equal trade. Orgasm subsiding, Aisha found herself falling against Jim.

"No seriously, what the hell are you?" Aisha asked, pulling herself off his shoulder and noticing that he was still as hard as when they started.

"I told you, I'm very attentive," he said with an impish smile making his erection jump while still lodged in her.

"AH! Aaaah!" She sighed with her eyes slightly rolling back in her head at the sensation it brought in wake of her well orgasm induced heightened senses. "You still haven't gotten off since the whole thing with me and my mouth?" She said with Cheshire cat inspired grin. "Nope," Jim replied, again making his phallic self jump inside her.

"Stop that." She squirmed and giggled at the odd, though, ticklish action. "Why not, is it something I'm not doing?" Aisha then asked, allowing her own paranoia to come in.

"You're great," Jim replied. To assure her, he then said, "I'm about to get all technical. So don't say that I didn't warn you." He took a moment to look into her eyes, ending when both loosed a strange sigh as though their breaths had been stolen.

Aisha soon nodded, even as she attempted to put her finger on that feeling.

"Human males are sensitive in the beginning of sex. But after the first release, the sensitivity diminishes for a while. Human women become highly sensitized like you; it just doesn't last long unless more of the stimulus is applied."

He made his erection jump again to make sure she was paying attention. Her moan was proof she was.

"Where as in C'tarl, your sensitivity grows after each climax, not to mention you're highly sensitive to things as it is. So you, my dear, being female and C'tarl, means that your fun should keep going for as long as I can. And since I'm still damn near dead down here…" Laughing for no apparent reason, Jim couldn't finish with anything beyond that.

Having had such a weird pause during the sexual adventuring, Aisha thought enough to say, "Oh."

"So, you see, I am attentive," Jim smirked some, pulling partially out of her and ramming into her again.

"I," Aisha exhaled deeply, "Ugh! See! Ah!" She fumbled to speak through his pounding, and quickly found herself in the heights of passion again. The pounding continued until the C'tarl went over that blissful edge.

Time continued to slip by without ever seeing Jim reach another climax. This was starting to get a little perturbing that he was still going this long. Seeking a remedy to what…ailed him, Jim picked Aisha up in his arms-although her legs wrapped around him tightly enough to probably move her without his arms-and carried her to a nearby wall to lay into her there. Now, Jim was supporting her literally with his thrusts. Alas, he still wasn't getting anywhere, but Aisha went off again.

It was almost a cruel joke. To be in throws of passion with a creature…woman that he'd fantasized about so often, only to be denied his sexual fulfillment. He growled his anger, which was met with an enthusiastic scream from his lover, throwing her legs from around him. Aisha barely noticed the change, before Jim spun her around facing the wall and began to assault her from behind.

"Aaaaah," her back straightened out, as this new orgasm began. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Hell yes!" Aisha announced while Jim pummeled her.

A smile, a relieved smile, began to line Jim's lips. He couldn't explain it, but the sound her body made slapping all sweaty-like against that wall was bringing the feeling back.

Or maybe it's just the position, he thought. He traced his hand down her right leg and shocked her when he lifted it forward at the knee. It altered the tightness slightly, and it was in both of their benefits as she began to pound the wall. The concrete began to chip beneath her fists, as Jim continued to slam-fuck her like he was looking for gold.

"Shit…I'm feeling it," he grunted into her ear, tugging the lobe gently between his teeth.

Aisha nodded for no apparent reason, but beginning to thrust back for more all the same. In truth, she was beginning to tighten up on his cock, and that was sending them both into bliss.

Jim screamed almost as loud as she did, as the immense pressure that dammed up inside of him broke. Aisha, too, had been so close to another orgasm. Resigning herself to let him have his moment, she became aware of Jim's hand under her chin. Oh god… his fingertips began to play and… Oh god. She began focusing on it. His fingers were so warm, and smooth, and all of that sperm… inside of her and Jim's dick throbbing and pulsing and… Oh god, this one was going to hurt.

"JIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAARGHMMM," Aisha had reared back and roared before she even knew, consumed by the raw orgasmic beast that had finally been satiated. Her hands raked down concrete wall, leaving 10 lines of ripped cement.

Meanwhile, what Jim had thought to be his crowning achievement in sperm produced earlier had been nothing short of doubled with this load that was at last tapering. The couple shook as Jim continued to lightly thrust in and out of her. He just grunted and bit his lip as he felt Aisha's insides pump him dry like her mouth did earlier.

"Oh god-that was amazing!" Aisha huffed out as they sank to the floor, completely exhausted. Jim nodded while prying his fingers out of the trenches they'd dug into Aisha's hips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and fell back onto the cool floor. The scratches stung to let him know they were still there, but he was too tired to care now. With a lot of effort, Aisha turned over so that she could face him, letting his softening piece slip from inside of her. "So where do we go from here?" asked Aisha, as she tried to blow a piece of hair from her eye.

Jim smiled and removed the offending hair before replying, "To sleep."

"I'm serious," she shouted, shaking him to make his eyes re-open.

Jim cracked one open at last, but he only looked at her with a weird mix of emotions.

"Come here you…" he pulled her up to his eye level "…I honestly don't know where we go from here. But wherever it is, I hope we'll go together." Jim placed a small kiss on her forehead, settling back into the concrete. Aisha grinned, shirking back down his body to lay her head against his chest. She unconsciously purred a very large purr of contentment.

"Where do you want to go?" Jim asked with a faux yawn.

"Don't worry, that's where I want to go too," she ran her nails down his chest, giggling as his skin goose-pimpled. Before long, Aisha had curled into his chest a little more, and a little while later they were both sleeping.

The eavesdropper stood outside of the garage door with a grin from there to Hei-Fong 5…

"Guess he did learn something from me after all," Gene said with a slight chuckle to himself, walking away from the door as the proceedings had obviously ended for the night. Gene's last thought before heading back to bed: "I wonder if Melfina is still up?"

Author's Notes: Edited to look worth a damn. I decided to leave in a good chunk of the sound effects for those who like that type of thing. :)