Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Wild West Outlaw ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I am in a shlump (cool word!) what with starting high school. I am, thankfully, not totally smothered in homework but I am still pretty busy (because I'm starting my own manga! For I can draw very well……… I wish I could write as well……… ) So this new fic will probably be updated slowly at first. But I will promise to try to pick it up after I get into the 'swing o school'.

Now, I've wanted to do an old west Outlaw Star fic for a long time now, but I wasn't sure what to do with the plot. But I came up with some good ideas………and now I'm giving it a try. I researched my little bum off *points to lack of bum* on this era. I've looked up clothes, what they ate, how they traveled and who did what, when and where and why and how they did it. :)

Now, I must admit, while rereading over my old stories that my grammar is pretty bad (and this is coming from me! the most ungrammar freak in the world.) so I will try to clean it up, but you need to understand, when I write, I write very quickly; basically nonstop. It's a bad habit but that's who I am.

Rating: now right now this thing isn't to dark. But this is the wild west and some people were none to nice. This will have bad language, violence and sexual situations. So be warned!

Disclaimer: Mandy! What are you doing? You put Gene back right now! No………don't you try to keep him. He's not yours! Put him down. That's it and now- wait! Who's that behind your back? Hey! You put Jim back right now! You're hopeless…

Dedication: I realized I've never really dedicated a story to someone, but I have dedicated it to them in my mind. So now I'm officially dedicating this to two people, one to Katti who got me into anime oh so many years ago (nearly nine to be precise!) and to The Ronin who really got me into writing Outlaw fan fiction.

With out further a due

Wild West Outlaw

Chapter One

The gentle breeze rustled the hair of all who lived in the dry Texas town. One probably wouldn't even call it a town; it was more like a simple group of plain, rickety wooden houses with a general store in the middle of it all.

The town had once had a clear blue river rushing gently by, but it had long since dried up, as did the energy of the town. The few who remained lived in a deep-set depression, doing everything in a dull schedule.

The single saloon (brothel after sundown for those who knew someone at the top) Molly's Saloon, in the town was always busy. The only two story building in the town was painted a maroon which was now faded because of the ever blowing dusty winds. Constantly bustling with the local people drinking contently and the travelers from the west complaining over their beers about their luck finding gold.

The Saloon was filled with the sounds of roaring laughter, shuffling poker cards, glasses clinking, and the corner piano playing. Young women hoping to climb up the ladder of life by sleeping their way to the top hung off the arms of the few men playing poker in the corner, laughing too loudly at the men's jokes and smelling of booze and perfume.

The old fashioned swinging door of the saloon swung open quickly, hitting the wall behind it with a slam. A tall man was standing in the doorway, his features shadowed due to the light pouring in from behind him.

The loud sound of the Saloon stopped for only a moment, until the people there had looked up and analyzed the new comer, then the sound continued once more as the stranger faded into nothingness in their minds.

The stranger slammed his fist hard on the bar, and the elder man who ran it looked up in mild interest, one thick salt and pepper eyebrow raised. The bartender, a man named Clyde who had been a smart ass in his youth, moved more slowly than usual, on purpose to test the new young man's temper. When he finally finished cleaning the glass he set it down and slowly walked over to the stranger.

"Your poison?" Clyde drawled out slowly.

"Whisky." The young man said gruffly.

Clyde stared at the young man a moment, observing him, taking him in.

He appeared to be about twenty, his hair was the burning color of the red sunset, his eyes the opposite, a hard clear blue. He had the appearance of a man who was trying to hide who he was. He was wearing an ankle length trench coat of sorts, made of what appeared to be leather. The collar was pulled up, and the young man's face was half hidden. His hat, burnt brown in color like his coat, was pulled mainly over one eye, but the other shone like a clear blue beacon.

Clyde, feeling slightly unnerved under the blue stare, moved on quickly to pour the strange young man his drink.

The stranger looked down at his wind burned hands, apparently in thought, when he felt something warm and soft press gently into his back.

A scent of perfume wafted over him and he heard felt a soft breathe against his ear.

"Hey stranger." A light voice whispered.

The stranger turned around to face a beautiful young girl. Golden hair framed her face in simple waves, her green eyes shone; her tight wine colored dress pushed up her bosom. A black ribbon was tied seductively at her throat. A strong perfume floated around her, slightly covering up the smell of booze and cigarettes.

She smiled sweetly up at him and said, "looking for a good time tonight handsome? I'm Iris."

The stranger smirked down at her, "Gene. Gene Starwind."

"The sun's going down soon. Stay with me?" Iris said, smiling coyly.

Gene leaned in to brush his lips against her cheek.



The last few rays of the sun reached into the sky as Iris, giggling, took Gene's hand and led him up the old back stairs to the legendary second floor, where all the fun was after, only after, sunset.

Iris opened the door to room seven, a simple room decorated in navy with only a bed and a dresser in it.

Gene, feeling slightly annoyed that he had to wait, threw off his hat and coat. He picked up Iris and, not really caring if he hurt her, threw her on the bed, lust controlling him.

He got on top of her quickly, kissing her with need.

She moaned softly into his mouth, her fingers unbuttoning his gray gingham shirt.

Gene found the ribbons behind her back and tore them off quickly causing the bodice to fall off, revealing her corset, pushing her breasts up.

Gene nipped her neck and trailed kisses down to her breasts. Iris began breathing quickly, running her fingers through Gene's hair. Gene ran his tongue slowly over the top of her breasts and was moving to undo the corset when a loud bang on the door made him stop.

"Damn it Gene! I can't count on you for one god damn minute!"

Gene froze.


Gene got off Iris quickly and unlocked the door.

In the doorway a small boy of eleven stood, looking livid. His blonde hair was messy and wind blown, with grits of sand stuck in it. His blue eyes were as deep and clear as Gene's. He was wearing a trench coat similar to Gene's, but unlike Gene's this one was a pale tan in color, with rips and tears in it.

Gene ruffled Jim's hair affectionately and grinned.

"Sorry, Jim. It's just been a while; since-" Gene stopped and looked pointedly over his shoulder at Iris who was now sitting up, her face flushed in anger.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.

"Sorry Iris," Gene said softly, Jim rolled his eyes in the background. He leaned down and kissed her passionately. "But I've got business."

And with that he buttoned up his shirt, grabbed his coat and crammed his hat on his head. He followed Jim out the door but turned at the last minute and flipped a dime at Iris with a roughish wink.

Iris looked down at the dime her face getting redder.

"You-you owe me a new dress Gene Starwind!" she wailed into the night.

Outside the Saloon Jim smirked.

"You never change………" he muttered.

"Damn right." Gene said with a laugh.


"You mean she wasn't there either?" Jim asked, annoyed.

"Nope." Said Gene.

"Hmm." Jim said staring off into the distance, deep in thought.

"Well, we can still try Jameson right?" Gene asked, reaching down into a patch tied to his saddle to take out a thin bottle of whisky.

"Yea." Jim said.

"Let's go already." Gene whined.

Jim quickly lifted his leg and swung himself onto his tawny colored horse, James.

"I can't believe you named your horse after yourself." Gene said, shaking his head in disgust as he climbed onto his own, midnight black horse, Outlaw.

Jim blushed but muttered back, "Better than the name Outlaw, at least I have originality!"

They bickered back and forth like siblings as they rode out of the dusty Texas town, heading toward Jameson.


"We're lost aren't we?" Jim asked Gene.

"Ugh! No. I just don't know where we are." Gene snapped.

"We're lost." Jim said, rolling his eyes skyward.

"No I just-" Gene began but stopped talking as he heard the sound of gunshots in the distance.

"Hey. Isn't that the sound of-" Jim began but Gene signaled for him to be quiet.

"Come on." Gene whispered after a few more minutes, and he began riding at full speed toward the sound of the gunshots, with Jim on his heels.

"Yaw! Come on Outlaw faster damn it." Gene muttered under his breath as they headed toward the sound of the shots.

Soon Gene could see dark silhouettes on the horizon, the outlines blurred by the heat. The closer he rode the clearer the silhouettes became, and soon Gene could see there were about five people in black surrounding what appeared to be a woman in men's clothing and a young man covered in a brown coat with a hood.

Gene narrowed his eyes, if it was one thing he hated; it was people attacking women and children. With a strange sort of war cry he leapt off his horse wildly and hit one of the tall men in black before he could react.

Jim followed suit, and launched himself off his running horse and collided into a man in black.

The woman glanced around uneasily before shouting, "run! Now!" to the boy in the coat. The boy started to run but was caught by one of the men, and hit over the head by the end of the rifle.

The woman growled and pulled out a gun of her own, a smaller Colt 45 model, and began to shoot at the man who hit the boy. The man gave a strangled cry as the bullets pierced him, then he fell down, silent.

Gene had head butted the guy he'd landed on, rendering him unable to fight for a few minutes.

"Jim catch!" Gene shouted and threw Jim a slim model Winchester rifle, having pulled it from a large pocket in his trench coat.

"Thanks!" Jim shouted as he clumsily caught the long gun. Although the gun was nearly as big as he was, Jim managed to have good aim. He quickly shot one of the men in the legs, and another near the stomach.

"Yaaaah!" a cry came from the woman as she tackled one of the two remaining men. The man Gene had head butted was once again getting up and charging at Jim.

Jim tried to fire the rifle, but the man brought out a gun of his own and shot, hitting Jim on the shoulder.

Jim's eyes widened as the man ran toward him, he was frozen, but the man suddenly fell down. Jim looked up and recoiled, seeing a small tomahawk imbedded in the base of the mans neck. The woman calmly walked up and pulled it out of the dead man, then gently tied it to her belt.

Gene ran over to Jim and checked the young boy's shoulder wound.

"I'm fine," Jim said. "It's a simple graze."

"Good." Gene smirked. "I didn't want to have to go looking around for an aloe plant.

"Like you could fine one out here." Jim muttered

"I'm not going to thank you." The cold voice of the woman they had save reached Gene's ears.

Now that the action had stopped, Gene got a close look at her. She was tall for a woman, and quite busty, with surprisingly messy short black hair and golden eyes, like a cats.

Gene was enthralled.

"Gene Starwind." Gene said with a grin, reaching his hand out for the strange woman to shake, but she didn't take it.

"Hilda." She said shortly.

"Well, Hilda, I-" Gene started, but suddenly Hilda's eyes widened in shock as the loud crack of gunfire sounded in the air. A warm spurt of blood flew across Gene, hitting him in the face, as the young woman in front of him was shot through the lung. More shots rang out as bullets hit her in the back of the head and the mid section.

She fell to the ground, revealing one of the men in black holding up a gun, breathing very heavily.

"Bastard!" Jim shouted, he aimed quickly, and shot the last man in black through the head.

Gene looked down at the body of the dead woman, what a waste of life. He pondered what she'd done to deserve this.

"Hey Gene look." Jim said suddenly, nudging Gene and pointing to where the young boy was. The boy was stirring, shaking his head with a soft groan.

"Hilda?" a soft voice from under the hood called out.

Gene narrowed his eyes and quickly strode over to the boy, picking him up by his neck.

"You tell me what's going on right-" Gene stopped yelling, and peered into the face in the hood, his eyes wide with shock.

What he had originally had though was a boy, wasn't a boy at all. It was a young girl, no older than eighteen.

She had a soft round face, which was swallowed by large haunted brown eyes; her black hair was short and spiky with two long bangs on either side of her face. Her cheeks were tear stained and dirty, and it appeared she had dressed up like a boy on purpose.

She cringed in fear from Gene, and he felt slightly guilty. She'd just been attacked then yelled at by a strange man whose face was covered in blood.

He'd be scared to.

"What's your name?" Gene asked gently, and he slowly brought his arms around her in what he hoped was a comforting embrace.

She looked up at him with wide empty eyes and said in such a soft and melancholy voice that Gene had to strain to hear.


End of chapter one.

Reviews keep me alive! I do not need such superficial things like food, water or air! Give me reviews! Muahahahahahha.

Anyway, read n review
