Peace Maker Kurogane Fan Fiction ❯ The Matchmakers: Shinpachi, Heisuke, and Sanosuke ❯ Part One ( Chapter 1 )

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The Matchmakers: Shinpachi, Heisuke, and Sanosuke

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story minus the plot.

Part One

“TETSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 221;

Ayume laughed as a hysterical Tatsu run past the kitchen looking for Tetsu. Watching the two brothers sent a bitter sweet feeling run through her veins. Despite the

brothers’ constant fighting, they had something special. Something her brother and her would never have.

Her eyes settled on Tatsu, clinging to a struggling Tetsu. Tatsu. He was different from most men she met. He was awkward and avoided staying out of

conflicts. He was content with doing books and other pieces of tedious work which he accepted graciously. Tatsu over reacted and seemed like he was on wits

end. Well anyone would be on wits end if their brother was Tetsu.

Giggling at the regular scene, Ayume returned to her cooking. Why was she thinking about the eldest Ichimura anyway? He wasn’t strong and sometimes he

seemed insane. He was just like any man in around. Normal. Yet he was kind and caring. He would give everything to protect his little brother. He was handsome-

wait HANDSOME? Where did that come from?

“What brought that about? Oh my, bad Ayu!”

Her hands rested upon her stained cheeks, warming them. Ayume shook her head firecly.

“Not attracted to Tastu. He is NOT for me.”

Despite her hard scolding, her eyes wandered over the brunette man, lingering upon his tall form longingly. She had felt a pull towards the man since the day she

meet him, scolding his brother. Maybe his normalness was what she needed.

“Ooooohhhhhh mmmyyyyy! Miss. Harada, do I see Miss. Yamazaki blushing?

“Oh yes Miss. Nagakura. Is there a young man she fancies? Miss. Toudou?

“Does Miss. Yamazaki have a thing for younger men like our little Tetsu?”

Red faced and sputtering, Ayume turned to the Comedic trio who were smiling like snakes.

“Oh shut up. How dare you say such a thing? Me like Tetsu? Don’t be ridiculous!”

The three troublemakers looked at each other, then Ayu, then out to were her eyes had been glued only a few minutes ago, and then back at each other. Snake

smiles spreaed on their faces.

“Oh no,” thought Ayume.

“Not little Tetsu? Then who do you think it is, Miss. Harada?”

“Well, Miss Toudou, Could it be the other Ichimura?”

Sanosuke laughed, “Yah like Tatsunosuke?”

The Comedic Trio fell to the floor laughing at Ayu’s face bleed red and sputtered incoherent words. As if Destiny looked down upon Ayume and decided

to make her life more miserable, the man of the hour, Tatsu, walked in.

“Um is everything alright in here?”

Before the michevous trio could do anything, Ayu exploded and threatened all men out of her kitchen with a very large butcher knife.

A good ways away from the slightly homicidal Ayume, the four men caught their breaths.

“Sirs, do you know what that was all about,” asked Tatsu was he hunched over, panting trying to get his heart beat back to normal.

Shinpachi laughed, “You find out soon Tatsu, don’t worry.” The 2nd unit captain walked away followed by his friends leaving a confused Tatsu is their wake.

Yes, Tatsu would find out soon, the infamous Comedic Trio would make sure of that. They would do anything in their power to get Ayu and Tatsu together

even if it killed them. The trio laughed manically into the sunset leaving anyone they passed wondering the three were sane.

“We’re gonna needed a lot of help to get this to work,” said Shinpachi.

The other nodded in consent. First accomplish, Tetsu.

A.N. Hm I was gonna make this a one shot but I think I would have who ever read this pretty irritated with the way I ended. Ya I’ll try to update (going to camp

soon though) all of my stories....I hope. Thanks for reading and..........REVIEW. Please. It makes me feel loved. ^-^