Peace Maker Kurogane Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers ❯ The Calling ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Calling
Title: Whispers
Characters/Pairing: Souji Okita, Hajime Saito, and Rei
Rating: M
Content: Blood, violence, language, and sexual situations
Disclaimer(For all chapters): I don't own Peacemaker or any of its characters. Rei is mine. ^_~
"Rei…where are you?!." The guardian, Ma-nee, calls out to Rei from across the yard. She stood there in the temple staring up at the name that would haunt her for the rest of her life. She was only 8 years old at the time. She had this ability to see ghosts and communicate with them. It was something, she alone, inherited from her ancestor, Hajime Saito. She was alone in the temple and made no effort to leave just yet. Something about this place made her feet stick to the floor and yet…she wanted to leave…she wanted to get away…her mind yelling at her to run, but she stayed.
"What are you doing in here?l." she quickly turned around to see an old gravedigger standing by the door. She gulped and ran out with a shocked look on her face. He was right…Souji's grave was off limits to the public…but why?
End Flashback…
She had been jerked back to reality by the sound of the train speeding by. She watched as the citizens of Tokyo bored and depart from the train. She had become a police physic, drawing what she sees in her mind to help out in solving crimes and things of that sort. She stood knowing that she must be heading back home. She stopped looking around the now empty transit. She suddenly became cold to the touch…her breath becoming visible. She started to shake…crouching down she hugged her arms around her slim body…her eyes wide in shock. She felt soft but cold hands touch her cheek. Scared, she falls back to stare up at the ceiling and notice a crowd of people looking down at her. She quickly stands and ran out of the transit and back onto the streets of Tokyo.
She walked briskly back towards her apartment. Upon walking in, she slammed the door and picked up the phone finding that no dial tone was present. She walked into the bedroom and changed into a nightgown. She made sure the windows were shut, the blinds pulled closed, and the lights were turned off. She got under the sheets and stared up at the ceiling just like she did back at the transit.
"Leave me alone…please." She whispered pulling the sheet closer to her body. Suddenly the phone rings, startling her to the point of heavy breathing. Sweat dripping from her brow, she reached over to answer the phone, "Hello?" she answered…nothing. She gulped and placed the phone back on the hook. She sat up in bed and stared at the blank TV over in the dark corner of the room. The phone rang once again. She answered it yet again and there was still nothing.
She bit her lip, to the point of it bleeding. She brought her hands to her chest and stared at the blinds as they darkened. The phone rings another time. She picks the phone up and slings it over by the TV. Her breathing quickened as she crawled to the edge of her bed. The phone rings again…even after it was pulled from the wall. She looked under her bed and saw that the cord was snapped in two. "What?" she whispered and looked back up at the TV as it turned on by itself. On the screen, numerous Japanese characters jolted across the fuzzy screen. She tried to read them, but they were going to fast for her eyes. She got to her feet and walked over to kneel in front of the TV. She placed her hands on either side and watched as the characters flew by.
Then the screen went blank again. She stared at her reflection in the screen and felt something wet at her knees. Looking down, Rei saw that blood was seeping out from the bottom of the screen and onto the floor. She fell back and scrambled back to the bed. She crawled on top of the bed and looked down as the blood started to form a familiar symbol on the floor.
The symbol of the Shinsengumi, written in blood on her bedroom floor. She quickly looked under her bed and pulled out a bag. Opening it, she pulled out a camera and took a picture of the symbol. After that she just stared at it.
The next morning she awoke at the foot of her bed and saw that the phone was back on the night stand and the blood wasn't on the floor, but she had the camera still in hand. She placed her feet on the floor and looked around. "A dream?" she asked herself and stood up shaking her head. She walked to the bathroom and noticed a small note at the sink. She cautiously picked up the note. It was written in blood…
We need your assistance in Kyoto.
She closed her eyes and held her hand over her forehead; "You're dead…how?" she sat back on the edge of the tub and looked down at the floor. She sighed deeply and moved her fingers over the words in the note. The blood smeared down the paper. She then felt something flow down her chin. She scrambled to the mirror and saw that she had blood coming from her mouth. She turned on the sink and took in mouth fulls of water, washing her mouth out.
When she came back up to see if she had gotten what was on her chin she saw the image of her ancestor, Hajime. She fell back once again and was caught by him. She felt his warm breath on her neck as he held her close to his body, "I need you to do something for me…" he whispered against her neck as she closed her eyes. "What is it?" she asked leaning her head to the side as he brushed his lips against her bear neck.
"Souji is out of control…" He brought his hand to her waist and pulled her closer to his body, "He's dead…he died a little over a hundred years ago…" He ran his hand down to the edge of her nightgown and moved his hand up her thigh, "So am I…but I'm touching you am I not?" He moved his hand further up. His cold fingers brushed against warmth making her jump. She only nodded and stared at him in the mirror as he worked her.
Just as she was about to cum, he vanished. She caught her breath and looked around for him, but he was gone. Her body heat was coming back to her. Her breath could no longer be seen. She shook her head and turned to the tub.
After she cleaned herself, she walked back to the bedroom and found that there were clothes already set out on her bed. She looked around the room and noticed her bedroom door was open. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped turning around and shoved a man against the wall as a reflex. "Wow…what a way to greet a fellow employee." Rei sighed in relief and helped the man up, "You know not to sneak up on me like that, Yuki." She smiled warmly to him. "What happened to make you so jumpy? It looks like you've seen a ghost." He held her hands and looked at her worried. "Oh…well…" She turned around and picked up her clothes, "Go…go wait in the living room. I will be done shortly." She nodded and gently pushed him out of the bedroom.
After getting dressed she walked out into the living room and saw that Yuki had the TV on and something was going on in Kyoto. Rei walked to his side and watched the TV.
Reporter: "Bodies have been found all up and down the streets of Kyoto today. Some have been dead for at least a day or so."
They showed an aerial view of the sight. Blood was splattered up on the buildings and dead bodies were all along the sidewalks and the streets. Large puddles of blood could be seen pooling around the potholes and flowing into the sewer vents.
Reporter: "Police are trying to find out who or what has caused this mass murder. I'm Kira Mosomatu…Tokyo 10 news."
Rei went wide eyes and gripped Yuki's shoulder. "Rei…are you alright?" he asked bringing her back to reality once again, "Oh yes…I just got caught up in the horror of the whole thing is all." She smiled to him and turned to walk into the kitchen. She leaned on the counter and stared down at the sink. To wake her up, she turned on the water and gasped as the clear water turned red with blood. She tipped over a pot and Yuki ran in after her, "Rei?" she had her back against the opposite counter as she stared at the blood running from the faucet.
To her relief the phone rang. Yuki walked over to the wall phone and answered, "Hello? Oh…yes." He handed Rei the phone; "Do you even feel like talking?" she nodded and took the phone holding it to her ear as she remained staring at the faucet, "Hello?"
While she was talking, Yuki followed her sight to the sink and turned off the water. To him that's all it was…water. "Yes, I saw…Yes, I'm going…thank you sir." She hung up the phone and walked over to the window and looked out, "I am to go to Kyoto…to investigate the murders." She sighed and felt Yuki's hand upon her shoulder, "I'll go with you." He smiled to her and Rei looked over to him, "Thank you, but…" he silenced her with a finger over her lips.
"When are we leaving?" Rei asked looking up at Yuki, "Tomorrow." He closed the gap with a kiss.
Gemini88: Alrighty then…This story will get better.