Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Kirin's Children ❯ Pulling Together ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kirin's Children
A Pet Shop of Horrors/Vampire Hunter D/Sailor Moon/Hellsing/Rurouni Kenshin/Gundam Wing/Cowboy Bebop Crossover + Alternate Universe Fic
By: Chaos

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these series. I'm just taking the characters and using them for my own purposes. I'll put them back eventually... But I don't guarantee they won't be thoroughly effed-up at that time.

A note:

** ** = Chris's thought-talking
^ ^ = An animal talking in its own language
< > with character's name = anyone else thought-talking i.e. thought-spells and other telepathy

Chapter 1:
Pulling Together

+ In the wreckage of the pet shop+

**Big brother!** the little boy begged silently, shaking the police officer's still form and getting a faint moan in response. **Leon, wake up! Please wake up!**

The small blonde boy knelt beside his older brother, tears streaming down his pale, thin little face. His brother, the young police officer, lay flat on his back on the floor, surrounded by wounded animals. He had been shot in the chest and it was purely a miracle by which he was still breathing. Chris, his young mind overloaded, was caught up in a whirl of new chaos as different animals told him to do different things.

First, a dog-girl from the room full of abandoned puppies came over and curled up beside him, just wanting to be held and comforted. She had been stepped on by a couple of horse-boys in the fray and was nursing several bruised ribs. The poor little girl whimpered as she cuddled up to Chris's skinny side. She told him to stay and hold on to the little ones who had been hurt or almost hurt in the confusion. Chris tried his best to comply, sliding one arm around her bony shoulders and holding onto his brother's shirt with his free hand. However, Dembe and Duka, the two baboons, sidled forward and gently pushed the smaller animals, like the dog-girl, away from Leon and Chris.

^Akiki* must look after those who are wounded,^ Dembe said gravely, taking Chris's arm in a firm grip. ^Many more are also injured.^

Giving the dog-girl a pained look, Chris got up and followed Duka and Dembe, the three of them making their way from one group of the injured to the next. The boy seemed numb and his gaze kept drifting back to his brother. The sights of horrible injuries - gunshots, badly broken limbs, gashes and cuts of all kinds - made him feel sick to his stomach. The sight of Kafele's cold, dead eyes came close to taking his consciousness away from him. Once the shock had sunk in, he gave a silent scream and dashed back to his brother, hiding his face in the curve of Leon's shoulder.

Finally, Chayton, the falcon-man who had been shot as he had attempted to attack the princess-woman, managed to pull himself up and over to Chris. Movement was painful and he had to rest the moment he reached the boy. Chenoa, the dove-woman, stroked the boy's hair in a motherly fashion and cooed a soothing tune to him through her own pain. Chayton mustered as much strength as he could and gathered himself in order to speak.

^Ciqala*,^ he said in his smooth, sad voice, using the his Native name for the boy. ^Find the Three In One Sisters... They will know what to do.^

The Three In One Sisters... What on earth was he talking about? Chris furrowed his brow and thought for a moment. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Chayton was talking about Honlon, the three-headed dragon in the back of the mysterious shop. For a long moment, he hesitated, unwilling to leave his brother's side in case something terrible happened while he was gone. Chayton gave him a gently push to urge him from Chenoa's arms. Taking a deep breath, Chris got up and ran off in the direction of the corridors.

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Author's Notes:
* Akiki means "friend" in the Yoruba language.

* Ciqala is a Dakota Native American name meaning "little one"
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+ In a Hellsing meeting room+
