Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ China ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Petshop of Horrors...which is probably a very VERY good thing. Petshop of Horrors was created by Mari Akino.

A/N: I saw Petshop of Horrors for the first time about...three days ago. I'm serious! And since then I've probably watched the four episodes on DVD about 15 muses just wouldn't shut up. So here's what came out of an overstressed, sleep deprived mind. Enjoy ^^

Note as of 6/24/04 - I still haven't read the manga... though my friend says she may buy it for me at some point over the summer! squee!



"I am so sorry to hear about the death of your wife, Mr. Robinson."

"Thank you, Count. I appreciate your sympathy."

Two blue eyes stared back at a pair of strangely coloured eyes, one being gold, the other- violet. Those strange eyes belonged to a delicate face, pale and graceful in its well-defined features. Two slender hands held an ornately decorated tea cup with the poise of a noble. The man, sitting in a red chair and dressed in beautiful oriental silk, could have been a china doll; a marrionette brought to life. The living marrionette smiled.

The blue eyes belonged to Mr. Robinson, a tall man with broad shoulders and a solid build. His eyes turned away from the living doll, gazing around at the room and the few cages that were in sight. The smoke from the burning incense stung his eyes and nose. He sighed, his broad shoulders dropping as he did.

"I thought-" the man began, his deep voice laden with grief. "Li-san...she loved dogs. She always talked about getting one. I thought, well, maybe having a dog around... maybe it would help me cope better."

"Of course," the elegantly dressed man said thoughtfully, taking a sip of tea before setting the fragile cup down onto a table. "I believe I may have what you are looking for. If you will follow me." He rose to his feet, his silk robes rustling slightly, and made for the back of the shop, Mr. Robinson following close behind.

"Now, I must warn you, Sir, that before you may take this animal home you must agree to three sales terms. If any of the terms of the contract are broken, we cannot be held responsible for the consequences. Do you still wish to see the pet?"

"Of course, Count," Mr. Robinson said quickly. "I understand completely."

The Count nodded his delicate head. "Follow me then."

Count lead the grieving widower through a long corridor lit dimly with only a few red-gold lanterns and smelling heavly of incense. They came to a back room that was empty of everything except a few silk tapestries, a green-gold lantern, and what appeared to be a petite woman dressed in silver and dark brown.

"Li-San!" Mr. Robinson gasped, staggering forward. Count D stepped over to the woman's side, resting one of his delicate hands on the chair on which she sat.

"No, Mr. Robinson," Count said softly, resting one slender hand on the "woman's" shoulder. "What you see is not your deceased wife. It is simply a dog, a special breed of dog, to be precise. She is a hard breed to come by and is unknown of by most of the world. I assure you she is very much the canine as you requested."

"Oh... yes... of course. Please, I must have her! I must!" The man exclaimed, his eyes pleading with the Count.

"Of course," the delicate man agreed pleasantly, producing a sheet of paper. "But first there are the three terms you must agree to. If you feel that you can live by these terms, then you must sign the contract."

"Right, so what are the terms?"

"First, no one else must see her. Two-"

"Wait a minute," Mr. Robinson interrupted, almost a bit gruffly. "I... uh... I have a daughter at home."

"A daughter?" Count D inquired.

"Yeah. She didn't want to leave the house after... well, you know. She's still deeply traumatized by the event. But will that first term include her?"

"Of course. The second term is that this dog must be fed three times a day." The count petted the woman's head absent-mindedly as he spoke. " That food must be either beef, pork, venison, or fish, but under no circumstances must you feed her fowl of any kind. And third, you must burn a special incense every day when the sun rises and the sun sets. If you can agree to those terms then please sign the contract."

"I'll sign it."

Mr. Robinson took the contract and signed it, shoving the piece of paper back into the count's hand before running over to the woman and giving her a hug. "I'll never let anything happen to you again!" He turned back to the Count and gave him a little smile. "Thank you so much!"

"Remember your contract, Mr. Robinson," Count reminded the man as he saw him and his new pet to the front door. He smiled as he watched the pet and owner leave the shop, a twinkle in his eye as they left. "And please, take good care of your pet."