Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Denial ❯ Denial Pt.2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Petshop of Horrors and I make no money from this or any fanfic I write

Pairing: Leon + D

Category: General

Rating: PG-13 just to be safe

Warnings: Shonen Ai

Title: Denial

Notes: This is my first attempt at writing for this series. If I got this horribly wrong, please let me know.

For the Hundredwords Challenge Day 13

Words: 833



Part Two


Leon had thankfully managed to avoid most of the traffic by taking a more indirect route to his destination. Unfortunately, in a city unaccustomed to more traditional winter weather, the recent snow made driving more difficult and stressful than ever. During the day most of the snow had melted but a cold front had swooped down from the north causing the temperatures to plummet. The meltoff froze and the streets became ice rinks. This made for treacherous driving conditions especially on the back roads where traffic was relatively light.


Fifteen blocks from the Pet shop, Leon's car stalled out and he decided that he would be better off walking rather than trying to maneuver his vehicle through the narrow ice-encrusted streets. He grabbed the package and stuffed it into his coat as best he could then locked his doors and set off at a brisk pace wishing he had remembered to grab his hat and some gloves before leaving the apartment. He had received them as a birthday gift years ago from out of town relatives who didn't understand that snow in southern California was incredibly rare. And he hadn't ever had need of them until now. Of course, he had forgotten all about them until it was too late. Now there was nothing he could do about it. Grumbling to himself, he hunched his back against the blustery wind and started walking.


"You'd think people would salt their walks once in a while," he grumbled as he picked himself up from the ground for the third time since he had started walking.


The patches of ice formed from the melted snow, difficult to see in the low light of the street lamps, made walking rather dangerous. Then again, this was Los Angeles. The citizens didn't have to deal with such lousy weather very often, so naturally, on the rare occurrences where they actually did get snow or ice, it pretty much caught everyone unaware. Sighing in frustration, Leon carefully checked the package for signs of damage and was relieved that there were none.


"I should've hitchhiked a ride from some good Samaritan," He muttered sourly, "God knows, it would've been safer."


Safer or not, he was now only a few feet away from the front entrance of the Pet shop. Filled with a mixed sense of relief and trepidation, Leon approached the front door, then wiped his shoes off on the welcome mat as best as he could before ringing the doorbell.


For a few moments there was silence and Leon could hear the bells echoing through the interior of the shop. He imagined them sounding through its many rooms with their Oriental trappings and to the suspected rooms with their exotic animals that he believed existed but had never been able to see or confirm. As the silence stretched out, Leon began to have second thoughts about this visit.


'I don't suppose it could be considered very professional being here like this,' he thought as shivers coursed through his body and a sharp wind cut through his coat as if it weren't even there. 'But it's not as if this is the first time I've been here on my day off. Who knows, perhaps today will be the day I'll finally be able to-'


Leon never finished his thought for at that very moment the door opened and a smiling Count D stood before him. The smaller man's unique eyes twinkled in happiness and Leon felt his heart skip a beat.


Count D's skin was a pale as fine porcelain and stood out in sharp contrast against the black flow of hair that fell smooth and glossy down to the point of his delicate chin. As usual, his finely shaped lips were accented by red rouge that managed to look perfectly natural and not garish at all. Leon doubted many women could pull of such a look as well as Count D did. But it was his eyes that drew Leon's attention, those beautiful eyes, one purple, the other gold, that seemed to bore into the Detective's mind and read all of his most secret desires.


Count D's eyes quickly took in the wet spots on Leon's legs, back and shoulders and exclaimed, "Oh, Detective! You poor dear!"


He reached out and took hold of Leon's hands with his own and practically yanked him inside. A jolt of warmth circuited through Leon's body at the touch but he didn't pull away as he was escorted into the foyer. "Hey, D! Stop pulling on me, will ya! I'm fine, so just let go already."


"You're soaking wet." D clucked and ignored Leon's loud protests as he led the Detective deeper into the confines of the building to where his personal rooms were located. "Why don't you come in and warm yourself in front of the fire?"