Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Denial ❯ Denial Pt 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Petshop of Horrors and I make no money from this or any fanfic I write
Pairing: Leon + D
Category: General
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe
Warnings: Shonen Ai, Language
Title: Denial
Author: yellowhorde
Part Six
Gritting his teeth in frustration, Leon picked up the outfit D had left him. 'A dress is a dress,' he thought sourly, 'no matter what D says. If it looks like a dress, than of course it's a dress.'
He held it up to get a better look at it. The silk flowed over his hands like water. Fascinated despite himself, he stroked his hands over the fabric as he silently admired the detailed stitch work that made up the dragon motif on the front. They were so small, so uniform in size. It was as if it were made by machine. But knowing D, Leon was certain that this little work of art was hand made. 'And that's what it is', Leon thought with a smile, 'and the unknown seamstress an artist in her own right.'
Another shiver rippled along his body and Leon knew that he couldn't just stand around in the drafty room in his underwear. First of all, he was damned cold. Then there was D to worry about. What would he think if he returned and found him standing in front of the fireplace clad only in a pair of white cotton briefs after being ordered to get dressed?
"Yeah, what would D think?" Leon wondered aloud staring absently into the flames as if mesmerized by their sinuous dance.
For a moment he allowed his thoughts to wander aimlessly. The look of startled surprise on D's face earlier as he had been pulled to the ground under the force of his weight flashed through Leon's mind with startling clarity. He found himself recollecting every minute detail of that incident - how wide D's eyes had been, the perfect 'O' of his lips, the press of his slender body against his, how warm he had been.
'I wonder if D's lips taste as soft as they feel.'
Leon's eyes flew open in shocked surprise. "'Jesus Christ, what left field did that come out of?"
Still, despite his initial confusion, he felt an undeniable rush of heat sizzled through his cold body at this unexpected thought. It set his blood on fire and stirred the coals of lust and desire which had been held in check for so long. There was no denying the flash of feeling that had surged through him when he had laid his palm against D's cheek. Those feeling had been familiar in their intensity and he had felt them too many times to deny what they were. And it wasn't the first time they had burned through him while in the Count's presence. But it had been the first time he had recognized them for what they were.
"No way!" Leon exclaimed breathlessly, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's... impossible..."
The significance of this moment slammed into him with the force of a lightning bolt and suddenly he knew that there was to be no denying the truth that he had hidden from for so long.
He was attracted to the mysterious Count D, maybe even in love with him, and probably had been since their first meeting.
Yes, another short chapter. But at least there IS another chapter. I'm pleased with the progress so far. Unfortunately, the holiday rush is putting a strain on both my time and my budget. But hopefully I'll get chapter 7 done before too long.