Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Menagerie ❯ Dragon's Heart ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Few things touched the shop or its inhabitants, but Honlon always withdrew into herself in the winter, at Christmas.
Christmas. Stripped of its meaning, it became a vulgar holiday. Just the sort of thing those humans, those Westerners would concoct. And yet the day still held meaning, for that was the day, not only of her hatching, but the day that she had accepted her master. He had left her, scant months later but their contract was sealed, their bond unbroken.
She could still feel him, still taste the purity of his heart. She knew the bond went both ways, that Kanan's rages caused his own temper to flare and that Junrei's fits left him disquieted and sad.
Sometimes they met in the realm of dreams, though how much of it he remembered or believed upon waking, she couldn't say. It was mainly Shunrei who did the talking then. When he was young, she'd provided guidance, then counsel. Now, finally she gave him companionship.
The nights she liked best were when she felt him seeking her out, she could feel the pull as her Master called to her. The nights she knew he preferred her companionship to any other. Once, as a child, he'd said he could not own her because they were friends. Now, as an adult, that was precisely why he did.